Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ High School Fight Club ❯ Death and Revival ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Naruto wasn't really sure what was going on. He scoured his memory, to try to remember where he was, and what he was doing there. He had the oddest sensation... he couldn't feel his body... or well, all he could feel was a dull sort of pain. He couldn't see, and all noise was strangely garbled. As he became more aware of the pain, it grew stronger and stronger, threatening to overtake him. He was sick of it all; sick of the pain... maybe he could just let go...
He felt himself drift away from his body. The pain lessened, and the garbled noise faded as he grew less and less aware of his surroundings...
<i> "NO NARUTO!!! BREATHE!!!" </i>
'What was that?'
Naruto was getting frustrated at the voice which was refusing to let him be.
'Gah! Just be quiet! I want to stop hurting... why won't you leave me alone?'
<i> "Naruto... please... breathe... don't die Naruto... please don't die...." </i>
'Die? What is this fool talking about? I'm not going to die... stupid... I just wanna stop hurting!'
<i>"Come back please Naruto... I don't know what I'd do... please..." </i>
'This person sounds really concerned... who is it... Who are you!? Why do you want me back so much?'
<i> "Please Naruto... please..."</i>
Ok so this person sobbing about him dying was really getting annoying... and for some reason he couldn't ignore it. The pain grew stronger as he became more aware of his body again. The sounds grew clearer and louder, and Naruto became aware of a heavy feeling on his chest.
'Fine! Jeez... God if you want me around that much... I guess I can put up with some pain... for you...Sasuke...'
Sasuke jumped as he felt Naruto's chest rise under neither him.
"Oh thank god... oh fuck.... thank god!" Naruto's breathing was hesitant at first, and shallow, but quickly became more regular and stronger.
"I thought you were dead, you bastard! Don't scare me like that!" Sasuke knew Naruto couldn't hear him; however it seemed that a faint smile had come over Naruto's face, but when Sasuke went in for a closer look, it was gone.
'Just a trick of the light, I guess...'
About thirty minutes later Kiba, Gaara, Lee, Neji and Iruka showed up. They all came running up to the room as fast as they could, slightly shocked to see Sasuke there, by the bed.
"Hey man... how's he doing?" Asked Kiba, looking very concerned.
Sasuke didn't bother to pretend he wasn't worried, or to even put on his regular smug tone.
"The doctor's say if he makes it through the next 48 hours, he has a good chance of surviving. If he wakes up, they are almost certain he will. He has a few broken bones, and some minor internal bleeding. It's the head trauma that has them worried..."
Kiba looked down at the ground, the immense concern he felt for his best friend evident on his face. Neji noticed how worried they all looked, and how drained Sasuke looked.
"Hey, Sasuke... lets give these guys some time with him k? And you look like you could use something to eat..."
The others looked at Neji, surprised. They had found out when he took them all home that he wasn't the ass they once thought, however, they weren't expecting a big ball of compassion. Sasuke hesitated, before slowly getting up. No one but Gaara noticed how puffy eyed Sasuke was, or how Naruto's hand slipped out of his as he got up. As the two boys left, the others immediately crowed around the bed, holding Naruto's hand, or stroking his face.
"So, what happened?" Neji asked Sasuke as they were at the cafeteria, getting some food.
"What do you mean?"
Neji stared Sasuke straight in the eye. Even after all this time, Sasuke still found the Hyuuga's gaze to be a little disturbing, especially when it was staring straight at you, like he could see your soul.
Sasuke sighed... he knew he wouldn't be able to hide anything from Neji anyway.
"We fought. He left... he was... really upset I guess. I don't know what happened after that. I saw on the news that he had been in an accident at the Konoha Suna turn off... I don't know what he was doing there... I came here straight away... the doctor told me what was happening... what his chances were. I sat with him for about thirty minutes... but he stopped breathing..."
Neji frowned... his concern growing.
"He stopped breathing? Did the doctors revive him?"
Sasuke shook his head.
"No, after a minute he started again... I was so scared..."
Neji didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He just gave Sasuke a comforting rub on the hand. They sat there in silence for a while, eating their food. When they were done, they just sat there, in the noisy cafeteria, until Neji broke the silence.
"So, what did you fight about?"
Sasuke sighed... was he ready to tell Neji this? Neji noticed his confusion, and hesitation.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything... nothing you can do would change the fact that you're my best friend. I'm just concerned..."
Sasuke sighed again, rubbing his hands on his face and through his hair.
"I know that... it's just... this is a sort of... difficult matter... I don't know what's going on... I'm just confused... and well..."
Neji grinned a little.
"Are you telling me you and Naruto finally hooked up and then you fucked up?"
Sasuke looked up quickly, shocked to the core.
"What?! How could you know that?"
Neji's grin grew sly.
