Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kakashi Cronicles ❯ Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: Untitled (KakashiXAnkoXGai w/ a hint of Orochimaru)

"HEY BARTENDER!!! MORE LIQUOR!!! HAHAHAHAAAA", said a drunken woman.

She was in her early 20s, dark gray-blueish hair. She wore a long white overcoat, fishnets, and a mini-skirt. Her face was bright red, and her eyes were squinted.

"Ya' kno sumthin? I wasn't always like dis.."

It was the same story...the moment that changed her life. Of course
the bartender knew this story only about a hundred times! Suddenly
Kakashi walked into the bar...

"You need to stop drinking so much, Anko." He said in a calm and kool voice.

"Eh?? AH! KAKASHI~! You're just in time!" She slaps her hand onto the
bar. "Bartender! Give us a shot of that Imported Vodka!"

At those words Kakashi looked at the Bartender, and nodded his head.
Kakashi knew Anko would never leave unless he had a drink with her, so
he came up with a trick. The Bartender would give Anko a shot of Vodka, while Kakashi's glass would be water. It was the signal that it was time Anko to go home.

"Bottoms up!" Kakashi said, with a grin on his face.

They both take their shots, and Anko almost immediately passes out. At that Kakashi picks her up and carries her on his back. Just as he begins to step out the door...

"Errhem.." The bartender waves his hands as in 'she still hasn't paid yet'.

"Ara~! Um...put it on my tab?" Kakashi says in his usual kool voice.

The bartender sighs, and just nods his head. Kakashi says his thank yous, and walks out to Anko's apartment. On the way, while carrying Anko, she begins to snore a little and mumble words.

"'m sorry..ZZz..Kakashi-kun.."

They had made it to Anko's place, and as he opened her door, bottles of sake and beer fell over. It was a big mess, bottles all over the floor, boxes of sake all unorganized, weapons all over tables, and wrappers of snacks/sweets all over. Kakashi navigated his way through the wasteland, and made it to her bed. He took off her coat and put it on a chair. As he laid her down unto the bed, he saw a picture frame faced down. He flipped the picture and smiled.

(Flashback - when they were all budding teenagers)

There were three young adolescents walking though the park; two guys and one girl. The first boy was slightly thin, but was ripped; he had Jet-black hair and thick eyebrows. He wore a green outfit with orange/yellowish bands around his fore arm, and calf legs. The girl who was fairly rounded, wore fishnets, a shirt, and mini-skirt. She had dark blue hair, that was tied up in the back, and had a big grin on her face. The last boy was the same size as the first, but was built more differently, not as thin/skinny, and average all around. He had shining silver hair that danced as the wind blew. Over his left eye he had a patch, because he had recently underwent some surgery recently. The boy in green ran out ahead a little and the girl followed just after, while the silver hair boy just walked silently.

"Hey! Anko! Wanna see this awesome new move I created myself??" said the boy in green.

"Really Gai?? You did it all by yourself?" Anko said.

"Yeah! It took months, but I finally mastered it! It's called Omote Renge (Primary Lotus). And then there's Ura Renge (Extreme Lotus)! Isn't that awesome!" He said this and did his pose, the teeth shining, and thumbs up (later to be known as "The Nice Guy Pose").

"That's so cool! Kakashi did you hear?" She said cheerfully and looked back to see him.

" Whatever." He replied, with a subtle tone and looked off to the side. In truth he was jealous of Gai. All Kakashi could do was imitate people and mimic their moves. He was jealous of Gai's power and strength.

"Haha! Kakashi! That attitude of yours is soo...soo...HIP!" Gai said.

"Someday you'll come up with your own move! For now I win!" It was a regular thing between these two, always competing for whoever is better. But most of all, they were competing to show off for Anko.

"Come on now, Gai. I'm sure Kakashi-kun will come up with a great move someday!" Anko replied. She liked both of them, in truth all three of them had been friends for a long time. Gai was always out there picking fights to show off his skill, while Kakashi was quiet and very smooth. "Anyway, lets get going! Orochimaru-sama said he wanted to show us something!"

SO trio made their way into the forest, where it started to become darker, and the trees towered over them. The came upon a small area where there was a circle of light. In the center of the light was a pale looking man, with long dark hair.

