Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The Resemblence ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
Gaara x Sakura
The Resemblance
The ground was swaying beneath her feet as she took one step before the other. Each one brining a bit more blood from the wound on her stomach and she leaned on the wall for support. Sasori had definitely done a number on her. It didn't matter really, she just needed to get to her room and got to bed, tomorrow she'd be able to heal herself.
Her door was still open but when she got to the doorway she felt that she wasn't alone.
“I thought you left,” she bit out wincing slightly.
He was still leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Shrugging off his silence she began making her way to the bed but somehow the floor moved from under her and she felt herself falling.
The plush carpet wasn't so bad.
She'd been here many times before. That's why she got it black; it hid the blood marks surprisingly well. The white powders however……they stood out like a sore thumb, but there were usually more quantities of blood than of drugs. She rolled her body over looking at the mirrored ceiling. She looked like shit. Plain and simple but it'd all be better tomorrow, she just needed a nap.
Trying to block out the light with her arm, rather than get up to switch it off, she found her arm wasn't too cooperative and she let out a hiss as it moved. Fucking Sasori and his damn needles, at least this time they weren't a `high' they were sedatives. At least it would help her sleep, she rarely did and when she reached her unconsciousness REM would only torment her until she woke.
She felt his footsteps rather than heard them, when the black boots were beside her head she only hoped he'd wait till tomorrow.
“You're vitals are fading.” His voice was rather soothing, or maybe it was the drugs but regardless she found herself wishing he'd talk more.
“Will you die?” His tone was rather nonchalant, more like they were discussing the weather and not her death.
“Unfortunately, no matter how much I wish I was dead, I won't die.”
Silence. She liked quiet, but right now a bit of company wouldn't hurt. Commanding her arm to drop off her face she tried to focus her eyes on him. “Your blood is black.”
Did he even move his mouth? Or was it the sedatives making her have hallucinations, she didn't know but she looked down and did indeed see her blood soaking here entire torso and was covering her arms. “It's actually…..a ……deep maroon.”
“What are you?”
His scrutinizing glare didn't faze her, but this was nothing knew to her. Hell, Itachi gave better `go fuck yourself' looks than this.
Moments passed and neither said a word, the more she stared at him the more he morphed into another familiar face. There were differences like physical properties and personalities. But the similarities were uncanny, the hair style was the same, messy hair that looked like it was never brushed, posture that radiated `I'm the best', distinct facial markings that led to another characteristic…….they were both containers of the buji. She'd never met any other buji other than Naruto.
“You're just like him,” she half whispered.
“Like who?”
“A friend of mine.”
Her head began throbbing and the man's face grew blurry, “What's your purpose in life?”
He said nothing and the room grew eerily still. Her breaths were becoming more shallow and she felt the blood start to rise in her throat. Her question was random yes, but she had to know how they compared.
“My purpose is my own business; I live only for myself.”
So maybe they weren't as alike as she had thought, “I guess you're not the same after all,” she coughed and felt a bit of blood in her mouth and spit it to the side, “He lives for others and his only purpose is to protect those weaker than himself.”
“He's naïve to believe in such an ideal.” he put in.
“Naïve…….maybe, but I wish I had a bit of his naivety sometimes.”
The room kept getting colder and the sweat she'd broken into wasn't helping the chill spreading through her body, “He's the kyuubi vessel,” she added.
The priceless expression on his face was humorous but if she laughed she'd probably lose more blood in the process forcing her into early consciousness.
“There are others,” it sounded like a question and statement at the same time.
“Yes,” didn't he know he was being sought out at this very moment? “There are nine. You too are one of them.”
His foot lifted and he placed it back down on her already abused neck. “How do you know this?”
Intimidation was also not very effective tool on her so she tried to shrug to the best of her ability. “I've been around him long enough to know when I see another. Besides your chakra isn't concealed well enough.”
He said nothing but lifted the foot off her throat. “You're eyes are just like his though.”
“What's your fascination with my eyes anyway?” He asked pulling his mouth into a tight grim line.
“Eyes cannot hide behind words, and they tell me all I need to know about a person.”
“What do mine tell you?”
Smiling gently she answered, “Your eyes say lots of things, `fear me' `I hate you' `I'll kill you'…….. `I'm alone'.”
“But they also say something else.”
“And what would that be?”
“Love me,” she whispered as she felt her consciousness slipping away.
Gaara looked at the woman on the floor and decided that this had been the most bizarre conversation of his life. She was obviously full of shit. Eyes only had two emotions that they could reveal, fear and hate. `Love' wasn't even a word that crossed his mind much an emotion he felt. Hell he was sure he'd never felt it in his entire eighteen years of life. IF, `if' being the operative word, he loved anyone, he could say that he only cared for himself.
His interest however had been caught when she mentioned the Kyuubi, in the Sand it was only a legend that such a powerful demon existed. After the great wars of shinobi half a century ago all talk of the `monsters' ceased. But this girl was friends with him, the nine tails existed. Another complication was added to the `complications list' with the fact that Sasori was still live and in Konoha.
He continued to watch as her breaths became slower until finally they stopped. Maybe Sasori wasn't a complication but an asset; he'd just bought him his ticket back to Suna with a clean slate. Amaryllis had been here when he showed up so they would easily blame him for her murder.
Bending down he checked for a pulse and found none.
Sakura was dead.
AN: Is she dead? I dunno…….well I do but I'm not going to write it here, it all goes in the next chapter. Sorry if this one's short but the next is longer I promise. (I've already written it, just need to edit).
Who doesn't like Sasori? I had to throw him in there somewhere; I love him and Deiadra `Un'. They're so cute! Sorry, anyway I'm off to start my next chapter, ask questions if you have them, or you can wait and see if I answer them next.
Itachi dropping in? Hm……