Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Konoha High
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
I had come up with the idea for this story about a month ago, though quite frankly I don't remember why…
All I do know is that my friend liked the idea and supported it; she even gave me a character to use!
Here is Chapter 1 of `Konoha High'!
Please Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything belonging to Masashi Kishimoto.
“Mommy, we there yet?”, a young boy with short spiky blonde hair and big bright-blue eyes asks from his booster-seat.
“We're almost there, sweetie”, his mother replies, as she glances back from the front-seat with her dark blue-grey eyes towards him, while brushing a clump of her dark-auburn hair from her face.
“How is Hitomi related to me?”, the child questions.
“You're my son and she's my sister”, his father; a man with the same shade of blue eyes as his child and longer spiky blonde hair, chuckles, “That makes her your Aunt, Naruto”
“You also have a cousin who is two years older than you, as well”, his mother adds.
“What's a cousin?”, Naruto inquires.
“The child of an Aunt or Uncle”
“Then what about Grammy and Grampy?”
His mother and father glance over at each-other for a moment, before his mother turns to reach into the backseat to retrieve a fox-plush from the car-floor and hands it to her son.
“Don't worry about that, sweetie”, she reassures, as she watches him hug the toy.
Naruto hugs the plush tighter as he looks forward at his parents, the gentle reassuring smile on his mother's face and the slight smile he saw on his father's as he glances back at his son from over his shoulder.
Their smiling faces was the last thing he saw before the image becomes washed-out by bright-light, followed by his parents' shouting, the smell of burned rubber, the sound of metal scrapping and crushing against metal, pain and finally darkness.
Blue eyes slowly flutters open, wincing against the invading sunlight, before a hand grinds the sleep from his eyes.
//Next Stop, Shibuya-station!//, the intercom states, before repeating the message.
The youth stands up and starts to gather their bags, when a woman wearing a train-uniform approaches.
“Sir, please remain seated until the train has pulled into the station”, she advises.
“Oh sorry, Miss”, he replies, nervously running his fingers through his short-spiky blonde hair as he scratches the back of his head before retaking his seat.
“Is this your first-time going to Tokyo, Sir?”, she asks.
“No, second actually”, he admits, `It has been almost nine-years…', he woefully thinks, as he pulls out a tattered photo and stares down at the smiling faces of his now deceased-parents.
“So, are you meeting someone at the Station?”
“Some relatives of mine…”, he says, holding back the cringe that the word `relatives' brought on.
“Okay, have a good-day, Sir”, she bids, walking away to aid an elderly-woman with her baggage.
`Relatives… Now I see why you were so hesitant to talk about my grandparents', he scoffs in his mind, as he grabs a suitcase and duffel-bag from the overhead-compartment, and exits the train.
Despite the hustling and bustling crowds of the Station and with two large-bags, the teen surprisingly was able to keep his footing and traverses towards the outside of the station.
He looks around at the people in the plaza and spots a young woman wearing a red sleeveless shirt and a pair of grey-Capri, she had long strawberry-blonde hair that was pulled-up in a ponytail and she was standing next to a bronze-statue of an Akita, and she appeared to be searching the crowd for someone.
When her eyes fall onto him, she stares at him for a moment before a look of realization spreads on her features, “Naruto! Over here!”, she exclaims, waving her arm over her head before jogging towards him and wraps her arms around his body, hugging him.
“Uh…”, he utters, slightly stunned.
“How have you been?”, she asks, leaning back from the embrace, but keeps her hands on his shoulders, as her blue eyes look him over, “Wow, you've gotten so tall”, she comments, despite that she was a few inches taller than the 5'5” Naruto.
“Uh, Setsuna…?”, Naruto questions.
“That's right!”, she nods, “Oh, I haven't seen you in so long”
“Where's Hitomi-oba?”
“Unfortunately, mom was called into work at the last minute”, his cousin replies, “So it's just me to escort you”, she shrugs, before snagging his suitcase with one hand and his hand with the other, “Come on, Naruto. We have a train to catch”, she smiles, as she leads him back into the train-station.
“W-what?!”, he gasps.
“Well, we have to catch the train to Sakura-Shinmachi Station”, she states.
-On the Train-
“So, Setsuna?”, Naruto questions.
“What is it, Naruto?”
“How did you know for sure it was me in the plaza?”
“You look so much like Minato-oji, that as soon as I saw you I knew it was you”, she replies.
“I look like my father…?”, he whispers in shock.
“Except for the shape of your eyes…”, she adds, “They're shaped more like Kushina-oba's”
“My mother's…?”
