Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The mission ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Naruto; they belong to someone else.
Konoha Nights
The Mission
Looking at the white clock on the wall it read 2:15, he still had forty five minutes to kill before having to go to his appointment and five till he had to report. Taking a small blank scroll from his bag he used the nightstand by the bed to write out in code his findings.
The woman Sakura was currently using an alias, there were kunoichi in the building, at least two, another was a medical nin of Hyuuga decent. He also wrote Shizune and underlined it meaning he needed more information on her. `Mission is going as planned' he wrote last.
A scratching at the window alerted him to his messenger, Kamatari, his sister's summon stood awaiting the scroll, he handed it to him watching as he scaled the top of the building before jumping to the next. Temari would intercept him at the gate they'd secured and take it back to headquarters.
2:29. Laying back on the bed his thoughts wandered to Sunagakure three weeks ago.
“Only Kankuro will be able to assist you if something should happen; he'll be a days worth of travel to the East send a message through the summons. You'll report three days for as long as you are in Konoha, your messages will be collected through Temari, though she will not be aware of the situation.”
The Kazekage slammed his hand down on the mahogany desk, scrolls rolling off as he did so. The sun setting behind the Kage made oranges leak into the room through the large window.
“I understand Kazekage-sama.”
The man who only wore his white robes crossed his arms over his chest a pose that Kankuro took to often making the similarities between the two even greater.
“This is an S-Class mission Gaara, it's up to you and if you fail it could be your life.”
“You and I both know that it would be a favor to you if I failed and was captured.” He said taking the scroll of the desk with his mission encoded on it. He unraveled it and read.
It seemed easy enough, a bit too easy.
“Why is this a S-Class mission? An assassination depending on the person could rank no higher than an A.”
The Kage in front creased his brows, “It's complicated……it appears that someone is planning on trying to take Konoha back and restore it to what it once was. This man was one of the sannin and he believes his pupil would be an honorable Hokage. So they have contacted me in hopes of an alliance.”
“What will Sunagakure receive.”
The tanned man grinned, “If we succeed in helping them kill Orochimaru, then for the first year after, 95% of their missions will be redirected to us. We'll also receive half of their medical nin, trade will only be with the sand and in return we lend them a handful of shinobi.”
“It seems beneficial to the sand. What about Akatsuki, they too will have to be dealt with in order to allow the Hokage to manipulate Konoha's funds.” he asked rolling the scroll back up.
“Akatsuki will be handled at the same time as Orochimaru.” He leaved the folders he had set out on the desk, “The Sannin I spoke to is capable of killing Orochimaru, it's the trash around him that he needs help with. Baki and two ANBU are being dispatched tomorrow to try and infiltrate his lair and capture a man named Kabuto.”
He showed him a picture of man in his twenties with gray hair in a low ponytail with glasses. “What is his importance to Orochimaru?”
“He is the one that helps him perform his body switching technique. Orochimaru is over fifty years old and has been dabbling in the dark arts, on of them is an immortality technique that allows him to transfer his soul into a new body.”
If Gaara had eyebrows, one would have been raised, “How often can he perform this?”
“As many times as he wants, but he has to wait at least three years to do so. His next vessel has been with him since he was six his name is Uchiha Saskue.” He laid out another picture; this one was of a man probably the same age as himself with messy black hair and crimson Sharingan eyes. The eyes of `the curse' he'd read a long time ago, would allow you to copy any technique that was not a blood trait. Combining it with the soul of a veteran Sanin who knew dark jutsu was a problem.
“What will be done about him once Kabuto is taken care of?”
“The Sanin believes that the future Hokage can handle him alone.”
“I see.” `He sounds like a powerful guy' he thought.
He nodded slightly taking his leave when the Kazekage called him back.
“There is still much more you need to know about Gaara,” he said “Make the necessary arrangements to depart tomorrow and meet me here after the council meeting.”
The thought of having to spend any more time with him churned his stomach; the only time he spoke to his `father' was when he received a mission. He wasn't part of the ABNU of Sunagakure, but Gaara only reported to the Kazekage, his `allegiance' was to the Sand, but his life belonged only to Gaara.
Rising from the bed the picked up the coat next to him, his mission was not to be rushed, and he'd be given two weeks to do it but the sooner he left Konoha the better. Opening the window he jumped down two stories before walking through the empty alley. Taking the longest route back to the flower shop he tucked his hands into his pockets.
It was strange for him to not have his gourd with him, this had been the only mission he'd been required to not wear it. His ID said he was only a traveler, so all forms of identification had to be left in Sunagakura, to them he was only a wanderer who'd last been in the Country of Wind.
He met with the Kage again that night and this time he told him to sit in one of the plush red chairs in front of him.
“As you know, the legendary Sannin of Konoha are known to have been the most powerful there ever was. One is Orochimaru, the man who contacted me named Jiraiya is another. But the last one was said to have disappeared mysteriously 17 years ago, her name was Tsunade,” he flipped through the folders producing a small torn picture of a tall blonde woman with a fairly large chest, brown eyes and a purple diamond on her forehead.