"Ahh! You three are late! Hmm? Kakashi? What happened to your eye?" said the pale man.

Kakashi just covered his patch with is hand, and stuttered, "It's..It's nothing. I had an infection, and it had to be treated." Of course it was lie, but man just smiled slightly and accepted it.

"Orochimaru-sama~! You look even paler than yesterday! Are you sure you're okay???" Anko said cheerfully.

"Hah! Anko, its just the way my skin is. You're looking good as usual."

Anko blushed slightly, because she had a big crush on Orochimaru, for being so smart and strong. She wished she could be as strong as him.

"AH! Orochimaru-sama! What is it that you wanted to show us today!

It's not another one of your 'pets' is it?!" Poor Gai said, as he gulped nervously.

"Ohoho!! Oh no, today I would like one of you to become my assistant!"

At those words Anko jumped up and gleefully said "Really!?"

Kakashi and Gai just looked confused, because of the way Orochimaru said "Assistant", he had a look in his eyes as if they were to be guinea pigs or something...

"So any volunteers?" He said very snake-like.

Of course Anko was already jumping up and down, waving her hand in the air. "Me~! Me~! Me~!"

"Hahahaha!!! It seems that Anko is the braver of the two of you! Okay! Anko you will come back here tomorrow for special training for the next couple of months. Here I want you to have this." Orochimaru gave her a tooth necklace. It was the tooth of a big snake, it was almost he size of your finger. Anko gave a big smile and began looking at it.

"Its really pretty. Thank you Orochimaru-sama!"

Kakashi and Gai had a very bad feeling about this. They wanted to ask what Orochimaru was planning for, but they were also afraid of him. He would always work in the shadows, even for a ninja. At that very moment, the two boys wouldn't see Anko for a long time...

(End of Flashback)

A flock of birds had just flown past the window. It was the same sound as his special move, The Chidori. Just as Kakashi was pulling the blanket over Anko, he saw the Cursed Seal. That very seal that Sasuke has on his left shoulder. And he remembered that moment, when he and Gai were sent on an A rank mission...

(Flashback - Kakashi & Gai now in ANBU)

"You summoned us Hokage-sama?" said a more adolescent Kakashi.

Sarutobi had a look of alarm and worry on his face. He Was putting on his battle gear, as they came in.

"It's a state of emergency. I want you two to track Orochimaru and stop him in anyway." He said in a stern voice.

"Why is he a criminal all of a sudden, Hokage-sama?" asked Gai.

"He's been killing people and taking their bodies. For what reason I'm not too sure, but I intend to find out." Sarutobi said this, as he tightened his arm guards. "But what I do know, is that he's holding Anko hostage."

"WHAT!?" Both Gai and Kakashi's face expression changed.

"You're mission is to bring Anko back, and slow Orochimaru until I arrive. Go, and be careful. He's not alone"

"Yes sir." And they both left his office.

They had made their way to an underground lair, almost like a sewage Cistern. It was like a maze, corners turning left and right, the darkness all around, and the pungent smell of waste. Kakashi and Gai made way fast, until they reached a large area in the maze. A room almost 2 stories high. There were only 2 pathways, the one they had just come through, and one on the other side. There stood a pale looking boy, not much older than they were. About 18, maybe 19, he had short white hair, and a strange marking on his forehead.

"I can't let you pass." said the pale boy.

Kakashi and Gai bum rushed the boy, but then suddenly spikes came out of his body! They were his BONES!? They fought for a short while and neither Kakashi nor Gai could land a solid hit on him. Then Gai had an idea. He leaned over to Kakashi, and spoke to him.

"Kakashi, when I give the signal, you go."


"Only I can stop him. You have to go save Anko."

Kakashi looked at him and knew Gai had something up his sleeve. He nodded and got ready to move. Suddenly Gai disappeared and the pale boy was hit up into the air. Gai's speed increased dramatically and the pale boy was caught off guard.


Kakashi moved as quickly as he could just missing a few spikes that the pale boy threw while in mid-air. At that Kakashi disappeared into the dark hall.

"It's just you and me you freak! EAT THIS! OMOTE RENGE-!!!"

