Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Idol ❯ Kitsune no uta ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Konoha Idol”
By Trio Wing
Rating: PG/PG-13
A song fic- Well, sequel to “Fever.” Ha ha, I love doing stupid things like this. …and, Riisa kept reminding me about this sequel. Well, actually, Women's Choir really reminded me, BECAUSE WE SING “FEVER” EVERY WEEK. …that can be good, though.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto- the characters, plot, etc, etc! Neither do I own ANY of the songs used in this fic! And, if any song comes up in this fic and I don't mention it now, I WILL PUT THE DISCLAIMERS IN LATER, FOR KAMI'S SAKE, SHUT UP. (heart) Fever: Words and Music by John Davenport and Eddie Cooley, Arranged by Kirby Shaw.
A/N: …I've just realized that everything, like the title, author, and warnings/disclaimers were all just copies and pastes from “Fever.” …(sweatdrops) Yes. I'm lazy. GET OVER IT. …BUT I WON'T GET OVER THE FACT THAT I HAVE OVER 100 HITS, AND ONLY 3 REVIEWS!!! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (goes to sulk and listen to w-inds. a very good group that I don't own…but I wish I did.)
THREE: Kitsune no uta.
“Okay, okay! Let's get ready, everyone!” Itachi called on the side of the make-shift stage, clapping his hands. Many people were scurrying around the set, turning on the lights, turning on the cameras, finishing painting the backdrop…
“I'm not wearing this.”
“Nani wo hanashimashita ka?” Itachi asked, looking over his shoulder at the little blonde boy that was scowling at him. (A/N: Nani wo hanashimashita ka? = What did you say? …something like that.)
“I'm not wearing this!” Naruto repeated. His cerulean eyes glinted angrily. His small hands tugged at the red-orange fox-like jumpsuit that someone somehow stuffed him into when Naruto wasn't paying attention. Itachi just laughed and turned to fully face the boy.
“Naruto, Naruto… Boku no kawaii kitsune…” Itachi started. And stopped. “Too much Japanese dialogue. Readers can't understand me,” the Missing-Nin mused aloud, frowning a little. Naruto took a step back.
“He's talking to himself…! He just called me cute…!” Naruto said, horrified. “SASUKEEEEEE!! YOUR BROTHER IS-”
“Going to die.” Naruto just pulled another `OH MY HOKAGE, WTF?!' look. And, he had quite the right to pull that face. He could see the dark, evil, violent, evil, dark, evil, evil, pain-promising, dark, violent, ouchies-await-me, evil aura surrounding the younger Uchiha brother.
“I'm…going to…find Sakura! Yeah! Ha, ha, Sakura! Yeah…! She'll, uh, she'll know…what to do…!” Naruto laughed nervously, backing away even more. Sasuke, in a (dark) corner, turned his (dark) eyes upon the (unfortunate) blonde and hissed like a cat. Yep. Just like a cat.
“HSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!” hissed Sasuke, bearing imitation claws and a cat headband.
“This…this isn't what I thought TV was supposed to be…!” Naruto wailed, running away to find some shelter in the storm.
(snort) Yeah, right. In this crack fic? Ha, ha, ha, NOPE! (giggles)
(Kakashi's apartment)
“Maa… what's on television for today?” the masked jounin mused aloud, switching on the appliance and reclining on the rarely used couch in front of the TV set. The default channel on EVERY Konoha television was the Konoha Channel. Think of it as like at a hotel: whenever you turn on the TV, it always comes up on the Index/Main Screen channel thing. Yes, I know. I don't like them, either.
Kakashi just stared at the set with wide eye(s). His silver-y spiky hair was blown backwards by the sheer force of the announcer and the reset volume. (A/N: it happens to me after a blackout. (glowers) if the TV is on when the power goes out, and you turn it back on, the volume is SUPER JACKED UP!!! …well, it only happened once, and that might not count… OH, SHUT UP.)
“What the hell?” the jounin asked aloud, straightening his hair. Intrigued, he adjusted the volume so his ears wouldn't be spewing out blood for the rest of the week, and settled himself down to watch this crack-induced show. O.O! Much like this crack-fic! Oh, my!! -^.^-
Kakashi waited somewhat patiently for this new show to come on, and, well…I guess we can say it is safe to say that Kakashi was deeply sorry for the horror, pain and imminent trauma his students and their cute little friends were about to endure.
(let's watch the TV!)
“Konban wa, minna-san!” said a pretty woman outside of what appeared to be the Konoha TV Station. “This is Midori Shinomori, outside of the Konoha TV Station, and I am currently waiting to meet the producer/director/judge of Konoha's new, hip, and brain-rot inducing show, Konoha Idol!” The woman flashed a bright smile at the camera, briefly bleaching her dark brown hair. Yes. Scary. Her teeth are that shiny. O.O The door to the TV Station opened slowly, and a dark figure tried to sidle quickly away from the scene. “YOU! A-HA! WAIT A MOMENT, CAN WE SPEAK TO YOU?!?” Midori shrieked, running after the figure.
“What the hell was I thinking when I signed up for this job…?” mused the camera-woman aloud. She shook his backward-baseball cap clad head in wonder as she watched Midori, clothed in a dress suit and heels, tear after the figure through the local streets.
“Mou, I think you were drunk, then, Saara-chan,” said one of the assistants. Saara quickly glared at the assistant.
“So were you, Riisa! SHUT UP!”
And…all of this was heard on every TV set in Konoha. You can imagine how embarrassing this would be, ne? Yes. The poor camerawoman and the poor assistant. Oh, well. They'll probably just end up hiding in some obscure cave later. …well, that doesn't sound too nice. I mean, I'M TALKING ABOUT MYSELF AND MY SISTER-THAT-ISN'T! WHAT THE FREAKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! (goes completely off tangent)
“Well! (pant) I have (pant) unsuccessfully subdued (pant) the, ah, (pant), person who just departed, (pant) and, ah, ah, ah, (pant) I think I'll try the front (pant) door and see if (pant) anyone's home.” Midori swayed a little as she staggered doggedly to the front of the TV Station, since she dragged Saara and Riisa to the back. The camera was still on. The entire country saw how worn Midori was: her once 2