Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Late Nights ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Lunch was over. Last Period of the day was about to begin, and it couldnt finish any quicker. God, Sasuke just wanted it to be over!!! All he wanted was to go home where he could finally be ALONE. Seriously, the day was just too much for him. As he walked into the classroom, he quickly moved to his usual seat in the back with Neji, away from the squealing fan girls. He hadnt seen Naruto at all since they parted at the nurses ward. Lucky. He sill didnt know how to act after today... which was a strange and uncomfortable sensation for the Uchiha... he ALWAYS knew how to act. Just then, the blonde walked in, and Sasuke's heart skipped a beat.
'Shit, there he is... ok Sasuke calm down, Just treat him the same as ever... he is still just dobe, the dickhead leader of the loser squad (A/N: Yes Sasuke refers to himself by his name in his head... dont you? moving on..) Come on! Sasuke Uchiha doesnt show anyone anything, so just act the same as before... thats the best bet... yeah... be cool... Wait, that sounded stupid, scratch that...'
As Sasuke was running his little internal monologue, Naruto had spotted him.
'Shit, he looked at me, ok.. just ignore him...'
And he did exactly that, looking at Naruto for a fraction of a second, before turning to Neji to ask something.
<i> Flash to Naruto... before entering the classroom </i>
'Shit, i dont wanna go to last period...'
Thought Naruto as he slowly made his way to class...
'I just wanna go home... where i can be ALONE... today has been far to stressful... and i have the detention tomorrow with Sasuke...'
As he thought of that, for some reason, he felt slightly elated...
'Wait? Why am i happy about that... a detention... which i hate, with Sasuke... who i hate... man this is confusing... look your just a little messed up because he was actually nice to you today... he's still a bastard.'
Naruto hadnt seen Sasuke yet, to his relief... how was he supposed to treat him now?
'Ok, look... lets just see what Sasuke does first... dont wanna make an idiot out of yourself now do you? So, dont do anything... let him make the first move... in a strictly non-relationshippy way! I mean... dont let him like, flirt with you or anthing, just i mean, see what he does first! Wait, why am i explaining myself to myself? This is stupid... just go to class dickhead...'
Naruto's inner voice just wouldnt shut up, making poor little Naruto dreadfully confused... and it did not help when he walked into the classroom, and see Sasuke.
Sasuke looked as bored as ever, no trace of emotion on his porcelain face. His eyes flickered to Naruto's face, Naruto's heart skipping a beat, but just as quickly slipped back to Neji, as he spoke quietly to the brunette boy. Naruto felt a rising anger... 'How dare he not even acknowledge my precence! Wait.. why do i even care?' Naruto pushed the thoughts aside as he plonked himself into the free chair between Kiba and Gaara. It was at this moment when a very harrassed looking Ikura came into the room, followed by Kakashi (A/N Ahhhhhh King of the Perverts!!!! i love Kakashi... sorry to interupt the story but i got an awsome Kakashi armband for like $5... its great! ok... on with the story!)
"Kakashi, i have to teach! Please go away!" Begged a very nervous, scared looking Iruka
"Oh but dolphin,.."
"DONT CALL ME THAT!!! NOW LEAVE!" Iruka yelled, bright red.
"Fine, fine... you know where to find me later dolphin. Oh, and Sasuke, Naruto, come down to the gym after school tomorrow for your detention." With that, Kakashi sauntered out of the room, turning at the door to blow a kiss at the very embarrassed Iruka. The rest of the class looked impassively at the board. This was a routine thing for the class... having to deal with the two of them.
"Ok, now that that unpleasentness is behind us, please open your books to Ch 11, Measurement."
As the class went about following Iruka's instructions of some new formula, Kiba leant over Gaara and grinned toothily at Naruto.
"Sooooooo... boss.... you and the Uchiha like totally in love now?" He asked... fluttering his eyelashes.
"Fucken Kiba... i still havent forgiven you for that stunt... im going to bash the shit out of you... you bastard!"
Kiba's grin widened.
"Hahahaha.... you liked it... i know you did you perv... so does he have soft lips? I bet you loved having your arms wrapped around his body, so toned, all sweaty...."
Naruto just went bright red before jumping out of his chair and hitting a giggling Kiba over the head as hard as he could.
"Fuck you asshole! Your a fucking sicko do you know that! If you like the sound of it that much, why dont you kiss him! Fucking bastard!"
The rest of the class went silent, before breaking out into hushed laughter and whispers. Iruka stood in front of Naruto and Kiba, looking pretty pissed.
"Uh oh.... " Naruto said under his breath. Even though Iruka was a favourite of his, and Iruka had a soft spot for Naruto too, when he got pissed... well Naruto knew he'd be in for it.
"For that little outburst, Mr Uzumaki, you can come and see me at lunch tomorrow."
Kiba was laughing at Naruto silently behind Gaara, trying to hide from Iruka.
"You too MR Inuzuka."
'Fuck.' Thought Naruto.
"Just fucking great Kiba, thats twice today that you have got me in shit... your in for it ass hole." Naruto whispered to Kiba... Kiba paled... knowing perhaps he had gone a little far this time.
