Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Konoha High
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
Welcome back, readers!
Well, Naruto has moved in with his Aunt & Cousin!
The same ones he and his parents were on their way to visit…
Here is Chapter 2 of `Konoha High'!
Please Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything belonging to Masashi Kishimoto.
Blue eyes groggily blink open before they close again and their owner nestles further into the warmth of the green-comforter with a groan.
“Naruto, it's time to get up”, Setsuna says, opening his door, “If you don't wake up and get dressed, you're going to be late for your first day of school”, she informs, as she stares at the mess of blonde-spikes poking out from underneath the blanket.
“Uh… Five more minutes…”, he groans, rolling over.
“Fine, you're going to miss out on a hot breakfast though”, she shrugs, walking over to his closet and opens it, “I'm putting your uniform in the closet”, she states, starting to hang the outfit onto a hanger.
“Okay, okay… I'm up, I'm up…”, he moans, sitting up and sleepily stares at his cousin.
She was already wearing her uniform which consisted of a white and maroon short-sleeved sailor-fuku with a red handkerchief, a knee-length pleated maroon skirt, and white knee-high socks, her strawberry-blonde hair was neatly braided behind her head.
“Well hurry it up then”, she advises, “I've already ironed your uniform for you, so you'll make a good first impression”
“Um… thank you”, he blinks.
“And here's your bookbag”, she says, tossing a heavy-duty leather briefcase-looking bag at him.
“Huh?”, he gasps, catching it effortlessly despite his sleepy state of mind.
“It's already packed with the supplies you'll need, so you don't have to worry about that”
“Uh, thanks again… I think…”
“See you downstairs”, she smiles, before walking out.
`Oh man, how can she be so cheerful this early in the morning…?', he thinks, scratching his head before glancing at the clock, “7:30am…?”, he mutters, `Note to self; set alarm for 7:15am…'
He shuffles from underneath the blankets and places his feet onto the floor, he stumbles over to his closet to check-out the uniform.
The uniform consisted of maroon-slacks; the same color of the skirt of Setsuna's uniform, and a white short-sleeve dress-shirt with an embroider leaf-looking symbol on the left-side of the chest.
“Might as well get this over with…”, he sighs, removing the outfit from the hanger.
-Few Minutes Later-
“Uh, Setsuna?”, Naruto questions, as he approaches the kitchen at the front of the house.
“What is it?”, he hears her say, as he enters the room and finds her standing in front of the stove with an apron over her uniform, “What's wrong, Naruto?”, she asks, turning towards him, “How's the uniform fitting?”
“The waist is a little loose, but the pant-legs are a different-story”, he replies, indicating to the bottom 4-inches of the pants that pooled around his ankles.
“I figured that would be the case”, she chuckles, turning back towards the stove.
“How'd you figure?”, he states, as he folds the extra material inside of the pants.
“Well, the person I borrowed the uniform from is 5'9”-5'10” tall”, she answers, rolling the omelet she was cooking and starts slicing it, and she places the pieces into 2 bento-boxes.
“Okay… What's for breakfast?”
“It's on the table”, she states, as she binds the bento-boxes in cloth.
He turns to find a proper set-up of a plate of cheesy scrambled-eggs with a side of toast, and glasses of milk & orange-juice.
“Wow, really traditional…”, he sarcastically mutters.
“Hey, cut my mom some slack”, his cousin protests, “She rarely cooks breakfast before leaving for work, so enjoy what she did make”, she adds, as she unties her apron and hangs it up on a hook.
“Then what are we to eat normally?”, he asks around a bite of toast.
“Cereal, toast, and; my personal favorite, toaster-pastries”, she replies, handing him one of the bundled bento-boxes, “Here's your lunch”
“Thanks…”, he mutters, setting the bundle down onto the table next to himself, “So, is it true that Private school classes are really six-days a week?”
“There are some that are and some are only 5-days a week”, she says, “But yes, Konoha High is one of the few that has classes 6-days a week”
“Is there anything else I need to know?”
“Other than that school starts at 8:30am, you have to check into the main-office for your itinerary when we get to the school”, she informs, glancing at her watch, “Well, we've got to leave if we want to get there on time”
“Huh?”, he gasps, glancing at the microwave, “It's only 7:45”
“Yeah, but we have to catch the train to Shibuya”
“Back to Shibuya again?”, he groans, but grabs his boxed-lunch and school-bag none-the-less without another complaint, as he follows his cousin out the door.
