Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Early Sunsets Over The City ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The rest of Friday passed like all Friday's do; far too slowly. The day seemed to drag like never before, and then threat of rehersals at the end of the day loomed over Sasuke and Naruto like a storm cloud.
Naruto just stared blankly ahead throughout the entire day. He was most most assuredly <b> not </b> looking forward to that afternoon.
"Earth to Naruto... Come in dickhead, this is Captain Awsome calling for you... Come in Naruto" Said Kiba, waving his hand in front of Naruto's face.
"Shove off Kiba, I'm not in the mood."
The group around Naruto looked concerned... since when was Naruto not in the mood for a friendly joke?
"Say, Naruto..." Said Gaara, "What's the problem?"
Naruto looked at the red head.. surprised that he had been the one to ask... Gaara wasnt like that naturally.
Naruto sighed... if he couldnt tell his closest friends, who could he tell?
"Well it's just this whole Sasuke business... its really getting on my nerves... I mean... i hate the guy, but lately he hasnt been so bad... which is making me doubt whether or not i do hate him... which is confusing me terribly because ive always hated him... thats just the way it is... and then theres this Romeo and Juliet thing... god... i dont wanna do that... but you know... its just bugging me..."
Gaara looked at Naruto, cutting straight to the core of the problem.
"So, basically Sasuke's actions havent been normal, for him, and its making you doubt your feelings, and this Romeo and Juliet situation is just going to confuse them further?"
Kiba looked a little shocked....
"Do you have to use the word 'feelings' Gaara? Its a little too strong for what we're talking about... dont you think?"
Gaara looked down at the blonde.
"No, i dont... thats what they are... feelings... dont be such a whiny little bitch... you have to do the Romeo and Juliet play, and you have to consider the fact that maybe you've been wrong about Sasuke this whole time... probably the same way he's been wrong about you... did you know he's just as weirded out by this as you?"
Naruto looked up at Gaara quickly.
"How would you know that?"
Gaara blushed a little, the slight redness coming to his cheeks painfully obvious against the paleness of his skin.
"Uh, never mind that, all that you need to know is that maybe Sasuke isnt as bad as you thought... i have to leave now... bye." And a very flustered... very OOC Gaara quickly walked away from the group.
"Where do you think that came from?" Naruto asked Kiba.
"I have no idea... but it was fucken weird man... Come on... lets go to last class.."
-----------------Time Skip Last Period-------------------------
"Whats the matter with you Sasuke... you've been even crankier today than usual... what's up?" Neji asked the boy next to him, who happened to be face down on the bench.
"Ugh... its nothing... never mind."
Neji gave a small smile...
"Come on... i know something's bothering you... if you cant tell me... who can you tell?"
Sasuke sighed... he really could tell Neji anything... they had been best friends since Sasuke was little... even though the concept of 'best friends' was one sort of lost on the two boys.
"It's this damned situation with Naruto... its driving me crazy..."
"What, cant get the cute little blonde out of your dirty mind?" Neji asked, with a wicked knowing grin on his face.
"Oh shut up ass hole... if your going to be like that you can forget it..."
"Oh come on... calm down, i was just joking... ok so what is problem with Naruto?"
Sasuke had filled Neji in on the details of the previous night.
"Well, ive been forced into these situations which have made me spend time with him... and he's not as bad as we seem to think.. he's kind, and helpful, and actually appears to have a brain even if he doesnt always use it... its annoying though. I want to hate him the way i did a week ago... at least that was simple... i didnt have to think or anything... now i have to consider the possibility that i was wrong... and i hate having to do that...."
"And then there's Romeo and Juliet... that should be fun for you..."
"Oh, dont even get me started on that... god... im not looking forward to that one bit...."
Neji looked down at the table... then stared across at his friend.
"Woud it help if you knew thar Naruto was going through the same problem?"
Sasuke looked up at Neji.
"No, why would that help me? And how would you know that anyway?"
Neji blushed.
"Thats not the point, the point is..."
Sasuke cut the othr boy off
"Neji, where were you at lunch today?"
(A/N oh yeah.. you see where im going with this dont you?)
Neji blushed brighter... then hated himself for it.
"Neji... where were you at lunch today?"
"Gah! I wasnt anywhere! i was just... taking a walk... i needed some alone time..."
"This alone time didnt include anyone did it?"
It didnt appear that Neji oculd get any redder.... no wait! He did....
"No! of course not!!!"
"Could you boys please be quiet!" Iruka said from the front of the room.
"If your not going to pay any attention, could you at least shut up so other people can? Thank you."
This effectively ended conversation for the lesson. The day, which had dragged on so slowly, suddenly seemed to run at double pace... and the end of class came up far too quickly.
"Ok, thats it for today. Remember, all the people involved in Romeo and Juliet for the cultural festival, rehersal is straight after this in the drama room. See you later guys."
Sasuke decided to bang his head on the table a few times before he left. Maybe he could knock himself unconscious the he wouldnt have to go.
Neji just laughed.
"Thats not going to work, you spaz... lets just go and get it over with."
Sasuke groaned... but followed the long haired brunette out of the class.
