Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha boarding high school ❯ the news ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.
Sakuras prov.
‘Sharada sharada she’s got the song stuck in her head’ as I woke up to the Skye Sweetnam song that was supposed to wake me, but that’s not quite what woke me up. As I reached up to turn off my noisy radio I caught a glimpse of a something shiny on my face. A look of horror and shock crept on my face as I took a closer look.
“Is that… a-a-a-AHHHHHHH!” I screamed! “There’s a pimple on my beautiful face.”
Know on the first day of high school I have to get a pimple as I went to the bathroom to get ready my little sister ran up to me and smiled then it slowly faded
“pimple” she laughed as she pointed at my face.
I glared at her and stomped into the bathroom. When I came downstairs for breakfast my mom asked what happened to my pimple.
”I was just imagining it” I smiled.
I really put concealer on it, but my mom doesn’t approve makeup so I was stuck hiding my misery. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! My little sister ran up to the door and opened it.
“Hey Nikki.” I heard a familiar voice great my sister.
I grabbed my bag and ran to the door. “Bye mom!” I yelled then bent down and kissed Nikki on the check.
”good luck with second grade.” I smiled ‘lucky kid.’
As I jumped out of the house closing the door I realized it wasn’t just Naruto it was also Saskue.
“Hey Sakura.” Saskue smirked.
“Sakura,” Naruto gave me a dirty look. “You look pretty cute in you uniform. Even with that pimple on your face.” He laughed and what’s worse so did Saskue.
‘Ahh I’m going to kill Naruto, Saskues right there and know he thinks I have a pimple.’ My anger built up. I quickly punched Naruto on the arm and my shocked face from his comment turned into a frown.
“Don’t worry Sakura you don’t have a pimple he’s just kidding.” Sasuke smirked.
‘Oh he noticed I was sad’ even though I’ve been best friends with Naruto and Saskue since 4th grade, I still have a huge crush on Saskue. We all started to walk to school when I saw Ino. Err I hate her. She’s trying to steal my precious Saskue from me but I’m not going to let her!
“Oh Saskue, Naruto why don’t we go that way to school?”
“If you want” Naruto smiled as he saw Ino in the corner o his eye. I knew he knew why.
“Sure.” Saskue stated in a flat voice.
Saskues prov.
“Sure” I said.
‘Thank goodness I’m tired of Ino strangling me just to make Sakura jealous it’s annoying. We started to walk faster because we all knew this was the long way. Sakura started to skip. What was she thinking? Skipping around like that she’s 14 not 6.
“Hey Naruto what room are you in?” I was hoping he was in the same as me. I didn’t want to be trapped with girls for the rest of the year.
“108.” He smiled what about you two?”
“108” I stated as if it was no big deal.
“108” Sakura grinned.
She’s been saying that since she found out and knows I can at least hide out with Naruto.
“Hey wait, Naruto did you just say 108?” Sakura asked with a confused face.
“Yeah, what about it?” he returned a confused look to Sakura.
“But that’s an all honors classroom it’s not possible!”
“Actually I studied my butt of to get into these classes but ill still need some help.” He looked at me and then Sakura. “That’s what your goals are, to help me, NARUTO!”
“Hey look there’s Tenten” Sakura said waving to her older friend.
“Aww your uniforms re so much cuter!” in case you’re wondering we all go to Konoha high school grade 9-12. Me, Naruto, and Sakura are in grade 9 so our uniforms are yellow. Tenten and some of our other friends are grade 10 so their uniforms are red. Then the 11th graders uniforms are blue and 12th is red. This way teacher's know what grade were in… security matters.
Sakuras Prov.
“One. Oh. Eight.” I said reading the numbers on the door.
Then Saskue reached for the door knob and walked in.
“assigned seats!” Naruto frowned “damn this sucks!”
I walk to the assigned seats sheet and handed it to Naruto.
“Yes!” he yelled realizing that it was Saskue in the back corner next to the window. Me right in front of him and then Naruto in front of me. I grinned. ‘Yes, right next to Saskue when Ino-pig sat in the front of our line. Ha ha that meant me Naruto Temari and Shikamaru sat in between Ino and Saskue. Kakashi entered and everyone sat in their seats.