"Come on now... we've been friends what... fourteen years? You can't hide that sort of thing from me... I've known for a while now that you have had feelings for him..."
Sasuke couldn't move for shock... and embarrassment.
Neji took on an accusatory tone.
"You know... you could have told me! I was expecting you to... God... I could have helped you, you twat!"
"Did you just call me a twat?"
"Shut up! So, what was the fight about?"
Sasuke sighed.
"Hmmmmmm... well basically I said I was relieved no one saw... and that we could just forget about it."
Neji looked incredulous... he knew Sasuke could be blunt... and a little unsympathetic to others feelings... but this was too much, even for him.
"You what?! You are such an idiot! Did you consider the possibility that Naruto was glad that it happened? That he thought perhaps you liked him, and that you might actually want to be with him, rather than simply relieving your stunted sexual frustrations out on him!"
"Keep your voice down!" Sasuke hissed at the brunette, as he noticed people staring.
"No I will not! I want to make sure you and everyone else here knows what an idiot you are! You have liked him for ages now, and when you finally do get the balls to kiss him, you go and say something as insensitive as that! You fucken fool!"
Sasuke's face was burning with embarrassment. He wrenched Neji back down to his seat and hissed at him.
"Yes! I fucked up! You're right... I don't deserve another chance, and he has every right to hate me! But I wasn't thinking at the time. I would have thought that he would want to forget it as well... shit... man... fuck. I made possibly the biggest mistake of my life, and I have this as my punishment. All I want now is for Naruto to live... I wanna say I'm sorry, and explain myself."
Neji sat down, satisfied he had embarrassed the Uchiha enough, and was relieved to know his friend wanted another chance with Naruto.
--------------------------The Next Day----------------------------
Sasuke had asked Neji to stay quiet about what had happened, at least for the meantime. He wanted to talk to Naruto before telling anyone anything else. The others had gone home at about 11pm the previous night. The doctors had promised to ring if anything changed, and they had decided to go to school. Sasuke, however, chose to stay with Naruto until he wakes up. Sasuke didn't plan on leaving.
It was about 10 in the morning, and Sasuke had just gotten out of the shower the hospital had. He went back to sit with Naruto until lunch. He would sit there, holding his hand and talking quietly to the boy. The doctor's had said it might help... and Sasuke wanted to do all he could. Naruto's condition had stabilised over night. The doctors were pretty sure he was going to be fine, however when he would wake, and if there was permanent damage was still unknown.
Naruto still hurt. The pain wasn't any better. He still couldn't see anything, but the noises were getting clearer. He could hear people talking around him sometimes, and he could hear when Sasuke would come and talk to him. Naruto, even though he was in pain, felt a little bit happy. He knew, from what the boy had been saying, and how he had hardly left his side the entire time, how worried Sasuke was, and that he actually cared for him. The knowledge made Naruto so happy. He wanted to see the other boy. He forced himself to become more aware of his body, taking in everything he could. He fought with his mind to gain control, and strained his eyes until they opened...
Sasuke looked up quickly at the blonde's face. His eyes were open, and looking straight at Sasuke.
"Naruto? Are you awake?"
Naruto chuckled weakly.
"I'm talking to you aren't I?" Naruto's voice was quiet and strained. It seemed to be a big effort for him to talk.
"What happened?"
"You were in an accident. But you're going to be fine."
Naruto smiled a little.
"Just stay awake for a little while longer... I'm going to call for a doctor."
Naruto felt Sasuke's hand slip out of his grasp. He couldn't really recall what happened up until he felt Sasuke take his hand again.
"How are you feeling Mr Uzumaki?"
A doctor had come in, and was examining Naruto quickly.
"Like shit. And yourself?"
The man smiled.
"Much better now... You should rest. Go back to sleep Naruto."
The doctor nodded to Sasuke, indicating he wanted to speak with him.
"Naruto, I have to go for a minute, go back to sleep. I'll be right back."
Naruto smiled at Sasuke.
"I'll be waiting..."
Sasuke smiled fondly down at Naruto as his eyes slipped shut. He got up and followed the doctor out of the room.
"It's a huge relief he woke up, and from what I can tell just talking to him, the damage to his brain appears to be minimal, if that. He will be just fine, I believe. What he needs now is rest."
Sasuke nodded.
"Thank you, doctor... I'm glad."
By the time Sasuke had made it back into the room Naruto was already sleeping soundly. Sasuke walked over to him, taking his hand and putting his head on Naruto's chest.
'I'm so glad... Naruto.'
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Ok there we go... sorry it took so long for me to update. I have exams and stuff.
Now, I have a question that needs answering. What next? I can either end it here, and write a sequel. End it here and not write a sequel, or write what happens directly after this. It's up to you! If no one answers, then ill chose myself. Thanks heaps guys!