Meanwhile, Naruto had been trying to come up with a way to convince people that he had been hit by a car, and broken his leg, so he couldnt go to rehersal.
"I'll hit you with my car if you like?" Offered Kiba.
Naruto just glared at him.
"No, thanks... i'll be fine... knowing you you'd probably miss... who taught you to drive anyway?"
Kiba looked slightly offended at the slur on his driving.
"No one... i taught myself! Come on loser... lets just go... sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave."
The drama room was already bustling with people by the time the two stars had arrived. Gai was jut about to make an announcement when they walked in.
"Ahhh my adorable youthful students! Isnt this a sight to see! Just a quick announcment then we shall begin! Today we wont be running any lines! It will just be extra prep time! So once he actors try on their sample costumes you are free to leave! Also, the kissing scenes between Romeo and Juliet, we want them to be as sponteneous as we can! So we wont be rehersing those parts... they will just have to be done on stage! Ok, now, begin!" The girls looked crestfallen after this announcement... what was the point of it anyway? (A/N hahaha it is all part of my evil plan... MWHAHAHAHA... ok moving on...) The boys however couldnt be more happy!The girls had taken everyone measurments for costumes the previous day, and had already popped out sample costumes (A/N isnt it amazing how quick things happen in fan fic?) and quickly whisked Sasuke and Naruto away to try them on.
The costume wasn't as bad as he thought... they put him in black... which suited him just fine... and he was actually quite happy with the whole thing. (A/N im not going to describe Sasuke's costume... im lazy and i really have no idea what it would look like... you'll figure something out im sure...).
At the same time another group of girls had kidnapped Naruto, making him change into his sample costume.
It was worse than he thought. They had built something into the chest to make him look busty, the dress was lacy and heavily embroiered... just think of like old school English court dresses... like somehing a noble would have worn. They gave him a long blonde wig, and put some make up on him. He thought he looked hideous. Oh how wrong he was. Walking out nearly all the girls fainted (all moeing over him) ad the boys... well, lets just say there was significant bloodloss. Naruto looked so... pretty! He looked just like a girl! A fact which he heavily resented.
"How long do i have to be in this ridiculous outfit!?" Naruto demanded. He was blushing out of embarressment... he didnt want to dressed this way. The blush only added to the cute factor... causing the annoying girls to freak out some more. Then Sasuke walked out, and he looked... well... hot. He just did. The costume suited him perfectly. Sasuke was blushing slightly too... he didnt mind the costune... i mean, at least he didnt have to wear a dress... bt that didnt mean he particularly wanted everyone seeing him in it. He looked up and saw the prettiest girl he ever seen... he didnt know her... but something about her was familiar... that tanned skin, the curious whisker like scars across her cheeks... wait! Scars... hold up!
"Naruto?" Sasuke asked.
Naruto blushed, stamping his foot.
"Yeah well dont look so surprised teme! Your just jealous because i look so good.... you oculdnt pull this off if you tried!"
Sasuke smirked.
"Is that an offer?"
Naruto blushed again
"Dont be sick you bastard!... Fuck this... im changing!" And with that he stormed off.
'Hmmmmm.... how would have thought Naruto would have looked so good in a dress... but i think he's better looking as a boy... Wait! What? Did i just think that Naruto is a better looking boy? Ok... not good... uh... hmmm... ahhh... shit..." Sasuke started blushing... to the people around him it appeared to be for no reason. Neji, however, had some idea what was going on... He came up beside the red Uchiha.
"Didnt Naruto look hot in that costume... damn.. if i knew he was that cute i would have made a move earlier... oh well... i know now..." Said Neji, raising his eyebrows.
"Fuck off Neji, you cant have him!"
Sasuke didnt even know what he was saying...
"What want him all for yourself?"
"What? uh... no dont be silly!!!!!" Sasuke managed to splutter... why did he care if Neji went after Naruto. He'd known for some time now about Neji's sexual orientation... it didnt bother him... why should it? Neji had often made comments about guys he thought were attractive... however this was the first one Sasuke had any problems with.
"Hn, seems like you have some Naruto issues there my friend... dont worry... i'll leave him alone... i was just teasing you..."
"Yeah, well i dont care either way, do what you want... im getting out of this stupid costume." Sasuke stormed away in a bit of a huff... but couldnt get the image of Naruto looking so cute out of his mind...
'Couldnt pull it off if i tried... bet i could dobe...'
'Sasuke looked good in that costume... real good.' Thought Naruto as he changed out of the dress. 'Wait... why do i think that? Jesus this situations not getting any better... *sigh* oh well, at least i wont have to kiss him yet... thats going to be interesting.'
Naruto quickly changed back into his regular clothes, and walked out of the park to wait for Kiba to give him a lift home. The only problem was, Kiba wasnt there any more.
"Oh shit!" Naruto said outloud. "Kiba... you fucking prick im going to kill you!!!"
Earlier that day Naruto had made a pass at Hinata... not a serious one... he likedthe girl but only as a friend, and Kiba threatened that if Naruto kept it up, he'd get left behind today. So, naturally, Naruto kept it up. Apparently Kiba had been serious this time.
"You absolute fuckhead..."
