Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Drama Days and Detentions ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

'What a night' thought Sasuke... i mean seriously... he had gotten about an hour's sleep after the rather... confronting dream he had, concerning himself and a certain blonde haired fox. 'I feel like shit...' looked at the clock; 6:30am. He sighed... ahh well... he may as well get up now, its not like he was going to get any more sleep...
Naruto hits his alarm clock as hard as he can.
'Wassatime? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmiatemorningsletmegobacktosleepforfivemoreminutes...' (Translation: Whats the time? Hmmmmmm i hate mornings let me go back to sleep for five more minutes...)
-------------------Thirty Minutes Later-------------------
"Shit whats the time?" Naruto looks over at the clock 8:15am
This took a moment to sink in... "FUCK!!! IM LATE!!!!!"
This was Naruto's morning routine... running around like a crazy man, jumping in his car and speeding all the way to school.
'Man i wish i got a proper night sleep...'
Naruto's night had been haunted by the memory of the previous day, what had happened during gym class.
Naruto pulled into the school, with barely a minute to spare until one of his least favourite classes: drama. It wasnt that he disliked acting, quite the contrary... it was just their teacher happened to be... *sigh* Gai.
'Shit... i dont want to have to deal with that today... worst of all Lee is in this class... the two of them together....' Naruto shuddered at the thought... not to mention, Sasuke was in this class as well.
"Hey there Naruto... forgiven me yet?"
Kiba stood a few paces back, looking genuinely concerned.
"You're a dickhead... and i will hate you forever, but yeah... i guess..." Kiba grinned widely and bound over, grabbing Naruto in a bear-hug from behind. Naruto grinned wickedly, ramming his elbow out as hard as he could into Kiba's stomach.
"What the fuck?" Kiba said hoarsely from the ground... "Whay was that for?"
Naruto just laughed "You truely deserved that you bastard! <b> Now </b> i forgive you, come on... lets go to class."
Sasuke was already in the classroom with Shino, waiting for the class to start. Sauske like Shino... he didnt have to say anything, and Shino didnt inquire as to what was on Sasuke's mind. Of course, the thing that was on Sasuke's mind was the thing that had been on his mind since yesterday; Naruto. What was he going to do? He was even more confused since his dream... he resolved just to be more distant from the boy; if he didnt talk to him, he wouldnt think of him and this whole foolishness would be quickly forgotten. Sasuke avoided looking at the door, yet somehow knew that Naruto had walked in.
'Dont blush, dont blush, dont blush' he thought to himself, over and over. 'Dont look at him, dont think about him, just ignore him and you'll be fine.' This seemed to work, but flashes of his dream kept interfereing. Naruto's tongue in his mouth, his hands on his back, his chest, his pants...
Naruto walked into the classroom, resloved to stay as far away from Sasuke as he could. He would distract himself with Sakura... yeah, she always helped take things off his mind. But his silly eyes betrayed him; the first thing they did when he walked in was seek out Sasuke, ho was quite noticabley avioding the blonde.
'I wonder why he's doing that...' thought Naruto, confused. The two boys never avoided each other, they always tried to pick a fight with the other, well more accurately would be to say that Naruto tries to start Sasuke, but Sasuke's cool lack of interest in the blonde set Naruto off more than anything. Naruto sighed, 'Ah well, if he's ignoring me, it'll make ignoring him even easier.' At this moment, the teacher walked in, that is to say, Gai leapt through the door, in his ridiculous green one piece and vest, crying at the top of his lungs "AH are in the spring of our youth! Do your best, everyone, and show the world what the power of youth can achieve! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Closing with his signaturne 'nice guy' pose. The class let out a universal sigh... it was going to be a long day.
"Well my dear little students! Today we will begin planning for the cultural festival! For this we will be performing a play! We will be performing an adaption of Romeo and Juliet, done in Shakespearean style of having males play all the roles! Girls will be overseeing the entire show, as assistant director, make up, costume, back stage crew and all the others!"
'Great' thought Sasuke... 'Just great... i can see where his is going... all the fan girls are going to go crazy... just great.'
"Now!" Gai continued. "We will have a vote as to who will play who! Boys, as you are playing the roles, you do not get a say, the girls will decide! HOHOHOHOHOHO!"
Sasuke' eyes widened as half the class of girls looked at him, grinning evilly. 'Oh dear...' thought Sasuke, 'I think im in a little but of trouble here... However the girls didnt keep their gaze locked on him... their eyes moved next to the oblivious blonde at the front of the class.
'Oh no.... oh no oh on oh no... this couldnt get worse!!!!! Fuck!!!!!' thought Sasuke, as he realised what the girls were planning...
Naruto wasnt paying much attention... infact, he was humming to himself, and looking out the window... completely unaware as to the plan the evil girls in his class had...
"Listen up everyone!" Cried Gai, snapping Naruto out of his reverie. "The votes have been tallied and the result is as follows:
Romeo: Sasuke
Juliet: Naruto
Paris: Neji
Friar Lawrence: Shino
Mercucio: Kiba
Nurse: Shikamaru
Tybalt: Gaara
Capulet: Kakashi
Lady Capulet: Iruka
Montague: Gai
Lady Montague: Lee
Benvolio: Kankuro
All other characters are really just miscellaneous and will be split up between all actors!"
Sasuke looked at the board, then banged his head on the table. Shino just patted him on the back.
Naruto heard a bang from the back of the room. He saw a dark head of hair face down on the table. 'Hehe... he's just shitty because he has to play Romeo with a guy as Juliet... hehehe poor guy... i wonder who it is... oh wow... poor Naruto... having to play Juilet across from... WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!!!! Naruto? IM NARUTO!!!'
