Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Hyuga Hiei--Heir to the Hyuga Clan ❯ Critical Condition ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 5: Critical Condition
Hiei lay in a hospital bed as a nurse pumped oxygen into his lungs—not at all sure what happened. Her theory was that he lost all of his energy and fainted, but that wouldn't keep him out this long—it had been probably 2 or 3 hours since the fight and total annihilation of Kilik and his follower.
“Will he be alright?” A worried Kai asked by the nurse's side.
“I'm sorry, hun', but I don't think so…” The nurse's eyes then shot open. “This man has lost all of his chakara! He could die soon if we don't get the right medicine!”
“What can I get!?” Kai asked, jumping up from the chair that he had been previously sitting in.
“Well there's this town—the village hidden in darkness—maybe you've heard of it?” The nurse paused for a minute, and then continued. “If you want your friend to stay in this world—now I'm not positive if this will work or not, but it's worth a try—I need you to go down to there and get medicine from a man named Doctor Wizowski.”
Kai looked down at his unconscious friend, then stood up. “Easy.” quickly ran off.
“But wait—there's more to it!” The nurse called after him—but he didn't hear. “Oh well—I guess he'll figure it out himself…”