"Who? Me? Come on now dobe i havent even done anything to you yet..."
Sasuke had walked up behind Naruto without him hearing. His heart skipped a beat.... or five, as he turned to face Sasuke. For some reason he felt the need to apologise and explain himself.
"Oh no no no, not you Sasuke... its Kiba... you see he has a thing for Hinata and today i made a few passes at her, nothing serious or anthing, but Kiba said if i kept it up he would leave and not take me home, and you know, its fun to annoy Kiba so i kept going, and now he's left me here... so i didnt mean you or anything like that.."
Sasuke looked faintly amused at the other boy's ramblings.
Sasuke sighed, but secretly he was kind of happy.
"I guess you'll be wanting a lift home then.Come on, get on, its not too far out of my way."
Naruto looked shocked... Sasuke was being nice... again? This is too weird. Naruto wanted to know why... he'd ask the boy when he got home.... so he walked over and got on.
"Yeah... thanks."
Once again they sped off... it wasnt too far from the school to Naruto's house... a ten minute ride. Sasuke was once again regretful of the fact he had to stop.
"Do... do you wanna come in?" Naruto asked shyly. Sasuke was surprised... he didnt expect that.
"Um... yeah sure." Why he agreed... he didnt know... but for some reason he did. He was beginning to enjoy the small amounts of time he spent with the boy this week. As the walked inside the appartment block, Sasuke took a quic look around. It was nice. It was just your regular surburban apartment block, one of the more expensive ones, but nothing too opulent. The elevator ride up was a little awkward, since neither boy had anything to say. When they reached the sixth level, they walked around to aparment three, Naruto's. Naruto unlocked the door, and let Sasuke in.
It wasnt huge, but it was bigger than he expected, and surprisingly clean.
"Wow, dobe... i didnt expect anywhere you lived to be clean."
"Yeah well teme this part is kept clean for when i have visitors... my room is something else, i assure you. Now for the grand tour!"
The apartment had only four rooms; the kitchen/lounge, the bathroom, and two bedrooms, one for Naruto and the other was a guest room.
'Not too bad' thought Sasuke. 'Not bad at all.'
"Wanna a drink teme?"
"Huh? Oh yeah sure, thanks."
There was a big curtain drawn over the window, which Sasuke assumed looked over the city. Naruto saw his gaze on the window and grinned.
"Yeah, I'll show you that in a sec... <b> that </b> is something else... especially this time of day."
Sasuke was a little surprised... what coulds be so good about a window? Naruto handed him the glass and wlaked over the the curtain, pulling it open. It really was something!
"Come on... come outside... it's a better view."
The curtain hid not a window, but a door to the balcony. Sasuke followed Naruto outside.
The view was spectacular. The balcony faced the setting sun, overlooking the mountains. Looking carefully, Sasuke could make out his own house on the hill. The sun was slowly moving below the horizon, obsucred by the buildings and the mountains. The sky was etched in dark blue clouds, which made way to a pink haze, which became a firey orange skyline. The sun behind the buildings and the mountains outlined everything.
"Wow." Said Sasuke. "I can tell you, i wasnt expecting this... this is so much better than the view i get from home..."
"Wait about five minutes... it gets even better." The two boys sat in silence, but it wasnt uncomfortable. It was the perfect silence, broken only by the noise from the city below them, that silence shared by people completely in awe of the world around them, and comfortable enough with each other to not need to speak, words arent needed at all. They sat there for the five minutes Naruto said. The sun had dropped even lower, and suddenly everything the light touched began to glow. The city looked like it was on fire with that brilliant orange light. It was getting to bright to look at, Sasuke had to shade his eyes with his hands, and then, just as quickly as it began, it passed, and the sky darkened, and the lights of the city began to turn on, as the sun settled below the hills. Naruto sighed.
"Beautiful, wasnt it?"
"Yeah... it was." There wasnt much Sasuke could say... he still couldnt believe the brilliance of something so simple, so routine, as the setting of the sun. Naruto got up to go back in side, the show over. Sasuke followed him in.
"I have to say, dobe... i didnt take you for one to watch the sun set..."
Naruto grinned.
"Well theres a lot that you dont know about me isnt there teme... theres more to this guy than meets the eye."
Sasuke dropped his gaze to the floor... as he realised his thoguhts had been true...
'Damn it... i'm actually beginning to like this guy...'
Naruto notcied the dark haired boy's silence.
Sasuke looked up, and smiled a little.
"It's nothing... id better go.. its a little way out, and i want to get some work done. Thanks for the drink, Naruto."
Naruto blushed as he said his name... every day was more and more unexpected now...
"No problem... i'll show you out then."
As Sasuke waved goodbye before he drove away, Naruto's brain was about to explode.
'God... i think im starting to enjoy his company! He's actually really quite nice... when he wants to be... maybe we can get along better after all...'
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Ok guys sorry if this is a crap chapter... its a filler... yes ill admit that... i needed something to link this part of the story to the next... my brain is a little fried now so i wont put the next chapter up straight away... but you know... it should be up today sometime!
Thanks for the reviews guys ... it makes me happy and a happy writer is a motivated writer! So keep them coming!