Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'll be there ❯ Misunderstandings ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I'm sooooooo sorry, I haven't updated in such a long time but it's hard with school and everything. I envy those people who update fast unlike me. Hope u like this chapter and thanks to anyone who reviewed.


Chapter 4: Misunderstandings


"So, Sakura what did you want to talk about?


"Well…." Sakura hesitated, wondering once again whether she should ask him or not.


"Is there something wrong?" Kakashi questioned, narrowing his eyes slightly.


"Kakashi-sensei, I was wondering if you had a hunch about who it is that murdered my parents," She said straightforwardly. She knew he wasn't going to tell her but it was better than not trying at all. She had to know who murdered her parents; she owed them at least that much.


" Right now it's too early to say anything but we might be able to know something by next week or later," Kakashi replied, his face rid of any emotions that might give a hint that he was lying. He was usually a very straightforward person but with Sakura, he didn't think she was ready to handle the truth yet. It wasn't that he thought that she wasn't strong enough but if he told her that Orichimaru murdered her parents because of Sasuke, she wouldn't blame him. Instead she would just blame herself for ever thinking about Sasuke like that. He knew her feelings for Sasuke still lingered strongly but she just hid them well now. He didn't think that she would ever stop loving him, no matter how hurt she got in the process.

But I really hope that someday she would get over him and find someone who deserved her undying love. Kakashi hoped. It wasn't that he thought that Sasuke didn't deserve her but he was just too stupid to acknowledge her. Sasuke knew she loved him with all her heart but instead of valuing it he chose to see it as a hindrance in his way of revenge. Truthfully, Sasuke was just letting Itachi control his life.


"Oh," Sakura sighed somewhat disappointed. Somehow she was glad that he didn't tell. Maybe it was because she was scared to know the answer. Scared to know whom the murderer was. Scared that maybe her suspicions were correct, that Orichimaru was the murderer but that just didn't make sense. What would Orichimaru want with her parents? They didn't have a special bloodline nor did Orichimaru have a grudge against them. So, she just discarded that thought but there was still a lingering feeling that it had something to do with Orichimaru.

Sakura ignored those thoughts.


"Is there something else you still want to talk about?"


"No, that was it."


"Well than I'm going over to the bookstore to buy the new volume of Come Come Paradise. Wanna come along?'


"Sure but don't you ever get sick of that perverted book?"




Sakura sweatdropped, no matter what situation they were in, Kakashi-sensei still managed to read that perverted book.



Punch. Kick. Duck. Side kick. Dodge. Kick. Punch. Kick. Duck. Side kick. Dodge. Kick. Punch. Duck.


Right now both Neji and Sasuke were in a heated sparring match. Both trying to out do each other but niether could since both of them were too evenly matched. Neji ducked, as Sasuke was about to kick his face and slammed his fist in Sasuke stomach. Sasuke a little surprised by this staggered back slightly but didn't let that stop him from punching Neji's face.


Sasuke noticed that Neji was slow on his guard took a kunai out and stabbed it in Neji's stomach causing Neji to double over in pain. Considering that he was sick didn't help his situation either. Neji not one to give up a fight charged forward at Sasuke and elbowed him in the stomach, than taking a kunai out stabbed him in the arm.


Both of them drew back panting heavily. Both of them were bleeding and bruised in several places and their clothes were torn as well. Sasuke and Neji glared at each other. Sasuke walked closer to Neji and stopped when he was a couple of centimeters away from him.


"Don't you dare come near Sakura," Sasuke hissed venomously, his eyes flashed angrily. Okay, What the hell was wrong him? He didn't care if Neji was near her, he didn't care if he kissed her and he definitely didn't care if she loved and kissed him back. But than why the hell was he getting pissed just thinking about it.


Stop thinking that way, idiot. You claim that you don't love her than stick to that claim. Don't go acting like a stupid jealous freak over some stupid pink-hair girl, just because some stupid long hair Hyuuga walked in on her when she was taking a shower. Hey, are you listening to me you black-haired freak. Sasuke's inner voice yelled. But right now Sasuke's mouth was listening to his heart rather than his mind.


"Jealous are we now, Uchiha?" Neji smirked slightly. Somehow he just knew that the fight was over Sakura.

Hey, you weren't supposed to say that, you dolt. You were supposed to say, "I don't give a damn about that girl". His inner voice yelled as well. But chose to Neji ignored it.


"Shut up," Sasuke lashed out and left Neji alone, trying to refrain himself from ripping the Hyuuga's mouth off. Something was definitely very wrong with him and he was going to do whatever he could to fix it. He never really cared if some guy was near Sakura before but he didn't know why he did now. Maybe it was because now she didn't ask him out on dates, call him Sasuke-kun or pay that much attention to him anymore. She didn't even ignore Lee's flirtatious attempts on her anymore; instead she would actually smile and laugh with him. It was true that he was jealous of Neji, Lee and any other guy who took her attention but that didn't mean her loved her.