“Oh, before I forget”, Setsuna suddenly says, halfway to the station, “You'll be needing this”, she smiles, holding out something slim and made of plastic.
“What's this?”
“It's your Rail-Pass”, she answers, “And we'll go get you a copy of the house-key after school, okay?”
“Sure…”, he slowly agrees, as he takes the card from her hand and places it into his pocket.
-Thirty Five Minutes Later-
“Are we there yet?”, Naruto questions.
“As a matter of fact, we are”, she replies, “Welcome to Konoha High, Naruto!”
He looks up the tree-lined paved-walkway and sees a tall 3-storie white-stone structure, the front-door was hidden behind a large tree that sat at the end of the pathway framed with bricks around the base creating an earthy-island.
“Wow!”, he gasps.
“Naruto, hurry up or you'll be left behind”, his cousin calls out.
“Huh…?”, he blinks, snapping out of his daze to find that she had gone on ahead of him, “Setsuna, wait for me!”, he shouts, as he runs after her.
“You nervous?”, she asks when he catches up.
“Maybe a little…”, he admits with a gulp.
“Don't worry, you're going to be fine”, she reassures with a smile.
“Good morning, Namikaze-sempai”, a female voice greets from behind them.
Naruto turns to find a female teen with blonde hair that was a lighter-shade that it appeared white and dusted her waist, and her eyes were a shade of violet that made them look like pools of dark-colored wine and she was wearing the school's uniform.
“Good morning Risa-chan”, Setsuna returns, “How was your vacation?”
“As normal as it could be with a man like my father”, Risa sighs.
“I see… Terasoma-sensei dragged you to that religion-camp again?”
“Yeah”, she replies, “Fortunately, there was a guy around my age that was forced to come by his parents too”
“Good for you”
`Setsuna has become a different person as soon as she steps onto campus', he thinks, watching his cousin acting completely calm and professional.
“Oh by the way, allow me to introduce you to my cousin, Naruto”
“Nice to meet you, Naruto-kun”, she greets, “My name is Terasoma Risa”
“Uzumaki Naruto”, he states.
“It was good to meet you, but I need to be going before my father comes looking for me”, she waves.
“See you later, Risa-chan”
“Why would her father come looking for her on campus?”, Naruto questions.
“Risa-chan's father is the Drama-teacher here”, she responds, “And fittingly so…”, she quietly adds.
“You'll see if you ever meet him”
“Huh?”, he blinks.
“Come on Naruto, you still need to check in at the office”, she informs.
“I'm coming!”, he exclaims.
“Well here's the office”, she states, gesturing towards a room behind large-glass windows near the front-door, “And sadly, this is where we part ways for a bit”
“What…? Why?”, he stammers.
“I'm in the 12th grade, remember?”, she explains, “Which means we won't have the same classes”
“Oh, oh yeah”, he mutters.
“They'll assign you a guide, so don't worry”, she reassures, “Well, I have to be going now. See you later”, she waves, walking away from him.
“Later…”, he whispers, before turning towards the glass-paneled door and enters the lobby.
“May I help you?”, he heard a male's voice question, only to be followed by a harsh-cough.
Naruto turns towards the voice and sees a man sitting behind a desk; he had shaggy shoulder-length dark-brown hair and severely dark heavy-bags beneath his eyes.
“Uh yeah, I'm the new transfer student; Uzumaki Naruto”
“The principal is expecting you”, the man says, pointing towards one of the two doors beyond his desk.
“Thank you”, Naruto bows, before heading for the door and knocks.
“Come in!”, a female's voice commands from the other side, prompting him to walk in.
He finds a big-bosomed woman with chocolate-brown eyes and pale-blonde hair that was tied back in two low-ponytails; she appeared to be only in her late 20's-early 30's.
“You must be Uzumaki Naruto, I presume”, she states, earning a nod from the teen, “I'm Katsuki Tsunade, Principal of Konoha High”, she introduces.
“Pleased to meet you, ma'am”, he greets with a formal-bow.
“Enough with the formalities”, she advises, lifting a hand towards him, “I'm sure your cousin has already exclaimed about the uniforms, right?”
“Yes, ma'am”
“That means I want to see you back here in my office after school for your measurements, is that understood?”
“Perfectly, Katsuki-san”
“That should be your escort now”, she informs, “Enter!”
Naruto turns his head towards the door and as soon as the student steps in, a blush quickly forms on his cheeks.
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
Who could cause Naruto to suddenly start blushing?
Join me in Chapter 3 to find out!
Catch you readers next time!