Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha's End ❯ Bloody Valentine ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Please be kind! It's my first songfic! And my first fanfic. I have no idea why I wrote it but I did. I was bored. Doing work for my parents. Anywayz, plz read! Plz review. Good or bad I don't care.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Bloody Valentine, so if you want to sue someone,
don't look at me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
{Oh, my love
Please don't cry}
*I could hear you crying through the receiver of my phone, I was glad it was the phone and not in person…you might suspect it was me if you see me.*
{I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life}
*I picked up the soap and began scrubbing my hands, still listening to you. I picked up a scrubbing brush and began to scrub at the stain.*
{I ripped out
His throat}
*It wasn't hard to do. Very easy. It was just another assassination mission. Self assigned. And I was so sick of being behind a genius. He had to go.*
{And called you on the telephone
To take off
My disguise
Just in time to hear you cry}
*As soon as I got back I called you. Like I did every night, on routine. The same time every night, if I didn't you would have worried. I heard the doorbell ring.
“Just a sec, I gotta answer the door.” You said to me, I tried not to laugh, because I knew what was coming.
“Sure Sakura.” As I waited for you to come back on the phone I changed from my black outfit and into my normal clothes. I'd have to burn the other one; it had so much blood on it. When you came back you were crying. And I was smiling.
{You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time}
*When you told me he was dead, I pretended to be shocked, I even cried a little. Inside I was laughing at it. I knew exactly what had happened to him, I told you I'd tell Kakashi so you could go to the Hokage. You didn't stop crying that night.*
{Oh, my love
Please don't cry}
*I felt guilty that I was the one to cause the tears in your eyes, but I still used it to the full potential. Kakashi was away on a mission, as was Ino and Hinata. So I was the only one there to comfort you when the police told you what had happened, or what they could guess. I acted like I was angry and upset at what “they” had done to him. But I was thinking about how good it felt to kill him.*
{I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life}
*I looked at my hands, the stains were still there. I scrub harder. I can't let you see the blood. You'll ask questions, and I know that I wont be able to fake the answer saying that it was from a mission, we hadn't been assigned anything since he died.*
{I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight}
*I had lost my sense of right and wrong during our first real mission. After we were both nearly killed. Back then I considered him my friend, now I consider him a fallen foe.*
{There was
Police and
Flashing lights}
*It was nearly perfect, nearly unnoticed. Someone must have heard his alarms though, because I had just gotten into the trees when the police came, they examined the place, and then called in the anbu. I left before they got there.*
{The rain came down so hard that night and the
Headlines read
A lover died
No tell-tale heart was left to find when you...}
*It was raining, so I had to move slowly, I knew I could just say I had been in the shower if they came over and noticed the wet hair. It was old but it still worked.
It was in the papers by the next morning. But there was no clues as to how he had died or who had killed him.*
{You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died}
*It's two years later, and we're both standing at his grave. Tears are running down your cheeks freely, I have to force myself to look sad. I'm insane, I've always known it. I think he realized just before I killed him. You're still not over the fact that he's gone. But I am. I never needed time to get over it. I never thought about it.*
{You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time}
*I hope this is the last time we have to come here. It makes me uncomfortable. Kakashi's noticed. He thinks that it's because his body is here. That's not it. It's his presence that I can't get rid of. No matter how hard I try, he's always near me. At first he was confused, then angry, now he's just upset, betrayed. I can feel it. He's trying to make me guilty. It won't work…am I insane? Yes. For how long? My entire life.*
{Oh, my love
Please don't cry}
*It's been three years and you're still crying, every night. I can still remember every detail. How you cried every night for a week. Every ones shocked faces when you told them what had happened. How they all thought that we were joking and that he was gonna jump out and scare them, everyone of them, even there jounin sensei's'.*
{I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life}
*All except Ino, She knew what your real tears looked like. The others thought that she was in on the joke, till Iruka, Kakashi and Tsunade appeared with his broken forehead protector. It wasn't just his forehead protector though. All of them had been crying, you could tell from the redness in there eyes. Even Kakashi. He was still crying. They were all shocked; Shikamaru was the first out of them to move. He asked how. When they found out Hinata threw up.*
{I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight}
* I can still hear you crying, and the blood hasn't come off in three years…I need to walk. I need you to stop crying. You can't see through your tears that I still love you. More then he did. I don't know why, but I'm at his grave. He never deserved you. I can remember that night like it happened five minutes ago.*
{He dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window}
*I was watching your entire date, and neither of you noticed. I could see the rain clouds forming, but I still watched and waited. Your date ended and he walked you home. I still watched. I watched him kiss you and it made the jealousy well up inside. I hadn't meant to do it. But I did. I let anger take control. He went home and I followed, he went straight under the shower and I stood outside his window waiting for him to come out. When he did I smashed the window and opened it. Inside he looked relieved to see that it was me, till he saw what was in my hand.*
{Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do cause I'm so in love with you}
*He stumbled back, all his weapons were out of reach and he knew that I was stronger now and he couldn't fight me. He tried to stop me, using words. Like you tried to teach us. It didn't work. I did it so quickly I didn't even realize what I did…until now…*
{Oh, my love
Please don't cry}
*I look at the tombstone…at what's written on it about him. “A friend till the end, he will be avenged.” It was short, but everyone had agreed on it. The girls had wanted to put more on…except for Sakura, she had started crying again. I didn't agree, the others thought that I just hadn't wanted to talk coz I was too upset. I was just bored.*
{I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life}
*My eyes widened as I finally realized what I had done three years ago. I had killed my best friend. Over one of my other friends. I should have been happy for them. I had ended it before anything had happened. I had killed him on the day that meant most to people like them…I had robbed the village of him. I had stopped him from ever fulfilling his dream. I was no better then Itachi.*
{I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right}
*I dropped to my knees in front of his tombstone; tears were pouring down my face. “God…what did I do? Sasuke…I killed him….I killed my best friend…God what did I do?!” I heard Sakura come up behind me.
“It was me…I killed him…”*
{All I know is that I love you tonight