Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer With The Perfect Weapons ❯ We Come Out At Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Tama: (claps)
Nori: Sorry, guys, but there are going to be a lot of time changes here, so if it gets confusing just tell me! Cuz I might confuse myself…
Tama: You tend to do that a lot…
Nori: Shut up…do the disclaimer!
Tama: (sighs) Nori does not own Naruto or any of the characters or the chapter titles…but she does own all the OC's and ideas!
Nori: (In country western voice) COME ON!
- -7 Years Earlier- -
It was nighttime. Around midnight. A band of rouge ninja sat in a thick forest around a campfire. (A/n: The word Rouge, as in rouge ninja is pronounced differently than how you pronounce Avalai's last name, her last name is pronounced as the French word rouge, which means red. Sorry! Just wanted to clear that up!) All of them wore a similar outfit. A long dark blue cloak, with red cloud-like designs all over it. They each had their own Japanese straw hat with pieces of white fabric hanging off of it.
The shinobi sat around the fire chatting and laughing about some of the kills they had made in just that one-day. (A/n: Sorry for all these author's notes but, I'm not sure of all the ninja in Itachi's lil gang thing or the name of his lil gang thing so I'm really gonna only stick to about him and fish man as I like to call him! If anyone knows the name of the group please tell me it, all I know is it starts with an A…I think. Anyways, continue!)
“Kisame,” a man with long black hair and dark hate-filled eyes said quietly to the tall, pale blue-skinned man sitting next to him. If his blue skin wasn't strange enough, the guy had gills, too!
“Yes, Itachi?” Kisame asked.
“Do you feel that chakra coming closer to us?” he asked. Kisame looked around with his beady blackish-blue eyes.
“Yea,” he said in a worried tone. “It feels like it's surrounding us, how can that be?” Itachi didn't say anything or move a muscle. He just sat perfectly still waiting for whomever it was to make their move.
Then there was a rustling noise in the bushes that was to his left. Itachi quickly stood up and swiftly threw three shuriken into the bush. By that time everyone stopped talking and waited to see what was going on.
“Oh, I think you can do better than that, Itachi,” a deep woman's voice came from behind the group. “Come on, dude, live up to your rep!” The nine men spun around to see who was talking.
An average-sized, five foot four girl stood there. She had short, shaggy midnight black hair with bangs that hung in her face. She wore a black cloak that covered her whole body. It went down to her feet and covered her hands completely. Around her neck she had a leaf headband. You couldn't see her eyes. A black strip of fabric that went around her head, under her hair, and tied in the back covered them. The ends of the fabric swayed as the wind gently blew around them.
“And who are you?” Itachi asked calmly. The girl walked over to him and smirked.
“Someone who would like to join this rouge ninja gang here,” she said. Itachi raised an eyebrow.
“You want to join our group?” he asked, still keeping his cool. He couldn't believe that this woman wanted to join a band of rouge ninjas. It was just unthinkable!
“Haha! You? Join our group? You're just a woman! A scrawny one at that,” Kisame said through a laughing fit. The woman's eyebrows furrowed, but then, instead of getting angry with him she just smirked again.
“Well, I tricked all nine of you,” she said. “Doesn't that prove something?” she laughed. Kisame grunted and then mumbled to himself about how annoying women are.
Itachi half smirked at his teammate. Then he walked over to the mysterious woman and slowly circled her. She followed him only with her eyes.
“I can sense your chakra,” Itachi finally said. “It's strong. Maybe you would be a good addition to this team.” All the men around the campfire's mouths dropped. All began to object.
“Itachi! You're joking.”
“A woman will only get in the way!”
“So what if she tricked us! I bet she can't do it again!”
Itachi spun around to face his teammates. He glared at them all.
“Shut up!” he said in a dangerous tone. “Maybe we could give her a chance,” Itachi paused to look back at the woman dressed in all black. “On one condition.” The girl raised an eyebrow.
“And what would that be?” she asked. Itachi threw the woman a kunai. She caught it, easily and just looked at it. Then Itachi pulled one of his teammates over to him. The man looked at Itachi in shock. Itachi had the man in a hold where his hands were forced behind his back and he stood in front of Itachi.
“Don't move,” Itachi told him in the same dangerous tone he used before. The man gulped and looked around nervously. Sweat poured down his face. Yes, this man was a rouge ninja, a strong one…but Itachi was stronger. He had no idea what Itachi was about to do.
The girl looked at Itachi with confusion.
“Kill him,” Itachi said. “Now.” The woman looked at the man that Itachi held. She didn't want to kill this man. He was a rouge ninja who had probably done horrible things, but she wasn't ready to kill him right then and there. Plus, this could just be a trap that Itachi set for her to fall into.
