Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha boarding high school ❯ PE ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It’s been a month since konoha high became a boarding school and everyone seemed to love their life. Ino and shikamaru were going out for three weeks now and ino couldn’t be any happier! Sakura and sasuke were science partners and had a history project to do together. Sakura loved this, but ‘Naruto better not get in the way’ she thought. Tenten [who will become a main character] was getting great grades and had awesome friends but she felt like something was missing. Turns out the ramen they have at school, is now naruto’s #1 FAVORITE ramen!
Ino’s Prov.
“SAKURA!!” I grabbed her covers and pulled them of sakuras bed. Little did I know when I pulled te covers I pulled her of too! Woops.
“I-i-i-ino,” I could hear the anger in sakuras voice
“Shit!” I grabbed my back pack and ran out of the room. As I ran out I bumped into a girl wearing a red uniform and she had her brown hair in to buns. “oh sorry tenten just running from an angry sakura!” I grinned while standing back up.
“What did you do I can hear her screaming!” tenten looked at me disappointed. I started to pout but as soon as I was going to say something sakura ran out the door. She was wearing the schools yellow uniform but her tie wasn’t tied and her hair was messy. Even the stuff in her bag was messily shoved in there.
“I’m going to kill you!” sakura said tossing her bag toward tenten. “Can you hold that?” Sakura smirked.
“IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!!” I yelled backing up but again I bumped into someone.
“Sorry for what?” I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see shika-kun sasuke neji [a 10th grader also hinantas cousin] and naruto. I ran behind my shika-kun and glanced a little at her. She had calmed down pretty fast. ‘Thank goodness for sasuke coming along with shika-kun’. Sakura reached up at her forehead and lightly touched it.
“Ow. Damn it ino next time you try to wake me up do it so I don’t have a bump on my huge forehead!” Sakura growled. She then put her hair up in a high pony tail and tied her tie. Sakura whimpered. “It’s going to be elementary school all over again.”
Sasuke couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Oh, sakura-Chan in elementary school they’d make fun of you and naruto would try to beat them up but that didn’t work so I’d have to step in.” he smirked. “What you thought was horrible I thought was hilarious.” He smiled and sakura turned red.
They separated because they all had different TA’s. sakura and ino were with Iruka sensei. Sasuke naruto and shikamaru went to kakashi sansei’s TA. Hinanta had Anko sensei for TA. Tenten and neji had gui sensei.
“Ino can you see the bump?” Sakura kept fixating on the bump.
“look sakura if somebody makes fun of you ill pesonaly beat them up just stop talking about it!” Ino burst.
“I knew it.” Sakura sighed. “it is noticeable.”
They enterd there class and took there seats waiting for TA to start.
As they sat in the room waiting for there always late teacher they were talking about pe. Pe is the one class the whole gang had together. The only problem was they had ibiki sensei and he was tough!
“I heard were running 20 laps because last class we were goofing off” naruto said with a sad face.
“what a drag, why does the whole class have to suffer!” shikamaru stated.
“you shouldn’t be talking its your fault you were to lazy so you sat out and now EVERYONE has to run 20 laps!” Sasuke was annoyed. He liked running but this was supposed to be the fun class not the annoying class.
“I said I was sorry!” shikamaru groaned.
“yeah I know just make sure no one else finds out or your dead!” sasuke added.
The girls and guys had just left the locker room and were talking to their friends before ibiki told them to do something.
Sakura skipped over to the boys and smiled. “guess what!”
“what.” They were board and really wanted to skip pe.
“were running 20 laps today!” sakura jumped up a down. “YAY!!”
The boys just glared at her like she was a psycho.
“oh-ma-gosh!” ino jumped out of nowhere and started to jump with sakura! “I’m not excited about running but I can’t stop jumping!” she screamed.
“What happened too gloomy sakura and responsible for sakuras pain ino?” shikamaru asked.
The two girls stopped jumping looked at each other and back at the boys. They smiled. “we don’t know!” they said in union.
“EVERYONE GET INTO GROUPS OF FOUR!!” Ibiki sensei yelled.
Naruto, sasuke, hinanta, sakura, neji, tenten, temari, lee, ino, garaa, shikamaru, and matsuri all stood ino circle.
“Me sakura and ino will be a group” shikamaru said pulling them out of the circle.
“Sure” ino smiled. ‘Me and shika-kun plus sakura and sasuke!
Naruto, hinanta, nejj, tenten, temari, garaa, lee, and matsuri just watched them leave before splitting up.
“Naruto, hinanta, and matsuri.” Garaa said. Everyone else formed a group.
