Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kakashi Cronicles ❯ Chapter 2: Crimson Eyes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: Crimson Eyes [KakashiXKurenai]

It was the end of summer, and the beginning of fall. Kurenai was sitting in the local cafe drinking some hot tea, when suddenly Kakashi appeared.

"Come join me for some tea, Kakashi?" said the crimson-eyed Jounin.

The Silver-haired Jounin stopped in his tracks and lifted his face from his Come Come Paradise Vol. 3.

"Hmm? Kurenai? Why are you here alone? Where's Asuma? He's usually here with you." He replied.

"He left early to play Shogi (Japanese Chess) with Shikamaru again." She said rather sadly.

Kakashi lost on his road of life, decided to sit down with her.

"Why do you mask your face all the time?" She said, after taking a sip from her cup.

Kakashi paused for a moment, then gleefully said, "...Ahh~! It's until I get married some day!" Then he began to scratch the back of his head.

At those words Kurenai tried not to laugh, and spit her tea out. She smiled lightly and deeply at him. "You are handsome, you know..."

He paused for second and saw Kurenai looking directly at him. "Kurenai... Why don't we go for a walk? While the sun is still out?"

She nodded her head, and they left the cafe. The two jounins made their way to a park where it was quiet and not many people were around. As they were walking, Kurenai asked Kakashi "that" question...

"Why did you bring me to Konoha?" asked the crimson-eyed Jounin.

Kakashi paused for a bit, then replied, "I don't know."

But in actuality he knew. He remembered the moment he was sent out on a rank B mission that nearly costed his life. They found a spot out in fields of Konoha, where the grass swayed in the wind, and sat themselves under a willow tree. Kakashi sat leaned up against the tree, while Kurenai sat on the side of him. She took his arm and put her head onto his shoulder.

"May I...see your face. Please?" She asked quietly.

Kakashi simply removed his headband and mask, revealing his scar and sharingan. He opened his eye and took breathed in the clean air, letting the wind blow through his silver hair. He looked down at Kurenai and saw that she was slightly blushing and smiling.

"Why do you always ask to see my face?" Kakashi question politely.

Kurenai closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder again. "Because, it's that same face that brought me back home."

At those words she took his hand and held onto it, and he simply gripped back.

"Do you remember the day we first met?" She sighed, and quietly dozed off.

Kakashi held onto her hand, and whispered, "I remember..."

[Flashback: xx Years ago...shortly after the Orochimaru Incident] -- Hokage's Office

"You summoned us Hokage-sama?"

There were 5 ANBU in his office today, most noticeably were Anko, Gekkou, Genma, Gai, and Kakashi.

"I've summon you for a special mission. 4 of you will go on a reconnaissance mission (gathering intelligence). Here are the details." Sarutobi handed to Gekkou a scroll.

Gekkou coughed, and spoke, "Excuse me, Hokage-sama. But there are 5 of us."

"Oh? So there are. Well then Anko, Genma, Gai, and you will be assigned. Dismissed."

Gai made a face at Kakashi as if to say "HAHA!! I've been chosen!", but Kakashi merely ignored him. The 4 ANBU put on their masks and left immediately, and just as Kakashi was about to leave...

"Kakashi. I need to speak with you."

"Yes sir." And he stepped back into the office.

"How are you feeling?" Hokage was refering to Kakashi's Sharingan eye, which was covered by a eye patch.

"The scar hurts now and then, but I have been training myself, and re-adjusting my flow of chakra." He replied.

Hokage sat down in his chair and took off his hat. "There is a separate mission I want to you to do. Alone."


Then he began to light his pipe and smoke. "Yuuhi Kurenai. Have you ever heard of this person?"

"No Sir."

Hokage blew a smoke cloud, and continued, "She ran away from Konoha at the age of 16, and went into missing for a couple years now. I want you to track her down, and bring her back. She should be about your age now, maybe a little younger."

"..." Kakashi was confused about this mission.

"Do you know why she ran away?" He paused. "It's because she has no one left here in Konoha. Since Kyuubi's attack, she lost off of her family."

"why me sir?"

Sarutobi got up from his chair and put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "I choose you because you are very empathic. You hide your emotions very well, but I know you."

Kakashi bowed his head in respect, and replied, "Yes sir."

"Here is the scroll to get you started." Hokage handed him a red scroll.

"Most noticeably, she has Crimson (Red) Eyes."

Kakashi was about to leave again...

"Kakashi. Be warned, SHE is a Survivalist and a Master of Genjutsu (Illusions). There's a reason why she hasn't been found yet."

Kakashi took note of Hokage's words and left the office.

