Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Sick to DEATH ❯ "I Can't BELIEVE This!" ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

9-23-04 :


It's been a little over two weeks, forgive me- the latest Hurricane, Jeanne, decided to rip through my state causing serious disasters everywhere. Power has been out. And school has been cancelled on Monday AND Tuesday. All that means is that I have more days till summer, or my weeks where I am stressed the most will be more stressful with less breaks. huge mental sigh

Anyway, about this story:

I'm realizing that my Sakura and the Sakura from the anime are actually very similar ( a good thing in most cases). I think I started to figure this out when my mother proofread this chapter and the one before and said, "Gosh, she sounds a lot like you, Elizabeth." I have to agree. I think somewhere deep inside I had already used myself for a model. This will be a new level of writing for me. Of all the characters in anything and everything, Sakura really fits me best- that's why I had to smile when my mother made that comment.

Also: I am really starting to think about the plot of this story. Of course, our beloved Heroine will have to face some difficulties resulting from the inability to study, new friends and her new school, which is almost nothing like what she thought it would be, other then the workload. And of course, there's the little romance between Sakura and Naruto.

Since this is AU, my descriptions will have to be as accurate as possible, for those fans of mine who are just reading this (even if they haven't seen the anime) and don't understand that Sakura is a girl and Naruto is a guy, without me telling them. (And for those fans I give a special holler too, your truly great) This means that everything I say will be an interpretation of how I would describe what I see from the anime/manga.

BTW: Visit Naruto fan . com for ultimate Naruto pleasure!

But I think I will be in this one for the long haul. I really want to continue working on "When We Went Rogue," but I'm so disappointed by the fact that for the last two chapters I've gotten a total of 6 reviews... So if you've ever heard of Inuyasha (if you haven't, you need too) I implore you to read it. I've figured out that as of late, Takahashi-sama is creating an ending that has to do with Midoriko, and Kagome and Kikyo sharing her soul. It kind've urks me because my story has to do with something like that. (MAKES ME SO MAD)


I've fixed the errors, as far as Sakura's inner demon (cough) thoughts go. From now on, the will look like this:


I'm really sorry about the mistakes from earlier. As far as the problem when I transferred it from my computer to my mothers... I'm really sorry. I'll do what I can, but my parents don't really like it when I use the computer. As soon as I get internet in my room (sometime soon I think...) I will be able to post the chapter hot from the press when and how I want to. So there!

Here's the revised:

Chapter Two: "I Can't BELIEVE this!!!"

That man had presence. Sakura could tell this much, even with distance. In all the pictures she had seen advertising the school, he was the only thing that was not properly photographed. He was always standing in the shadows, or you could never see his face because of a trick of light. She had wanted so badly to be able to see his face when she had first gotten the pamphlet back at "home." He seemed to have that aura of superiority, which also radiated from the school he presided over. She knew, that if she met this man, and became his student, her life would be perfect. But even still- there was something infinitely disappointing about the "Headmaster" in person...


She didn't spare UZUMAKI NARUTO a glance as she swept down in her finest bow ever. And much like everything else she had wasted her time learning (The school map, her ID, the names of all the teachers and what they taught, the cafeteria ladies names, etc) she had purposely practiced until her knowledge and presentation was down pat. Needless to say, it was perfect. She couldn't remember how many nights she had been up, perfecting her style. She had gone through many different forms of bowing, and even went as far as to categorize and graph the responses from various people, and finally settled on the elegant (yet very cute) bow where-

As she bent at the waist her long pink hair slipped over her shoulders and spread like a curtain around her face. Her dark red ribbon, the color of blood, was clearly shown as she rose up to a normal standing position and a soft, yet stunning, smile spread across her pale cheeks.

"Headmaster Hokage, my name is Sakura Haruna. I am your new exchange student from Okinawa, Japan." and she bowed again, this time making it swifter then the other. It was not good to be repetitive, that meant you were dull and boring.