“alright now were going to play a game that I like to call ‘war’ [A/N I don’t know the actual name] you will have three people holding up one person! When 4 of the 8 groups are out I will explain the second part!” ibiki explained. “oh and when you lose you have to run so don’t lose on purpose so you can sit on your lazy buts.” He said this while glaring at shikamaru. Shikamru just smiled like he had no idea why ibiki was glaring. “now choose who will be picked up!”
“I think it should be sakura.” Ino said. “im not good with hights. She grinned. The truth was she didn’t want the boys to tease her about her wait.
“ugh.. sure I guess ill be on the top.” The boys nodded and lifted her up shikamry was holdin one foot while sasuke was holding the other. Ino was behind her making sure to push her back up when she slightly was falling. “uhh, this is weird!” sakura said being three feet off the ground without knowing if the boys would drop her really freaked her out.
“man sakura what are you eating?” sasuke teased ‘I knew it!’ ino thought. “shut up sasuke!” sakura growled.
Over at temarri and tentens group they chose to pick up tenten. “alrigh lee, neji whatever you o don’t drop me!” “we wont.” Lee smiled sweetly. Then neji mumbled. “he wont but I might.” I glared at neji. “hey your in no position to be glaring at me! Im the one holding you up.” Neji smirked. “whatever.” Teten mumbled.
“please matsuri.” Hinanta was beging matsuri to be on the top because she knew she couldn’t handle it.
“b-b-but..” matsuri was cut of when garaa grbeed her legs and lifted her. “wha-what are you doing?” matsuri blushed. “naruto grab her leg,” he said now only holding on to one leg. “kay,” “man garaa your freakishly strong.” He looked up at matsuri and smiled. “but you till evil!” she stuck out her toung and he continued to smile.
“READY! TWEEEEE” he blew his whistle and everyone started attacking. It was the people who were being held up that attacked each other. No one was surprised that the first team to go out was sakuras team. “I’m surprised they even went near them!” a couple people mumbled as they saw sakura knock the girl on the top down. Sakura, ino, shikamaru, and sasuke sat down on the winners’ bench while the other team sat in the losers’ bench. Pretty soon there was only two teams left. Neji, Lee, Tenten, and Temari were sitting with sakura and her team on the bench along with another team that had one. Matsuri, garaa, hinanta and naruto were up against one other team. The other team looked deadly and everyone thought that the girl was going to beat matsuri. Boom a girl fell on the floor. Much to everyone’s surprise it wasn’t matsuri; it was the other teams girl. Naruto and hinanta ran to the winners bench as garaa slowly putting matsuri down while walking over to them s well. “good job matsuri!!” sakura said high fiving her. “thanks!” matsuri was really happy.
“alright!” ibiki said sending the losers of to run. He walked over to the winners and explained what to do next. Everyone was to be in a group of two, preferably a boy and a girl. We were going to fight with one person on the other’s shoulders.
Matsuri and garaa paired up. “let’s get them!” matsuri screamed while walking to their spot in the gym.
Ino and shikamaru paired up. “Come on shika-kun lets show them how you really aren’t lazy!” ino grinned. “But I am.” Shikamaru said confused. “That’s not the point shika-kun, let’s just win!” she yelled running to their spot in the gym.
“Hinanta wanto be my partner?” naruto asked. “s-sure.” Hinanta and naruto went to there spot on the floor.
“tenten, lets go.” Neji said walking to his spot. “who said I was with you?” tenten yelled after him. “I did know come on.” Tenten shrugged and ran over to him.
“lee you wanna pair up since there a team?” temari said watching neji and tenten leave. “sure.” Lee smiled. Temari had a very faint blush.
Sakura turned to sasuke realizing it was only them to left. He sighed and dragged sakura over to his spot in the gym. “were partners.” Sakura was going to say sarcastic really but decided to keep her mouth shut and just smile.
The girls got on the guys shoulders and the whistle was blown slowly one by one the teams were vanishing. Hinanta and naruto were up against matsuri and garaa but were no match matsuri knocked hinanta off naruto fast and said “sorry hinanta.” Sakura and sasuke got temari and lee. In and shikamaru lost to crazy tenten and lee. By the end only 3 teams were left. Matsuri and garaa, sakura and sasuke, and tenten and neji. To everyone’s surprise matsuri got sakura out which stunned herself the most. Garaa congratulated matsuri and glared at neji. Neji glared right back and told tenten to get them. Know tenten by herself could scare the living life out of someone but with a nejis evil glares made their team pretty scary to go up against. But as neji walked closer he tripped flat on his face.
“and the winner is matsuri and garaa!” ibiki yelled. “you guys don’t have to run next class as the prize for winning. Now everyone go change. “
Matsuri hugged garaa at their suces and ran towards the other girls to change. Garaa went up to neji and smiled. “loser.” Garaa sang. “im gunna get you garaa!” neji said getting up to hit him. Everyone just laughed and went to change.