Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ Nightmare ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Stupid girl.”
“I…Itachi? Is that you?” replied Sakura
She stared at the blood red eyes that stood out in the dark. The piercing eyes put her at a standstill. The cloaked figure slowly approached her, the scratched out konoha headband glistening in the moonlight. It pulled out a kunai knife. Sakura's eyes widened and she stepped back. Turning to run, she gasped as the figure was blocking her path. It raised the kunai.
She felt the knife plunge into her heart.
Sakura shot up in bed, drenched in sweat. (ewww) She heard a frantic knocking. After a while, the door was forced open, and Naruto and Kakashi came tumbling in.
“Sakura-chan!!! What happened! Are you okay?!” yelled Naruto.
Sakura just stared at them for a while. Kakashi walked up to her bed and looked at her with concern.
“I'm fine guys, really.” she said.
Naruto, being Naruto, didn't back down so easily.
“Are you sure? You just screamed out of nowhere.”
Sakura was touched at his concern for her, but it was too early for him to know.
“I'm fine. Thanks guys. I'm gonna get dressed so could you please leave?” she asked.
The two walked out, but Kakashi stopped at her door. He looked back at her and she could tell by his look that he didn't believe her. He walked out the door, closing it behind him. Meanwhile, Sakura climbed out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror.
“Is this me?”
The bags under her eyes were dark, and she looked pale. Sighing, she took out her normal ninja outfit. She out on the red sleeveless (with a bra off course)gasping at how tight it fit the chest. She put on the shorts and then the skirt. Strapping on her ninja shoes, she ran in the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Brushing her hair, she thought about her dream.
Putting on her headband, Sakura walked and the trio headed to Tsunade's office.
“Um, guys, why were you at my apartment?”
“We were coming to pick you up to go to granny Tsunade's office. She called but you didn't answer, so we came.” answered Naruto.
The rest of the walk was silent; accept for the sounds of footsteps, and the flipping pages of Kakashi's book. (Pervert) Finally, they reached the Hokage tower. Sasuke was already there.
Sasuke had returned from the clutches of Orochimaru. He brought information with him, to Tsunade's surprise, which helped a lot. But he still wore that emotionless mask.
“Sasuke!!!” yelled Sakura, running up to him and embracing him tightly. Naruto ran up too, yelling and screaming like normal. Sasuke just looked at her, disgusted.
“Get off.” He said icily, pushing her away from him. Sakura just stood there, staring at him with tear filled eyes. Naruto's ranting grew silent and he stared at the two. Suddenly, her face turned emotionless and cold. Sasuke looked at her and took a step back, feeling an unusual rise in her chakra.
“You cold, disgusting, b*****d. I try to patch things up, and this is how you treat me? I shouldn't even be talking to you traitor.” she spat. “You are worthless. After all I did for you, telling you I care; you still treat me like crap. Then you run off with some gay wannabe snake. You finally come back, and you act the same. Sasuke, I love you. But you can't accept that your family is gone. You ignored the love I tried to make you feel. They're not coming back Sasuke. I tried to make you feel like you had a family. Well, you just lost another family member, and don't think that I'm coming back. You are dead in my eyes.” she said coldly.
Naruto and Sasuke stared at her retreating back, with shock. She didn't have one regret.
End Flashback
“Sakura.” Kakashi said, snapping her out of her daydream. They stood at Tsunande's desk, waiting for her to speak. Lady Tsunade had a serious look on her face.
“I have a serious mission for you guys. Itachi Uchiha was spotted in the forest outside of Konoha. My sources say he is still nearby. Your mission is to capture, if necessary, KILL HIM.”
“Hai!” they said all together, and the four set off into the forest outside of Konoha. They split up and looked around. Suddenly, Sakura felt a chill. Turning behind her, she looked up into blood red eyes.