Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell In Love With A Murderer ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Are you sure…there's…nothing you can do?”
“I've tried everything I could, Sakura. It seems to me that she was just another pawn for Orochimaru's use. He's wicked and cruel…and she had to suffer.”
Sakura held back her tears. Aoi cursed silently and turned around. Sakura sighed and walked over to a chair, collapsing into it. She held her head in her hands and stayed there, motionless. Naruto clenched his fist. Sasuke gritted his teeth and mumbled to himself.
“Itachi is causing her more pain than she can bear. If he had left her alone, if he hadn't taken advantage of her…she wouldn't be in this much crap.”he muttered.
Sakura looked up at him and glared.
“Or maybe if you had acknowledged me these past few, say like 6 years, things would have been different. But it's okay, Itachi is a much more suitable lover anyways. I love him, and even though we kinda just met, he loves me more than you ever have. So it just all works out in the end.”she spat.
Sasuke's eyes widened in shock and fury. Sakura ignored him and looked over at the capsule that held Sephira's still body. It was frozen to preserve it.
`Maybe, when we confront Orochimaru, I can find a way to bring her back.'she thought.
“Sakura, sadly, things are going to have to take place in order to assure you and Konoha's safety.”started Tsunade.
Sakura nodded slowly, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“First, you are not allowed to leave the village… ever…until further notice.”
“What!?”she screamed.
“Sakura, think about things. Rules are rules. You ran off with an S class criminal, things aren't going to be the same.” Tsunade quickly continued before Sakura complained. “Second, you will have an Anbu, Jonin, or a ninja escort at all times. You can't travel anywhere alone. And third, you aren't permitted near Itachi Uchiha again. Your parents agree with this.”
Sakura's eyes widened. She gritted her teeth, and suddenly and uncontrollable rage filled her body, and she snapped the chair she was sitting on in half. She glanced at Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi. They all had the same expression except for Naruto, meaning they were fine with it. Sakura closed her eyes and smiled.
“Alright, seeming as how this is my village, I guess I have no choice.”
Everyone sighed in contempt. They thought she would be angry.
She continued.
“Don't ever treat me as a friend, ally, or person you know. Don't talk to me. Don't try to make me feel at home. Don't you ever regard of me as a friend again. You are all disgusting and cruel, ripping everything I have away from me. But it's okay, because it won't be a one sided treatment. I will never think of you as my comrades again. Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Tsunade, everyone in this damn village, I despise every single one of you. If you think I'll be happy here, you're dead wrong. And when my child grows up without their father, I will tell them of the ones who caused them misery.”she spat with disgust.
With that, she turned her back on them and walked out, two anbu following her in her tracks.
The group was speechless.
“And everyone thought this would work.”said Naruto. He walked out and ran after Sakura.
Sakura walked to her house, ignoring the looks she got. She felt Naruto's presence, and smiled.
“Yes Naruto-kun, I understand. You were forced into this… right? I still love you Naruto-kun.”
Naruto smiled sheepishly. He looked over at her and took in the sight of her swollen stomach.
“You're getting pretty fat Sakura-chan.”
Naruto fell in a crumpled bloody heap on the floor, beaten and bruised beyond recognition. Sakura glared and walked away.
Sakura stopped at her house door. She sighed and walked in slowly. She smelled food being prepared. Walking further in, she walked into the living room area. Her father was reading the paper. He looked up at her and his eyes widened.
“HONEY!!! SAKURA'S HERE!!!” he yelled.
Sakura's mother ran in and the two looked Sakura up and down, taking in her features.
“Oh Sakura…why?”her mother cried.
Sakura snorted.
“You guys agreed to my punishment?”
“Ofcourse. That man isn't coming near you again.”replied her father, glaring at her.
“Then don't you ever think of yourselves as my child's grandparents.”she spat with pure hatred, and she calmly walked upstairs to her room. She slammed the door, ignoring the Anbu and threw herself on her bed, sobbing her heart out.
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Itachi coughed heavily, clutching his chest. He wiped the blood off his mouth, and glanced at Deidara. The two sat upon his giant clay bird thing. Deidara glanced over at Itachi in concern.
Sakura fainted right after he used Mangekyou on her. She fell back and Itachi looked over at Deidara.
“We don't have much time. I need you to take Sakura and Sephira away from here as quickly as possible. Drop them off near the gates of Konoha, and leave before they notice you.”he whispered quickly.
“But what about you, un. Don't give me any sacrifice crap, un.”
“I'm going to create a diversion…Tobi will notice your absence the moment you step off the premises.”
“Alright…and when I drop them off, I'll come back and grab you, ok, un?”
Deidara quickly got his clay bird thing ready and scooped up Sakura and a sobbing Sephira. He took of as fast as he could, disappearing in the clouds.
