Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha boarding high school ❯ new room ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DISCLAIMER: don’t own Naruto!
Sakuras Prov.
I woke up and went through my bag and grabbed my clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a shower brushed my teeth and did my hair. I wore a plaid dress that stopped right above my knees it has blue and green mostly but there’s some pink and other colors to. On top I had a grey hoodie that said 1987 on it. I had grey flats with a adorable blue bow on top of it. When I came out of the bathroom Ino went in and Hinanta had just opened her eyes. I started to pack up all my clothes in my suit case. ‘Were moving into our new dorm today, YAY!’ KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. I opened the door and iruka sensai was holding an envelope and a piece of paper he handed it to me and said
“These are your guy’s keys and room directions and name. Have a good day!” he smiled and poofed away I turned around and hinanta go in the bath room. Then I saw Ino. She was wearing dark green shirt that said ‘A little blonde goes a long way’ and light jeans with no pockets. She had a white hoodie that said ‘A. eagle 77’. She wore green flipflops and had a highponytail with a green hairband.”He gave you our keys?” Ino questioned me. “yupp.” I said giving her hers. She put all her stuff away and stood by the door waiting for hinanta. “You were right.” She whispered. “I know,” I smiled remembering what had happened the night before. “I’m not talking about why I slapped the girl.” I looked at ino with a confused look. ‘Did she mean that she likes Shikamaru?’ “Oh,” was all I could say. She smiled. “You know, about who I like.” It’s like she knew I was unsure. At that moment hinanta came out of the bathroom she looked shy as she got her stuff “cute shorts!” ino complimented her. Hinanta was wearing blue paid shorts that stopped right above her knee. She had a short sleeved striped light blue over shirt with a white tank top underneath. She had a pair of white sneakers on and a necklace that had an H on it. ”Thanks,” hinanta smiled. She packed up her stuff and was ready to go. I gave her, her keys and we were off to our dorm.
Shikamaru’s Prov.
Me, Sasuke, and naruto were in the lounge or as we like to call it the ‘worst area’ people will talk to you just because your watching TV man its troublesome!
“Hey Shikamaru, Sasuke, Naruto!” Ino waved as she walked halfway down the steps. “you wanna help?” Ino was trying to drag three bags down the steps. Sakura walked right past ino holding her luggage in one hand[she only had one] and her bag in the other. Hinanta followed sakura with her rolling suitcase.
“Ino dicided to bring half her clothes with her so they didn’t have to waste boxes!” Sakura smirked.
“hey you shouldn’t waste thing just because your to lazy to carry them.” Ino defended her self.
“yeah yeah” Sakura set her stuf on the floor and went to help ino. “man, are you sure this is just clothes!”
“oh I stuffed A LOT of clothes in just one bag!” everyone laughed at the thought of ino trieng to fit all of her clothes in her dresser.
I walked over and grabbed the bag from sakura and one bag from ino. “ill help”
“oh thanks” ino smiled and blushed a little.
Normal Prov.
The four kids walked to the girls dorm leaving sasuke and naruto watching tv in the lounge.
“were here!” Sakura screeched while opening the door. She crawled around the boxes that hid the girls floor, and put her stuff on the top bunk. Ino went to the single bed and put her stuff down. Shikamaru followed her putting the rest of her crap down. Hinanta just stood at the door.
“ugh whos stuff is this?” she slowly traveld to her bed.
“it all of our boxes that we sent with our stuff in them. They should say our names on them.” At that note sakura started putting her stuff near her dresser and desk.” Shikamaru was helping placing the girls stuff in the right corner.
“hahaha!” Shikamaru laughed.
“what?” Ino looked st him like he was sychotic but secretly she was loving this.
“you guys don’t have your own bathroom you have to share!” everyone examend the walls looking for a second door but there wasn’t one.
“crap that sucks!” Sakura frowned.
When all the boxes were separated Shikamaru left them to unpack bythemselves. Sakura started to put stuff on her desk a crossed out her stuff in her head. ‘laptop check ipod check celly check math book check…..’ Ino was unpacking her clothes. Hinanta was just opening random boxes and put them were they belonged.
“AHHHHH!” Ino sighed laying on her finley made bed. “im finally done with my clothes! Im so tired.”
“all I have left IS my clothes.” Sakaura laughed.
Hinata sighed. “IM DONE!”
The girls were going to check out the new club for teens down the street so they changed into clothes that were a little less out there for a club. Ino changed in to a white and blue plaid strapless shirt with a black half top over it. She had black jeans and white and blue flip flops on. She was wearing silver hoops and 3 black bracelets. She then grabbed her black Louis Vuitton bag to complete her look. Ino then put a light pink lip gloss and light blue eye shadow. She put mascara on her long eyelashes. The eye shadow and mascara brought out Ino’s light blue eyes making her look irresistible to any guy who looked at her. Sakura changed into something more pink and white just to be opposite of Ino. She wore a pink and white striped tank top with a white half top on top of it. She wore light jeans and a pair of white and pink flip flops. She had a white pearl bracelet and earrings that were couch with diamond in them. She also had a Louis Vuitton bag except hers was white. Sakura had lip gloss on with pink eye shadow. She didn’t need mascara since her eye lashes were dark enough. Hinanta finally changed and looked awesome. She wore A white and dark blue striped tank top with a pair of dark jeans. She wore a pare of black high heals that had stones in its pattern her purse had the exact same pattern. She had A onyx and white gold necklace and bracelet on. Hinanta put black mascara and dark green eye shadow. She put a light layer of pink lip gloss making her lips look naturally that color. To Ino and Sakuras surprise Hinanta could actually looked hot. It was weird she was always shy and now she’s is more out there.
