Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ The Explanation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!! The genius MASASHI KISHIMOTO OWNS THEM, so yea, that's it.
Chapter 5 is HERE!!!
Voices. Anger, shock. Footsteps.
Sakura was forced awake. Looking up, she saw an angry Tsunade. Not a good sign.
“Get up now. Hurry up.”she said in a very demanding manor.
Sakura forced herself up, and looked around. The rest of team Kakashi was staring at her, in a not so comforting way.
“Now, you WILL tell me what the hell happened on your mission today.”
“I...I can't. Not yet.”
The temperature suddenly took a surprising drop, and she met the eyes of a demoness in disguise.
“I…I'm Pregnant!!”
“What!!!”yelled team Kakashi.
“It all happened about a month ago…”
Nurses hustled and bustled around. Doctors ran, looking for their tools. Sakura, the head doctor, was among them.
“Keep giving them oxygen! We can't lose them!”she commanded.
Rushing to meet her demands, they pumped more air.
“Sakura-sama!!! We can't do anything more. We can't stop the bleeding! It's just to much.*sob*”cried a young nurse.
“No!! We can't give up. We can still save them!!”yelled Sakura.
Suddenly, they took a turn for the worst. The two patients looked at each other weakly, and mouthed at the same time,” I love you”. There was complete silence, as that never-ending beep sounded. The heartbeat was at zero. Sakura paled, as she ran over, desperate to save them.
“Noooo,nonononononono*sob*.” She did full power on her medic jutsu, but they remained still. She went back and forth, sobbing, tying to bring them back. The rest of her medic team watched helplessly, already knowing that it was too late. One of the males slowly reached out and pulled her sobbing body away from the still corpses. She turned and sobbed into his chest, as the rest of the team covered the bodies, and took them away.
Mitsuni Hintaro. Time of death, 1:35 AM. 10 years old.
Ryoma Takahashi. Time of death, 1:35 AM. 11 years old.
Cause of death: Fell from a 6-story apartment roof, while playing ninja.
Sakura tried her best to cover her tearstains on the report. She was pale, tired, and depressed. Walking down the medic hall, she ignored the looks of sympathy. How quickly the news had spread. Now all that was left to do was file the report, and meet the parents. Walking to the filing room, she put it away, and walked down to the lobby. She looked around, and saw the two worrying mothers huddled up together. She would never forget the look on Mrs. Takahashi's face as she learned of her son's fate, or the scream and sickening thud of Mrs. Hintaro as she learned of her daughter's.
4 hours later, Sakura sat drunken in the bar. 3 bottles of heavy sake can do a lot to you. She continued to down her feelings of depression. Taking a quick look around, she spotted something familiar. A black cloak with red clouds. Standing straight, she staggered over to the drinking Uchiha, and sat in the unoccupied seat in front of him.
“What are you dong here Mr. Uchiha.”she said, her words slurred and hard to understand.
There was no answer as he just looked at her, immediately remembering her as his younger brother's sucker. Without a word, he stood and walked out of the filthy bar. Sakura got up and followed him outside, feeling rejected.
“Excuse me mister, may be drunk, but I ain't stupid. You're that S ranked criminal, right? What're the likes of you doing in this village?”she said loudly.
Itachi's eyes widened, at her loud vulgar tone, and swiftly picked her up and brought her to an ally.
She continued her loud questioning. Suddenly, soft lips silenced her. She gasped and melted into it. Itachi could no longer control himself. Though drunk, she was stunning. She moaned at his touch, as his hands traveled down her luscious curves. The last she remembered was a lot of action, pain, screaming, and panting. Then, she woke up in a motel.
End Flashback
“I'm so sorry Tsunade! I… I was so upset about my failure I wasn't thinking!!! It all happened so fast.*sob*”
The group just looked at her wide-eyed.
Outside, nosey ears listened in on the conversation.
“You really shouldn't eavesdrop Ino. You'll get in lots of trouble.”said Shizune.
“*gasp* Oh, yeah right. Tsunade called me here, but now she has me waiting. Please tell her I came.” She set off, an evil grin lining her features.
“This is some good stuff. I'll bet everybody would like to hear this one. Sakura will thank me for it.”