Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Konoha High
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
Welcome back, readers!
Well, Naruto has started at his new school!
And he's blushing after supposedly seeing his escort/classmate…
Here is Chapter 3 of `Konoha High'!
Please Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything belonging to Masashi Kishimoto.
“Enter!”, Tsunade orders.
Upon obeying the command, a young woman wearing the same maroon and white uniform steps inside, her hair was a shade of pink that you'd only find on cherry-blossoms that softly dusted the top of her shoulders while her eyes were a shade of green that reminded Naruto of natural-jade gemstones.
`She… She's utsukushii!', Naruto thinks, as a blush forms on his cheeks.
“You wished to see me, Tsunade-kocho?”, she questions.
“Yes Sakura. You're right on time”, the principal replies, “We have a new student and I'd like you to show him around”, she continues, indicating to Naruto.
“Hm, you must be the new student”, she says, acknowledging him, “My name is Haruno Sakura”
“I'm Uzumaki Naruto, pleased to meet you Sakura-chan”, he greets.
“Here is Naruto's schedule for the remainder of the semester”, Tsunade states, holding out a sheet of paper to the girl.
“Understood”, Sakura nods, taking the paper and glances over it, “Looks like we have the same classes, Naruto-kun”, she informs, turning towards him.
“T-that's great”, he stammers.
“Let's get going, Naruto-kun”, she says, leading the way back into the main-office, “Good morning, Hayate-san”, she greets to the male behind the desk.
“Morning”, he returns with a cough.
“So, Sakura-chan?', Naruto questions, as they step into the hallway.
“Yes? What is it, Naruto-kun?”
“Do you think you can tell me a little about the school?”
“Like what?”
“About the class-set up and the faculty, if you don't mind that is…”
“Sure”, she agrees, “Our first class is Homeroom; literature, next is History, then math, after that is lunch which the whole school eats in the cafeteria, then we have foreign-Language class, then Science, and last period we either have Gym, Horticulture or Art; depending on what day of the week it is”
“So which class do we have today?”
“Today is Friday, so we have Art-class”, she recalls.
“The Principal; Tsunade, seems alright, but what about the Vice-Principal?”, he asks.
“Shimura Danzo…”, she groans, “He is a severely strict man and if it wasn't for Tsunade-kocho, dress-code would have been stricter”
“Thank god…”, he sighs in relief.
“Plus, he's always at odds with Student-Council President; Yuki, and when she managed to get dances and parties approved by the School-board, he was not too pleased with that”
“Yuki sounds like someone I'd like to meet”
“I'll introduce you to her at lunch”, she agrees, “Here's our first class. I'll inform the teacher that you're here”
“Okay…”, he nods, as she steps into the classroom, `Damn it! Why am I getting nervous all of a sudden again…?', he inwardly groans.
“Uzumaki Naruto, right?”, he heard a male's voice warmly state, snapping the teen out of his daze.
“Yeah, that's me”, he replies, looking up.
He finds a man in his mid-twenties with dark-colored eyes and brown hair that was pulled back into a high-ponytail, and he had a vertical-scar running across the bridge of his nose.
“I'm the literature teacher; Umino Iruka, I'm pleased that you'll be joining my class today”, the older male greets.
“Pleased to meet you too, Iruka-sensei”, Naruto says with bow.
“Class is about to begin”, Iruka informs, “All you have to do is introduce yourself and state a few facts about you”
“I know… I've had to change schools in the middle of the year before, unfortunately…”
“I'm sorry to hear that, Naruto”, he earnestly says.
“It's alright…”, the teen answers, as his eyes focuses onto the tiled-floor.
“You'll do fine, Naruto”, the teacher reassures, patting him on the shoulder before heading back into the classroom when the bell rang, “Good morning, class!”
“Good morning, Iruka-sensei!”, Naruto heard the students greet in return.
“I hope you've all had a great summer-break”, Iruka states, “But first I'd like to introduce a new-student who is transferring into our class today. Please come in!”
Naruto takes the few steps it took to enter the room, knowing that the invitation was his cue to come in from the hall and stands in front of the black-board.
