Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha Nights ❯ The Spy ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Konoha Nights
The Spy
AN: I posted Tenten's story yesterday on, it's called A Kunoichi's Lament. 3 reviews so far, which is pretty good for me : ) so please take the time to read it. Kind of reveals a bit more on Sakura's character.
In no time, she had navigated them to one of the Nara medical huts they had out on the deer fields. Sliding the door open, she found Shika leaning against the wall in his `thinking' pose with a body covered in the middle of a medical array.
He looked up and looked at her incredulously as if asking `What in the hell?'
She kneeled down beside the body checking for vitals and going into medic mode. It'd been far too long since she felt the rush of saving a life. Her time at the hospital had been so brief and she cursed Orochimaru for taking away her chance of becoming a real doctor.
Recognizing the man she knew as Crow, she pulled at his clothes to get a better look at the wound on his torso. Immediately she recognized the poison and the cut. “I'm mildly curious as to how Crow got involved with Sasori.”
The woman behind her let out a gasp as she stumbled over words before giving up all together. The gash on his torso was a bit deep and would need pressure to avoid too much blood loss, she assessed and reached down to the hem of her kimono and ripped off a strip. Lifting him slightly to slip the silk around him, she tied it and checked for other major injuries. He'd put a fight against Sasori, that much was clear, but she also knew that this man was no match for him and he'd gotten off pretty good.
Infusing her hands with her chakra, she concentrated on the poison in the body. Forming her hands into a ball above his body, she contained it and then sent her chakra into his body forcing it out. There wasn't much of it, but if you weren't immune to it, it could work its course and kill you in two days.
Closing her hands around it she let it become absorbed into her body, there was no sense in wasting such a good potion; it could come in handy later. “His life is no longer in danger,” she told the woman behind her and watched her fall to knees in relief.
“Shika, I'm going to need a few ingredients from your supply alright?”
Shika had released his thinking pose, listened as she told him her list, and then disappeared to fetch them. Meanwhile Temari had already made herself comfortable next to Crow on the floor who was stirring. “Thank you for saving him,” she said wiping the sweat from his brow.
“It was nothing,” and it was the truth. It was twisted to even think it, but in a way, Sakura was glad for the opportunity to heal people again. Especially in such a critical manner. The most she had to heal now was the occasional scratch or scrape at the flower shop, the wounds she received from her clients healed on their own.
Shika placed the ingredients in her hands and she set to work making an antidote. She knew this one by heart. The first time Sasori had injected this into her she'd gone into a coma for weeks, when she woke she extracted it from her own body and studied it, so the next time she just took the antidote and her body didn't slow down one bit. And just like with all the other poisons, her body slowly grew immune to it and then she was able to store it in certain parts of her body like her chakra reserves.
Taking the liquid back to Crow she handed it to Temari and watched as she gently made him take the contents. Sensitizing her nose was easy since the blood was already flowing quickly from the thrill of healing her patient. Breathing in deeply she easily recognized the woman's scent. It was almost the exact same as Crow's, their blood even smelled the same. Either these two spent excessively too much time together or they were siblings.
Probably the latter.
Which meant that she was also Gaara's sister.
She laughed inside, who would have thought that the Shukaku actually had a family? A sister no less. Maybe all bujii didn't grow up the same after all, maybe Gaara hadn't grown up feeling like a complete monster.
Crow groaned loudly before opening his eyes. “Damn my head hurts like hell.”
Termari shook his shoulders, “You idiot! You almost died and all you can say is my head hurts?”
“Temari?” his unfocused eyes looked at his sibling who was attempting to shake him for all he was worth.
“Yes baka!”
“Can you please stop shaking me?”
She did, but crossed her arms angrily and stood up. Meanwhile the man looked around the hut and easily spotted the pink haired medic. “Chlorisa? Wha-…..I mean…..How did you-
“She just saved your ass baka, she's a medic-nin,” Temari put in.
“Just call me Sakura,” she said kneeling down and helping him lay back on the array, “Now that you're awake I can close up the wound.”
The chakra jumped to her hands, she ran them over her makeshift bandage, and he continued to stare at her. “My name is Kankuro,” he told her quietly now watching her hands. “Thanks.”
“Eh, don't worry about it,” she said dismissively, finishing the procedure. “You're going to have to rest for a couple of days. We could probably move you to another location but the Nara houses they have out here are isolated enough that you shouldn't run into any trouble.”
Spotting Shika who was back in his thinking pose she asked, “Is it alright if they stay here for a few days?”
He shrugged so she took that as a yes.
“Anyway, you should be good as new by tomorrow.” She helped him back into his black mesh shirt, “So what were you doing fighting against Sasori anyway?”
“I can't answer that, I'm sorry,” he said looking down to his lap.
Gaara's chilly voice cut through the silence, “You should answer her question Kankuro.”
His eyes widened considerably as he saw Gaara step forth from the shadows of the hut. “Gaara?”
Even if Sakura was blind and couldn't see how Kankuro trembled at the sight of his brother, she could have smelled the waves of fear and anxiety that rolled off of him. “This is Suna matter that has to be told to the Kage immediately,” he tried.
“What where you doing fighting an Akatsuki member, weren't you suppose to be retrieving Baki?” he asked his voice dropped even lower.
Kankuro had by now given up trying to keep information secret from Sakura and retold how he had stumbled across another Suna-nin and followed him instead. “It was Yura. He met up with Sasori and handed over classified information.”
“Sasori must have had chakra trip wires everywhere and I broke one. I tried to get the envelope back but his puppets were too great. That bastard destroyed my puppets and then stabbed me with one of his.” He clenched his fist at the memory of losing his puppets.
