Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Break Downs ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sasuke slowly drove up to his mansion on the hill, thinking about the day.
'Ok... this is just great... ok so now I have to play Romeo alongside him... ok... how is this going to work? Shit... this is bad...'
Sasuke's cheek still tingled where Naruto's hand had brushed away the dirt. Ok, this new found obsession he had with the smaller boy was really beginning to piss him off....
'Fuck... just get out of my head and leave me alone...' he thought as he pulled into the driveway.
Naruto drove at his usual breakneck pace as he took the scenic route home. He liked to take long drives when he wanted to think, so he just drove where ever the road lead him. It took him out of the town and into the country, the road twining around the hills, the trees that lined the road obscuring the fading sun. Suddenly, as he turned the corner, his car began to splutter and squeak. He pulled up to the side of the road.
'What the fuck?' thought Naruto. His car was pretty new... and he just got it serviced... what could it be?
Looking down at the dials on the dashboard he noticed his car's temperature was up, right up. Right after he noticed this the car died, steam coming out from under the bonnet.
'Fuck... just fucking great... ok what's wrong...'
He popped the hood, got out of the car and opened it. Steam came rushing out and he realised his radiator was shot.
'Fucking great.... there's no way this will make it home... if I can even get it started... wait... there's a big house around here somewhere... maybe I can use their phone...'
With that, he started walking up the hill and around the corner. After about five minutes a huge mansion came into sight.
'Whoa.... its bugger than I remembered... I hope someone's home.'
As he trekked up the driveway he had a good look at the place. Three stories high, surrounded by a magnificently well kept garden, with elaborate hedges and fountains... you know... that rich person shit.
'Snazzy...' he thought as he reached the door. He was slightly intimidated by the enormity of the entire property. He looked for a bell, or something, and noticed the intercom. Pushing the button, he waited until a cool voice answered.
"Yes? Can I help you?"
"Uh, hi there, my car broke down just down the road and I was wondering if I could perhaps borrow your phone." There was a slight pause before the same voice answered
"Hang on, ill be right there."
Naruto waited outside, and after about thirty seconds he heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door swung open and who should be behind it but Sasuke Uchiha. (A/N pretty obvious but you know... its what you wanted right?).
"Sasuke? Ah... What are you doing here?"
"That's my line. I live here... what are you doing here?"
Naruto had been blushing heavily since Sasuke had opened the door.
"Well, you see, I was just going for a drive, to you know, clear my head, and all the sudden my car started to freak out, and then it broke down, I think my radiator is shot, which is really annoying seeing as I just got it serviced and I was wondering if perhaps I could use your phone?"
Sasuke just looked at Naruto, not saying anything. Without a word he stood back and allowed Naruto to come in,
"Wow... so this is your house eh Sasuke?"
"Yeah... yeah this is my house."
"It's pretty.. Well amazing."
"I'm glad you like it." Said Sasuke dryly. "So, your shit bomb of a car broke down... that's too bad dobe..."
"Its not a shit bomb its practically brand new! And don't call me that teme!"
Sasuke just laughed softly under his breath. Naruto blushed as he heard the sound... since when did Sasuke laugh at all?
"Come on, I'll show you around."
As Sasuke lead Naruto through his massive house, Naruto couldn't help but smile a little at the situation.
"Something funny dobe?"
Naruto looked at Sasuke, who had been regarding him closely.
"Oh no its nothing like that! Its just... this is a little strange... I mean... we sort of hate each other, yet here you are giving me a tour of your house, and letting me use your phone and such... its just... strange."
Sasuke blushed slightly at the end of Naruto's speech... it came to him just how odd it was... and how different this would be if gym class hadn't happened two days ago... it surely wouldn't be as polite.
"Hn, well you know... just because you weren't bought up with any manners doesn't mean I wasn't. Come on, ill show you upstairs."
The tour took a surprisingly short amount of time, considering the size of the house. Sasuke took him back down to the first level, which seemed to be the level that was where most of Sasuke's time was spent.
"Come on through to the kitchen, that's where the phone is. Do you want anything to drink?"
Naruto was surprised how nice Sasuke was being.
"Um, thankyou, that would be nice."
'Maybe he's only an ass when he's with his friends... or at school...'
The kitchen was enormous, and white... very clean. The phone was sitting on the bench. Sasuke picked it up and handed it to Naruto, their hands accidentally brushing at the contact. Both boys blushed and looked down, Naruto busied himself by calling the tow truck and mechanic, Sasuke by getting the drinks. While Naruto was on the phone Sasuke started thinking about ho strange the week had been. The time he spent with Naruto was kind of changing his opinion of him.
