Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ First Impressions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
The First Impression
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters; they are not mine at all!
AN: *looks around* Okay….so no questions, I guess that's a good thing! Now onward!
The black room was more collected since yesterday, mostly bare still but things were upright. He leaned on the wall next to the door arms crossed and watched as she strolled past with the creepy smile on her face. She plopped down on her silk sheeted bed “So first things first, you need a name.”
“I have a name.”
“Yes,” she nodded, “I am aware of that, but I need you to have another one that I can call you and for the books.”
“I didn't think we would be doing any talking.”
She chuckled tilting her head back slightly, “Well that's true, but you never know, sometimes in the throes of passion a woman can call out her lover's name.”
The truth of the matter was he never planned to sleep with her, maybe get her close enough to `sand coffin' her without her suspecting, but sex on a mission was the worst decision a shinobi could ever make.
“Oh man, I really hope you're not the silent type because I really hate to do the talking.”
“Why do I not believe that,” he said as he let his eyes study the room.
She chuckled again, it was a light laugh and foreign to him, no one laughed in Sunagakure. “Well at least you have a sense of humor… let's see……..I guess I could call you…….”
`Only two exits, one window that looks operational and the door. The window would probably lead to the alley next to the bakery.' He thought planning his escape after the mission had been executed.
“What?” he questioned tearing his eyes back to the girl.
“Do you call of your clients such affectionate names?” he asked annoyed.
“No. But not all of them have that particular kaji tattooed on their foreheads.” she winked at him.
Knowing that he still had the illusion spell active he deduced that she was of a much better at seeing through illusions than the others here. He'd have to study her a bit more before acting.
“Okay, I guess you have a `dry' sense of humor,” she added.
“Why don't I just give you a name?”
“I'm afraid I can't let you do that. You could subconsciously give me a name that would reveal too much about you. The walls unfortunately have ears and we like to keep this establishment `retaliation' free between clients,” she mirrored his pose and crossed her arms. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “Well, I'll just have to pick out a name that fits your homeland.”
`Homeland?' he though. Kankuro was given direct orders not to reveal that they were of the Sand, he was stupid sure, but even he wouldn't disregard direct orders from the Kazekage. Unless they had already been found out.
“You're from the west,” her brow furrowed “to be exact you're from the Sand.”
She opened her eyes to meet his, “So I'll call you Zephyrus.”
“What the hell kind of a name is that?” he asked irritated. If she knew where he was from then she probably knew why he was here, so why was she not afraid of him? Was this a trap?
Waving him off she sighed, “Okay I see that's a bit too complicated for you…..It's actually a mythological figure but I guess we'll just call you Grumpy for now.”
“What makes you think that I'm from the Sand?” he asked wanting to know just how bad the situation had become.
“Well that's easy; the only thing I can smell on you is sand and wind.”
`Could she smell the sand armor that covered his entire body? It was his only defense when his gourd was not with him, especially since he wasn't even near any other sand…… and no one had ever detected it before.'
“You can smell wind,” he said disbelievingly brushing off her earlier statement.
That was ridiculous; wind didn't smell it only carried scents. “Yes, it's kind of weird thing I have so don't worry too much about it.” She stood up “Now for the rules. There aren't many, but if you break one I might have to break the arrangement.”
Who ever heard of rules in a brothel?
“First off there can be no red.” She picked up her hand and counted off on her fingers “That means anywhere, no red clothes, no red anywhere on your entire body and I will not change into red.”
He nodded and she smiled picking up her middle finger, “Two, I hate these stupid names they give us so while you are in this room you will call me by my real name if you choose to call me by something. So you can call me Sakura.”
“Third, I don't do basic missionary position.”
“Fourth, anything else goes. I'm not entirely sure why your brother chose me for you but it probably has something to do with the fact that you like rough-
Her words were cut off by the hand that now held her throat barely allowing her air. “I guess he was right.”
“Why in the hell do you think that bastard is my brother?!” he hissed tightening his hold on her delicate neck.
Taking her two hands she pried his off, “I wasn't aware that this was a secret,” she said still holding his wrist, “Or perhaps you just don't like him….either way you smell the same except that he has a weird cedar smell with him.”
“He's not my sibling,” he said taking to steps back.
Sakura shrugged, “It makes no difference to me who he is. He's been a good client here for almost a year and I did it as a favor to `Amaryllis'” she quoted with her fingers as she rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, so I'm yours for the next two weeks, my schedule's been cleared and you can come as early as two,” she pointed to the dresser on her left, “There are shuriken, kunai, ropes, whips and sebon in that one and I have access to any kind of narcotic enhancer you need.”
He didn't move, he didn't even bother to look to where she had pointed. `She wasn't kidding when she said anything went.' “Planning on a spar?” he asked dryly.
She looked completely confused as she sat there with both eyebrows raised. “Maybe you're not Crow's associate after all.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Grumpy, there's only one reason why I get hired, and that's because -
The door to the bedroom slammed open and Amaryllis stood there heaving trying to catch her breath. Her buns had come slightly loose and there was a slash on her right cheek blood gushing. “Sakura you have to get out of here! Sasori…….he's back…..and we can't hold him back for much longer.”
Sakura had already made it to the other kunoichi before she finished her sentence. She placed her hand on her cheek and a green light emitted from it. She removed it and the gash was no longer on her face, in fact it was as smooth as it always had been.
“You know that I won't run from him, he's just going to have to deal with the fact that I can't see him for the next two weeks. I'll go talk to him, go ahead and do a lock down and refund whoever's in there with Meadow.” Her voice was calm and her poise stern despite the apparent crisis going on downstairs. “When you leave take Hibiscus with you and don't return here till tomorrow.”
The other woman hung her head slightly, “Yes Sakura-san.”
Sakura continued through the open doorway the other following not even noticing the man that was still there.
Gaara stood in the middle of the room where she'd left him. `Sasori……. the name was conjuring so many familiar thoughts……..' mentally he felt like he hit a brick wall. “Sasori.” There was no way there could be a connection between this man and the man from Sunakagure who'd disappeared so long ago. The Puppet Master. Sasori of the Red Sand.
`Shit,' he cursed at the situation he'd been put in. He wasn't here on behalf of the Sand, that much was certain; he was a missing-nin. But he was in Konoha, `could he be an affiliate of Orochimaru?'
He went back to the wall he was leaning on and waited. Whether Sakura knew it or not, Sasori's interference had bought him the perfect opportunity to see what she was made of. Sasori was no push over, and he held tremendous power the last he'd heard, so how she was going to appease him was intriguing.
Maybe Sasori would kill her and do his job for him. Either way he was willing to wait for her return.
Hello! Another chapter down and things are still not entirely out.
Just for the reference Zephyrus, the name Sakura had wanted to give Gaara was a Wind Deity (from the West) in Greek mythology who rescued Chloris (the goddess of spring) from her kidnappers and married her…..; ) foreshadowing? Me? hmmm…..
Oh and the thing about Sakura's weird smelling thing will be revealed later also *smiles devilishly* I'm not letting out all my secrets just yet.
Questions? Ask them.
Flames?……well……If you feel the need to, do it I guess. : (