“He told me that Yura had been a spy for him since he left Suna twenty years ago and had been feeding him information. They've known about you all along Gaara. Yura was just waiting for the perfect mission to send you to Konoha to save them the trouble of trying to infiltrate Suna.”
Temari bit her finger drawing blood and smeared it on her fan. Her summon jumped out of the small puff of smoke and she began writing a coded message furiously. “I'm going to alert the Kazekage, there's no telling how many more spies we have in Suna.”
“There's another,” Kankuro said weakly.
“WHAT?” Temari stopped writing.
“There is reason to believe that Baki has betrayed us and allied himself with Orochimaru,” he laid back down on the wooden floor. “We had a tracer on him and I watched as he managed to get all the way into the lair without restriction.”
“Fuck.” Temari cursed as she began writing again before dismissing her summon with the message. “Baki did jump at the chance to be the one to go to infiltrate,” Kankuro reminded her.
“This is not good, the Kazekage has just lost two of his most trusting advisors, we're going to have to head back as soon as you're better to make sure he's heavily guarded.”
Gaara snorted at Temari's disgusting concern for the Kage. If Yura was already here exchanging files with Sasori, that meant that the Kage was probably already dead, otherwise Temari would have been informed of the missing advisor.
She would just have to figure that out on her own.
Gaara watched as Sakura rose dusting off the imaginary particles on her kimono. “I really should get going now. I hope that everything works out for Suna Kankuro and Temari,” she bowed before looking towards the quiet Leaf shinobi.
“Thanks for you help Shika.”
He shrugged again and she sighed mentally. She really missed her shougi partner; he was the only one that could ever give her a real challenge besides for Kakashi-sensei. Sliding open the door she was halfway out when she remembered the other occupant of the room. “Gaara?”
“I'll stop by tomorrow,” he answered back quickly.
She smiled, “Great….tomorrow then.”
Closing the door behind her she ran back towards the forest that would lead her back to her empty apartment. The rush she felt earlier had long ago dissipated and she for a moment wished she wouldn't be alone on such a depressing night.
Meanwhile in the hut small hut Kankuro eyed Gaara curiously and Shika excused himself leaving the three siblings alone.
“I thought you were supposed to kill her,” he whispered.
“That is none of your concern; I will rectify the situation upon my discretion.” He said calmly. Kankuro was actually right for once, Sakura was supposed to be dead; he had just made a slight miscalculation and needed a bit more time. “Where's my gourd?”
Kankuro winced as he fought to sit up. “Temari hid it; it's just outside of Konoha gates.”
Gaara looked towards Temari and sighed heavily, “Fine, I'll go get it, but don't leave Kankuro alone.”
He wouldn't respond to such a request/order. He was planning to make a stop by Sakura's tonight. Jiraiya had revealed some interesting information that he needed to get confirmation on and the sooner the better. Especially now that he could complete his mission.
“There's no point in alerting the Kage, is there?” Kankuro asked testing the mobility of his shoulder.
“Draw your own conclusions,” Gaara answered closing his eyes to get some meditation in before Temari returned.
“We should probably head back tomorrow, Suna's probably in chaos right now with no Kage. There's no telling who's going to get the position, especially since the last Sibling passed and she isn't there for advising the council.”
“Do as you like, my mission hasn't been completed yet so I'll stay in Konoha till I have.”
Kankuro laid back on the futon, “Man that girl knows her stuff, I haven't felt this good in weeks. Kinda a shame she has to die eh?”
“So you're going to swing by her place tomorrow huh?” he tried again. “Well, there's no harm in having a bit of fun with her before you kill her.”
“I suggest you stop talking,” Gaara snapped back, eyes still closed.
“Whoa! I actually got a reaction out of you. She must be great in bed, is-
“You've already almost lost your life today Kankuro, don't push your luck with me because this time Sakura won't be here to heal you,” he said eyes glowing with malice.
Kankuro immediately got the point opting to get some sleep instead of trying to converse with his younger brother, “You know its okay to get laid every once in a while.”
A kunai landed by his head.
Sleep was looking really good right about now. Pulling the sheet up around him he let sleep consume him and he prayed Gaara didn't slit his throat during his nap.
Meanwhile Gaara was plotting Kankuro's death and how he could murder him and still get away with it. Temari entered an hour and a half later, slightly surprised Gaara was still there. She handed him the gourd and he strapped it on immediately.
“Wow I thought for sure I'd be coming back to Kankuro in pieces,” she joked.
“Had you been any later and you just might have.”
She visibily gulped and smiled shakily at him.
He walked out of the hut with a smirk on his face…….maybe there was something to communicating with other people after all. It seemed quite fun.
Inside Temari and Kankuro were still shaken.
Kankuro had woken as soon as Temari had opened the door, “He was joking right?” he asked looking at the still open door.
“I think I would have preferred him to not be joking.”
Temari turned to her brother, “Kankuro… often does Gaara joke around?”
Kankuro's mouth hung open, “What the hell did that medic do to Gaara!”
She shrugged, “I don't know…….but I think it's a good thing.”
heh heh, sorry it was so short, but if I didn't stop it here I wouldn't be able to stop for another 15 pages or so. I was working on chapter 9 again; I'm trying to fix it to where I'm more happy with it. Really nervous about posting anything with risqué content. I've never done it before! Yikes!
But anyway, thanks to
Xinthos……I think this chapter answered your question. : ) Great guess.
Crazytreeotaku- lol as you can see I left the Tenten chapter out and just posted it separately. I too hate fillers so I couldn't bring myself to do it! I heard of having problems so I just went to mediaminer. so much easier.
LoveShiobi4eva- you rock!
SabakuNoBrandy- glade you took the risk to read it! : )
Thanks for the reviews! Love them and they totally motivated me to write more!