“Nice to meet you”, he greets with a bow, “My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I moved here from the HyÅga Prefecture”
He heard a few snickers and mutters of Country brat rise up among his new classmates, but ignored them and continued with his introduction.
“I'm 15 years old, a Libra, my hobby is gardening, I don't have a favorite Sports team, and my blood-type is B”, he finishes, before again, “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu”
“Thank you, Naruto”, Iruka says, “Could you please take the empty-seat next to the window?”
“Of course, Iruka-sensei”, he nods, before heading towards his; now, assigned desk and chair directly behind Sakura.
“I'm pretty sure that your past literature-teachers have assigned writing-projects about what you did over summer-break, so I'd like you to do at-least 10-pages; front & back, of creative-writing”, he announces, “It is due in one-month and it can be about whatever you can think of”, he explains, writing the assignment-details onto the board.
`Great…! First day at a new school and I already get a project…', Naruto mentally groans, as he jots down the information into a small-notebook so he wouldn't forget them.
-An Hour Later-
“So concludes today's lesson”, Iruka states, “Your homework assignment for tonight is to read Chapters one through five and don't forget that your creative-writing assignments are due in a month”, he adds, before he leaves the class to head to his next class.
“So, what do you think of your first day so far?”, Sakura asks, turning around in her seat to face him.
“Uh, hard to really say…”, he says, finishing up on writing a reminding-note for his homework to himself, “But I feel comfortable with Iruka-sensei as a teacher though”
“That's good”, she smiles.
“Humph…”, he heard a male's voice from behind him scoff.
Naruto turns to address the male and finds a teen with dark-grey eyes and raven-black hair that spiked in the back with chin-length bangs framing his face, wearing the long-sleeved winter-version of the uniform with the same embroided leaf on the left-side of the chest.
“Sasuke-kun go easy on him, it's Naruto-kun's first day”, she scorns.
“Urusai…”, he mutters.
`What the hell is his problem?!', Naruto mentally questions, as he glares at the teen with an eyebrow twitching.
“Humph…”, he retorts, before standing up and wonders into the hallway.
“Sasuke-kun…”, she whispers.
“Who is he, Sakura-chan?”
“Uchiha Sasuke”, he heard another male say from his left and he finds another of his male classmates standing there, he had black hair pulled-up tightly in a ponytail and his narrow dark-eyes made him look half-awake, a fact even more proven when he audibly-yawns before speaking again, “He's the most popular guy in the whole school and quite conceited…”, he adds with another yawn.
“How could you say that Shikamaru?”, a female voice scorns.
“Man… Why do women think that kind of guys so great…?”, Shikamaru replies, doing his best not to even make eye-contact with the girl with light-blonde hair that was pulled-up in a high-ponytail; a clump of her bangs draped over the right-side of her face, her pale-blue eyes glaring at him, as she stood beside him.
“Don't you understand?”
“Well. I'm not a woman, Ino”, he states, finally looking at her.
“That's why you are not popular among girls”, Ino scoffs, before returning to her seat.
It was a few more minutes before the teen named; Sasuke Uchiha, walked back into the classroom and returned to his seat, only to remove a book labeled: History and Related Myths from his bag and starts to read it.
`What the…?', Naruto wonders, slightly puzzled as he observes the rest of his new classmates followed suit as the bell rang, “Hey, Sakura-chan…?”, he whispers.
“Hmm? What is it Naruto-kun?”
“Why is everybody reading their text-books before the teacher has even arrived?”, he asks, “Even better question, where's the teacher?”
“Well, Kakashi-sensei always comes to class late, so everybody just reads until he arrives”, she replies.
“But where does he go?”
“No one really knows”, she shrugs, “But he sometimes quizzes us on stuff from the book when he does show up”
“Great…”, Naruto groans.
“Don't worry, you probably won't have to participate”, she reassures, “Hopefully…”
`Why am I not reassured…?', he thinks, laying his head onto his desk.
DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
Will Naruto be forced to participate in a quiz on history?
Join me in Chapter 4 to find out!
Catch you readers next time!