Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer With The Perfect Weapons ❯ Alone With Just My Thoughts ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nori: New fic! New Fic!
Tama: Holy shit, a third?
Nori: Yes!!!!!!
Tama: Now, THIS will be interesting.
Nori: It really will be! Shockingly, I will be doing the disclaimer here!
Tama: I'm scared.
Nori: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters, but I do own all the OC's and ideas!
Tama: Naruto?
Nori: Yes, I have all Yu Yu Hakusho fics so I decided to switch it up! Plus while I was up and hyper at 2 in the morning I got some ideas!
Tama: Oh god…
Nori: Oh, yes, I forgot to add, this fic will probably not totally go along with the real Naruto storyline just for a few reasons and I'm sorry Sasuke/Sakura lovers, but they will not be together in this fic, I love the couple too, but its just won't work like that for what I have in mind, ok nowwww…. (Country western voice) COME ON!
Why was he doing this? He killed them all! Every single one! DEAD!
How can this be happening? Now I'm totally alone.
I have nowhere to go, no one to live with.
I don't want to be alone.
I'm scared, yes, I admit it. I am SCARED.
I don't want to be alone.
I want them back. They can't die on me…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Avalai Rouge, you will be assigned to a team tomorrow morning, you got that? Avalai, are you even listening to me?” Iruka stood in front of the classroom speaking to one of his students while she sat in her seat, not even listening. Kids these days.
“Huh?” Avalai's daze was broke as she looked at her Sensei. Iruka sighed.
Avalai had a knack for daydreaming. She was a good student, a nice girl, and was going to become a great shinobi, Iruka could tell, she just needed to stay focused. He always gave her a little break though, she's only twelve and she has had some horrible things happen in her life.
“Tomorrow I am assigning you to a team,” Iruka repeated himself. “You will have to work with that team to complete different tasks and missions. They will help you train and become an even better ninja.” Avalai smiled.
She liked the idea of being put on a shinobi squad. She wouldn't have to be alone all the time. Hopefully, Iruka would put her on a team with people who would accept her.
Even though when everyone turned twelve they were put on a team, Avalai wasn't. She went through a period of depression and she wouldn't even leave her home, if that were what you would call it.
She lived in a shack basically. It was small, messy, and always either too hot or too cold. She was always alone, she had no family.
Avalai had finally left her house one day when Iruka came to talk to her. He told her to come back to the academy and if she worked hard, he would select a squad for her to be on.
Tomorrow would finally be that day. She had worked hard for the past six months. She couldn't wait until tomorrow.
Avalai stood up. She had long dark hair; it was black that she had tied up into a bun. The ends ribbon she used to tie up her hair hung behind her head. Her bangs covered her forehead. She wore tight red capris with a long black turtle necked tank top, that was cut up on the sides. Around her neck was a crescent shaped ruby gem on a long black string. She always wore it. On her feet were black sandals that most ninja wore.
Avalai's eyes were different, though. They were bright blue, but instead of having a black pupil, hers was white. She was never sure why her eyes were like that, they just were.
Avalai bowed to Iruka.
“Thank you, Iruka-sensei,” she said. She smiled again. He never gave up on her, Avalai was grateful for that.
Iruka smiled back at one of his favorite students.
“Let's go get some ramen to celebrate the hard work you've done,” he said. “My treat.” Avalai's smile got even wider. She jumped up.
“Thank you, sensei!” she shouted. Avalai loved ramen; it was one of her favorite foods. The two walked out of the academy down to the ramen shop. It was warm out, around eighty degrees and the sun was starting to set. In Konoha it was almost always warm at sunset.
Iruka and Avalai both walked into the ramen shop and sat down. Iruka ordered beef ramen and Avalai got just plain ramen. They both ate in silence.
“Iruka-sensei,” Avalai finally spoke up when she finished eating. Iruka looked at the young girl.
“Yes?” he asked.
“Am I going to get a leaf headband? Like everyone else did when they were assigned teams?” she asked. Iruka smiled.
“Of course,” he told her. “Actually,” he dug in the pouch on his hip and pulled one out. “I have yours right here.” He handed it to her. Avalai looked at it in awe. Finally! She was so happy, she had wanted one of those headbands ever since she could remember.
She took the headband and tied it around her neck.
“How does it look?” she asked Iruka. He laughed.
“It suits you well,” he told her. She smiled more. Iruka looked outside. It was pitch black out now, except for the shop lights and streetlights. “You'd better head home, Avalai. It's late and I want you back at the academy by seven-tomorrow morning.”
Avalai frowned. She didn't want to go to her empty shack, but it looked like she had to.
“Ok, goodnight Iruka-sensei,” she said as she walked out of the shop. Iruka waved goodbye.
“See you bright and early, Avalai,” he said. Avalai waved goodbye and left.
