Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Idol ❯ Itachi's Submission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Konoha Idol”
By Trio Wing
Rating: PG/PG-13
A song fic- Well, sequel to “Fever.” Ha ha, I love doing stupid things like this. …and, Riisa kept reminding me about this sequel. Well, actually, Women's Choir really reminded me, BECAUSE WE SING “FEVER” EVERY WEEK. …that can be good, though.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto- the characters, plot, etc, etc! Neither do I own ANY of the songs used in this fic! And, if any song comes up in this fic and I don't mention it now, I WILL PUT THE DISCLAIMERS IN LATER, FOR KAMI'S SAKE, SHUT UP. (heart) Fever: Words and Music by John Davenport and Eddie Cooley, Arranged by Kirby Shaw.
ONE: Itachi's Submission.
So, there was Itachi, leaving Naruto's drenched apartment, laughing to himself while the blonde shinobi and Itachi's little brother were still dumbstruck at seeing Itachi in public and not trying to kill people. Yet.
Itachi leaped over the slanted rooftops and quickly made his way to the Konoha TV Station. He paused at a back door and just went in, not caring who saw him. Hell, since this was OOC Itachi, he could get away with anything! Even murder! …wait, that doesn't really work now, does it…?
Itachi went in and found one of the producers that was still in the building at… like 11 p.m. local.
“I want you to put this on the air- for Konoha Idol, okay?” Itachi said to the man who was wondering why the hell some psycho was spewing nonsense at this hour.
“Haaa? Whatcha say?” the guy asked incoherently. Itachi grew a tic in his temple.
“Don't make me kill you…” Itachi growled. The guy just broke out in a sweat.
“HA HA, I'll do whateva you need, JUST DON'T KILL MEEEEE!” the guy cried. Itachi lost his `I don't like you, therefore I shall kill you and enjoy myself' glare, and stared at the guy, confused.
“Are you drunk?”
(Next day- late afternoon, early evening)
“Saa, practice is done, and everyone is still hung over and draping themselves ALL OVER MY APARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Naruto roared, shaking the entire apartment complex. Several alarms were heard going off.
“Hey, hey, Naruto… why don'tcha keep ya voice down? M' ears are ringin'…” Kiba called sluggishly from somewhere in the kitchen. A couple of pain filled grunts of agreement floated through from various rooms in the apartment.
“Hm…” Naruto struck a thinking pose, thinking it was heroic. Too bad everyone was half-blind as it was, due to the bright sunlight stabbing its way through the blinds. It's not like anyone would really look, anyway. “How about this, everyone… NO! GET OUT! I WANT TO SLEEP!” he shouted and stomped his foot down.
“Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! 221; everyone cried in pain. The boys just rolled over onto another side and kept moaning afterwards. The girls, however, got up and however much pain they were in, prepared to dissect Naruto with their very-extremely-uber-mega-ultra death glares. (A/N: yeah, girls! PMS! Boys are weak! Wufei from Gundam Wing pops in: INJUSTICE! Saara: Oh, be quiet, `Fei.)
“Naruto…” they hissed. Just then, the TV was switched on.
“AND NOW FOR THE KONOHA 3:17 P.M. NEWS UPDATE EVERY 4 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“OH MY HOGAKE, TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
(at the Konoha TV Station)
“Now, did you get all of that?” Itachi asked the unfortunate producer. The producer just nodded furiously, hoping to get Itachi out of his office as soon as possible. “…I don't believe you. I shall take your place as producer and DO THIS RIGHT!” Itachi declared, booting the poor guy out of the office. Itachi sat down in the once-comfortable desk chair that the producer was sitting in before Itachi kicked the producer out and started to mull over how to gain publicity for Konoha Idol.
“Mr. Producer, the results for the commercials are in. Mr. Produ--- WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” cried a young woman. A secretary, Itachi deduced. Itachi just smiled. It was…well, a little creepy, coming from Itachi, but it was a smile, nevertheless!
“I'm the new producer, didn't you hear?” he told the woman. She looked at Itachi like he was crazy- well, he kind of is… Looking a little confused, she just nodded and thrust a folder stuffed with papers at Itachi and more or less ran for her life out of the office.
“Hm, now what is this?” Itachi shuffled through the papers. “Commercials? Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, these people are fairly smart! Yay, so we already have (some) publicity for Konoha Idol already! Yay, yay, let's go get some contestants!!” Itachi declared while running out of his…supposedly new office.
(at Naruto's apartment)
“Okay, guys. Now that you've DESTROYED my TV, ultimately stained my living room carpet AND the couch, can you PLEASE GO HOME?!” Naruto wailed desperately. He wanted his shower, dammit! But noooooo, Neji and Lee decided to play “nice guys” and help Kiba sober up- by sticking the boy AND his relatively drunk dog in a freezing cold shower. Well, let's just say Akamaru didn't like the cold water. The three boys and Akamaru were still duking it out in the bathroom, trying to prevent their rather imminent demise due to their still prominent hangovers.
“Nope,” came the resounding chorus of voices scattered through the apartment. “We're waiting for the other three to get out of the bathroom so we can all leave as a team.”
“…you're just saying that because your heads hurt too much to move.” Naruto deadpanned. Just then, the front door blew open, slamming against the wall and bouncing off said wall and swinging back to greet the person at the door with a not-so-friendly…greeting.
GA-BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A/N: so that attempt of a sound effect sucked. Just imagine a thick wood door being slammed into a person's face. Yeah. That sound.)
All sounds promptly ceased.
All eyes (that could see) turned towards the front door.
And there was Itachi, KO'd by Naruto's unhappy front door, with a lump the size of a large rock forming on his forehead.
“…I think I'm glad Sasuke is still passed out somewhere in the apartment right now. He's still drunk, I bet, and he'd just go on a justice rant.” Naruto mused.
“Konoha…Idol…” Itachi moaned.
A/N: That was…strange, yes? Ha ha… Just give me some reviews so I can make the next chapter. And, for those who read “Unlikely Missions,” Part Four has been started. W00t! Now all I have to do is actually finish it! Yay! I don't remember where it is! No, I remember! Yay! I have no motivation! Boo! REVIEW NOW. (heart)