Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kidnapped ❯ A New Home ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: CHAPTER THREE, w00t! I still don't own Naruto. If I did, this would've really happened. xD Evil Jackie.
Sasuke had been sitting in the dark for a while, until the man had returned and put a cloth over his mouth. The cloth smelled like alcohol, making Sasuke grimace in disgust. Then he had felt woozy and went unconscious. That was all he remembered about that night. Or was it day? He couldn't tell in that dark room.
And now he was in another room that was lighted more. He could see himself, at least; his hair was messy, and he had bruises and cuts all over. Some cuts were reopening, small streams of blood pouring down from them and onto the wooden floor. He could tell that some of his skin was being irritated by the ropes that were binding his body, and he could feel it, too. Sasuke wished he had a kunai at the moment, but he had tried to move his hand towards his kunai holder, and found it was no longer there. The man had taken all his weapons, and had left him immobile in a dark room. He couldn't wait to find out who the man was.
He sighed, closing his eyes, wanting to go to sleep. The door creaking open made him open his eyes again, and saw no one there, but the door was wide open. Sasuke stared desperately at the light, wanting to crawl over, but felt someone's grip from behind him. He turned his head and saw the man, his face much more clear now in the light. The man smirked, and undid the gag that had left Sasuke unable to talk, and ran a hand through Sasuke's hair.
"You're a very pretty little boy, you know that?" the man said, tracing his finger along Sasuke's face. Sasuke stared at the man's hand for a minute, than looked at the man's face. His skin was a creamy peach colour, his bright blue eyes highlighting the colour of his skin. The man had long, brown hair hanging down loose, though it seemed to be perfectly neat. He wore tan pants, and a cadet blue sweater, very casual. Finally, Sasuke reorganized his train of thought and glared at the man.
"Don't touch me!" Sasuke yelled, anger in his eyes. This was the man who had taken him from somewhere and dragged him to this hellhole, with blood dripping down his legs and arms. The man frowned, and took his hand away.
"Now now, don't fret. You'll be alright, as long as you're a good boy," the man said, smiling again. Sasuke shivered, and he looked back down at his bloody legs. They looked much bloodier in the light, and in worse shape. Sasuke's gaze went to his arms, and saw they were much worse, also.
"What did you do to me?" Sasuke asked, making sure to add some rage to his tone. The man merely chuckled quietly and stood up, walking towards the door. A tinge of fear hit Sasuke. The door would be closed again, leaving him in the dark room by himself.
"I'll be back. You haven't eaten in days, you know," the man said, walking out, grabbing the doorknob to close it. Sweatdrops fell down Sasuke's face as the man started closing it. The young Uchiha's eyes stared at the hand on the knob, and sighed in relief when the door was left open slightly. He didn't care if that meant the man pitied him; he was sick of the darkness.
Sasuke started struggling, trying to wiggle his arms out from the ropes tight grip, but failed once again. He'd been trying it for the few times he'd been awake, thinking of how worried his parents were, and how calm Itachi must be. Silent tears had started falling as he tried his hardest to escape the ropes, and gave up miserably, falling to his side on the ground, tears falling onto the wood.
His mind suddenly wandered to his older brother. Itachi must've been sitting in his room reading a book or training in the woods, as his parents ran around in search parties looking for him. Why did Itachi despise him so? What had he done wrong? Sasuke sighed and relaxed. Just live through it, he told himself, it should be over soon enough.
Itachi was back at the blood trail by himself, again. He had lost his path last time, and Mikoto had told him to give up a while in the forest, especially since he was sick. Three days seemed a bit long, but on the day after the third, Itachi was out the door in a flash. Now he was following the blood trail perfectly, making sure he could still see the blood as he walked.
As he got deeper in the forest, the whole scenario got darker. Worry hit him as he quickened his pace, thinking about Sasuke alone in the dark, shivering cold. Worry turned into fear as he went in a slight trot, trying to keep along the lines.
He stopped in the middle of the dark forest, falling to his knees as he went into a coughing fit. He hadn't realized, but being out so much looking for his brother had made his "cold" even worse. Itachi clutched his stomach with one hand, and the other hand went limp next to his side.
As he kneeled in the grass, the coughing got worse, echoing through the silence forest. Small creatures rustled in their homes, some peeking out to see what the hell that noise could possibly be. It must be foreign to all the animals, since it seemed so isolated back here. The forest didn't even have a name, just displayed as an extremely large forest on a map.
Blood started coming out along with the coughs, making Itachi weaker by every cough. Itachi started shaking, but told himself to keep sitting there. He wasn't weak, he'd be alright in a minute, you'll be alright in a minute. The thought started to fade away as his own consciousness started to fade. His body fell from its kneeling position, and he laid on his side in the grass. Blood poured down from his mouth as the coughing started to end, but as the coughing became less continuous, Itachi faded. Faded and faded until nothing could be seen but black.