She tensed, possibly because the boy next to her tensed at the approach of the Hokage, and eagerly looked forward. She watched as the hem of a white robe became visible. As she watched a man clad in white robes walked out of the darkness. Her eyes trailed up his figure (((she's not checking him out or anything. Think of her meeting an Idol or her role model. Everything that person does is scrutinized. KEEP THIS IN MIND, ))). Beside her, she felt the boy tense even further, and she gave him a hasty glance. He seemed to be fearfully watching the spot where the Hokage was walking. His jaw was clenched, and for the first time she noticed that he had several stray hairs sticking out all over his face, most likely due to the lack of proper shaving equipment, or the inability to do so properly. She shook her head and turned back to the Hokage.

Just as he was stepping out from the shadows the sound of her own heart beat and mental parade had her focus dimming, and she missed the momentous moment when the face of the HOKAGE was revealed to her.


"I see you've met our new student, Naruto." he said, his voice soft, yet commanding, rasping, but not callous, and completely ignoring her. His face was old, and surprisingly dark toned. He swept off his wide head piece and bowed to Sakura. She nearly fell of her feet. The man she had seen in the pictures was tall and had strong, thick shoulders. This man-

"You are the Hokage, sir???" She asked as politely as possible, trying not to stare at the huge white tufts of hair growing on either side of his ears. It didn't help her either to see that it was just his robes that made him look like he had a broad chest. She fell to her knees and wept- the Hokage of her dreams (rather... the disappointment of her nightmares...) was actually a scrawny old man- and was probably a LECHEROUS old man to boot!

Sakura, still standing, put on her best mask to hide her disappointment. so far everything about the school was beginning to be a let down- wasn't this the best school in the nation? Didn't the pamphlet say that it was one of the top schools in the WORLD- Better then any IVY league college and everything. What was this school doing with a vandalized building, and a student running loose? What???

"Yes," smiled the old man. It was a welcoming smile, a gentle one, and a sincere one. Beneath herself she felt her barriers sliding out from under her. Part of her was glad- glad that the Hokage wasn't a strict dictator. Who appeared to be kindly willed- but on the other hand- she had been fully prepared to take apart the school and be the one standing on top- admired for all and everything because she had pushed and pushed until she had risen above all the other superior students. With her knew found fans and admirers, a sense of supreme satisfaction at becoming the most intelligent student (and eventually world ruler) there ever was would fill her. She would be remembered as the girl who CONQUERED the Hokage in wits and physique and the best student Osaka High school had ever seen. She would do all this- but before her very eyes, the supposed glory of the so-called- "Osaka High school," began to disappear.

"You seem to be late, Sakura Haruna, why are you not in class?" He asked, his eyes flashing good humor. She smiled as well, and speaking in her most polite voice said, "yes. I was already late for class when, on my way to the office, I ran into,"She looked over at Naruto and stressed, "ran into" explicitly for his ears only, and then turned back to address the Hokage, "Naruto-kun." she smiled. (She does a lot of smiling... )

"Ah, I see, and Naruto, where were you headed?" He asked, expectantly. Naruto looked to the floor. Sakura spoke up in his place-

"Naruto-kun was taking me to the office..."


"He was very kind when I asked him for the directions and..."

( 'HEranintoME , DAMN IT!' )

'Why do I feel like I have to defend this person?' she wondered, still speaking.

"We were hurrying because he too was late." she finished, beside her she could feel the boys surprise.


The Hokage smiled broadly and gave a hearty laugh, "I see. So Naruto, you were late again, were you?" Naruto was looking at the floor, and lightly scratching his head. Sakura didn't have to look at him- from behind them came a crash and the sound of a struggle. She ached to turn and see what it was, but resisted the urge long enough for-

Suddenly the object of noise from behind her made it's entrance and a tall, lanky man came sliding around the corner. She turned slowly, "surprised"- so far everything about the school was beginning to be a let down- wasn't this the best school in the nation? What in the world were teachers and students, and the HOKAGE, doing walking around in the halls after morning bell?

AND just WHY did she suddenly LIE! She had MEMORIZED the map- she knew where the office was!!! She didn't need this FOOLS help find the OFFICE!