Just as Kakashi made his way down the dark tunnel the ground all around

shook as if a great earthquake had just hit. He looked back and thought to himself, "Gai..." He continued forward ran into a few traps that were no problem for him. Then he finally reached an area where there was a soft light. There he saw him face to face, Orochimaru. That pale face, and snake like eyes. In his left arms he carried a knocked out Anko.

"Orochimaru! What are you planning on doing to Anko! Why are you killing people senselessly!?" Kakashi barked out.

He simply replied, "Ohoho! It's good to see you too Kakashi-kun."

"ANSWER ME!" He threw shuriken at Orochimaru, but he caught them all with his right hand.

"I'm glad you were able to get past all my traps, and young Kimimaro. But you can't stop me. Even if you are ANBU. My plans? Well...they're just a SURPRISE!" He said those words like a mad man, his eyes were wide open and he licked his lips.

At those words Kakashi tried to attack Orochimaru with everything he had, but they were all thrown off like childs play. He wasn't powerful enough to beat Orochimaru, and Anko was going to die. Finally Kakashi tried to bum rush him, but he pulled a hidden sword and cut Kakashi's left eye. Kakashi backed off and was on one knee, covering his eye with his left hand, and his right hand hung to his side. He was almost out of chakra, and his body was exhausted. Blood was coming down his face.

"What's wrong, Kakashi-kun? Tired already? If you die, then maybe I'll STEAL your BODY? HAHAHAAA"

Kakashi began thinking to himself, he could hear the slow beat of his own heart, "Power... I need more power." Suddenly his right hand began to spark.

"Power to protect those that I care about.." The sparks began to gather.

"Power to save Anko..." Almost like lightening gathering to his palm, becoming solid. The sound was loud, almost like the beating of a thousand birds

"POWER TO STOP THIS BASTARD!!!" At that moment he opened his left eye to reveal IT! He got up and charged Orochimaru with inhuman speed!

"OROCHIMARU DIE!" Kakashi said in a rage.

In an instant Kakashi's arm was driven through Orochimaru's open chest, not hitting Anko. Orochimaru coughed blood, and simply smiled. Kakashi breathing hard, completely exhausted.

"So, the rumors are true. They gave you Sharingan!"

Kakashi gasped at those words, and looked right at him, eye to eye.

"You win this time. Take care of Anko for me. It's been fun..." And Orochimaru began to melt away, it was a clone. "...Kakashi-kun."

After that Kakashi caught Anko before she hit the ground, and laid her down. There was a mark on her left shoulder. An unfamiliar seal he had never seen before. She was twisting in pain, and all he could do was hold her hand. But soon he was going to pass out, completely exhausted and drained of chakra. He held her hand as long as he could, and began to pass out. in the distance he heard someone calling out to him faintly...

"Kakashi! Hey Kakashi! Hang On, Hokage and ANBU are coming..."

(End Of Flashback)

Kakashi tucked Anko in, and removed his mask and headband, revealing his face. He bend over and kissed Anko on the forehead, and then put the picture frame back up. He made his way out of the apartment without making a noise, and closed the door quietly. Gai was outside already waiting for him to go eat. It was a picture of Kakashi and Anko together years after the incident, and in the corner was a smaller picture of them as kids that time they went to see Orochimaru.

End Of Chapter 1.

Author's Note: Well first let me say its not easy for me to come up with titles, so sorry for this one being Untitled. Okay so maybe it isn’t that big of a Love Triangle. Originally I wanted to do something similar to Macross Plus with Guld/Isamu/Myung but it didn’t work out. I wanted to so an extended scene with Gai VS Kimimaro where when guy pulls off the Primary Lotus, and Kimimaro's bones are all broken, but then as Gai runs off to catch up with Kakashi, Kimimaro does a T1000
and pulls himself back to together. About the Kakashi and Sharingan thingy, I picked up some of the theories from people, and I guess I wanted to use some of it. If the part with his "Chidori" seems kinda weak, I’m sorry, it is kinda confusing. He's supposed to be thinking to himself then when he's fully charged up, he shouts "OROCHIMARU DIE!". About the flashbacks, sorry again if that is confusing too. Well sorry Ero-Senins, no hentai this story. I'll try to put some kind of lemony freshness in Chapter 2 though. Well hoped yall liked it! ~Hokuten