Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha's End ❯ Pain for Pleasure ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay peeps. New addition to me fic. At first this was a one shot, but I figured, to hell with it and made a sequel. This is the sequel of bloody valentine. Read that first or bad stuff can happen. Actually u wont understand wat its about so be it on your own head. Let the fic begin!
DISCLAIMER: Stupid disclaimer, always reminding me…I don't own Naruto, any of it's characters and `Pain for Pleasure' is owned by Sum41. NOT ME. There! Are you happy now?! Ruin my fantasy! Stupid pplz…not u guys, lawyers.
Song lyrics are in bold italics.
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“It was me…I killed him…” I heard Sakura's sharp intake of breath as I said those words. I could also feel the seals that bind the Kyuubi weakening.
“What? No…It wasn't you…I can't have been!” Sakura cried. The Kyuubi took over and I faded into darkness.
“I did kill him bitch. What are you going to do about it?” Naruto snarled, but it wasn't Naruto's voice, it was similar but not the same.
“I don't believe that! I refuse to believe it! You were too upset! You were upset when he died! I can't be you!”
“It was me. I'm surprised you even trusted me at all.” Naruto growled. “But then, neither of you knew that your team mate was the Kyuubi, did you? I killed him. I ripped out his fuckin throat, cut out his heart and tore out his eyes. And I enjoyed it.” Tears ran down Sakura's face as she fought the urge to vomit. “I'll give you ten minutes before I chase you, sound fair?”
Sakura stared at him. His eyes were blood red, his fingers had turned into claws and his teeth were pointed. There were claw marks all over his body, we think that an animal may have been used in killing him. The words of the med shinobi rang through her head and her eyes widened.
“Nine minutes left. Maybe I should start with your friends? Maybe that will make you move?” Sakura snapped out of her daze and raced from the monster. She had to find Kakashi.
The seas have parted
“Tsunade.” The fifth hokage looked up from her paper work.
“Yes Jiraiya? I thought that you were down by the bay?”
“I was. Can't you sense the chakra? It's everywhere!” Tsunade raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“And this drew you away from scouting the bay? To see if I had sensed strange chakra?”
“No. Something is wrong. The waters thrashing and making a huge path from the water country to our borders. It's like the water's been drained away.” Tsunade tensed.
“Jiraiya, this is starting to sound a lot like that story that the third told us. Do you remember it?”
“What? The one about the apocalypse?”
“You never listened did you? It was only the ending of our village and all the shinobi in it.” Tsunade began to remember what her old sensei had once told them.
“A terrible chakra will emerge upon the unsuspecting village. The islands will be joined as the water recedes. Providing a path for the demons to cross. Gruesome fates await any who dares to tread in its path and none shall be able to withstand it. Once strong shinobi will seem like the children they are at heart. The light will vanish, as if taken by shadow, and the demon will tear through those that dare to defy it.”
“Sensei?” The thirteen year old Tsunade interrupted. The third sighed.
“Yes Tsunade, what is it?”
“Where does it say the demon will come from?” The third closed his eyes.
“The demon shall rise from the most unlikely person imaginable, yet at the same time, people will wonder how they didn't see that the beast would arise from him.
“What about the hero?” Jiraiya interrupted rudely.
“Shut your trap baka!” Tsunade screamed at him. Jiraiya glared at her.
“No. My questions just as good as yours! There has to be a hero! In stories there always is! If you don't want me to ask questions, then don't start asking them yourself, flat chested bitch.”
“What?! What did you just call me?!”
“It isn't a story.” The third interrupted and the two bickering teens froze.
“It isn't a story. It's a prophecy that was made one hundred and fifty years ago. Can I finish it now?” The two teens nodded. Their team mate rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe the other two were actually buying into this crap. “Jiraiya is right. For once. There is a hero prophesized to save the people of the village from the demon. Like the demon, the hero shall come from the most unlikely of people. A dark shinobi, the battle shall rage and one shall die. The villagers will hate either. One from previous sins done to them, the other for living. The risen beast shall turn on the ones that once called themselves its friends, they shall be its first prey.”
“What is it sensei?” Orochimaru questioned suddenly. “The prophecy. What is it that it is predicting?”