Neji sighed tiredly. He just didn't get Uchiha, he claimed that he didn't care about Sakura and only wanted revenge on his brother. You are probably wondering how he knew this, well after the chunnin exam Naruto and him actually became friends and one day he told him all about Uchiha. If you asked him, Sasuke was just throwing his whole life away trying to get revenge.

Back to the subject, If he didn't care about Sakura than why the hell was he threatening him, just because he walked in on her when she was taking a shower.


"I better head home," Neji said to himself as dark clouds started to form above. Sometimes he wondered how he would have dealt with having all his clan murdered if he was in Sasuke's place.

But I guess it was his destiny to have his clan murdered by his own brother like it was my destiny to be a member of the branch family. Neji contemplated. He no longer held a grudge against his uncle but the bitterness of not being able to be free still remained like the fresh stench of blood during wars and battles. He shook his head slightly trying to forget about his problems and started heading towards the direction of Sakura's house.


He finally reached his current residence and entered the house. He took off his shoes and placed them on the shoe rack next to Sasuke's which was the only pair of shoes there. It seemed like no one was home except Sasuke, who was probably brooding in his room. Not having Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto at home was a good thing because than he wouldn't have to explain his injuries to them not that he was going to tell them even if they asked. He quickly went upstairs to the room he was currently occupying.


Neji suddenly felt a sharp stab of pain pierce through his stomach. He had completely forgotten about that wound he had received when Sasuke stabbed him with his kunai. And at that exact same moment Sakura and Kakashi chose to enter the house.


"We're home," Sakura yelled.


"Seems like only Sasuke and Neji are home. Hope they didn't kill each other." Kakashi commented. He could tell that Sasuke and Neji didn't like each other.


"I guess you are right. I'll just go to my room to put away the new kunais that I bought." Sakura said. She went upstairs and entered her room. She gasped as she saw Neji sitting on the bed with blood oozing out of his abdomen.


"Oh my god, Neji-san what happened?'


"Nothing," Neji quickly turned away not wanting her to look at the wound.


"Can I please have a look at it?"




"I'm serious. You know I'm a medic-nin so I can make the healing process faster. And any ways you would have to go to the doctor's if you aren't comfortable with me checking it." Sakura explained worried about her roommate. Who did this to him was what she was wondering about.




"What?!" she said surprised. She didn't think he would give in that easily.


"Are you deaf? I said you could check the wound. And any ways aren't you still mad at me for walking in on you this morning." Neji grumbled. Something about the girl annoyed the hell out of him; maybe it was that he couldn't act like a cold-hearted bastard around her.


"Not really, it was partially my fault for not locking the door. And well I wanted to apologize to you for hitting you with a shampoo bottle." Sakura apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.


"It's okay and I'm…sorry too," Neji apologized as well, with a hint of hesitation. He wasn't used to apologizing to people.


"Oh, don't mention it. Let's check your wound now shall we." She quickly brushed aside his apology and moved onto the harder part, checking his wound, which meant he would have to take his shirt off.


"Can you please take off your shirt?" She asked meekly.


"Okay." He said like it was no big deal and took of his shirt. Sakura felt her face blush up to twenty different shades of red, as she found her eyes travelling up to his well-toned torso. He wasn't bulky, niether was he too skinny, he was just perfect. But the bloody wound on his pale abdomen stood out like a black spot on a white sheet. Sakura hoped Neji didn't notice how red her face was and quickly got up from the bed.


"I'll get some water to clean your wounds and some bandages and alcohol," Sakura said blushing, facing Neji.


Not noticing Neji's shirt on the wooden floor she stepped on it. She was about to fall backwards when Neji grabbed her wrist, his bleeding wound completely forgotten. But then Neji started to feel dizzy because of the blood loss and fever, which caused his grip to loosen on Sakura wrist. This was all it took for Sakura to fall down and Neji to fall on top of her.


"Oohh," Sakura moaned in pain. But when she realized that Neji's lips were only a couple of millimeter away from hers, she completely forgot about the pain. She could feel his hot breath on her face, causing her to blush more than she already was.


Leave it to me to get stuck in the most awkward positions. Sakura cursed mentally.


"Are you alright?" Neji whispered, concerned about his female companion who was currently underneath him, her face cherry red. Maybe she was catching his sickness.


"Y-Y-Yeah," She stammered because of the closeness between them.



Sasuke looked at his bleeding arm. That damned Hyuuga really did a number on him. Maybe he could ask Sakura for some bandages and some medicine. After all she was a medic-nin. Suddenly he heard moaning noises from Sakura's room. He left his room to see if she was alright and by chance get some bandages as well. He opened the door that led to Sakura's room.


"Hey, Sakura are you -" Sasuke couldn't finish what he was saying as he saw Sakura and Neji lying on top of each other. Did he mention on TOP OF EACHOTHER. All he could do was gape at them with his eyes widened.


How could she do this to me? After all those years she claimed she loved me. This was all that ran through his mind.




A/N: Hope you liked this chapter. I tried to make it a little longer because I'm not sure if I will be able to update for a while since I'm going to Pakistan. But I will try to update none the less.

I know my story isn't great especially the fighting scenes but I'm working on it. Please review and constructive criticism is always welcome. Ja'ne.