Naruto's mouth fell open. And stayed open. Then his head fell foward, and smack onto the desk. Kiba couldnt stop laughing. Gaara looked mildly amused, which for him was the equilivent of falling on the floor laughing. Naruto turned back to look at Sasuke. Sasuke returned his gaze with the same look in his eyes; horror, sheer horror.
"Ahhhh dear students i believe thats all we have time for at the moment! Rehearsals are compulsary, and will take place after school on a Friday night! All the prepartion, the costumes, the sets and such, will be constructed during class time! Until then, farewell!" And with that he leapt out of the class room.
Kiba poked the apparently unconscious Naruto.
"Come on man, wake up! We have to go to class... get up or ill leave you!"
Naruto looked up at Kiba, his eyes shining.
"Why Kiba? Why does god hate me? Why? What did i do?" Kiba had to hold in his laughter.
"Come on man, its not so bad... really... it'll be fine... lets just go."
Kiba managed to peel Naruto off the desk, and drag the disheartened boy to the next class.
Sasuke couldnt think. He couldnt move. He couldnt speak. Why? He kept asking the question over and over.
'Why? Why me? Why Naruto? Why? Its not fair. Why? This is possibly the worst week of my life. THE WORST!'
The rest of the day passed without much incident, except all the girls were exceptionally happy, a fact which Naruto and Sasuke hated them for.
-----------------------Time Skip--------------------------
It was the end of the day, finally... now all he had to do was get this detention out of the way, and he could go home. All Sauke wanted was to go home... even more so than yesterday, but he knew his thoughts would plague him just as badly as the previous day, if not worse. He walked down to the gym as everyone else was leaving, spotting a certain londe head of hair coming up to the gym from the South block. Sasuke sighed... this was almost too much for him to bear.
Naruto was thankful the day was over. He walked through the day as if drugged... there were big black patches in his memory, what he did remember seemed hazy... he just couldnt get over the events of the past week... it was to much to handle. On top of that he had to get through this detention with Sasuke as well... what was he going to do?
The two boys entered the classroom together, not looking or speaking to eachother. For the first time, EVER, Kakashi was on time, walking into the room only a coulpe of minutes after the two boys.
"Yo." Kakashi hadnt bothered to take his head out of his book, but continued reading as he spoke to the boys.
"Because of your actions yesterday, ive decided that you will do something that involves a great deal of teamwork today. The two of you are going to clean the store room. Come and get me when you're done." And with that, he walked out.
Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other briefly, before quickly turning their heads the other way and stalking out of the classroom towards the storage room.
The storage room was a small room outside the back of the gym. It was dark, since the only light that worked in there was a small lamp. In reality, it wasnt a very safe place to work in... but then again that would hardly worry Kakashi. Not only was it small and dark, it was also filthy. 'Great... just great' thought Naruto.
'This is going to take all night!' Thought Sasuke.
"Well we may as well get started..." Naruto said to him, breaking his thoughts.
"Um, yeah ok."
The two boys walked in, and apparently agreed to start at the front and work their way to the back.
Kakashi had been correct. It took a lot of teamwork for the boys to make sure that everything was put in the right order, and make sure everything was safe. The two boys worked surprisingly well together, being able to see what needed to be done, and do it.
'This is weird.' Thought Naruto. 'Sasuke isnt being an ass... and he's actually being helpful...' It was only then did Naruto notice the other boy's closeness, his pale fale slightly flushed from exertion, heat radiating off him as he worked, hair sticking a little to his sweaty face. He had gotten a smudge of dirt across one of his cheeks, and Naruto couldnt help but smile a little... it was just so... not like Sasuke. He was always neat, always composed, and never dirty. Sasuke looked at Naruto, feeling his gaze upon him.
"What are you smiling at dobe?"
Naruto blushed and looked down...
"No... its nothing.. and DONT CALL ME DOBE!"
Sasuke grinned, making Naruto's heart beat quicker.
"Whatever... come on, we're half way done."
Sasuke had noticed the blonde smiling at him.
'I wonder what he's thinking...'
Sasuke couldnt help but notice how cute Naruto looked with that little smile, how sweet he was when he blushed. Only now did Sasuke notice how close he and Naruto were working, how his muscles bunched under his shirt, his tanned face sweating, how hot his arm was when they accidentally touched. It was Sasuke's turn to smile, and when Naruto looked at hime questioningly he, too, blushed, looking at the ground. It was this that made both boys lose concentration. The shelf they were restacking pitched forward, knocking the boys over, and dropping all the basketballs on there onto them. Naruto had hit the ground first, and Sasuke landed almost on top of him, his knees on either side of the blonde's body. Both panting hard (A/N is this reminding me of something... hmmm oh yeah, Ch 1! man im unoriginal!) Naruto looked up at Sasuke, staring deep into his eyes. Sasuke looked back, bright blue eyes looking deep into black ones. Both boys were breathing heavily, their hearts racing. Naruto unconsciously reached up and wipped the dirt of Sasuke's cheek, still looking in the other boy's eyes. They blushed, as it got slightly awkward. Sasuke got up quickly, offering his hand to Naruto, who took it and pulled him up.
"Er, um... sorry... about that.." Sauke managed to get out, his heard still pounding.
"No, no it was my fault... sorry..." Naruto replied, breathing heavily.
"Um shall we finish this?"
"Ah, yeah... yeah lets..."
Both boys hurried to finish the job, not sying anything to each other, both frightingly aware of the others presence, both trying to deny what they saw in the others eyes, and in themselves.
Ok theres another chapter done... hmmm i am in a writting mood... i might write the next chapter for this, and theres another story i have in mind to write... so might start that one! either way, goodbye for now, i shall see you later!