( 'HELL NO!' )

"NARUTO!" cried the newly arrived man, who was already being searched for in Sakura's mental catalogue of the Osaka High school staff. She looked over at the boy next to her, who was trying his best not to laugh and who was no longer scratching his head, and wondered exactly how he had gone from looking sick to "trying his best not to laugh."

She felt a sudden weight placed on her shoulder which had her turning to see the Hokage step between her and Naruto, an adorably welcoming smile spreading across his face. His small, withered hands resembled that of a mummies sun-dried claws. It seemed irrationally funny that he was only a half of a foot taller then her, but still seemed to tower over her. Maybe he wasn't such a let down after all.

( 'I'LL GROW!!!' )

"I'd like for you to meet our new exchange student, Sakura Haruna."

Another swift but brilliant bow. One of her best.

She studied him. He had dark brown hair which was an uneven length, another let down about the schools high standards. He had dark brown eyes that were wide and, at the moment, angry. Across his nose there was a horizontal scar that stretched about three inches. It was a dark brown, probably because of continued exsposure to the sun. He wore a normal attire. (((PLEASE, enough descriptions for two chapters! I can't think about clothing right now, sometimes later I'll come back and fix that up too, alright?! OKAY ))). He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't attractive either. His face was broad, but not wide enough to make his eyes fish-like but there was definitely the quality of a face that had been stretched horizontally. If he wasn't a teacher, he would most likely be a bomb shell (really attractive), as well as 20 years younger.

"My pleasure, Miss Haruna, my name is-" he said quickly but was interrupted as Sakura filled in for him, "Iruka, sir. I do believe you teach English on the second floor, room 3-002, correct?" Iruka stared. The Hokage had a simple smile on his face, and was currently unreadable and Naruto- he looked like he had swallowed a bucket of slugs and was positively green. "Which is placed in the unusual location outside of the English block, am I correct?" She knew this from studying the map as well as her schedule.

The school was set up strategically- and that was always good. The English teachers were set in a block, called block "3." There were a good number of teachers for each subject. They were evenly placed around in they're own blocks as follows:

Math- Block "1"

Science- Block "2"

English- Block "3"

History- Block "4"

Languages- Block "5"

Society Studies- Block "6"

And each block carried the subjects for all four years of high school. In between blocks there were other sets of things, mostly electives. That too was placed conveniently- where the English Block, "3" was placed near the music and Art electives. While the math and science blocks, "1" and "2", were placed near computer and technology classes. There was an infinite number of electives. With two floors- the blocks existed on both floors like a system of lego's. (I'm trying my hardest- this is about all your going to get- any questions, Email me, )

Iruka smiled and nodded once, still semi out of breath, but not because he was out of shape, "I see that our new exchange student is quite the young lady- It truly is a pleasure to meet a student who knows how to behave, unlike the few stragglers that we may have here and there..." he said, turning to stare at Naruto, who was looking at the wall, his arms crossed and his face I a deep pout/frown (((yet he still looks sick- keep that in mind . Just think of it as a face with his cheeks blown out. Hehe- Like Jiraya))) across his face.

Sakura spared him the smallest of glances, and looked back up into "Iruka-Sensei's" face saying, "I read the report you wrote on student life here on campus." this sparked a quick quirk of his eyebrow, "I thoroughly agree with your proposal to create living facilities here. It would help create a wonderful standard for living that would be looked upon positively from the outside world. It would also serve as a great repose from the constant requirement of bussing students back and forth, which does look tacky..."They were staring at her with a peculiar, yet pleasantly surprised expression on they're faces (Naruto is obviously dumb founded), "but with the dorms there would undoubtedly be an increase in the use of many key facilities such as the Library and pool..." She smiled, noticing that Iruka looked like he was enjoying the covnersation ( 'AND THE FACT THAT I'M JUST SO AWESOME CAUSE I KNOW HOW TO KISS AS-' ), pausing and concluded with, "but I do believe that we can discuss this after class today, since you will be my last class for today, I would truly enjoy the chance to have a discussion with you on this matter... "

"Yes, indeed we will." His eyes were stern. She knew it was not because of her. He had to be one of many pursuers of the Naruto next to her. His smile was pinched and his chest still rose with lack of oxygen and continued running. She wouldn't be surprised if he- "Speaking of which- miss Haruna- shouldn't you be off to your next class?" Iruka replied smoothly.