[3 days into the hunt...] -- Somewhere out in the Country Of Grass

Kakashi thinking to himself, "Hmm. Last known sighting of her was in the Village of Grass."

He was already in a large area of grass fields and trees. It had seemed like he had been traveling endlessly for days. He made camp, and rested for the next day. The wind was pure and refreshing, also the landscape was absolutely beautiful. The next morning, he woke up and saw a small village up ahead. As he entered the village in a cloak, katana in hand. There were few people here, just small houses, and shops. He walked over to a supply shop and bought some rice, then asked the owner, if he saw anyone passing through this village recently.

"Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to know if anyone came through here recently?" He asked. "I'm looking for a woman."

The storeowner simply replied, "Sorry. No one's been here for weeks. In fact, your the first person we've seen in days!"

Kakashi paid for his small bag of rice, and left. As he was making his way out of town, he wasn't watching where he was going and then bumped headfirst into a woman. She had dark hair, and a light complexion (skin tone)...

"Oh! Excuse me." Said the woman, she was blushing slightly.

Kakashi fell on his back, and his eye patch snapped off. "Oh no, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm-"

He didn't move at first, and was completely blanked out. This woman was beautiful. Then he looked directly at her eyes...they were crimson...


The woman knew this tone of his voice and began to run away as quickly as she could. Kakashi got up and threw his cloak off.

"STOP! WAIT!" He shouted, as he was following her into the more wooded area.

Suddenly he had tripped a wire, and a pair of logs came flying down at him! Kakashi quickly dodged it, but then nearly stepped into a pit of spikes! He maneuvered over it, then suddenly wooden spikes came flying from all sides!? He jumped out of it, and reached treetop.

"My many traps. She lured me in here on purpose." At those words, Kakashi remembered what Hokage-sama told him. "I understand now, why you picked me Hokage-sama."

Kakashi then unleashed his Sharingan. He quickly scanned the area and made past over fifty well placed traps, when suddenly he made it to a opening of long grass. He stood in the middle of the clearing. The long grass was almost up to his waist. She was here, hiding somewhere ready to strike. Kakashi spoke out calmly, "Please, I'm not here to harm you. Hokage-sama just wishes you to come home."

Kurenai, hidden in the grass, drew her kunai. Kakashi was having trouble pinpointing her, the grass kept on shifting left and right. She was like a lion ready to pounce her prey. Then she struck! Kakashi saw her and subdued her as best as he could. He knocked the kunai out of her hand and held her down. She looked away for a moment, and Kakashi looked at her.

"You're really pretty you know that." He didn't know why he said that. Maybe because of her eyes, they were so alluring. Just as Kakashi finished saying that, he grabbed the hand that was about to stab him in the back. "And these tricks won't work on me."

The clone on the ground disappeared and Kakashi had Kurenai. She tried to use a sleep technique on him, but Kakashi merely countered it.

"I've never met anyone like you before. Strong...and handsome." Kurenai said.

Kakashi released her, and spoke, "Hokage-sama wants you to come home. He's given you a chance to become a teacher, and forget this life of running away."


"Aren't you tired of running away? You can't change the past. But you can live." He looked at her, and began to walk away. "If you want to continue running, then I won't pursue. But I am giving you the choice."

"..." She turned to look at the open grass plain, and the life that she would have running, alone, traveling without a purpose. Then she looked at this complete strange, an ANBU with the scarred red eye. The wind began to blow through her hair, and she pushed it back. Kurenai walked towards the ANBU and took his hand. "My name is Yuuhi Kurenai."

Kakashi gripped her hand back, turned to look at her, and replied, "Hatake Kakashi."

"You know, you’re the first to beat all my traps, and see through my illusions. I find you strangely attractive. Handsome too." She said as they were making their way back.

[End Of Flashback]

The two of them sat there arm in arm, hand in hand, as the sun set into the horizon, and the cool breeze of the wind blew against their warm skin.

"Kakashi..." She opened her beautiful crimson eyes, and watched the sunset.

Kakashi lowered his head to kiss her forehead, and replied, "I know... I know..."

End Of Chapter 2.

Author's Note: WHEW!!! Sheesh I think I did a rush job on this one. Iunno what I was thinking. Anywho, yea Kurenai is such a mysterious person, I guess I had to make up some stuff. So there you have it Kakashi X Kurenai!? Both have red eyes, well Kakashi only has one, but what the heck! lol I think I should've put in more "Illusions" but I got lazy. I think I'll probably be adding more to this/revise it later. Next up is Chapter 3, Kakashi X Shizune!? yay! Hopefully I can make this a drama/comedy. Ack! Sorry no Lemon yet... Oh god, I hope Chapter 4 doesn't end up a disaster... Anywho, hope yall liked this one. ~Hokuten