The man had come back with a small plate of food, sitting in front of Sasuke. Sasuke eyed the food, curiosity on his face. The man had smiled and taken the fork with food on it, pushing it into Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke blinked when the food hit his mouth, but ate it, just realizing how starving he was.
"Why can't you just untie me and let me eat on my own?" Sasuke asked, after swallowing. The man chuckled, and put food back on the fork.
"You'd try to run away, little one," he said, pushing the fork back into Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke ate that too, and realized he was eating sushi. He had tried it not too long ago and hated the taste, even though he loved fish. Sasuke had vowed to never eat sushi again, and now look at him. Not only was he eating it, but he was eating it to desperately, he could've been mistaken for a very skinny pig.
After the food was gone, the man stood up, carrying the empty plate and the fork in his hand. Sasuke stared at the man as he walked towards the door.
"Wait! When are you coming back?" Sasuke asked, ignoring the voice in his head telling him he was an idiot for wanting the man around. The truth was, he didn't want the man around, he just wanted some company. It was lonely in the room, sitting against the wall, staring at the wall. It seemed that when the man came in, his thoughts moved away from thoughts of his family, which was good. Thinking of them just made things worse. The man chuckled at Sasuke's words, looking back towards Sasuke's direction.
"Hmm, I'll be around. If you're that lonely, maybe I'll come later," the man said, smiling, his eyes glistening in the light of the door. Sasuke gulped, than nodded, looking down at the ground. The man turned back towards his path and walked out the door, closing the door. A sigh escaped Sasuke's mouth as he sat against the wall once again, staring at the wall, thinking about his family.
"Itachi, please wake up!" was all the older Uchiha could hear. His eyes slowly opened and he saw his mother's face over him, clutching him tightly. Itachi sat up and coughed, then spit some blood out of his mouth on the ground. Mikoto sighed in relief and hugged Itachi, only to be pushed away.
"Itachi, what happened?" Fugaku asked, whom was kneeling next to his wife. Itachi blinked, looking up at the sky. They were still in the darker part of the forest. They had apparently found him here. Suddenly, he remembered completely what had happened. Itachi sighed at the memory.
"It was just a coughing fit, that's all.." Itachi said, scratching his head. Fugaku blinked, a bit confused, but Mikoto burst out in anger and worry at the same time.
"Just a coughing fit! Listen to that crap! Itachi, you were on the ground with blood pouring down your mouth! You sent me to tears! I almost lost both of my sons.." Mikoto said, and yes, it was true, tears were falling down her face. Fugaku rubbed her back, but looked at Itachi sternly at the same time. Itachi made no response, but struggled to stand up with his weak body. Mikoto shook her head and laid him on the ground, looking at Fugaku. Fugaku nodded, and helped Itachi stand up, putting one of his arms around Itachi's waist and putting Itachi's arm around his shoulders, holding that arm with his hand.
"Let's get home.. We'll have to clean you up.." Mikoto said, and that was the last thing she said for a long time as they walked home. Tension-filled silence filled the three as they finally reached the house, Fugaku carrying Itachi up to his room. After Itachi was laid down, Fugaku had one of his talks with him about 'being more careful from now on' and all that good stuff. Then, after Fugaku had left, Itachi had wrote his failure down in his journal.
Next time he'd have to bring medicine, and some bandages.
The man had returned a few hours later, now wearing black sweatpants and a white tanktop. This told Sasuke it was most likely night now. Dinner had passed, and the man had changed into a relaxing outfit. Besides, the man seemed a bit tired, yawning when he first came in and sitting lazily next to Sasuke.
"What am I supposed to call you?" Sasuke asked after the long silence. The man looked at him, and smiled. Probably the most normal smile he'd ever made so far.
"Call me Saseko," he said, patting Sasuke's head. Sasuke blinked and looked down at the ropes, sighing. Saseko's smile faded, seeing Sasuke struggling over the ropes so much.
"Hold still," Saseko said, grabbing the rope knot. Sasuke yelped when Saseko's hand suddenly went towards his backside, grabbing the tight rope. His hand tugged on the knot slowly, then untied it. The ropes fell loose on Sasuke's body, and fell off. Sasuke stared in amazement at the ropes, then stared at his skin. It was red, and had many scratches, most likely from when he tried to escape the ropes.
Sasuke sighed after finally realizing he was free from the ropes grip. Saseko smiled, but yet again, it was that creepy smile that made Sasuke shiver thinking about. The smile still shone as the man grabbed one rope, taking out a small dagger, and cutting it into a smaller rope.
"Where am I?" Sasuke asked as the man took Sasuke's hands and tied them together with the smaller rope. Sasuke eyes moved to the ground, feeling ashamed and weak. The man laughed quietly, and tightly tied the rope.
"Your new home." And that man stood up, walked out the door, and it seemed like forever until he returned again.
A/N: nope, its not Orochimaru-sama. ^^; Hehe. I'm evil. I almost cried writing this chapter...