She walked through the streets just thinking to herself. She did that a lot since most of the time she was alone. But, now, that would be changing, right? She would be on a shinobi team and they would all be together a lot! She hoped, at least.
The streets were empty as Avalai walked home. It was late, most people were sleeping. Well, normal people were asleep right now. Avalai just kept thinking to herself, and then she heard footsteps other than her own.
She looked up ahead of her. There was a boy walking.
`I wonder why he's out so late,' she thought to herself. The boy had dark hair similar to her own. It was long in the front and spiky in the back. His eyes were as black as his hair. He wore a blue shirt with a high collar and white shorts. Avalai knew he was a shinobi because of the headband he had on his forehead. She guessed he was a genin like she was, because he looked to be her age.
He looked very familiar, too. Avalai knew him from somewhere, but she could quite put her finger on where.
As the two were about to walk past each other they stopped and turned to look at each other. Then she finally realized who he was.
“You're Sasuke Uchiha, aren't you?” Avalai asked. The boy just looked at her.
“Why does it matter to you, Avalai Rouge?” he asked. Avalai shrugged.
“I haven't seen anyone from my class in awhile, so I was just wondering,” she told him. He glared at her.
“Well, yea, it is me, Sasuke,” he told her. Avalai smiled.
“Good to see you again,” she said. Sasuke didn't say anything. “You really didn't change, still quiet.”
“And you're still annoying,” he said. Avalai just shook her head. He was always a jerk, too, even while they were growing up. “Are you going to be on a team soon?”
“Tomorrow,” Avalai told him. Sasuke looked at her.
“You'd better be on mine,” he said. Avalai looked at him in shock and confusion. He wanted her on his team? But, he was always such a jerk. Maybe he just wanted her there so he could be an asshole to her 24/7.
“W-well, Iruka-sensei is picking my team,” Avalai said. “I don't really have any say in his and Lord Hokage's decision.” She paused. “Why do you want me on your team anyway, you think I'm annoying.” Sasuke was quiet for a moment.
“Yea,” he said. “You are, but you're a strong shinobi. We definitely need someone like you on our team.” Avalai smiled and blushed a little. She was happy that Sasuke thought that about her.
“Thanks, Sasuke,” Avalai said. “Who's on your team anyway?”
“Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki,” Sasuke said in an annoyed tone. “Naruto has some potential, even though he is cocky and doesn't think straight, but Sakura, her mind is her strong point and her chakra control, but her physical abilities are nothing.” (A/n: I don't like being mean to Sakura! It makes me said, sorry guys!)
“Well maybe all they need is a little more training,” Avalai told Sasuke. Sasuke grunted and rolled his eyes.
“That's an understatement,” he said. Avalai giggled.
“Well, meet me at the academy tomorrow around seven and then I'll tell you if I'm on your team or not!” she suggested. Sasuke shrugged.
“Yea, ok, if I feel like walking over there instead of training more,” he said. Avalai rolled her eyes at the boy.
“I gotta get going now, I'm starting to get tired,” she said. “I'll see you tomorrow, bye!” Avalai waved to Sasuke as she started back on her way home.
“See ya,” Sasuke said and continued on his way as well.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Avalai got into her house and locked the door behind her. She walked into her bedroom and threw on some pajamas.
`Now that I saw Sasuke again, I realize how much I missed that kid,' she thought to herself. Ever since she was little, she had somewhat of a crush on Sasuke Uchiha, no matter how much she hated to admit it. She never acted like she liked him though, she hated the though of being like all the other annoying little girls who liked him, too. Gross.
Avalai walked into her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She still had her leaf headband around her neck. She loved that thing and wasn't going to let anything bad happen to it or let anyone touch it. It was hers and nobody else's!
The twelve-year old girl washed her face. That was part of her routine before getting to bed. When she finished that and brushing her teeth, she untied the ribbon that held up her midnight black hair in a bun. Her locks of hair fell around her and framed her face perfectly. Her hair was long when it wasn't tied up. It went down to about the middle of her back. It wasn't curly, it had many waves though.
Avalai walked out of her bathroom when she was finished and jumped onto her bed. Before she turned off her light she took off her crescent ruby necklace and placed it on her nightstand. Then she switched off the light and fell asleep, peacefully awaiting tomorrow, the day she would find out who her new shinobi squad and her new sensei would be.
Nori: Yay! Finished! I'm actually really happy with how it turned out. SCORE!
Tama: I think its pretty sick nasty, too!
Nori: I thankith thee, ok, one more thing, I need to add an extra disclaimer because I had another good idea, I'm going to make every chapter either a title of a song I like or some lyrics cuz well I'm super smart like that! So I don't own chapter titles either!
Tama: You're just full of ideas today, aren't you?
Nori: Yes…yes I am! REVIEWS PLEASE, no flames!