Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Past Experience ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sasuke Uchiha: Leader of the East Block. Popular, arrogant, smart, hot and all around favourite. A bit of a bastard... but you get that.
Naruto Uzumaki: Leader of the South Block. Street wise, rebel, proud, class clown. Too much of a smart ass for his own good.
Clearly, these two were never going to get along.
Not because they were that different, in fact, it was quite the opposite; their similarities got in the way more than anything. This said, there were a number of key differences.
Sasuke was the only remaining child of the Uchiha family. His brother had murdered his entire family when he was six, eleven years ago. For many years he was still at large, but two years ago, Itachi had reappeared, apparently to finish what he started all those years ago.
<i> Flashback...
15 year old Sasuke makes his way to the Uchiha mansion in Konoha after a late night studying at his friend Neji Hyuuga's house. It's dark out, and the only thing lighting his way is the occasional street light as he slowly walks back to the place he couldnt bare to be, and the place he cant bare to leave.
The mansion looms above him as he makes his way through the gate.
"Home again," he sighed to himself "All alone... again..."
Not that he particularly minded being alone, in fact most of the time he prefered it. But tonight happened to be the aniversary of his family's death, and he didnt really want to be here of all places... alone.
He sighed as he closed the front door behind him, taking off his shoes and dropping his bag. He left all the lights off as he walkd down the hall, his socked feet barely making a sound as he walked. He reached his bedroom and sat down on his bed.
"Hello there, little brother" a deep voice said softly out of the shadows. Sauske froze, to frightened to even speak. "I've come back for you little Sasuke, as i said i always would."
Sasuke wimpered, tears forming in his large onyx eyes, his pale skin illuminated in the moonlight shining in from the window behind his bed. Itachi sighed.
"You're to beautiful to live, do you know that? This perfection must be preserved, before life can burn it away..." As he was talking, Itachi made his way over to Sasuke slowly, and placed a hand lovingly on his cheek; a lovers carress. Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment as Itachi lowered his face to whisper in his ear
"The only thing that mares your beauty is your weakness, however, death will take that away, my beautiful little brother. I will claim you as mine, and in death i will have you..." Sasuke shivered as Itachi breathed the words into his ear, before opening his eyes, breaking him from his hypnotic state.
He slapped Itachi's hand away "Get the fuck away from me, you fucking bastard!" Itachi just laughed "You really are weak... you dont deserve life, and you barely deserve the death im going to give you, little brother." He purred the last words, driving Sasuke into a rage. "Get the fuck out Itachi, or I'll kill you myself! Just leave me alone you bastard!"
"Im sorry little brother, but i just cant do that. You see, you have to die. Tonight. By my hand. The same way mother and father died. You'll be able to see them again. You should be happy... now... prepare yourself." Itachi drew the sword from its sheath and made his way back towards the terrified, angry Sasuke. Pulling a gun he had in his bedside table out he screamed "Get the fuck away from me Itachi, I'll fucking kill you! I'll..." his last words were cut off as he pulled the trigger. Sasuke could hardly move from the shock. Itachi looked down at the bleeding wound, smiling all the while. "You really arent worth killing after all..." And he fell forward, landing on Sasuke, covering him in his blood. Silent tears fell down Sasuke's face as he pushed his would be killer off him.
End Flashback... </i>
Since the night his parents had been killed he rarely spoke, barely smiled, except for his usual self assured smirk, and never laughed. He became cold, hard and unemotional, forgetting what it feels like to feel. When he grew up he was the popular guy at school, because of his looks, and his mystery. Girls, and many guys, were completely enarmoured in him, something which he hated. He was the undisputed leader of the East block of the school; one of the first year buildings, where the rich, popular, smart group hung out.
His arch nemesis was none other than Uzumaki Naruto; the badass (A/N hehehe badass... he's so gangsta.... sorry couldnt resist, yes im lame) leader of the South block, the other first year building at Konoha High. Naruto was in may respects, the opposite of Sasuke. Sun to his Moon, Naruto was a sun kissed blonde, with deep blue eyes and a disposition to match. He was the class clown, always causing a fuss, hot tempered and a complete pig when it came to food. He was stubborn, proud and noisy. He lead the rebels of the school, the misfits who didnt quite comply to the appropriate social conventions. He nearly always had a smile on his face, telling some joke, or laughing at someone elses; in fact the only things that really stopped him from laughing was school work or Sasuke. However, his past wasnt a bed of roses either...