//Next Stop, Sakura-Shinmachi Station!//, the intercom announces, repeating the message one more time in Japanese, before saying it again in English.
“That is our stop!”, she says with a smile, as she adjusts the suitcase's strap on her shoulder, “Unfortunately, it is about a 5-minute walk to the house. I hope you don't mind”
“I don't mind at all”, he shrugs, as they walk onto the platform.
“I do have some bad news for you though…”
“My mom and I would love to let you settle in first, but unfortunately you're going to start school tomorrow”, she states, as they exit the station.
“W-what…?!”, he gasps, almost dropping his duffel-bag, “Why so soon?”
“Well, the second-half of the First-Semester begins tomorrow and mom doesn't want you to miss out on your education”, she explains with a half-smile, “Luckily, I managed to borrow a school-uniform for you to wear until you receive your fitted-ones. Though it might be a little-loose on you…”
“Oh yeah, they must have only sent you to Public-School”, she comments, “Well fortunate for you, you have an Aunt who is sending you to Private-School for the best Education possible”
“P-Private School…?”, he stammers, as he fumbles his luggage.
“Yeah, that's right”, she confirms, “It's different than Public Schools, but only in that the classes are smaller, so the teachers end up having an easier time helping their students learn, which in turn increases the Grade-Point Average of the School and makes it the Top-school in the area”
“That means I've got to cut my hair, doesn't it?”
“Believe it or not, Konoha High is extremely laxed on the dress-code; except for the uniform that is, hair dyed un-natural hair-colors and long-hair on boys is allowed”, she informs, “Than again, it's only because some of the students' natural hair-color looks un-natural”
“Seriously; pinks blues purples, I've seen them. I fact, one of the teachers has silver-hair and he's only 30-years old”
“You sure it isn't from stress?”
“I'm pretty sure, I've seen pictures of when he was a child and even then his hair was silver!”
“I see…”
“Well, here we are!”, she announces, “Your new home, Naruto!”
He turns to see the house he was going to call home, only for his blue-eyes to widen and his mouth to fall open, as his duffel-bag drops to the ground at what he saw.
A huge cream-colored two-story house loomed over the street; the front-entrance was safely tucked away behind a gated-archway beyond a driveway.
“Unexpected, right?”, she questions, as she picks up the second piece of his luggage from where it had fallen.
Naruto could only mutely nod in his state of shock.
“2,854 square-feet of Property-space, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, a family-room…”, she explains, “Shall I continue?”
“Ah no…no…no! You don't have to!”, he hastily says, “Can we please go in now?”
“Sure. Follow me”, his cousin grins, as she walks up the brick-driveway.
“Are you always like this?”, he asks.
“Like what?”
“Constantly rambling and hyper”
“S-sorry, I tend to become like that when I get excited…”, she stammers, as a blush consumes her features.
“Funny, I get like that sometimes too”, he laughs.
“Really… I couldn't tell”, she jokingly scoffs, as she inserts her key into the lock.
“Ha ha ha… That was so funny, I forgot to laugh”, he frowns, “I hope you know, my suitcase has wheels so it doesn't need to be carried all the time”
“Yeah, I know”, she shrugs, pushing the door open, “I needed the exercise”
As the door swings open it reveals an expansive tiled-entryway with a hallway to the left leading to a large-room and a stairwell on the right.
“Follow me, the bedrooms are upstairs”, she says, after removing her shoes.
She watches as he removes his sneakers, before adjusting his bags into more comfortable-positions on her shoulders.
“One of the toilets is there”, she states, pointing towards the door just before the stairwell as they walk past it and up the stairs.
Upon reaching the second floor, she points to a door past the open-space of the entryway to her left.
“Mom's room is there”, she informs, before walking over to the small hall tucked away in a corner and points towards the open-door straight ahead of her, “The bathroom w/ toilet is there”, she continues, then moves her hand to point to her left, “That is my room over there”
“And last but not least, this your room”, she joyfully announces, swinging open the door to the room at the immediate top of the stairs, revealing a 130sqft room with hard-wood floors.
Upon him walking further into the room he finds a desk against the wall to the right of the door, a dresser sat beyond the closet to his left and a large King-size bed was neatly made with a forest-green bedding-set on the opposite-side of the room from the dresser with a nightstand and lamp next to it.
“T-this…this room…”, he stammers, stepping towards the bed, “It's really mine?”