“The destruction of our village Orochimaru. And the deaths of the shinobi within.”
Jiraiya chuckled at Tsunade's fear.
“You read too much into these things Tsunade. But I will admit that it's strange. Maybe you should call all the shinobi.”
“Yes, but only from the chuunins up. No need getting the village worked up if it's nothing.” Tsunade and Jiraiya both began sending out messages to the shinobi. All of the shinobi arrived a few minutes after the messages were sent. As the last chuunin arrived, the light seemed to vanish from the sky. Tsunade looked out the window and watched in fearful fascination as the sky's darkened to a pitch black, so dark that she could barely see Jiraiya in front of her.
“Tsunade…I'm starting to believe you.” Tsunade nodded slightly and drew her mouth into a tight line before turning back to the gathered shinobi. They too were watching the sky around them. They had gathered outside to fit the shinobi. Tsunade closed her eyes and began to dish out orders, trying to forget about the prophecy that plagued her mind.
The ending's started
Sakura ran through the streets of Konoha. She was panicking and she knew it. I have to find someone. Someone who can help…god…this isn't happening, don't let this be happening. Sasuke-kun…Sakura dodged the people who had come out to view the blackened sky.
“THAT'S TEN MINUTES SAKURA-CHAN.” A loud voice rang out and Sakura sped up her pace. The `chan' was there to spite her. Her chest burned for more air, yet she couldn't give it. The houses passed in a blur, in her panic she'd had forgotten which way the Hokages office was.
“Sakura-chan!” Sakura paused and saw Ino and Hinata waving to her from the ramen stand. There teams were there as well, but Shikamaru was missing. Maybe I should start with your friends? The voice chilled her to the bone and she raced over to her friends.
“Ino!” Sakura cried as she reached them. She grabbed her arm. “Please Ino. Where is the Hokage? Where's her office?”
“Sakura? Why are you so scared? I can smell your fear from miles away!” Kiba said as he finished his bowl. The others looked at her.
“Why can't you remember where the Hokages office is? Did you hit your head or something?” Ino asked, concern marring her features. “Were you called there too? Shikamaru had to leave a few minutes ago.” Screams erupted form the streets behind Sakura. She grabbed Hinata and Ino and dragged them from their table.
“Please! We have to move!” The others looked at her fear filled expression and stood.
“Okay! We'll take you to the hokage! Just calm down.” Hinata promised. The rest of the teams stood and walked out of the restaurant.
“What was all that screaming?” Ino asked as they moved slowly along the streets. Sakura glanced around edgily, wanting to move faster.
“Everyone is yelling something about a monster.” Kiba said as he strained his expert hearing. “I don't know why. But it's getting closer.” Sakura stopped suddenly.
“Closer?! It's getting closer?! We need to move faster!” The wall in front of them suddenly exploded and Naruto stood there, still with his eyes blood red. Sakura froze in fear and the others looked shocked.
“Aw. My fun over already? Hm…how about, we make the game longer? Want another head start Sakura? Ten minutes. You gonna hesitate this time?” Sakura backed away from the sadistic voice.
“Sakura? What's going on?” Ino said, backing away in step with her friend, never taking her eyes off Naruto. Sakura swallowed tightly.
“Naruto-kun?” Hinata asked carefully. Naruto's gaze snapped to her.
“Hello Hinata. Are you enjoying life?” Naruto's voice was cold and Sakura froze. She grabbed a kunai and threw it at Naruto's head. The others turned to her in shock. Naruto raised his arm and the kunai embedded itself deep into his flesh. He smirked and pulled it out, the wound healed nearly immediately. He smirked and it sent shivers down Sakura's spine.
“Hm…well, your head start has just been cut in half. Four minutes left Sakura. Maybe I should go with my earlier suggestion? Will that make you run?” Naruto took and step forward and several kunai cut off his path.
“What's going on?” Tenten asked as she jumped from the roof. Neji and Lee behind her. Sakura looked Naruto in the eye, ignoring the question.
“Three minutes Sakura.” He glared at her. “Still don't believe me do you? Ha! I kept what I took Sakura. If you still don't believe me then go and find out for yourself.” Sakura turned and raced away. Ino, Hinata and Lee followed her. Leaving the others no choice but to do the same.
