Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha boarding high school ❯ troublesome ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 2:
Normal prov.
They must have been on the road for two hours now and Sakura was beginning to wonder how Tenten was already there in just an hour. ‘I’ll ask her when I get there’ she thought. Ino turned to Sakura and glared straight in her eyes. This made Sakura shiver. She finally glared back at Ino and it was like a staring contest. Naruto started to talk to Sasuke.
“Hey, did you send stuff in boxes Sasuke?” Naruto noticed that all Sasuke had with him was his backpack.
“Yeah, didn’t everyone.” Sasuke looked so cool in his obvious voice and bored look.
This made Naruto mad and so Naruto did what he does very well. He glared at Sasuke straight in the eyes. He looked pissed but as Sasuke glared back he kept acting cool. Shikamaru turned to this funny event.
“Cant you guys stop being so noisy” he sighed at Naruto and Sasuke.
The truth is they weren’t being that loud Shikamaru was just bored and since he couldn’t look up at the clouds he decided to talk.
Ino turned to Shikamaru. “Cant you mind your own business!” she looked annoyed.
Sakura grinned “oh Ino-pig he wasn’t talking to us but hey at least we now I can glare longer than you.” She was talking in her know it all voice which really irritated Ino.
Shikamaru turned to them. “Save the fight for later, I don’t wanna hear you guys screaming at each other.”
As quickly as Shikamaru said that Ino and Sakura's faces went to straight shock. Then Shikamaru mumbled is overly used phrase.
“Girls are so troublesome.”
“Naruto, what’s up?” Shikamaru continued.
“What do you mean?” you’re glaring at Sasuke as if he said something wrong.”
“hmph, its nothing.” Naruto looked down. “I was just bored.”
Then without a second to speak the bus went super fast like faster than anyone thought a bus full of kids and their crap could go. Everyone closed their eyes because of the dizziness from the speed.
“hold on to something!” Kakashi yelled.
Everyone did as he said and about a minute later the bus went to screeching halt. Couple of kids here and there fell of their chairs. No one was hurt though.
“We have arrived.” Kakashi introduced. “Konoha High School everybody. Know for the people I spoke to earlier don’t unpack because tomorrow you will be in your original dorm rooms!”
“Hn” Sasuke smirked. He thought it was funny tat Kakashi got the girls all excited when really there living situation wasn’t that big of a deal.
“Hey, Sakura.” Naruto whispered “since you are unpacking tomorrow want to come with us and hang out in our dorm” he smiled as he said this.
“sure why not. But first we have to drop off my stuff Kay?”
“Of course!” he quickly responded before putting his attention back to the frustrated Kakashi.
Sasuke picked up his bag. Sakura put here’s on her back and clutched the strap to her suit case in her hand. Kakashi stood by the bus doors and as people walked out he handed them maps.
Naruto waited outside the bus for Shikamaru and Sasuke. When they came out Naruto started to walk.
“first were putting Sakura’s stuff in her temporary room and then she said shell help us on our room. ok?” Naruto asked.
“What a drag.” Shikamaru sighed. “sure Sakura can help.
“I don’t care either.” Sasuke added.
So that’s exactly what they did. They dropped of Sakura’s stuff and headed up the stairs. They were surprised to see more than 20 Iruka’s. ‘clone jutsu’ all four of them thought.
“what’s going on?” Naruto asked the Iruka standing in front of their room.
“I needed to make sure everyone got their keys for their dorm room and building key.” He looked at his paper and read it. Then he opened an envelope and handed each boy a two keys. Then a second later he smiled and poofed away.
“that was… weird?” Sakura was, well many things I guess you could say she was surprised.
Sasuke unlocked the door and walked in. Iruka popped up again.
“one more thing can you guys choose in the next five to ten minutes which bed is whose. I’ll be back”
And again he poofed they closed the door and Sakura leaned on it. The three boys examined each bed. There were three beds. Two were bunk beds and the other was a normal one. Shikamaru sat on the bottom bunk knowing Sasuke would never let him have the normal bed. Sasuke sat on the normal bed and Naruto continued to examine the beds. As if he had a choice. For another five minutes Naruto kept examining this, and every second that Naruto didn’t realize Sakura got more annoyed and finally snapped.
“Naruto! Sasuke chose the ordinary bed. Shikamaru chose the bottom bunk, and you NARUTO is forced to sleep on the top bunk.” She let out a relieved sigh.
Naruto grinned sitting on the top bunk. Then Iruka popped out of nowhere, again. This time a second after he came he disappeared and boxes surrounded the boys. ‘transportation jutsu’ the 4 kids thought.
