Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ The Land of Waves ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the anime Naruto. I do not own the anime or its material. I own only my character and the changes that she shall bring.
This story will start six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support these ideas myself but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
The Land of Waves
The thick mists covered the waters' surface as far as the eye could see. It obstructed vision and dampened hearing. Everything sounded like moving water, sloshing around, and slapping the sides of things that could not be identified.
"Argh." was exclaimed quite angrily and sickly, accompanying the sound of something hitting the waters' surface .
"Shush. I thought I said to be quiet." the ferryman shushed franticly as he looked about the mist covered area.
Kira looked up at him with a half formed growl that shut him up, right before her stomach rolled with the boat again and she went back to leaning over the side.
Team 7 and Tazuna looked a little disgusted as she heaved again from where she was at the side of the middle of the boat. Team 7 sat to the front, Tazuna sat toward the back near the paddling ferryman.
"I never would have thought a ninja would get seasick." Kakashi quipped as he looked at the prone Kira sympathetically.
Kira would have growled something back but found herself unable to as another wave rolled under them, and her stomach, causing to just elect remaining in her position.
"Haha! A ninja with seasickness!" Naruto laughed out loudly, the ferryman shushing them frantically.
"Naruto! That's rude." crack went Sakura.
"Dobe." Sasuke smirked.
"Teme!" Naruto shouted back.
'Oh kami, I'm going back to watching from a distance as soon as we reach firm land.' Kira mentally groaned.
"I mean really! What kind of person could get sick just by riding on a boat!" Naruto continued loudly, completely undeterred. "It's just a simple motion of up and down and around."
"Argh." Kira groaned. "Kid. I swear if you don't shout up now I'll turn you in to fish food." she threatened weakly.
"Put a lid on it Naruto." Kakashi stopped the chatterbox before he could start back up. "Tazuna-san." he turned his attention back to the old man. "Before we reach the shore, I need to know the people after you and why." he demanded point blank, catching Kira's attention with the statement. "If you don't tell us I'll have to end this mission as soon as we drop you ashore." he threatened to make his point.
"I guess I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want you to know the truth." Tazuna began somberly. "The man after my life is short by casts a long and deadly shadow."
"A deadly shadow? Who is it?" Kakashi asked evenly.
"I'm sure you know him, or that you've heard of him at least. Gato." Tazuna announced seriously.
"Gato. Of Gato Shipping. He's a business leader." Kakashi exclaimed in amazement.
"It makes sense." Kira suddenly announced, everyone turned their attention to her slumped form as she pulled herself back in to the boat and slide to her but on the deck. "A man with that kind of money and influence could easily rise in the underworld, it happens in all sorts of other places as well. They use their money and power to hire thugs, made up of rogue ninja and average brutes. They then use this gang to sell illegal things, gaining even more money and power, its not uncommon for high business leaders to also be high underworld bosses." Kira explained slowly as she focused on talking. "If you knew this guy was after you, why did you return to this place?" Kira asked as she directed her attention to the old bridge builder.
"Because I can not abandon my country. Gato has taken complete control of all shipping. In an island nation, the person who controls the sea can control every aspect of life." Tazuna declared bitterly.
"But what can you do about that?" Kira continued.
"We are building a bridge that will connect us to the main land, a bridge that will break his control. I am the bridge builder." Tazuna explained evenly.
"I see. You're standing in this gangsters way." Sakura mused, hand to her chin.
"That would mean those guys were fought most likely worked for this Gato guy." Sasuke stated with a smirk.
"Right." Kira nodded, and then regretted it as her head swam for a second in nausea.
"If you knew he was dangerous, would send ninja after you, why did you lie?" Kakashi pressed as he eyed the old man.
"Isn't obvious Hatake-san." Kira chuckled as she smirked at his damn quirked eyebrow. "These people don't have the money." she stated simply.
"She's right. We don't have the money to pay for a B or A ranked mission. If you leave me after we reach the shore, I'll be dead before I reach home. They'll assassinate me and the bridge will never be finished." Tazuna stated confidently, all assembled ninja groaning in suddenly in worry. "But don't worry about it. It's not your problem. Though my poor grandson will be heart broken. He'll cry 'Grandpa! Where's my grandpa!'" he reenacted dramatically, causing another round of guilty groans. "Oh, and my daughter will condone the ninja of the Hidden Leaf for abandoning her father and living her life in loneliness. So don't worry about it." he declared casually.