The sky has turned to black
Sakura didn't stop running until she reached Naruto's apartment. The others ran beside her. She reached the apartment and found the door unlocked. She ran straight into Naruto's bedroom and began to tear the place apart. Shino stayed near the front door, not wanting to intrude on Naruto's life.
“Sakura! What are you doing?” Kiba asked while dodging some of the scrolls Sakura had tossed away.
“What's going on?” Neji asked Choji. Choji began to explain everything that had happened from when Sakura had arrived at the ramen bar. Meanwhile Sakura had found a tin. It was heavy and the lock was rusted. She placed it on the bed and grabbed out a kunai. She began to pry the lid open. Kiba picked up the coppery smell of blood and left the room to pinpoint where it came from.
“Then she just grabbed Hinata and Ino and dragged them down the street…” Choji's sentence was interrupted by a blood curling scream. Everyone turned to face Sakura who had slammed the tin closed.
“Sakura-san?” Lee asked as Sakura stared at the tin in front of her. Ino made to open the tin. And Sakura slammed her hands on the lid.
“Don't open it!” She shrieked trying to catch her breath.
“Believe me now Sakura?” Naruto's voice came from the doorway.
Kiba followed the smell as it got stronger. He rounded the corner and his breath caught in his throat. He heard a scream and ran back to the room, where Naruto was standing in the doorway. Kiba looked down and saw the same blood on Naruto's hands.
“By the way Sakura. I believe this is yours?” Naruto asked and threw the kunai at her. Sakura clenched her eyes shut and opened them as a loud whine echoed through the room. Akamaru lay in front of her with the kunai piercing his throat.
“BASTARD NARUTO!” Kiba's growl brought them all to their senses and they saw Kiba standing in the other room glaring at Naruto with tears in his eyes.
“Oh, hello Kiba. Did you manage to find my little surprise?” Naruto asked tauntingly.
“Why did you do it Naruto?!” Kiba screamed at him. “Why did you kill Shino?!” The others mouths fell open and Naruto shrugged.
“Why not? He was in the way.”
“Is that your same excuse for killing Sasuke?!” Sakura screamed as she stood. Naruto ignored the shocked looks of the others and grinned as he saw the tin in Sakura's hands.
“Oh, so you DID find the tin. You can keep it if you like.”
“How could you do that Naruto?” Hinata asked in a small voice.
“Naruto, Naruto, Naruto…hmm…” Naruto said thoughtfully. “I'm not Naruto. I'm Kyuubi. Not that any of you would understand. But as for your question Hinata. How could I do it? Like this.” Naruto grabbed a katana from seemingly no where and with a quick swipe; Tenten's body was on the floor. About two feet away from her head. Hinata screamed as Tenten's head rolled over to her feet.
Naruto smirked sickeningly and turned to face the others. Before he could move another step, a kunai pierced his spine and he fell to the floor.
“Now, you've pissed me off Kiba.” Naruto growled as he reached behind him and pulled the kunai from his back. Kiba moved to stand in between Naruto and the others. Lee joined him.
“Guys, get out of here. Go tell the hokage that Naruto's gone fucking psycho!” Kiba growled, Lee nodded and the others didn't move.
“Neji. He killed Tenten. I'll get him back for that.” Lee said clearly. Neji nodded slightly and dragged the others over to the window. Sakura clutched the tin to her chest and Neji looked at her skeptically.
“It's the only proof we have that he killed them.” Neji nodded and swallowed as they one by one left the room. Leaving Kiba and Lee to stall Naruto. They had not gotten two blocks away when Naruto appeared in front of them, covered in bruises and bleeding from a few cuts, but still grinning evilly.
“Hm…well, they were more sport then Shino, Sasuke or Tenten. But then. They actually had weapons.” Naruto said as he threw the two lifeless bodies he had been holding at them. Kiba and Lee's battered forms landed in front of them and what they saw horrified them. Kiba's entire lower jaw was missing and one of his eyes had been gouged out. Lee's face was bashed into the back of his head. His skull was shattered and his head was around the wrong way. As soon as they saw this, Hinata and Sakura screamed while Choji, Neji and Ino stood in numb shock.
A killing spree through eternity
He stopped moving suddenly and the other members of his team turned back to face him.