“well, at least our stuff is separated near our beds.” Sasuke tried to say happily.
“what a drag.” Shikamaru stated.
Sasuke’s stuff may have been separated but his and Naruto’s were right next to each other. He grabbed a box that said ‘Shikamaru: Sheets and Clothes’ Shikamaru picked it up and placed it on his bed. He started to get out his sheets to make his bed.
“hey, Sakura,” Sasuke asked her. “can you pass me that box that says ‘bed’ on it?”
“sure!” Sakura Grabbed the box and handed it to Sasuke.
Sasuke began to what Shikamaru had began. He started making his bed.
“Sakura, Sakura, can you help me make my bed?” Naruto asked.
“of course.” She smiled and helped.
After unpacking and setting up cable and their rooms phone Sakura decided to sit down and relax.
The boys were don with their clothes and were putting things in their desks. Sasuke got up and started picking up the boxes. “I’m going to go throw these out.”
“I’ll come too!” Sakura quickly picked up some boxes and let with him.
“Ahhh finally!” Shikamaru said lazily. “Now I can just sit here and do nothing!”
“Gosh Shikamaru you’re done already.” Naruto quickly put away his stuff and continued to talk. “Shouldn’t we explore campus, I hear they have ramen!”
“Maybe when Sasuke and Sakura comes back we can go” Shikamaru tried to avoid having to get up.
Naruto climbed up on his neatly made bed that Sakura had done. (Naruto kept getting in her way of making it so she told him she would do it.)
Sasuke, Sakura, and two other people came in the room.
“well look what the cat dropped in.” Shikamaru sighed when he saw that sasuke and sakura had brought ino and hinanta to their room.
“I thought since there my roommates we could al go out to eat or something.” Sakura said in a ‘no big deal’ kind of way.
“fine by me,” Shikamaru said getting up from his bed.
“Sure! Can we eat ramen?!” Naruto screamed while jumping of his bed to the floor.
“No way were eating ramen! Let’s go to an actual restaurant!” Ino glared at Naruto.
“Let’s go.” Sakura said while they all walked out the door. Shikamaru locked the door behind him before catching up with everyone else.
At the restaurant:
When they were at the restaurant Ino sat at the side then next to her was Shikamaru, then it was Naruto. On the other side Sakura was in the middle and Hinanta sat across Ino while Sasuke sat across Naruto.
“May I take your order?” a waitress said with a note pad and pen ready to write down what we wanted.
“RAMEN!!!” Naruto screamed.
She smiled. “and for you?” Everyone told her and she quickly left to get there drinks. After a couple of minutes of silence Shikamaru stood up and said I have to go to the bathroom I’ll be back. Sasuke, realizing that Shikamaru was just trying to get away from the awkwardness, stated. “I’m going to wash my hands before she brings the food.” Naruto stood up and said good idea following Sasuke and Shikamaru. This left the three girls to talk amongst themselves.
“look Sakura,” in started to say. “I don’t like Sasuke.”
“what are you talking about?” Sakura said confused.
“last year I tried talking to him and he just ignored me, it was then I realized I shouldn’t waste my time on him. So eventually my love for him just disapeered. I never told you because well it’s fun to make you pissed.” Ino shrugged. She didn’t want Sakura to hate er because of a boy she doesn’t even like.
“Ino.” Sakura sighed and looked up, but before she could say anything naruto sat down along with Sasuke and shikamaru.
“Ino can you switch with me?” Sasuke asked.
“oh,ughm I don’t really want to.” She started to blush
‘she was lieing to me’ sakura thought. She started to frown
“fine then shikamaru switch places with me.”
“why do you want to move?” Sakura blurted out.
“because.” And that was all he said.
“Fine.” Ino said standing up. She switched places with him and it was silent once again.
“Want to compare classes?” Hinanta said mainly to Sakura and Ino, but everyone did as she said and took out there schedules’.
After nonsense chit chat and the occasional disagreements between the group, they decided to leave. It was 8:20 and they had to be I there dorms by 9:30. They paid their shares of the meal and left. The three boys dropped the girls of at their dorms before going to there’s.
Sakura, Ino, and Hinanta’s Dorm room.
