Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ The Man In The Shadows ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Naruto belongs to Mashashi Kishimoto, blah blah blah.. I forgot that in the first chapter, and I apologize.. It was probably 8:30 at night when I started to right that.. so there. Leave the poor Jackie alone. x3 Anyways, this one has cuddling between the two Uchiha siblings. Kawaii. :3 Hope you like it. Also, wanted to let you know its 7-year-old Sasuke and 14-year-old Itachi. ^^
"He's gone."
Mikoto dropped her spoon, making a metallic sound when it hit the bowl. She stood up, putting her hands on either side of Itachi's shoulders. Fugaku jumped up after her, standing next to the two.
"Itachi... Are you trying to fool your mother?" Mikoto asked. You could tell she was trying to be as calm as she could be. She kept herself from screaming, as sweatdrops fell down her face. They say it's a mother's instinct to freak out when someone says their child is gone.
"I went to the store, and he was never there. I searched for evidence on the path, if maybe he went into the woods, but I found nothing," Itachi said, looking at his mother, trying to hide the fact he felt worry sneaking into his state of mind. Itachi never cared for Mikoto or Fugaku; he thought they were weak, simply spoiling him. But there was always a soft spot for his little brother. He would hold his brother through the night if he was scared, which he did once.
Itachi snuggled up into his bed, exhausted. His day had been full of missions, and when he had gotten home, he had to do a ton of junk for his parents. He was ready to pass out, when he felt someone shaking him.
"Niisan.." Sasuke's voice rang in his head. Itachi opened one eye to see the younger sibling standing there, shivering. Sasuke twiddled his fingers, a look of fear and uneasiness plastered on his face. Itachi sighed and sat up.
"What's wrong, Sasuke?" Itachi asked. Sasuke whimpered and hopped onto Itachi's bed, and sat in front of his older brother. He paused, as if choking for the words, than he snook next to his brother.
"Niisan.. I had a bad dream.." Sasuke said, looking down, acting ashamed. Itachi blinked, than chuckled quietly. Sasuke looked up at his brother, looking a bit offended when Itachi laughed, but shrugged it off.
"Well, you know, it's better if you talk about it, than it goes away," Itachi said, patting Sasuke's head. Sasuke pouted, but snuggled closer to his brother. Those lips were made for pouting, curling up into the perfect frown to buy anyone's heart.
"It will be a while 'til it goes away, Niisan.. It was about you.." Sasuke said. Itachi blinked, now stroking Sasuke's head, stroking it exactly how you would stroke a cat's head. About him? It must've been some fucked-up dream then. It seemed Itachi was becoming a nightmare to himself these days.
Sasuke looked at his brother, waiting for Itachi to say something, and sighed when he didn't. This meant he had to tell the whole story, and he didn't really want to. He knew if he fell asleep, cuddled in Itachi's arms, things would be okay.
"W-Well... You..." Sasuke closed his eyes. "You came out of nowhere and.. killed everyone.." Itachi stared at Sasuke, but showed no shock or surprise. In fact, his expression showed more restlessness at the words. As a shinobi with such power, of course it occurred to his mind before; he was set in a container, being forced to follow the rules of the village. That wasn't his sort of thing. But he couldn't tell Sasuke that, not now or never. You could call him crazy if he did.
"It was just a dream.. just forget about it and go back to bed, okay?" Itachi said, laying back down. Sasuke paused, then looked at the ceiling, then back at his brother. Itachi sighed and looked back at Sasuke, questioning why Sasuke didn't go back now.
"But Niisan... It's cold in my room," Sasuke said, trying his best to make up an excuse. Itachi paused, then chuckled quietly. He sighed and beckoned for Sasuke to get in the covers next to him.
"Alright, alright. You can sleep with me," Itachi said, smiling when he turned to his side. Sasuke's face brightened and he snook under the covers, cuddling close to his brother. He snuggled close to Itachi's chest, enjoying the extra warmth he was getting. Itachi paused, then wrapped his arms around his little brother, falling asleep very quickly that night.
