Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Gym Class ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The gym soon filled up as the class arrived for PE. The class was in two clear groups: Sasuke's and Naruto's. Today they were playing basketball, and the class couldn't wait. PE was a favourite class for both groups, it allowed them to take out their argression on each other without the teachers interfering too much.
"Haha, i cant wait to wipe the smirk of that smug bastard's face" Said Naruto to the group of people around him. Shikamaru sighed, PE was not one of his favourites. He didnt really have anything against the East group, but he had been close friends with Naruto since Middle School, and felt he owed him his alligence. Kiba and Kankuro, on the other hand, couldnt wait to begin.
"Oh I am going to smash that Hyuuga's face in" Kiba said. Him and Neji had a burning rivalry, since Kiba was vry interested in his cousin Hinata, who he thought of as a little sister. Naruto wasnt even paying attention. He was too busy trying to burn holes in Sasuke's forehead with his eyes.
"Oi, Sasuke,"
"What is it Neji?"
"Dobe is staring at you again, maybe he's in love with you."
"Fuck up Neji, dont be foul."
Sasuke put his smirk on again and sauntered over to Naruto, who was still trying to burn a hole in his face so fiercely he hadnt noticed the boy getting closer. Sasuke stood right in front of him, and when Naruto made no move, he flicked him in the forehead, rather hard.
"Fallen for me have you dobe?"
"ARRRGHH!!!! Dont touch me you fucker!" Naruto had goen red in the face, and was waving his arms around like a crazy man.
"What if i do dobe?" Sasuke crossed his arms, looking as bored and smug as he possibly could.
"What if you do? ill bash the shit out of you thats what!"
"Why dont you try it?"
Naruto was about to hit the other boy when Kakashi appeared behind him.
"Naruto, stop flailing your arms. You look stupid." Kakashi said from behind his orange book Ich Ich Paradise (A/N i think thats what its called...). "Ok, break up into teams, Sasuke, your team can be shirts, Naruto, skins. Off you go." And Kakashi walked back into the office to continue his book.
"But, sensei..." Sakura started
"You can take care of yourselves... you're just goign to rip each other apart and i have better things to do... like Iruka... on that note... where is he..."
"Ja! Sakura-chan! Want to be on my team?" Naruto said to Sakura, while taking off his shirt to show his tanned, toned chest. Sakura just ignored him.
"Sasuke-kun! Can i be on your team?" She simpered at him.
"Hn. Lets just get started."
The game started with Sasuke, Neji, Shino, Sakura and Ino on one team, and Naruto, Kiba, Gara, Lee and Kankuro on the other. The rest of the class didnt feel like playing, so they just watched. The only reason Sakura and Ino insisted on playing is because of Sasuke.
'Great,' he thought, 'Now i have to deal with those two losers... playing against them with only three players, effectively, going to be difficult.'
"Ready dipshit?" Naruto called to Sasuke, who didnt bother to answer. With that, the game began, and it was rough.
Dribbling down the side of the court, Naruto had Kiba behind him, Gara to the center and Kankuro down the far side. Lee was running aound irratically, not doing much but having a great deal of fun.
"To me Naruto! Pass it to me and i will show what the power of youth can achieve!" Naruto just rolled his eyes at the thought. Lee was a nice guy, and got along with both groups, he was justa abit of a freak with his eyebrows and his bowl cut.
'No way' thought Naruto, 'It's just me against the Uchiha'. Sasuke was in defence in the left block, and saw Naruto making his way towards him.
'Bring it on dickface' thought Sasuke, as he moved to the free throw line to face Naruto one on one. Naruto faked to the right, fooling Sasuke for a second. Naruto took advantage and went to the left. Sasuke cursed and changed his course. Naruto went up for a lay up, his elbow knocking into Sasuke's nose. Sasuke managed to bump Naruto quite hard while he was in the air, causing him to land quite hard down on hins side, Sasuke falling backwards after the impact. The two boys lay on the ground for a few seconds then...
"You fucking bastard, you did that on purpose!"
"Stupid dobe, you nearly broke my god damned nose!"
"What afraid of ruining your girly face teme?!"
"Shut up fuckhead!"
The two boys launched at each other, scuffling until they managed to get them selves tangled in an awkward position. Naruto's right leg was wrapped round Sasuke's left. Sasuke's hand was around Naruto's neck and into his hair. Naruto's hand was around Sasuke's waist, their faces barely half an inch from the other. Kiba couldnt resist the temptation to take advantage of them when they were twisted up like this. He pushed Naruto's head forward, causing his lips to land firmly on, yep you guessed it, Sasuke's. The rest of the class went silent, to shocked to move or say anything. Kiba was trying to stop his sides from splitting he was laughing so hard. And naturally, it was at this point that Kakashi decided to join his wayward class.
"Well boys, i had no idea you felt this strongly about each other. However, i must insist that you refrain from making love in my class."
It was at this that bought the boys out of their shock. They pushed each other away, bright red and wiping their mouths with the back of their hands.
"You faggot! Why did you kiss me?"