As Itachi predicted, Madara appeared the moment Deidara left. Thinking quickly, Itachi performed Amaterasu, incircling the two in viscous flames. Madara appeared in front of Itachi with a katana, slashing at him with blinding speeds. Itachi dodged them and went into Sharingan mode, moving faster to keep up. He jumped up and released a shower of shuriken on Madara, only for him to poof away. Itachi cursed under his breath and droped to the ground. Itachi turned around quickly, into the eyes of a high level Tsukyomi. Images of Sakura being slaughtered flooded his mind. He watched as the child was ripped from her womb and thrown onto the ground in a bloody mess. Itachi froze and stared ahead, waking up when an impossible pain clouded his mind.. Madara's katana protruded from Itachi's chest, blood flowing from the wound heavily. Itachi looked over to see Madara walking toward him slowly. Madara charged at the wounded Itachi and pushed him into the flames. Crows shot up from the flames. Madara cursed as he watched Itachi make his escape, dashing through the trees and disappearing. Itachi ran until he couldn't take the pain anymore. He had performed a substitution when Madara looked up to the sky hoping to find Deidara. Itachi collapsed after an hour. Grunting, he closed his eyes, passing out. He woke up when Deidara returned.
End flashback…
“That diversion worked, un, but you got hurt, un.”
Itachi nodded. Madara was strong, but he had managed to get away. Itachi slowly took off the cloak and assessed his wound. A 4 ft Katana sat lodged in his chest. Pulling it out would be a challenging task. Itachi grunted as he positioned both his hands on the base of the katana. He slowly started pulling it out, gasping and throwing his head back in pain. He moaned lightly and wiped the blood that was flowing out his mouth. Deidara looked over in horror.
“What are you doing, un? You're going to kill yourself, un. We're about 5 hours from Konoha, un.”
Itachi looked up at the sky. He saw birds of all colors fly by, and the sun changed from bright yellow to a dull orange.
“There are a lot of birds in the sky. Lots of different colors.”he mumbled.
Deidara glanced at him again. Not good. He was delusional now.
“Damnit, un. Blood loss…”
Itachi looked over at him a gasped as another wave of pain hit him. He swayed, but steadied himself. He took his hands and yanked at the katana, ripping it out of his chest. His blood overflowed and spilled off the bird. Itachi sat still for a moment, a look of shock on his face. The pain that followed slammed into him like a thousand pounds of steel. He made an odd gurgling noise, and fell back, motionless. Deidara's mouth dropped at Itachi's choice of `medical action'. He quickly found a spot to land and dropped, moving quickly to the motionless Itachi. He checked his pulse. It was uneven. Damn. He jumped of the bird with Itachi in hand, and propped him up against a tree, so he wouldn't drown in his blood. Taking a kunai, he slit down Itachi's mesh shirt, ripping it off. Taking out some bandages, he tightly wrapped them around Itachi's chest. Itachi grunted and opened his eyes. Deidara glared at him.
“Idiot, un. What the hell were you thinking, un!?”
Itachi turned his head and vomited a cup's worth of blood. He motioned weekly toward the katana on the ground. Deidara examined it and grunted. It was poisoned. Itachi gasped and clutched his chest, hunching over in agony. Deidara dropped the kunai in defeat.
“S**t.”he mumbled.
Helping Itachi up, the two jumped back on top of the bird. Itachi put the cloak back on, shivering slightly. Feeling his head, he could tell he had a high fever. Thunder rolled in the distance, as they took off again, towards Konoha.
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Sakura woke up, a few hours later. She glanced at the clock in her room. It was late. She must have fallen asleep after sobbing her guts out. She looked over and saw two bowls of steaming on her plate. Compliments of Naruto, she figured. Sakura's stomach growled, and she picked up one of the bowls with the chopsticks and dug in, finishing it quickly. Normally, Sakura would be full with half the bowl, but lately, her appetite tripled no thanks to pregnancy. She finished the other one and sat on her bed, glancing at the ever still Anbu standing across from her. She sighed and closed her eyes, falling back on her pillows. She was so tired…and before she could fight the sleep, it overtook her. Inner Sakura smiled. She slowly slipped out of the barriers of Sakura's mind. Standing up, she stretched. Walking, she prepared herself to go through the wall, only to slam into it. The Anbu turned in her direction, and turned back around.
“You heard something?”
“Yeah, but there's no one else in here so…”
Inner Sakura smiled. Concentrating, she slid her hand threw the wall, and took it back out. She could be transparent on will. Good. She ran through the wall and threw Konoha. She dashed as fast as she could. If she didn't hurry, the Anbu would get suspicious of Sakura's deep sleep. Thunder flashed and rain poured heavily. She followed her instincts for about 2 hours. Finally, she saw what she was looking for. Her sweet Itachi. Walking up to him, she gasped at his pale form. He was hurt. Looking over, she saw Deidara in a light sleep. She caressed Itachi's cheek, and gasped when her stirred. He could feel her? His eyes opened slightly, and he moaned.