And she wasn't surprised.

"Yes, I will be off then." She said, bowing again. Another thing she had studied continuously was background and stature. Iruka-sensei was divorced, with a psycho wife who had miraculously gotten custody of the children. There was more to the story- but right now-

"You will be able to find your way towards the office, won't you?" askd the Hokage, the smallest of smiles on his old face.

( 'GREMLIN!' )

"Yes, sir. I will be fine." She turned to him, bowing deeply, and bid him goodbye. She turned to Iruka-sensei as well, and bowed deeply as well. She hadn't forgotten her manners, nor that she had just lied, and that the Hokage probably knew it too, and turned and bowed to Naruto.

"Thank you for assisting me earlier, Naruto-kun. I..." She began her bow. This time it felt different, almost as if-

As she came up, they're eyes caught and she was greeted with crystal blue eyes that were so bright she was blinded. It was the first time her bow wasn't perfect. She forgot to stand straight and relax only at the second minute and her balance dropped below the belt and she came up, flustered, a red tint (from what you may wonder? It's really up for interpretation so...) flowing across her cheeks.

'ACK! What do THOSE eyes mean???' She wondered, obviously flushed.

"I hope to see you again in class sometime soon." and she turned away, embarrassed for what seemed like no outward reason. She was bothered- extremely bothered by those eyes. And as she walked away she tuned her ears for any words spoken to her retreating figure. She was stumped. And here she believed herself to be an excellent judge of character- and it was her belief that the eyes were the gateway to the soul.

As she turned the corner , she turned slightly and looked over at the three. The Hokage had his hand on Naruto's shoulder, and Naruto was looking down. As if he sensed her gaze, he looked up, and once again they're eyes caught. She continued walking and passed the corner. Slowly she stopped and turned. It was the hallway lined with trophies incased in glass, behind another glass mirror.

'Those eyes,' she wondered, 'they aren't like any others I have seen. Those eyes are infinitely different. What does it mean when eyes are sad like that? Those eyes... Maybe he is just another dull person... maybe. He was running, after all . I bet he was the student who vandalized the wall outside. That means he is probably nothing but a miscreant. He probably does things like this all the time, for attention, and gets punished severely. ( 'HE GETS WHAT'S COMING TO HIM!!!' ) Maybe that was why his eyes stunned me so...'

The image of the girl standing in front of the glass showed a girl with misty green eyes. She slowly bowed her head as if in prayer, then looked into her reflection to her right. She peeked out from beneath her long pink bangs. She faced it full on, and lifting one slender hand, lifted the bangs up and out of her face.

'What right do I have to judge anyway?...' She thought. For once, her mask was off and her true expression was revealed. She didn't understand this about herself. Why would she possibly have to fear this about herself? She couldn't remember what it was that made her eyes so sad- but they too, were filled with pain and a never ending sadness that seemed to overwhelm her face.

It was hazy- she couldn't remember much- Even now she didn't care to think about why her eyes were sad. It was a part of herself. Maybe that was why she had never seen the need to take physiology classes. It was the sorrow in herself, her demons, that she didn't want to face.

Acknowledging this- she peered at her visage- filled with an emotion that she couldn't place and stared into her eyes. She didn't even hear the shouts when the boy was being reprimanded, but she could see his eyes. They were her eyes. They were the same.

'My eyes are sorrowful too...'


So there you have it. She met Naruto. He's kind've a jerk at first, calling her a stupid girl and all, but he will get over it soon.


Sakura gets to meet two new characters from the anime, a load of fun if you ask me.

Stay TUNED for Chapter THREE: Discouraged and disgruntled: "You've GOT to be KIDDING ME!"