<i> Flashback...
Six year old Naruto holds his little hands to his bleeding cheeks. A woman in Leaf had cut three identical cuts on each of his cheeks, to serve as a reminder that he was the dreaded fox, responsible for the distruction of the village. He is covered in dirt and soot as the town is soon all a blaze, and he is being jeered at, having rocks thrown at him by the villagers.
"Die you fiend!"
"Disgusting fox!"
Names after names are yelled at him as he moves away from the crowd. He was only six, he didnt know what he had done. As tears cut passages in the blood and dirt on his cheeks he walked away from the names battering his mind, and the rocks battering his body. His parents dead, hated by everyone, he had nowhere to go...
End Flashback... </i>
Since then Naruto had been taken in by Jiraiya, a friend of the family, and looked after. However, Jiraiya's job had him moving around the world a lot, so when Naruto had turned 15 he bought him a small but comfortable apartment in Konoha, so he could be in a familiar place, and have a steady school, and a sense of normality. Jiraiya provided plenty of money for Naruto to live, so he was never lacking. In fact, he had money to burn, and often wasted it on alcohol... which was quickly becoming a vice for the boy.
Anyway, the two boys, with pasts different and similar at the same time became the leaders of the two social groups at the school, and of course; natural enemies.
*Period 2: Phys Ed*
"HAHAHAHA ALLRIGHT!" Yelled an exuberent voice. "I love PE!!! Its the only class where i dont have to think too hard!" A blonde boy wearing the school's gym outfit came running through the corrider of the South block. "Come on Kiba, you stupid dog, lets go!" "Stuff it fox-face im not ready yet!" Yelled one of Naruto's best friends, Kiba Inuzuka (A/N If i stuff up the spelling of the names, or the names entirely (i have a terrible memory for names) PLEASE TELL ME!!! kthanx). "Shit man, the first bell only just rung. Why the fuck do you wanna get to class so bad?"
"Yaha!!!! i wanna beat the shit out of that bastard in front of Sakura of course! So she will see what an absolute dick he is!"
Shikamaru had walked up behind them, rolling his eyes "How troublesome..."
Naruto grinned at the sleepy boy, another of his friends.
"Come on Shika i know you want to display that hot body of yours of to that skinny bitch Ino" said Naruto, suggestively rubbing at his chest, fluttering his eyelashes at Shikamaru.
Shikamaru just sighed... "So troublesome..." Kiba, however noticed the faint blush that came to the boy's cheeks upon Naruto's remarks.
"Hey man, it just came to me!" Naruto turned to regard Kiba.
"What did? That your a brainless, dickless loser who has no hope of ever getting laid?"
"Get fucked Naruto. Great, now ive fucking forgotten... Jesus christ... lets just go ok."
The three boys left the building to head down to the school gym. Coming around the corner, Naruto hit something hard, falling down.
"Hey! Watch where your going dumbass!!!"
"Your the one that crashed in to me dobe." A cool voice said.
Naruto looked up into the black eyes of Sasuke Uchiha, face becoming flushed with anger.
"Argh! You stupid teme! You walked into me you dirty bastard!"
"Hn." Sasuke just looked at Naruto with contempt before stepping over him on his way to class. Kiba held Naruto back as he tried to jump at the other boy.
"What are you that much of an idiot! You cant fight him now, Kakashi will be here any minute dumbass... and you cant afford any more detentions... we'll get him later."
The blonde was still trembling with rage, but calmed himself as he accpeted what his friend was telling him.
"Fine. Lets go."
A/N: ok yes this was a shit chapter, i agree... not a good way to start of i know, but i wanted to set a bit of the background up... the next chapter will be much better, i assure you! anyway thanks for reading! and please, read the next one!