Everyone sweat dropped nervously and groaned miserably as Kakashi scratched his forehead/protector for a moment before sighing.
"We can't abandon you, so I guess we have no choice but to keep guarding you." Kakashi shrugged nervously.
"Oh really. That's wonderful." Tazuna exclaimed happily. 'I win.' he mentally cheered as he gave of a victory sign.
'That story was so good even I couldn't have backed down from it even if I was able to.' Kira mental grimaced as their boat continued to float past the bridge which had appeared beside them sometime ago.
It sailed along and in to a small tunnel in the side of the seawall before it broke out of the end and in to the bright sunlight. The seaside village glittered in the water and the landscaped shown magnificently around them. Everyone looked around in excited wonder, even Kira, as they reached a small dock. The group disembarked and Tazuna turned back to thank their ferryman as Kira turned to Team 7.
"Well that was fun." she began sarcastically. "But this is where we part ways." she declared as she straightened herself out.
"What?! Why?!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I have a different mission to do around here kiddo. I was just joking before when I said I was coming to keep an eye on your sensei." she explained as she eyed said masked man. "Now I need to be on my way before his tardiness rubs off on me." she smirked at him before turning and leaving with a wave.
Kakashi smirked right back as she left, sure he'd see her a little later on. But he had to rally his team and get moving now. 'The next ninja they send won't be chunin. They'll be jonin, ninja of elite skill.'
Kira was having the same thought not far away as she finished changing back in to her hunter assembly. As soon as she was finished she quickly doubled back to pick up their path. But she didn't get so lucky.
"Argh!" someone screamed not far away.
Kira stopped on one of the small villages roofs and quickly scanned the area. It didn't take her long to spot the large patrol like boat out in the water, or the ferryman's boat pulled up along side, said ferryman currently on the deck of the larger vessel having the shit kicked out of him by four thugs.
'Damn it. This isn't my mission.' Kira mentally growled. as she began to turn away.
"Argh! Mercy!" the ferryman cried out again.
"Haha! Are you kidding old man! We're going to beat you to en inch of your life then drop you in to the ocean for fish food! That's what you get for helping the old man Tazuna-baka!" one of the thugs laughed.
'Ah damn.' Kira mentally groaned again as that little thing called conscious picked at her. 'All right!' she mental shouted as she turned back to the event at hand.
She easily jumped the distance and landed on top of the ships control room and was about to dispatch all the thugs in just an extra moment even before they would know she was there, when she suddenly noticed a small flaw in her plan. The ship lurched at her landing and added weight and rolled more violently. Now it wasn't that this alerted thugs, it was that it caused her stomach to lurch, making her lose her footing as she doubled over. Thankfully she contained the urge to heave inside her own mask.
"What the hell is this?!" one of the thugs exclaimed as they turned to see a black cloaked, masked, and doubled overed Kira.
"I don't know! Just kill them!" a third thug declared.
The thugs rushed the downed Kira, who looked up groggily and moved a hand to her weapons pouches, under her cloak.
"AAA! Argh. Urgh!" thud.
Kira sighed and groaned as she tried to stand. She looked down at the stupid bastards, each of their heads missing as they rolled of the deck.
'I think I went to far.' she mentally groaned at the loss of four perfectly good hishi.
She wobbled her way over to the ferryman, who had passed out on the other side of the deck of course, and began to bend down to check his vitals. When the boat violently rocked back and forth, sending her to the deck with a thud.
"Hehe. You should really watch what you do hunter-san." a rather large black clothed and masked ninja snickered as Kira tried to push herself to her feet. "Oh no you don't!" he declared and brought a foot down on the deck, causing the entire vessel to shake and sending Kira back to the deck in nauseas reel. "Not to used to naval combat are ya." he smirked under the layers of his mask. "I'm sure the boss will pay me primo bucks for your pretty little self, alive or dead." he stated as he advanced on the prone Kira.
'Ah damn.' Kira mentally moaned as she continued to try and push her stomach down to get ready for this real pain of a fight.
Author's note: Don't kill me! I just had to leave this as a cliffy, mainly because it's late and I need sleep, but I thought it would be interesting. Don't worry, you'll get to see all sorts of Kira ass kickery in the next chapter, promise. I also thought it would be amusing to make Kira a little more human by giving her a weakness that would be kind of common, seasickness! Cha! It's the rolling of boat that gets to her. Well till next time, read, review, and ENJOY!