Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Konoha High

By. DemonGirl-Setsuna

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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!

Welcome back, readers!

Well, Naruto is situated in his new class!
But will he have to do the undetermined quiz when the teacher finally arrives?


Here is Chapter 4 of ‘Konoha High’!

Please Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto or anything belonging to Masashi Kishimoto.

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“Good morning everyone!”, a tall male with long spiky silver-hair states from behind a surgical-mask, as he walks in through the door a full ten-minutes late, “Sorry I’m late, but the copier got jammed”

Yep, Sakura-chan was right. He would be late…’, Naruto mentally notes.

“Now class, time for a pop-quiz to see if you’ve been paying attention to the material”, he says, causing a collective groan to sound through the room, “We’re going to start off with an easy one. What years did the Edo Period take place?”, he asks, looking down at the paper-roster, “Kiba-kun?”, he addresses a male teen with shaggy spiky brown hair and; strangely, cat-slit pupils.

“The year are 1603 to 1867, sensei”, Kiba answers.

“Correct, Kiba-kun”, Kakashi confirms, “Now for something a little bit harder. Genjo Sanzo of the ‘Journey to the West’ tale, was he real or myth?”, he questions, as he quickly scans the list of students for a victim, “The transfer-student; Uzumaki Naruto”

“Huh…? Me…?!”, he panicky gasps, looking up.

“Yes, now was Genjo Sanzo real or myth?”

“Um… He was real, sensei…?”

Giggles and chuckles raise-up through the classroom along with mummers of Idiot, making the teen want to curl-up into a ball and die from embarrassment.

“Kakashi-sensei?”, Sakura says, with her hand raised.

“Yes Sakura-kun, what is it?”

(A/N: Despite its predominant usage with males, it can be used with girls as well, such as addressing a coworker of lower position. In particular, teachers will often use -kun for older female students. This is a way of preserving the difference in social standing, while avoiding the intimacy of an honorific such as -chan which might be considered inappropriate between teacher and student.)

“Actually, Naruto-kun is correct”, she informs.

“How so?”

“Genjo Sanzo was born in early 7th century and better known by his Chinese name; Hsüan-tsang, who had set-out on a daring-journey along the Silk Road to India to bring back Authentic Sacred scriptures to China. His journey from 627 to 643 were detailed and provide reliable information about the distant countries, terrain and customs he had encountered”, she explains, “His bones were retrieved from China by units of the Japanese army in 1942 and are currently housed in Yakushiji temple”

“Very good, Sakura”, Kakashi praises, “You too, Naruto”

Wow! Sakura-chan is really smart…’, Naruto thinks in admiration.


-Two Hours Later-

“Who can tell me the solution to this equation?”, the black-haired and bearded teacher questions, as he writes the math-problem of ‘[6-2(2-6)+6)]+4’ onto the board, “Ah Ino”, he calls on the blonde-girl.

“Um… Negative-eight, Asuma-sensei?”, she replies.

“That is incorrect, Ino…”, Asuma sighs.

“The answer is negative-ten”, a male’s voice states.

“Correct Sasuke”, he responds, just as the bell rang, and he watches most of the students file from the classroom.

“Are you okay, Naruto-kun?”, Sakura asks, noticing that the blonde-teen was still sitting slumped at his desk with his head in his hands.

“The math has me a little confused”, he admits, “My last school wasn’t this far into Algebra”

“It’s understandable, each school has a different lesson-plan”, she says, “Well, it’s time for lunch. We should get going”

“R-right”, he agrees, standing up and follows her out.


“Say, Sakura-chan?”

“What is it, Naruto-kun?”

“Why does Kakashi-sensei wear a surgical-mask?”

“Actually, I don’t know why he does wear one”

“I see…”, he whispers.

“Don’t worry about it too much; he’s been wearing that thing since the beginning of the school-year”

“Has anybody ever seen his face uncovered during class?”

“Maybe…”, she shrugs.

“I still can’t believe he called on me on my first-day”, he groans.

“Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask you. How did you know the answer about Genjo Sanzo?”

“I…”, he began, “I was guessing…”

“That was one hell of a lucky-guess though”

“Thanks”, he chuckles with a blush, “Oh Sakura-chan, thank you for defending me back there”

“Don’t mention it”, she smiles, “Well, here’s the café”, she indicates, before starting to walk away.

“Where are you going, Sakura-chan?”

“I forgot my lunch in my locker”, she informs, “I’ll meet up with you”

“Okay…”, he sighs, watching her, ‘I could probably find Setsuna and hang out with her while I wait for Sakura-chan to return’, he thinks, pushing open the double-doors.

As the doors swing open, he could see 60 or so students milling around the huge-room, several seated at long-tables.

There’s so many students…!’, he mentally gasps, ‘How am I going to find Setsuna…?

“Naruto, over here!”, he heard someone call out and he spots his cousin seated near the wall waving at him.

“There she is…”, he mutters in relief, as he makes his way towards her, removing his lunch from his bag.

As he walks across the large-room; maneuvering around his fellow school-mates, he was two tables away when he feels someone bump into him from behind, causing him to fumble his bento and watches in horror as it lands on the floor, its contents splattering all over the tiles.

Waiting a moment for an apology; only for one to never arrive, before he quickly turns around to confront the bumper.

“What the hell?!”, Naruto shouts, “You bumped into me without so much as an apology!”

The culprit was a male-teen with dark-grey eyes and raven-black hair that stood up in the back, it was his classmate; Sasuke Uchiha.

“You should know that it isn’t wise to stand in a walkway full of moving-people”, Sasuke scorns, glaring at him.

“For your information, I was walking towards a table when you ran into me!”, he yells, pointing in the direction he had been heading in.

“Hey, you bastard! Leave Sasuke-kun alone!”, a group of female-students threaten, as they surround the two males.

Man, Shikamaru was right… Sasuke is very popular…’, he mentally groans, slightly glancing at the growing hoard of Sasuke fan-girls, before returning his gaze towards the male in front of him.

As Naruto and Sasuke glared at each-other, those present could have sworn there was lightning clashing somewhere in the space between their gaze.

“Hey, get back here!”, a voice shouts, as a large cream-colored dog and a student run into the cafeteria, “You know dogs aren’t allowed on the campus-grounds!”

“It’s not my fault Akumaru followed me to school!”, Kiba exclaims back at the teacher.

While Kiba and Akumaru ran by; closely followed by the teacher, accidently bumping into Naruto’s back, causing him to stumble forward.

Unfortunately as Naruto stepped forward in an attempted to regain his balance, he steps into the rice and omelet of his spilled-bento, further hastening his fall as he slips.

When he finally hits the floor, he could feel that he had landed on top of someone, but not only that, his lips were pressed against theirs.

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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!

Naruto managed to correctly answer a pop-quiz-question by the skin of his teeth and realized how much more difficult math is in this school…
Now he’s had an altercation with his classmate; Sasuke.
But who has he fallen onto and lip-locked with?

Join me in Chapter 5 to find out!

Catch you readers next time!