The boys had just left and the girls closed there door. Sakura walked to her closet and pulled out her Pj shorts and a tank top. she quickly changed in the bathroom and came out. She ended up wearing red pink and green plaided pj shorts and a white tank with pink flowers on it. While Sakura was in the bathroom Ino and Hinanta grabbed their Pj’s waiting or their turn to change. Sakura came out and Ino went in when she came out she wore a purple beater and plaided blue purple and red pj shorts. Hinanta went in after examining what they were going to sleep in she felt a little embarrassed they were in shorts and tank tops when she was wearing pants and a short sleeved shirt. She came out wearing a white short sleeved shirt with a panda bear on it. Then she had white pj pants with little panda bears on it. Ino was curled up in a corner of her bed reading. Sakura was putting away her dirty clothes. Hinanta hurried to her bed and relaxed leaning back she stared at the bed above her. She was sleeping on the lower bunk while Sakura was sleeping on the top bunk and Ino got the single bed.
“I thought you said you didn’t like him anymore.” Sakura said blankly while she climed up on her bed.
“I don’t.” Ino replied with a confused look.
“you blushed when he tried to switch with you and Shikamaru.”
“that’s none of your business. I told you the truth but if you choose not to believe me then fine.”
“I did beleie you and I still do, I just was wondering why you blushed.”
“again.” Ino was getting impatient. “It’s none of your business!”
Sakura was quite and so was Ino. After a moment hinanta spoke up. “Ino,”
Ino turned to Hinanta. “Yeah?”
“You like Shikamaru, don’t you?” Sakura turned and saw Ino’s face turn pink.
“no I don’t.” she sounded startled.
“Ino im so sorry.” Sakura said with a tone of sadness in her voice. “I should have believed you.”
“hmph.” Was allIno could say.
Sakura then jumped of her bed and pointed at in with a huge grin “YOU LIKE SHIKAMARU!”
Ino jumped of her bed at turned bright red. “grrrr. Hinanta you are so dead!”
“ah, im sorry Ino I just thought if you blushed it was because ou liked Shikamaru.” Hinanta sighed hoping ino wouldn’t be to mad. But then there was a knock on the door. Sakura opend it to see Lola Shikamaru’s current girlfriend.
“did you guys just say shikamarus name?” Lola questioned Sakura.
‘Damn’ Ino thought. ‘Lola has to be In the same dorm that were sleeping in. atleast its only for tonight!’
“yeah, is there a problem with that?” Sakura didn’t like when people she didn’t know butted into her business.
“ugh yeah im his girlfried so you better tell me what you were saying or else!”
“or else what your going to cry and tell Shikamaru? Like I care.” Sakura had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
“actually I was going to do this.” As soon as she said this she slapped Sakura. Sakura was in complete shock and Ino pulled Sakura back and stood face to face with Lola.
“who do you think you are!” Ino said to Lola
“I’m Shikamaru’s girl friend, and whichever one of you like him well guess what you’re not.” She turned and smirked. “by the way your all really ugly so don’t expect anyone to like you.”
At this Ino did what she did best. She stopped Sakura from doing anything and said in a calm voice. “you know Lola, I like your advice and now I’m going to help you. I heard Shikamaru like pretty girls,” she slapped Lola or slapping Sakura even though that’s not what she told Lola. “Now you a little bit closer to eve being decent for Shikamaru.”
Lola gasped as she realized what Ino did and said. She walked away very pissed off. Ino turned and closed the door. She walked to her bed and laid down. “are you okay Sakura?”
“yeah im fine, thanks.”
“for what?”
“for slapping her back.”
“I didn’t do that for you, I was just trying to make her look better for Shikamaru.”
Sakura sighed and then smiled while climbing on her bed. She knew why Ino did it and that was good enough.
Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Naruto’s Dorm
“that was fun.” Shikamaru said sarcastically.
“what did you expect, we were hanging out with two noisy girls and one silent one.” Sasuke answered as if Shikamaru had asked a question.
“oh come on it was fun!” Naruto said happily.
They were all laying in bed just waiting to finally fall asleep when they heard a knock on there door.
“Shikamaru baby open the door its Lola.” Lola cried out.
“ignore her.” Shikamaru whisperd. The boys did as they were told and after 10 min. of banging on the door and yelling she finally left. Shikamaru looked at his cell phone noticed that she had texted him.
Lola: Shika babes were are you?
Shikamaru: in my room.
Lola: I was knocking on your door and you weren’t there.
Shikamaru: I was listening to my ipod so I didn’t hear you.
Lola: oh well I need you to scare Ino for me because she slapped me.
Shikamaru: ill think about it. G’nite
Lola: well I hope you make the right decision! I love you, do you me? Goodnight sweety.
Shikamaru didn’t write back he was so surprised why would Ino slap her? And what do I have to be aprt of it it has nothing to do with me!

HAHAHA okay I was bored so I put picture Injoy AND PLEASE R&R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!