“Okay class I’ve got some news.” Everyone glanced up and was paying attention because he sounded very excited. “Konoha high school is from this day on….. CLOSED!”
“What?” “Whys “and “were are we going to school then” questions were screamed.
“SHUT UP!” Saskue yelled.
He was in a pissed off mood all of a sudden.
“Thank you Saskue,” Kakashi continued. “Konoha high will be starting next week as a boarding school in a place called Koya boarding school. The reason is that Koya boarding school will no longer be used.” Every one gasped at the thought of leaving home. “You will all have a week to say your goodbyes and get packed. Oh and the principle told me to mention this because I’m positive a lot of you are wondering this…” he coughed and then started to smile. “The uniforms are staying in the school you may after school is over wear your normal clothes. After school hours you are allowed to wear whatever you want! Now back to important stuff, I have all of your information with me so when I call your names come up.”
He started calling people up. I started to dream off a little when Kakashi called me up. I got my stuff and Saskue asked to compare classes.
“Sorry Saskue but first I need to know my roommates.”
“Saskue, and Shikamaru. “ Naruto mumbled.
“NARUTO, SASKUE!” Shikamaru went up to them and started talking about how there roommates.
I lifted my paper that told me my roommates first I smiled but soon the smile crept off and a horrifying bloody marry scream came out of my mouth. Oh but don’t worry there was one other girl screaming like hell to.

Sakuras prov.
As the screaming finally died down I pointed at Ino-pig as she did to me and at the same time we yelled. “IM WITH HER!”
this caught everyone’s attention, as if the screaming didn’t. I didn’t care if they were looking I was stuck in the same room as my arch rival, this could not be good! I started to regret wanting to go, like I had a chance.
Inos prov.
“IM WITH HER!” I angrily growled at Sakura while pointing at her.
‘Damn’ I thought. ‘The only way the school year could get worse is if she went out with Saskue,’ I quickly brushed that thought out of my head as I started to grin. ‘Like that would ever happen. I sat down and started to go through the rest of the packet Kakashi had given us earlier.
Naruto’s prov.
“Hey Sakura calm down,” I said pulling her into our circle.
It was me Saskue, and Shikamaru. “How can I be calm Naruto, tell me that. I HATE her. Emphasis on the hate.” Sakura sulked and then had a stern look on her face while she glared at her paper.
“Just ignore her.” Saskue said unexpectedly.
I wonder why he said that, usually he would just stay quite. Sakura smile and said “thanks. So it says here a week from today at 9:00AM sharp to be in front of the school with your class mates and teachers. Well I guess it won’t be that bad.” At that note it sounded like Sakura took Saskue’s advice. I hate it when she doesn’t take mine. Even though I didn’t really give her any.
Normal prov.
For the past week, the Konoha village streets were empty, except for the occasional trips for food or extra supplies. All parents were spending time with their kids, while kids were packing. Fir kids like Naruto and Saskue who don’t have parents the thought of leaving the village was no different except for the roommates. Sakura was so excited. ‘I could spend more time with Naruto and Saskue! Go to Naruto’s dorm just to see Saskue and hangout. Saskue was thinking how people would bother him even more now that everyone was living 5 minutes apart. Well girls dorms were more like 10, but still too close for his opinion. Naruto on the other hand was sad about leaving and no shit there was only one reason can you guess? Well yeah it’s the ramen! Turns out they will have ramen at the school but it just won’t be the same. Ino was sad to leave but couldn’t wait because she was going to make Saskue be with. After spending time together he will love her. At least she hoped so. You can imagine what Shikamaru as thinking, ‘what a drag’. [Well yes while everyone has their thought about the boarding school I can’t possibly say them all.]
The day that everyone is leaving for school.
Sakura’s prov.