“Itachi-kun…can you hear me?”
Itachi froze and glanced around. He heard a voice, similar to his angel's, but a bit more husky and rough.
“I'm Sakura's inner body. I'm able to leave her mind when she is unconscious. I need you to listen up, ok.”
Itachi nodded. His hands reached up weakly and felt around for her body. He touched something solid but smooth. Slowly, he trailed his hands down her body. Inner Sakura smiled, and brought her hands to his face, planting her lips on his cold ones.
“Are you sick?”
He nodded weakly again. Inner Sakura quickly got up and walked over to Deidara. She touched him and he sat up quickly. She explained herself again. Deidara and Itachi listened closely. She explained Sakura's situation, and they both sighed glumly.
“I can see that Itachi-kun is in desperate need of medical attention. I have a plan that might work, but I need you two to work with me. I'm going to get you two into Konoha, and into Sakura's room. Here's how we'll do it.”
Time skip…
Itachi and Deidara nodded in unison. Inner Sakura hugged Itachi, and quickly ran back to the village. She ran back to Konoha, and re-entered Sakura's body. Sakura stirred and got up again.
`ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!!! I've got some news.'
`What now?'
Inner Sakura took this time to explain her abilities to Sakura, and told her about Itachi and the plan. Sakura hid her anticipation to avoid suspicion. Sakura looked at the Anbu, and they stared back, piercing eyes behind the mask.
`I need you to go to sleep in about an hour. Ok? Get some food in the meantime. Itachi and Deidara are worn out and need food.'
Sakura rose and grabbed some money from a draw, walking out; the Anbu close by. She stopped at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop. Walking under the sheet, she took a seat, ignoring the looks.
“Hi. Can I have 5 bowls of ramen. Two pork, two beef, and one miso.”she ordered.
“That's a lot Ms. Are you having a party?”
Sakura glared demonically. “Just do it.”
Old man ramen flinched and got to work. The Anbu looked at each other suspiciously. After Sakura got her order, she got up. When she got close to an ally, one of the Anbu took the food, and another pushed her up against the ally wall roughly.
“What are you up to?”
“I don't know what you're talking about…now get off me.”
`I don't think so. You've been acting weird from the moment you woke up, and now you're ordering all this food.”
“You forget that I've got an extra stomach to feed. Now let go of me!”she yelled.
The Anbu released her, and she took the food from the other one. She walked home quickly, ignoring her parents. Walking to her room, she sat on her bed and stared at the ramen. Listening quietly, she heard her parents go to their room. She heard the lights turn off and sighed, faking a yawn.
“I'll eat these tomorrow…”she mumbled, faking her sleepiness.
Walking down the stairs, she placed the ramen on the counter and returned to her room after brushing her teeth.
“Can you leave, I need to change.”
The Anbu stepped out quietly and stayed at the door. Sakura moved quickly, finding an oversize T-shirt and large sweats. Those were the only things that still fit her. Climbing into her bed, she performed a sleep jutsu that would knock her out for about an hour and 30 mins.
`Do what you need to do quickly.'
Sakura drifted off to sleep. The Anbu returned and checked if she was sleeping. Inner Sakura made her way out again. Walking up to the Anbu, she knocked them both out simultaneously. She dragged their bodies outside, laying them in the bathroom. Running outside, she ran into a cherry blossom garden. She picked a bunch of them off the trees. Dashing, she appeared at the gates of Konoha. Jumping as far as she could into the air, she released the blossoms. It appeared to be raining cherry blossoms. Deidara looked up at the sky. The signal. Grabbing Itachi, the bird disappeared and he quietly snuck into the village while the guards were occupied. Inner Sakura tied a red ribbon in her hair and appeared in front of Deidara. She was invisible, but he could see the bright ribbon flapping in the wind. He followed her to Sakura's house, sneaking inside. They quickly snuck up to Sakura's room, where Sakura was asleep. Inner Sakura smiled and took off the ribbon. She crawled on the bed and reentered Sakura's mind.
`OI!!! Wake up!!! WAKE UP!!!!!'
`Just a few more minutes…'
`CHICK!!! They're here, the plan worked.'
`Oh…that's great.'
`IT WORKED!!!!!!!??????'
Sakura stirred in her sleep. Suddenly, she sat up quickly and glanced around the room.
Her eyes met with Itachi's, and everything around the two froze. Sakura ran out of bed and into Itachi's arms. He hugged her close to him and she cried clutching to him in desperation.
“I love you to, my kunoichi.”
And with that, Itachi's fever took over him, and he collapsed motionless into Sakura's arms.