/End Flashback.\
He almost laughed at the memory, but found that it really wasn't the appropriate time to be laughing. Mikoto was about to have a mental breakdown, and Fugaku had already decided he was going to get a search party to look for Sasuke. Not exactly the right time.
"My poor baby is lost!" Mikoto cried, crying into her husband's chest. Fugaku held her and comforted her the best he could. Itachi snarled. His father probably could care less; sure, maybe he cared, but Itachi knew that Fugaku would be in much, much more sorrow if Itachi was lost. It'd be a big deal then. But oh, not now, not when Sasuke was missing. Of course, he could be over-exaggerating.
"Don't worry. He won't be missing for long," Itachi said, before walking out the door to investigate the path once again. He was very curious about that blood trail, and the fact it disappeared the moment he realized Sasuke was gone. So, he was going to calculate where he the blood trail had been, by clues and memory. Hopefully, he could find Sasuke soon.
Sasuke opened his eyes, confused when he felt like he was being constricted around his body. He tried to call out 'Niisan', but all that came out was a Mmph sound. Shock ran through him, as he started trying to stand up, but wasn't able to do much good of it.
He looked down at himself to find his body was tied in rope. No wonder, and he could feel a dust rag tied around his head and put in his mouth to be used as a gag. He whimpered, worried about where he was, and what the hell had happened.
"Calm down, young one," a voice came from the shadows. Sasuke would've yelped, if the noise wasn't blocked out. Instead, he started to push himself away from where he thought the voice was coming from, getting closer and closer to the wall. Sasuke stopped when he felt not a wall, but legs against him when he pushed far enough. He looked up to see a taller man standing there.
"My, my, you're very lively, aren't you?" the man said, kneeling down next to Sasuke. The man wasn't clearly visible in the darkness, there was only was window in the room he was in, and the curtains were closed. Sasuke could see the man's earrings, silver and in some strange shape that Sasuke couldn't comprehend at the moment.
"Now, calm down. You might get yourself hurt," he said, tracing his finger along Sasuke's face. Sasuke stared at the man, shocked, than started to struggle even more. The touch of the man had sent shivers through him. This stranger reminded him of a vampire he saw in a movie once; the vampire would taunt his prey, and trace his finger along the prey's body, than would bite into the prey's neck quite lovingly, though only bloodlust showed in his eyes. Sasuke hoped this man didn't have bloodlust in his eyes, man, would he be in trouble then.
"I'm sorry, I can't take that gag out just yet. But don't worry, soon enough you can talk again," the man said, then stood back up. Sasuke stared at the man, eyes practically begging for freedom, yet he knew known would come. The stranger did sigh though, as he walked out of a door that Sasuke hadn't noticed before. There was light for a minute, until the door was closed again. Then he heard a dead bolt being locked, and the man walking further and further.
Sasuke whimpered, closing his eyes. It's a dream, just a dream. And don't worry; you'll wake up any minute. If not, sure enough, Okasan is going to wake you up for breakfast soon. It's just a nightmare.
But as he sat there, he realized this wasn't a dream, though it was a nightmare. This was real. He was in an unknown place, with an unknown man, and worse of all, he couldn't do anything about it. But only God knew what was in store for him now, whether it be freedom, or death.
Itachi was kneeling on the ground, looking carefully as the dirt path. There had to be some evidence to the blood tail. Itachi felt like Sherlock Holmes, as he carefully dusted off some dirt, and almost let out an 'A-ha!' at what he saw.
The culprit had tried his best to get rid of the blood, than put a new supply of dirt over it. Under the dirt he had just dusted, was a thin and faded line of blood. He dusted more off, to find the trail leaded right into the forest.
He stood up, and started walking into the woods. Hopefully, the culprit kept going straight. He would definitely make sure of it, though.
Itachi paused, standing there, about a half-mile from where he was before. Something was extremely fishy about this. There was some sort of tension in the air, and he stood there for a good five minutes, until he realized.
The small, abandoned house was gone.
A/N: Another cliffhanger. Boohoo. xD Well, a lot of smart people could guess who the culprit is. Well, you people are smart. XDD Well hopefully this chapter is good, too, though not very long... >_>