'Maybe he's only a loud, rude, annoying loser when he's at school with friends. The time I've spent with him he's seems kind of quiet... shy even, and actually seems to think about what he's going to say... maybe there's more to him than the ass from school...'
While this was going on Naruto was arguing with the mechanic.
"What do you mean not until Thursday... that's next week and its your fault this happened! I just got the car serviced a week ago! You should have noticed if something like this was wrong! What? *sigh* Yeah, fine, ok. Well the tow truck is on it's way... yeah that's fine. Ok thank you."
Naruto hung the phone up and took the glass Sasuke offered him.
"So, what's happening?"
Naruto sighed, running his hand through his hair. Sasuke noticed how it shined around his head like a halo in the fading light of the sun, making his skin an even warmer tone. Sasuke blushed and looked down. Naruto didn't seem to notice.
"Well, the tow truck is on its way, but the mechanic cant fix it until next Thursday... which is just great... hmmm you don't have a phone book do you? I have to call a cab to get home now..."
"Don't worry, I'll take you,"
Naruto's eyes snapped to Sasuke's face.
"Don't. Worry. I'll. Take. You."
Naruto blushed. (A/N If these boys aren't careful they're going to blush themselves to death...)
"Oh you don't have to do that! It's fine really.. Don't trouble yourself."
Sasuke smiled a little
"Its no trouble, really. I have to go back into town anyway, pick up some food."
That was a lie, he didn't, but he wanted to drive the blonde home... maybe in some way make up for Naruto saving him the other day.
"Oh... oh ok then sure. Thanks." Naruto said, still looking down.
"Do you mind if we take the bike? My car is out being cleaned right now..."
"What? Oh no that's fine! I like bikes more!"
"Ok then, you ready? Lets go."
Sasuke took Naruto out to the garage. He walked over to the side and grabbed a push bike.
"Ok! Hop on!"
Naruto just looked at him, completely dumbfounded.
"Oh don't look so stupid, I'm only kidding... jeesh... don't take everything so seriously!"
Naruto was still dumbfounded... he didn't think Sasuke knew how to joke... or that he would own a pushbike.
"Over here dobe."
Sasuke had walked to the other side of the garage (which was about the size of a house). Naruto walked towards him, the words "Don't call me that" dying on his lips as he saw the bike Sasuke was on... and the five others behind him.
Sasuke smirked.
"You like it? Ha, get on dobe."
Naruto couldn't even speak, he just walked over and sat on the bike behind Sasuke, blushing as he wrapped his arms around Sasuke's waist as they took off. Sasuke's heart beat quickly as Naruto leaned into him. He cold hear the boy behind him laughing with glee as the sped around the corners of the mountain. Sasuke smiled at the other boy's enjoyment... and couldn't believe he was actually having a good time! He was almost reluctant to stop as they reached Naruto's apartment block. As Naruto took off the helmet he was still smiling widely.
"Haha! That was so much fun! God I haven't had a ride like that in a while!"
Sasuke went red as he considered the connotations behind that statement.
'Hmmm... That didn't sound suss at all... come on Sasuke get your mind out of the gutter!' Thought Sasuke to himself.
"Well... I'd better go dobe... things to do you know."
"Oh, yeah of course."
Was it just him or did Naruto look a little disappointed.
"Thanks for the ride and stuff... really, you did me a big favour."
"Yeah well, now you owe me don't you? Don't worry, I'll think of a suitable way for you to repay me. Later loser." And with that he kicked the bike in gear and sped away.
'Was it just me or did Sasuke just make some kind of weird pass at me? No way... no it was just me... god... don't be gross brain!... now lets go!!'
Naruto couldn't stop thinking about how nice Sasuke had been... and why he lied about needing to come to town. Naruto had seen into the fridge when Sasuke got the drinks... it was full. Did he lie just so Naruto would accept?
'Weird weird week its been... I tell you...' Naruto couldn't believe he had such a good time speeding through the mountains on the way back...if you asked him, the ride ended too soon.
'What is going on with me? God... its not fair! Why cant I hate Sasuke the same way I used to? Shit... this is going to get complicated...'
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Ok thanks to the people who reviewed! It so nice to hear people like what your writing! The next one will be up shortly... I'm writing these during my study breaks lol... what can I say? Its calming! Anyway... I'm off for a little bit... the next one should be up in a couple of hours... adieu for now my darlings!