“Wow this place is actually pretty cool!” Ino examined while she alke in.
“eh ive seen better” Sakura shrugged
“please sakura your not rich so don’t act it! When did you every go to a better club?”
“when I ad to pee real bad so we went in a club that looked better then this they wouldn’t let me so I peed on there floor and left… better than pee in the car!” sakura shrugged.
“eww that’s gross.” Hinanta comented.
“EEEEEEK!” Ino quickly grabed hinanta and sakura to near by table keeping her eye on her target. “Theres shika-kun!!”
“shika-kun? Since when do you call him that?” sakura questioned Ino.
“yeah only his girlfriend calls him shika-kun!” hinanta took sakuras side.
“im calling him shika-kun as a sighn that I WILL be his girlfriend.” She smirked and the girls had a convinced look on there faces.
“ill go get us some drinks kay.” Hinanta said going to the bar.
“whats up with hinanta shes not shy at all!” ino noticed.
“I know its really weird.” Sakura saw hinanta ith three drinks in her hand heading back to the table.
“here you go.” She said handing us our drinks.”so ino why aren’t you going to talk to shikamaru?”
“I want him to come to me DUH!” ino smiled he was dancing with Lola and with every beat they moved closer to the table. Interrupting the conversation between Sakura and Hinanta ino laughed, really loud. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” people in her hearing range turned and gave wird looks towards her. “oh sakura your so funny!” ino smiled. Shikamaru turned around and saw sakura pink hair and hinantas weird eyes. He said one minute to his girlfriend and walke off.
“hey sakura whos your hot friend?” he said looking at ino.
“ugh hey shika-kun, I cant believe you forgot about me already!” ino punched his arm not hard though.
“I was kidding I knew it was you! But what are you guys doing hear?” shikamaru asked.
Before ino could answer him a pissed Lola walked up to him and gave ino a’ you wish’ kind of look and turned to shikamaru.
“hey shika baby can you walk me home I have to go.”
“why don’t you ask Kelley[one of her friends that as at the club] to bring you home. I want to stay with my friends.”
“did you just say no to me?” Lola gave shikamaru a no you didn’t look.
“yeah I did and since your mad its probably a good time to stay of my friends and don’t hit them.”
“ I told you she hit me! Shika baby who are you going to believe your girlfriend or her?”
“let see do I believe my best friend or my EX-girlfriend. Ill walk you home but im sorry Lola I cant handle your drama.”
“ugh if any one asks I broke p woth you!”Lola said storming of.
“sorry guys,” shikamaru looked annoyed. “its about time we broke up. Man girls are so trouble sum”
“Hey shikamaru you do realize your talkin to THREE girl?” sakura questioned the lazy boy.
“yeah yeah whatever.”
“oh my god I love this song!” hinanta said pulling the girls off there seats. “lets dance!
Sakura and hinanta started to dance while ino convinced shikamaru to dance too.
Boy walkin' the spot he so fresh and (uh huh)He got what he needs impressin' (uh huh)Just look at the way that he dressin' (uh huh)Ain't no question chicks like ohEveryone was dancing separately just next to each other.Girl walk in the spot she stop traffic (uh huh)She blowin' your mind with her asset (uh uh)So Jessica Alba fantasticInstant classic boys like ohAt this point ino and sikamaru were a lot closer to each other.Baby I can see us movin' like that (like that)Baby I can see us touchen' like that (like that)Baby I can see us kissen' like that (like that)We don't need no more that he said, she saidnow shikamaru and ino were dancing together and they were having fun. Ino was blushing madly but shikamaru couldn’t tell he was to busy dancing and thinking about what was happening. Baby I can see us movin' like that (like that)Baby I can see us touchen' like that (like that)Baby I can see us kissen like that (like that)We don't need another he said, she saidHe said girl you winningShe said boy where you been at (where you been)Stop talkin' let’s get with itJust like that theyhinanta and sakura had slowed down on dancing and was watching shikamaru and ino dance together. They went to the tale and relaxed. The song was over and ino came to the table.
“where’s shikamaru?” sakura asked.
“Bathroom.” ino smiled.
“I’m back.” shikamaru said sitting next to sakura and ino.
“welcome back, shika-kun.” Ino grinned. She couldn’t help it she, felt like smiling.
“not to be a bummer but its 9:00 so we have half an hour to get back to our dorms.” Sakura chimed in.
Ino hugged shikamaru and said goodnight. When they closed the door ino did her happy dance. “Ino what are you doing?” hinanta asked.
“She’s doing her happy dance you know you used to do that when you 7 and we first met. And now you still do it! Man you sure are weird!” sakura sighed as she pulled out the pj’s she wore the night before. They all changed for bed and went to sleep.