“.....” he placed it back in the folder and closed it.
“It was rumored that she was murdered by Orochimaru and everyone seemed to have believed it, but Jiraiya mentioned that she left behind a daughter.”
“My target.”
“This still doesn't explain why she would be play such an important role in the downfall of Orochimaru.”
This time the older man smiled a smile that told Gaara that he liked him ignorant and relying on him for information. `Bastard' he thought to himself.
“That's because it's his daughter as well.”
He didn't bother trying to hide the shock, hell it was shocking. The man who'd come back to Konoha, murdered a hundred shinobi of the Leaf, murdered the Third Hokage, had a daughter, a daughter that was currently a prostitute with no contact with her father.
“There was no emotion in his decision to reproduce, you see Tsunade was known for having the best chakra control as well as intelligence and Orochimaru needed a new body, so it makes sense for him to be born into himself in a way.”
“Take his child's body.”
“Yes. Orochimaru is picky about his new vessel and he'd chosen weak bodies before, so this time he wanted a child that would be born with so much potential the power available to him could be limitless. So he somehow or another he impregnated her, the only problem was-
“He had a girl.”
The Kage laughed, “Yes…..It's such a shame we have to kill such a conniving and manipulative genius. Anyway, he kept her regardless and found another vessel named Kimimaro and Tsunade was never heard from again. The child was never really seen and there are no pictures of her currently on record, but she too mysteriously disappeared when she was 9.
“And now she's a prostitute.”
“About three years ago she appeared out of nowhere and is currently in Konoha. According to a Sound nin captured by Jiraiya, Orochimaru has been trying to convince her to join him but she refuses.”
“What's stopping him from taking her?”
“The girl apparently has some strong alliances and if he gets near her, he'd have Akatsuki and the Konoha families in an uproar. As it stands now there's a unique standoff. Three powerhouses, one is Orochimaru, who controls 45% of the city and its money, then there's Akatsuki they too control around 45%. And then there are the remaining elder families of Konoha that survived Orochimaru's assault. The Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Nara, Aburame and Yamanaka. They control the last 10% the center city, and although it's not much, it's enough to keep Orochimaru away because he knows that Jiraiya protects them.
So far, there have been no wars between the three, although there have been losses to all three sides. Akatsuki's true objectives are still unknown but they are powerful enough to make me wonder why they protect this girl.”
“What are Ochimaru's intentions for the girl?”
He smiled again, it was getting strange watching the Kazekage admire such a corrupt figurehead, probably had something to do with the fact that he too was a figurehead at one point.
“After he inhabits his new body, he'll try to create a perfect vessel again.”
`He's disgusting, to sleep with his own flesh just to sustain his immortality.'
“When Orochimaru and his vessel are out of the way, the elder families of Konoha will need our alliance to help them terminate the Akatsuki.”
“Will I be a part of this battle as well?” he asked already knowing what his dear father had planned.
“Of course, you're our trump card, we give you a nice nap and the Akatsuki will be in ruins by the end of the day.”
`You sound too confident considering I never said I would do it.' “So you're asking me to join with the Leaf to help win you the alliance.”
Anger was not a stranger on the Kazekage's face, infact it was almost always in a scowl, and as he slammed the desk once again Gaara calmly rose and headed toward the door. “Don't you dare talk to me like that boy! Never forget your place! I don't ask you to do anything, I tell you.
“There's nothing you could do about it anyway father,” he sneered the last word as he walked out of the Kazekage's office.
He stood in front of the brick wall and reached into his pocket for the key. Pulling it out he located the hole and put it in. The wall materialized into a door, he stepped inside and this time there were only stairs. This stairwell had wooden steps and was much better lit than any he'd been in here. Reaching his destination he pulled out his key and the door opened without having to put it in the hole.
Amaryllis was there again, sitting with her legs on the desk shuriken twirling on her finger. “I see you're back.”
“Chlorisa's expecting you, I'm sure you remember her room right?” She asked.
He nodded and began walking to where the door was last time. The wall once again changed to a door. `I wonder if I'll ever get use to the fact that there is never a fucking door.'
The hallway was dark once again, and he could see that all three rooms had light underneath them. In fact one of the rooms had people in it……He reached the door and knocked. The smell of smoke reached his nose and he cringed, he hated cigarettes.
The door swung open and his Chrlorisa stood there looking very much alive in a black mesh top with black bra and the same black shorts. She studied him for a while, before she broke out into a grin.
“I wasn't hallucinating; your eyes really are that way.”
He wasn't too sure how to respond to that so he walked in instead, and she closed the door behind him.
AN: Hello again! Congratulations you made it through another chapter, kudos. I know it seems a bit slow and then information overload, but things should get settled here pretty soon. Next chapter Gaara and Sakura actually have a *gasp* conversation! Seriously ; ).
Anyway, I hope it wasn't too confusing! Feel free to ask questions if you have them.
Thanks for reading.