“Gaara?” Temari asked. Gaara's eyes were wide and this caused Kankuro and Temari to back away a little. They were back at leaf village for a visit and had only arrived a minute or so ago to find the gates unguarded.
“I smell blood….lots of blood.” As he said these words, screams erupted from a few miles ahead of them. “Let's go.” This order took Temari and Kankuro by surprise.
“Gaara? Why?” Was all Temari could get out.
“Because, I said so.” Gaara immediately ran forward and Temari and Kankuro followed him after a second of hesitation.
The devil stabs you in the back
Naruto smirked as the others viewed his work. Sakura and Hinata's screams soon died down and Neji and Choji snapped out of their trance. Ino slowly blinked and something registered in the back of her mind. Oh my god…he did that to them…in…in less then five minutes…god…he killed Sasuke too…
Neji growled and activated the Byakugen. He sprang forward and attacked Naruto. Hinata noticed the look that his face held and pushed the others away.
“Please! Sakura-chan, Ino-chan! Choji-kun! We must move now!” The others looked from her desperate face to Neji's determined one and ran back the way they had come.
“You think you can actually stand a chance against me Neji?” Naruto taunted as Neji circled him. “I killed Kiba and Lee easily. What makes you think that you have a chance?” Neji didn't reply and continued to circle Naruto until he found a possible weak spot and attacked. Naruto at once spun around and grabbed Neji's wrist. He stared Neji in the eye and then let out a sharp laugh.
“You know that you can't win. You're doing this as a distraction. How noble.” Naruto sneered and Neji used his open palm to hit Naruto in the chest. Naruto let go quickly and clutched his chest for a few seconds; that was enough. Neji quickly performed the heavenly spin.
Itsmidnightnow you must escape somehow
They ran down the now empty street, no one was in sight. Their footsteps echoed down the empty street, so loudly that it seemed to reach the darkened sky above them. They all tensed as a huge vibration made the earth tremble.
“Neji!” Hinata cried as she continued to run. “That was the heavenly spin!”
“Naruto survived that once, he'll do it again!” Ino reminded them fearfully. They continued to run and Sakura finally understood what Naruto had told them.
“Kami…it's the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi that the fourth defeated, it's been sealed inside Naruto! We're going to die!”
“You're little miss optimism now aren't you?!” Choji cried as he rounded the corner behind Ino. Sakura opened her mouth to reply when she sensed chakra speeding towards her. She ducked and dodged to the right as Naruto landed were she had been several seconds before.
“Ahh!” She cried in surprise, causing the others to stop and turn back.
“Sakura!” Ino cried out. Naruto grinned sadistically and held up the still body of Neji by his long hair. It would have been difficult to tell what had killed him as there were no cuts, broken bones or blood visible. What was visible was the foot wide hole in Neji's chest, eliminating any possibility of his heart being there. Hinata screamed long and hard. Naruto tossed the body towards Hinata and she caught it. Swallowing back the bile that rose in her throat. Choji growled and leapt forward.
“Ino! Go and find Shikamaru!” Ino began to protest and Naruto let out an amused laugh.
“Again? Again someone will sacrifice themselves to allow the others another ten feet?” Naruto grabbed out one of his kunai's. Hinata ran away quickly, refusing to let go of her cousins' body. Sakura grabbed Ino's hand and dragged her with her as she began to run.
They hadn't made it very far when Naruto's cold laugh rang out, telling them that yet another friend had died at the hands of the monster. Sakura grasped the tin tighter, though the contents made her sick, it was the only evidence that they had. The only thing that confirmed what Naruto had done. No, she reminded herself. Hinata has Neji's body…Kami…Neji… A shadow darted in front of them and they screamed simultaneously as they stopped.
“Oh, now I'm insulted.” Came a dry voice. All three opened their eyes and found the team from sand standing in front of them. It had been Gaara who had spoken.
“Oh, Kami, it's just you Gaara.” Sakura breathed out in relief. Ino and Hinata nodded in agreement, this made Gaara raise his eyebrows.
“Okay, now I am insulted.” Temari hid a laugh behind her hand and Kankuro looked at them as if they were insane.