The rest of the class passed by without much happening, and before they knew it, the bell signalled for the end of the day.
'Finally' Thought both Sasuke and Naruto, as everyone hurried out of the classroom.
'Now, time to go home!' The two boys thought, as they hurried to their cars.
-------------------------Time skip: ---------------------------------
Sasuke just arrived home. Walking into his house, he took off his shoes and walked into the lounge, turning on the tv as he passed. He didnt like the house to be silent... it reminded him of that night. He sighed. Over and over in his head, the events of the day just wouldnt stop playing. His heart quickened everytime he thought of Naruto's touch, his kiss, his hot breath in his neck... Fuck, why wont it stop?
Sasuke sighed again and walked into his room. It was pitch black, except for the light the moon made across his bed. He didnt even notice the person laying across the bed until he heard...
"Ive been waiting for you Sasuke"
Sasuke tensed as he quickly spun around to see who was in his house, who had been waiting for him.
It was Naruto. Naruto, bathed in moonlight across his bed.
"Jesus dobe, you scared the shit out of me... why are you here? And how did you get into my house?"
Naruto shook his head as he slowly got up, walking towards Sasuke.
"Tut tut... none of that now... Ive been waiting... i couldnt stop thinking about what happened today, i had to come over..."
Sasuke's heart started beating quicker...
"W-What do you mean?" He hated himself for stuttering, then hated himself even more as he blushed at Naruto's knowing smile.
"Ah but i see you've been thinking about it too... I liked what happened today... I was so hurt when you ignored me today in class.... i want what happened today to happen again... and more..."
And with that Naruto planted his lips firmly on Sasuke's, probing with his tongue to gain entry. Sasuke resisted for a moment, but got caught up in the blonde's hands, which were running up and down his body, that he finally relented, allowing Naruto's tongue in his mouth. He moaned, unwittingly, as Naruto moved his kisses down Sasuke's jaw, latching onto his neck.
'God' He thought... 'Where the hell did he learn to do that?'
Naruto paused for a moment, looking up at Sasuke.
"Take off your shirt Sasu-chan..."
"Who're you calling Sasu-chan?" But quickly obeyed. Naruto resumed his kissed, down his neck and onto his chest. He worked his way down Sasuke's body, then stopped to suck on his nipple. Sasuke moaned again, as Naruto's hand began to creep down to the top of Sasuke's pants, working his way under his belt...
Sasuke woke up with a start, drenched in sweat.
'What the fuck?' he thought... running his hands through his damp hair.
'What the fuck was that about?' He sat up, putting his head into his hands. 'Jesus Christ now im dreaming about him... god why cant i stop thinking about it?'
Sasuke hadnt really experienced this before. He always had girls, and many guys, throwing themselves at him, but he had never been interested... not even in the slightest. This meant that yes, Sasuke was a virgin. But like he cared. He didnt want to be one of those people that just goes around having sex with anything... he had standards! But he didnt think his stardards would include, of all people Naruto.
'Ok, this is ok... its just a phase... your just confused because the first person to get your blood going is Naruto.. a dickhead and a guy. but you know... its perfectly normal, its a confusing time for teenagers.... hormones and such... and OH MY GOD I SOUND LIKE A TEACHER... ok look.. calm down. You still hate him... you just think he's attractive... wait... do i?'
Sasuke never realised that he actually did find the blonde attractive, i mean, he was, but Sasuke had never thought of it...
'Great... does this mean im gay now? Shit... i dont have time for this... if i ignore it it will go away... now... back to sleep... and please please please dont let me dream...'
Naruto lay awake in his bed. He looked over at the clock; 2:15am... 'Great... just great...' he thought.
God, why couldnt he stop running over the events of the day in his head... it was driving him crazy He thought being alone would help, but it just made it worse! And the worst thing is was he knew he hated Sasuke! The events of the day hadnt changed that! But god, he couldnt stop looking at him. Naruto had never noticed how attractive the other boy was,he never even considered it before. His blood had been pumping so hard after their little accidental kiss, and when ever he thought about it he got this rush of adrenaline that came over him in a wave. It was really beginning to bug him.
'Come on! It wasnt even a real kiss... more like a peck on the lips... and you know, it wasnt intentional... that fucker Kiba made us do it... and he's a guy! Im not even gay... come on... track record here!'
Naruto was known to be a bit of a player... well lets just be frank. He was a slut. He got around like no one else, and loved it. He was happy to share his 'love', as he called it. He was young, he was attractive, and he as sure as hell willing. But out of all the people he'd been with, none of them had been guys. He just never really swung that way. Only girls had given him this excited feeling... now Sasuke was giving it to him too.
'Oh for god sake Uzumaki... you dont like him... you hate him... you just think he's hot... nothing wrong with that... you just never experienced it before so youre concerned... thats all... it'll pass... now GO TO SLEEP!'
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Ok all done for now... ill try to post the next one tomorrow or the next day... i hate exams... making me study.... grrrrr... ok please review! i know its a pain in the ass but i would really like to know what people think... love it, hate it, any suggestions or requests just let me know!
Thanks guys