"It wasnt me teme it was fucking Kiba!"
"Oh yeah sure... well if you hated it that much then why didnt you pull away?"
"You didnt pull away either prick!"
Sasuke hesitated for a moment... why didnt he pull away?
"Yeah well seeing as you didnt pull away, and you were the one who initiated it i would say you are the homo and not me... so you really have fallen for me?"
Naruto was about to retort, and launch himself at Sasuke again, but Kakashi interupted.
"Well i think thats about enough of that. Sasuke, you need to go to the nurses ward about that nose there, get an ice pack or something. Naruto, seeing as you were the one who caused it, you can accompany him. Oh, and for that behaviour you both have detention tomorrow after school. The rest of the class is dismissed." And with that Kakashi burried his head in what was thought to be Kakashi's book o' porn.
The rest of the class hurried away to lunch, giggling and discussing the events of that PE class. Naruto and Sasuke continued to glower at each other for a while, and then silently they made their way up to the nurses ward. Sasuke was walking on the inside of the path, closest to the buildings they were passing. Naruto was walking on the outside, a few steps behind. All of the suddent there was a crash, and yelling. Naruto looked up to see a bundle of roof tiles fallng from the North block roof.
"Fuck, look out!"
He acted without thinking, running forward, grabbing Sasuke around the waist, his weight and momentum pulling them forward and onto the ground. Just as they landed, the tiles crashed sickeningly to the place where Sasuke had been but moments before.
Both boys lay panting on the ground, adreneline punding through their bodies. Naruto hadnt removed his arm from around Sasuke's waist, and had his head in Sasuke's neck, breathing heavily.
"Shit man, that was close, are you ok?" Naruto looked up at him, his blue eyes bright against his tanned skin.
Sasuke's heart pounded a little faster, his neck tingling where Naruto's breath had warmed him, his breath coming a little faster.
"What? Oh yeah, im fine... um, thankyou..."
Naruto grinned up at the boy he hated.
"No probs bastard. Cant have you getting out of detention that easily can i?"
Sasuke just stared at him, his body shaking from the incident. By this stage the worker from the roof had come down.
"Are you boys ok? Its a miracle you werent killed. Its really touching to see such close friendship, that you were willing to risk your life for your friend. Very touching."
Sasuke and Naruto just looked at each other.
"What? What no, i hate this bastard! I just, i just wasnt thinking..."
Sasuke smirked, enjoying watching Naruto squirm as he tried to cover up his selfless action. The man just looked at him strangely.
"Oh, well right then. Anyway i'll have this reported... you should go to the nurse, get that scratch looked at."
Sasuke looked at Naruto's arm, and noticed for the first time the long graze Naruto had gotten when they landed. It looked quite nasty, covered in dirt and was bleeding as well.
"Oh yeah, we were just heading up there for this girl's nose. See you later!"
Naruto turned back up the hill. Sasuke was lost in his thoughts.
"Hey teme! You havent been an asshole for a whole minute now... finally forgotten how to speak?"
Naruto's voice bought Sasuke out of his reverie. When what Naruto said clicked in Sasuke hesitated.
"Thank you, Naruto. For saving me just now... really, thanks. And... im sorry about your arm... you got hurt helping me.... i really am grateful."
Naruto just stared. Here was Sasuke, a bastard, the guy he hated, thanking him... and apologising... what was the world coming to?
"Hey, its no problem... really dont worry about it. Its fine. Its better than you being dead, right?"
By this stage they had reached the nurses office. Tsunade, the school nurse, just frowned when they walked in. Pursing her lips, she treated their wounds in silence.
'I wonder whats wrong with baa-chan?" Thought Naruto. Usually Tsunade had a temper like a volcano errupting, but today she had been pensive. As the boys left, the silence between them was awkward. As they turned to leave to go to thier respective buildings, Sasuke said,
"Naruto. Really, thank you for today. I'll come up with some way to pay you back." And with that he walked away to the East block. Naruto just stared at his retreating back, shook his head, and turned away.
'Sasuke wasnt a bastard for once... how strange... man he has soft lips... Wait no! No he doesnt! This is Uchiha we're talking about... a prick... and a guy for fuck sake! His lips were most definately not soft! Think about something else... something else... oh yeah! Skura in the shower... booyah!' But no matter how hard he tried, he couldnt shake the Uchiha's lips from his mind.
Sasuke slowly walked towards East, thinking about the day. 'Why did my heart beat so fast when he touched me? Why did my skin tingle where his breath was? God he had soft lips... Wait! no! ew! this is fucking Uzumaki we're talking about here! He probably has rabies or something! And he's a guy! No way... it was just the adrenaline from nearly dying... yeah... nearly dying thats it...' And Sasuke kept trying to keep the blonde out of his head, unaware that Naruto was having the same problem...
A/N Ok so thats that one done! See, better than the first... i told you it would be! Not that that is the best to come... oh no no no far from it! anyway, id love to know what you think, any ideas, if you hate it and think i should hang up my writing boots, if you like it... whatever! anyway, next lot should be coming out soon! please read!
Little Crane