“What the hell has happened to you three? To make you so blood splattered and to make you say that seeing Gaara is a relief? And…umm….isn't that your cousin or something? What's wrong with him?” The girls looked down and sure enough, they're clothes were nearly drenched in blood. They then looked at Hinata and saw that she still clutched Neji's body. This reminded them of the danger that chased them.
“Naruto's gone insane!” The three looked at them skeptically.
“Naruto?” Temari began. “Mr. `I'm so fuckin cheerful that it annoys the hell outta people'?”
“Or are you referring to Mr. `don't underestimate me coz I'm gonna be hokage one day so u can all kiss my ass.'?” Kankuro added while Temari giggled. Gaara rolled his eyes at his sibling's antics.
“It's not a joke!” Hinata screamed, surprising everyone. “He's killed nearly all our friends!” Ino nodded her eyes wide and panicked.
“Neji, Tenten, Shino, Sasuke, Lee, Choji, Kiba. Even Akamaru is dead!”
“Uchiha died years ago. For you to joke about something like that is disgraceful.” Temari said scornfully. Gaara frowned though. Ino and Sakura had both been head over heels about Sasuke. They'd never joke about his death and Hinata was just the same about Naruto. Kankuro walked over to Hinata to examine Neji's body and his eyes went wide at the sight of the hole in his body.
“Fine.” Sakura said suddenly. “Don't believe us! But if you really must scorn us, then take a look in there!” She cried, tears ran down her face again. She thrust the tin and Gaara who took it skeptically. He opened it slightly and as Sakura had done not too long ago, he slammed the lid shut nearly immediately. His face was pale and he trembled slightly as he handed the tin back to Sakura.
“Where did you get that?” His voice was strained and everyone was taken aback by it, save for Sakura who knew full well what was inside.
“I found it in Naruto's room, about three minutes before he killed Lee, Akamaru, Shino and Kiba. He told me it would be in there.” Gaara froze for a second.
“Where are you heading now?”
“Gaara. Don't tell me you actually believe this?” Temari asked in disbelief.
“I won't subject you to seeing what is inside that tin Temari, but yes I believe it. And we are going to help them.” Temari grunted and leant over to Ino.
“Do you not what is in that tin?” Ino shook her head.
“No, Sakura won't let any of us look at it. But she only glanced at it before screaming.”
“If you don't believe them Temari, come and look at Neji.” Kankuro said shakily. Temari rolled her eyes and walked over to the body. She froze in shock but soon snapped out of it.
“We're going to the Hokage.” Sakura said, answering Gaara's earlier question. Gaara nodded and the group set out. Unbeknownst to them, blood red eyes were watching the entire exchange, they continued to watch as Naruto sped past, his claws dripping blood. They narrowed when they saw the body in his hands.
Torture is his leisure
The six shinobi sped towards the Hokages office. Unfortunately for them, the Hokages office was on the opposite side of town. Gaara tensed as he felt Naruto's chakra behind them. The others soon sensed it and Kankuro broke away from the group.
“Kankuro! What the hell do you think you are doing?!” Temari demanded, turning back to her brother.
“Stalling.” He replied. “You had better hurry up. As fast as we all are, Naruto is faster.”
“You can't be serious!” The others in the group had not yet noticed that they had stopped.
“I am serious Temari. Get your ass back to the others or we're both gonna die.”
“Aw, as touching as this is. I'm gonna put a stop to it.” A cold voice cut through their conversation. Both turned to see Naruto standing in front of them with murderous eyes. He tossed the mutilated body of Choji to Temari. “Give that to Ino. I'm sure she would want to know what happened to her team mate.” Temari stood in shock, staring at the torn and battered form of Choji. It was obvious that he was dead. There were claw marks seven inches deep all over his body and both his arms were missing.
“Temari. Get the hell out of here now!” Kankuro demanded of his sister. She nodded only slightly before leaving.
The rest of the group stopped suddenly as they realized that their numbers were down.
“Where are Temari and Kankuro?” Sakura asked as she saw why Gaara had stopped. He frowned.
“I don't know. But Naruto's close behind us, if they don't hurry…”
“Gaara!” Temari's panicked voice interrupted. She appeared behind them. “Naruto caught up to us! Kankuro stayed behind.”
“Damnit.” