Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The Kyuubi ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
GaaxSaku/ HinaxNaru
The Other Buji
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Naruto, they belong to someone else.
Gaara stood back up striding out of the room and away from the dead corpse on the carpeted floor. He felt incomplete somehow that he was not the one to fulfill his mission, this would be his first. The objective had been completed but not by his hand, but at least now he could go back and wait until it was time to attack Konoha.
War was where he truly belonged.
A chill spread through him suddenly, and then he felt a pulse from within him. Turning back around he saw the pink haired woman being consumed in a green chakra before fading away again. But that was not the most surprising thing, she was breathing.
She was alive.
Questions were swarming through his mind faster than he could even think to answer them. Was this what she was talking about? Is this why she was an S-Class mission because she was prone to regeneration? His thoughts were cut short when he felt heavy foot steps running down the hall. The door that was still half open was thrown against the wall knocking it completely off its hinges.
It was a man with blonde hair wearing a familiar horrid shade of orange pants and a black shirt. The leaf hiate was prominent on his forehead. He paid Gaara no mind as he ran straight for the girl checking he pulse then swooping her up and taking her to the bed.
“Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan you have to wake up.” His words were half between whisper and plea as he gently slapped the woman in hopes of waking her. “Sakura-chan your blood smells through this whole building, what happened?”
This was true; the first thing Gaara had noticed when she was returning back to the room was her scent of blood. There were large amounts of it; the hall way was probably covered in it from her way here. Thankfully the Shukaku was not agitated or bored, otherwise he would have tried to make him absorb some of it in the sand, or worse go into a killing spree.
The shinobi quickly took out a kunai and slipped it into her already ripped mesh shirt and cut it into two pieces, leaving the black bindings. With all the blood that covered her it was difficult to see the wound, but he could distinctly see four, they were all deep and still bleeding. “Shit,” the other cursed.
Gaara watched as the man rapidly ran towards the drawers and from the bottom one pulled out bandages and other medical supplies with familiarlarity. With a few rags he managed to wipe off the blood and did a fairly decent job at bandaging them tightly enough to stop the bleeding. “Damnit Sakura-chan, why do you let them do this to you?” he asked as he brushed back the hair away from her face.
When he'd first heard of this mission and seen the pictures of her supposed parents, he'd conjured up a picture in his mind of what their child should look like and what traits she might have in order to spot her easily if the mission needed to be changed. When he first met her he'd admitted that he was off by a long shot. Just how in the hell do people with black and blonde hair have a child with long strands of pink? It made no sense; her eye color wasn't even close to the other two. If he had doubts that she had been his target though, they were thrown away when she somehow brought herself back to life. She had died. He was sure of it. He'd witnessed countless of deaths and he could recognize any of them and she had definitely died. So how was it that she was here, breathing and stirring under the other man's caresses?
The shinobi must have realized the other presence now that his `friend' was no longer in immediate danger and looked back up to him. “So you're him.” It was a rhetorical statement and Gaara chose not to answer, frankly because he had no idea what the hell he was talking about. He the assassin? He from the one from Sunakagure? He her client? The list was endless.
“Hinata told me about you,” he added after a while.
“Hinata.” The name was not the same one the girl had earlier, but the orange was unmistakable. Besides, she'd been the only one who'd really had a chance to study him.
“Yeah, she works here. Sakura-chan's looking out for her. Anyway, she told me that you're a buji container just like me.” His words were becoming friendlier as they left his mouth and the last part sounded like it was the best news he'd ever heard.
“So which one are you?” he asked eyes widened and ready for an answer.
He'd been told to never reveal such information countless times, he was the trump card his father used, and if other villages found out about him they would surely attack. But then again, he'd also been told that there were no other buji, they'd all been killed long ago and that the nine tails was only a myth. The Kazekage lied to him often, and Gaara had no trust in him, but to be able to hide such a secret was starting to tick him off. They would have a nice chat the next time he saw him.
“I have the Shukaku.”
The blonde lit up considerably, “Really? Cool, I never knew about you. So I guess that they don't have everyone yet.”
“Yeah, you know, Akatsuki's trying to collect all of the biji so-
The woman beside him on the bed had stirred more and had now wrapped her arms around the other's waist who was trying to remain seated and not be pulled down. She winced slightly at the movement, “Sasuke.”
The color drained from the man's face as she continued to call out Sasuke's name in her sleep. The information he'd been given never stated if his target and the new vessel had any known each other, but the emotion in her voice confirmed that they had.
“Sasuke, I'm……..I'm so sorry.”
He shook her shoulder slightly, “Damnit Sakura-chan, don't ask for that bastard.”
Her mantra was become softer and the man gave up on trying to wake her and detached himself from her and got off the bed.
“Sasuke?” Gaara asked curious to see if this man would reveal any valuable information or just lie.
After a long silence he began speaking eyes downcast, “Sasuke was a childhood friend of ours. We were family.”
He looked back toward the bed, “But when you're young sometimes you see only what you want to see and not what's really going on underneath it all. And when lies were revealed the shit hit the fan and we lost someone important to us.”
His fists were clenched and Gaara could distinctly feel chakra pouring into the room from his body, “But one day, I'm going to see that bastard again. And I'm going to beat the shit out of him for what he did to Sakura-chan and then I'm going to make him come back and cut his ties to the asshole that manipulated us.”
The woman on the bed grunted and rolled to her other side. Her back now contained a tattoo that had not been on her earlier. The black mamba started at her shoulder and curved twice, hiding briefly under the black bra strap and bandages before the tail disappeared under her shorts. The entire body of it looked alive and he was he could see the detail of the scales and the crimson eyes looked almost real with its mouth open ready to attack.
Besides the tattoo and bandages she was also showered in scars. Not one looked like the other, all different lengths and patterns. Some looked like whips while others just looked like someone had tried to carve out a picture. They were all faint and showed that they all healed properly or were had been stitched well.
A loud blast was heard from downstairs and the building shook with it.
“Fuck,” the other cursed quickly wrapping her in a blanket. “You have to get her out of here,” he said carrying her once again and taking her to him.
“What?” He asked in a neutral tone, still not taking the woman.
“Don't give me that look, there are at least two Akatsuki members downstairs and they're headed this way, you have to get her out of here or they'll take her.”
“I wouldn't know where to take her,” he reasoned. But the blonde only shook his head feverously. He told him her address before pushing her to him.
“Now go, hell if they know who you are there's no way I can stop them from getting both of you. So please take her home and I'll be there shortly.”
“You can take on two members of Akatsuki?”
He grinned, “Of course I can! After all I am going to be the next Hokage,” he said before running out of the room.
The next Hokage, he'd said. The pieces started clicking in place. He was his target's friend that she compared him to, and he was the same one that had contracted Sunakagure to help. Why would they hire him to kill someone he cares for? He'd have to ponder that later.
Various loud noises from downstairs told him of the situation and he began his way out the window, it was then he remembered he was holding someone. He looked down at her as he flew over the tops of the building to the address he'd been given. Foreign emotions exalted him; this was the first time he'd ever held anyone in such a way.
Even when he had to relocate dead bodies he always used his sand to touch them. It killed two birds with one stone, the buji got his taste of blood and he didn't have to come in contact with anyone. And now here he was with a self reviving woman in his clutches taking her home away from danger. If he didn't know better he'd say he was actually looking out for someone else.
What was more offsetting was why his sand hadn't reacted and stopped the man from pushing her to him. His sand armor had always protected him from any unwanted contact as well as weapons and attacks. But it hadn't even stirred, even now it didn't react.
If anything it hummed.
Meanwhile the Shukaku from within was filling his head with the possibilities that were now available to him, and not one of them wanted her blood.
Her apartment was rather easy to find. He'd studied various maps of Konoha on his way here and this part of town was under the Akatsuki jurisdiction. The streets contained few people, and those were shady characters standing on street corners in groups of two or three, they would probably be leaving soon, sunrise was in an hour. He jumped to her balcony avoiding anyone that may have been in the apartment hallways.
The double glass doors slid open with no resistance; no lock was on them, no traps set. She was practically begging to get robbed, but looking around he saw she had nothing worth taking. The double glass doors opened into the living area that only contained an old beat up recliner and coffee table. He passed the kitchen on his way to the hallway and it too was bare. He opened the only door in the whole place and found her bedroom. So far the entire apartment was the polar opposite of where she worked, while everything there was black everything here was white or wooden. Walking over to the bed with only a rumpled sheet thrown over it he laid her down on top of it. Not too gently.
Shukaku scoffed.
The bedroom had a fairly large window with no curtains. Looking down at the street below he could see that the small groups at the corners were indeed dispersing laughing with each other as they did so. Moving to the side of the window he leaned against it wondering why in the hell he'd agreed to do what the kyuubi vessel had asked of him, so easily.
He mediated as he waited for the return of the blonde shinobi. He had questions and he wanted answers immediately. So far the woman's condition had only improved as she continued to turn occasionally, but no longer asked for Sasuke.
A half an hour later he felt a presence looming nearby, circling overhead before finally resorting to the front door. First thinking it was the kyuubi he only resumed meditation, but after continuing he felt someone poking their chakra through the entire apartment as if performing a search. This was not the buji vessel.
He quickly opened the window as he heard the front door easily open. Jumping from the third story apartment he leapt upwards to the roof and then to the building across. Lowering himself in what was left of the shadows he quickly preformed his third eye jutsu and sent it back to observe from a closer distance.
The man who had entered the room wore a black floor-length robe with red clouds embroidered into it. Although the collar could cover his entire face it was left open, revealing a familiar face. He looked like an older version of the Uchiha that was under Orochimaru's command. He'd only read about the other surviving son of the Uchiha massacre, the one who had murdered his entire clan, Uchiha Itachi.
He shook her shoulder more violently than the other had and slapped her hard across the face. She stirred slightly until finally looking up at the man that now had her clutched by her upper arms in the air. “Itachi,” she breathed her head rolling back slightly as her eyes struggled to stay open. “What can I do for you? I'm…..afraid that I can't……be much fun today…….Sasori kind of rescheduled his monthly appointment.”
He threw her against the wall her head making viscous contact with the wall. “I heard that you tried to refuse him,” humor hanging from his words.
She looked up smiling at the man from her haggard position on the floor, “I had another client Itachi, you know that I can't be going out of my way just so that he can get his fucking fix.”
“Who was your client?”
“He was the same as any other, just another man than likes a bit of violence with his sex and has lots of money to get it.”
The man stepped forward pulling her up by her hair and then pressing the length of his body against hers to hold her up. “Don't worry, cherry blossom, you'll be put out of your misery soon enough.”
His Sharingan eyes morphed into an unfamiliar pattern and he gripped her neck tightly forcing her to look into her eyes. “But I don't think that you've earned your death quite yet.”
It all happened so suddenly he didn't even know what really occurred. One minute he was holding her up the next she was on the floor with her eyes open in terror. He calmly stepped over her body and out of the room.
A few minutes later she struggled to sit up, the look of fear gone only to be replaced with pain. Her shoulders began shaking and she started to pound the carpeted floor with her fist. He assumed she as crying, there were only a few people he'd actually seen cry, and even then they were tears of fear, not sadness. But when she looked up towards the window he saw no tears but she was sobbing. Was it possible to cry with no tears?
Her anguish quickly turned into fury and she stood up and walked towards her bed and flipped it over before going to her end table, the only other piece of furniture in her room and picking it up throwing it against the wall, instantly shattering it to splinters, the wall plaster cracking also. This was probably why she had no to other furniture he mused. Her strength was impressive, it was not a natural kind of strength, it was one attained by using controlled amounts of chakra.
Her rant died down soon and she opened one of the three doors into her room and stepped through. The sun was rising and he'd need cover soon, deciding that that her friend would most likely still drop by he headed back to the apartment. Running water was heard from the door she disappeared through and he continued inside and found no trace of the Uchiha.
Stepping over the debri of end table he noticed a brown leathered book that had been hidden under her bed. It was worn, the latch barely held it together, the pages were slightly discolored.
He flipped it open to find the first few pages were blank. He went to the back of the book and found it contained entries from five years ago. Tucking it into his jacket he heard the front door being closed and the familiar thudding of feet running through the house.
The kyuubi had returned.
Wow, another one bites the dust. Maybe summer classes were a good thing for me after all. : ).
Notes: Well I really don't have any; you're just going to have to trust me that this IS going somewhere. It's just going to take a little while.
We find out a bit more on where Sakura's been in the next chapter.
Questions? Ask away.