I got up at 6:00 and took a shower. I got dressed in a yellow tank top that had white circles in it. Then I had a pair of Capri’s that went above my knees. Underneath I had white leggings that went just below my knees, making my outfit super cute I grabbed my suite case and bag and ran down stairs to my surprise no one was awake and it was 7:00. I opened the fridge and heated up some left over pancakes from yesterday’s breakfast. As I started to eat I heard someone stumble down the stairs I quickly ran to the stairs. It was Nikki.
She yawned and said “I wanna say good bye.”
“I’m not leaving yet, but since your up can you wake up mom and dad.” I smiled sweetly and she turned her gaze to the stairs and smiled.
“Okay!” she cheerfully climbed the steps.
I walked back to my pancakes and put some on another plate for Nikki and heated more for my parents. They came down and we all started to eat. Then at 8:50 My dad put my stuff in the car as I said my goodbyes to Nikki and my mom. I put on an awesomely cute pair of yellow flats and went to the car. We arrived the school and I told my dad to drop me off were Naruto was standing. I said bye to my dad and grabbed my stuff from the trunk. I set my stuff down and waved. A tear shed down my face. I quickly wiped it and turned this time I wasn’t just staring at Naruto but Saskue was there to. I gave them a crooked smile and Saskue put his arm around my neck and smiled. I then had a frown.
“Don’t worry you’ll see you family soon enough.”
“I suppose.” I said with the crooked smile back on my face, but quickly the smile became a grin.
I couldn’t believe Saskue had his arm around me. He then retreated his arm and walked back to the place he was standing when I first turned around. I followed him and sat on my suitcase. I glanced around and noticed that only one teacher was missing and of course it was Kakashi. He never came on time. While everyone else got on their busses our group was forced to wait while everyone else headed out to the new school.
“Where’s Kakashi!” Naruto yelled. “It’s bad enough he’s always late but now we will be the last ones at Konoha boarding school.”
“Seriously!” I agreed.
“Hn” is all Saskue said.
I thought back to the moment where he had put his arm around me. ‘it pays of being his friend for so long, if I had just met him instead of being nice he’d just be like ‘hn’.’
“Sorry I’m late.” Kakashi said appearing in front of the class.
“Everyone get on the bus.” He announced and with that said me, Naruto and Saskue rushed in and got the three seats in the back.
If I may say so myself the best seats in the whole bus. I slowly watched the other kids pile in with all their crap. Ino had three suit cases for god sakes how much shit does she need? I was sitting between Saskue who stared straight out the window on my left, a bouncy Naruto on my right.
“hey billboard,” I heard Ino say. “can I sit were your sitting?”
before I could Saskue mumbled “no” loud enough that only me and Ino could hear. She turned in shock and started talking to some girl as if she forgotten about switching seats with me.
I turned to Saskue and gave him a confused look. He turned and mumbled again. “she’s annoying.”
Suddenly my cell phone started ringing ‘monkey see and monkey do don’t get brainwashed by what’s surrounding you’ I answered it and it was Tenten.
“Hey,” I answered disappointed because it looked like Saskue was going to say something.
“I’m at Konoha boarding school!” Tenten screamed that made Naruto turn his head.
Surprised that she was there already I asked her “how?”
“oh, well 10th graders left at 8:00 not 9:00 like 9th graders.”
“Oh, so how is it?”
she giggled. “What dorm are you in?”She asked me”
“kunai north” I replied wondering why she didn’t answer my question.
“You’ll have fun.” I heard her laugh a little more and then she said bye and hung up. I looked confused as I put my cell phone away.
Naruto turned to me. “who was that?” he questioned.
“Tenten.” I still was confused.
“I have an announcement to make” Kakashi yelled over the noisy students. The bus became silent and he continued. “to everyone who was place in Kunai north you will be separated to other buildings due to remodeling. Sakura, Ino, and Hinanta.” I looked up at the sound of my name. “You guys are being put in kunai east, which is a boys dorm and girls are on the second floor.” He named other people but I had stopped listening. I turned to Sasuke.
He smirked when he saw me knowing what I was going to ask, but before I did he said “yes that’s me and Naruto’s dorm.” Like I cared that Naruto was there. I smiled happily and leaned back in my seat. This was going to be fun.