“It's all yours, Naruto”, she smiles, watching as he stops in front of the nightstand and picks up the framed picture that sat there, “I hope you don't mind, but I wanted you to have a pristine photo of your parents. I'm pretty sure the copy you have has started to fade”
“Thank you…”, he whispers, holding the frame to his chest before setting it back down and turns towards the bed, “Huh…?”, he gasps, as he reaches over and plucks a reddish-brown plush off of the covers, “Kyuu…?”, he questions, staring at the toy.
Patches of it's fur were either worn away or stained a darker shade of red and parts of it's seams had been re-stitched.
“Where did you find him, Setsuna?”
“I had picked him up after you accidently dropped him at your parents' funeral when the bag-of-bones we call grandparents snagged you”, she sadly replies, “He was also a little torn up too”
“I see…”, he mutters, “Thanks for repairing Kyuu for me…”
“Don't mention it, he's your favorite, right?”, she blushes, “I mean, it wouldn't be right to leave him in such a sorry-looking state”, she adds, earning a weak chuckle from her cousin, “Oh yeah!”
“What is it?”
“There are a few rules that come with the room…”
`I knew it was too good to be true…', he mentally groans, “I'm not allowed to change the room, right?”
“No, that wasn't what I was going to say. You can decorate the room anyway you want to”, she says, “What I was going to say was you're not allowed to remodel by putting holes in the walls with your feet or fists, there's an exercise-room with a punching-bag downstairs for that”
“Just give fair warning before you start moving furniture, don't want to been awoken in the middle of the night, okay?”, she laughs, “Though you do need to help out with chores around the house, mom only has the professionals come when she's going to have guests over”
“That's understandable…”
“There was supposed to be a computer on your desk, but it still hasn't arrived”, she sighs, forlornly glancing at the desk, “If there is anything you want for your room; like a rug or T.V., just ask and you'll get it”
“Sure”, he nods, as he takes his suitcases from her.
“Now I got to go call mom and inform her that you arrived in one-piece, alright?”
“Go right ahead, I'm going to start unpacking”
“Call me if you need anything”, she states, as she leaves.
He sets the bags onto the bed, unzipping the largest one and begins removing his clothes, walking them over to the dresser.
`Wonder how long this is gonna last before I'm off to the next relative?', he ponders, `Though, they are the one's who invited me to live with them', he mentally notes.
“Naruto! Could you come here a moment?!”, he heard his cousin call out.
“What is it?”, he replies from the doorway.
“Come down here for a sec, my mother wishes to speak with you!”
“I'll be right there!”, he answers, heading down the stairs, “Setsuna, where are you?”
“I'm in the Family-room!”, he heard her say from the front of the house, following the sound of her voice towards the unlit portion of the home.
“Why are the lights out…?”, he mutters, blindly feeling for a light-switch.
Clicking the switch immediately illuminates the room, causing him to blink against the sudden brightness and he silently gasps at what he saw.
Setsuna stood in the middle of the room holding a cake in her hands while an older woman with long braided blonde hair and blue-eyes stood beside her.
“Surprise!”, Setsuna exclaims.
“Welcome home, Naruto”, the woman greets, warmly smiling at him.
“Hi-Hitomi-oba…?”, he stutters, pointing.
“That's right”, she nods.
“But I thought you were at work…”
“It was Setsuna's idea to surprise you”, his aunt replies, as she calmly walks over to him and gently hugs him, “It's been so long since I last saw you. How old are you now?”
“15, I'll be 16 in October”
“I see. You've grown so much from the 7-year old young-man you were the last time I saw you”, she says, leaning back, “I'm so glad that you've finally made it here”, she adds, as tears started to build in her eyes.
“Mom, please don't cry”, Setsuna pleads, “Because if you do, it'll take you awhile to calm down and the ice-cream cake is starting to melt”
“Oh alright”, she sniffles, wiping away the salty-droplets, “Let's eat before we need to use straws to drink the cake”
“I second that!”, his cousin agrees, setting the tray onto the chabudai and kneels at the low-table, followed by her mother.
Hitomi starts to cut into the cake as Naruto takes his place at the table, he is handed the first slice.
“Itadakimasu!”, he exclaims. Before biting into the piece he had separated from his share with a fork, `Now that I think about it, none of my other relatives ever gave me a welcoming like this. They must truly want me here', he mentally recants, as he watches his cousin and aunt laugh about something that had happened days earlier, `I just hope I'm right about Hitomi-oba and Setsuna…'
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
Chapter 1 is concluded!
Join me in Chapter 2!
Catch you readers next time!