“Please don't kill me,” the man said in a pleading whisper loud enough for her to hear.
“Do it!” Itachi shouted. The woman looked at the kunai, then at her surroundings. She looked at Itachi straight in his black eyes. She noticed them move to the side for a quick second. Then…she understood what was going on. In less than a second she counted the men and there weren't nine of them anymore, she then spun around and stabbed the man that was ready to attack her from behind.
Her assumption from before was correct. That was a trap.
She had stabbed the man in the heart, so he died instantly. She turned and faced Itachi, who had then let the man go. He smirked.
“Excellent,” he said, impressed with this girl's skill. She had even impressed Kisame. He walked over and reached out his hand for her to shake. She raised her arm; so that her sleeve went up showing that she really did have hands. Black fingerless gloves covered them.
She shook Kisame's hand.
“I underestimated you,” he told her. She gave him a small smile. “Why do you want to join this rouge ninja group anyway?” he asked. The woman didn't say anything for a moment.
“To prove myself,” she finally answered. “In more than one way.” She left it at that.
“I would like to know your name, now,” Itachi said. The woman thought for a moment. Should she give him her real name or a fake one?
“It's Zora,” she said. She gave him her nickname. She knew he wouldn't recognize her by her nickname, but if she told him her full name, he would just kill her in an instant like he did to her family.
“Well, Zora,” he said. “You will get to perform your first real kill tomorrow night at 12:30. We only come out at night to kill.” Zora nodded. “We all are off now; I for one have some other places to be. Meet us back here, tomorrow night, 12 o'clock sharp. Then, is when I will tell you about what you will be doing.”
With that all eight men disappeared, leaving Zora totally alone, except for the dead body that lay on the ground. Zora looked at the man and spit on him, then disappeared herself.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Even though Zora's voice sounded mature she was only 15 years old. A couple months ago the bastard Itachi Uchiha killed her whole family. She knew why he did it, but hated thinking about it.
After they had all died Zora fled from the city of Konoha. She couldn't take what happened, she could've defeated Itachi, she was sure of it! But when she saw those cold, blood red Sharingan eyes…her whole body just froze. She hated think of that day, as well.
In those last few months, Zora was able to track down Itachi and his gang. She had watched them the whole time. Learning how they fought, when they fought, and the way they killed.
She was out for revenge. She was ready to join their group…and then betray them. That was her goal. She was to avenge her family and kill the Sharingan master.
Zora sighed and sat on the branch of the tree she was in. She was used to sleeping anywhere at anytime since she traveled so much and had to keep up with Itachi's gang.
She didn't take off her cloak or the fabric the covered her eyes. She didn't want anyone to find out her true identity. If that happened, her whole plan would be ruined.
Zora made herself comfortable on the branch and fell into a half-asleep state. She wanted to still be alert just in case anyone tried attacking her. She always had to be prepared, but she needed the sleep, especially for what she had to do the next night.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Again, it was twelve o'clock midnight. Only Kisame and Itachi stood back at the spot where they were the night before. The place where they had met Zora.
None of the other rouge shinobi decided to come. It really wasn't any of their business and they didn't want to get involved. None of them wanted to end up like their teammate last night.
“She's late,” Kisame, said. He looked around for Zora, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Just wait,” Itachi told him. “She'll be here.” After a couple minutes, there was a rush of wind and there Zora stood in her same black outfit, eyes and everything covered.
“You're late,” Kisame said, bluntly. Zora shot a glare at him.
“Ever heard of being fashionably late?” she asked, sarcastically. Kisame rolled his eyes.
“Be quiet, you two,” Itachi snapped. Zora and Kisame shut their mouths and just looked at the prodigy of the Uchiha clan. “Come on, we're going to Konoha,” he told them. They both nodded and the three shinobi jumped through the trees swiftly and quietly all the way to the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
It only took them about a half an hour to reach their destination. All stood outside of the gates to enter the village. Everything was quiet. Each ninja looked up at the tall gates.
“So what do I have to do?” Zora asked Itachi. Itachi turned to look at her.
“There is a ninja in Konoha,” he told her. “He is part of the ANBU Black Ops. He's the one you are to kill.” Zora raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that tells me a lot!” she said. “Don't you know his name; have a description of him, or anything?” Itachi glared at her.
“I was getting to that,” he said. “The shinobi is nineteen years old, he is similar to me, even though I hate to admit it…his name is…”
Tama: You're really annoying…you know that?
Nori: Yes…yes I do!
Tama: Read and review please…
Nori: No flames!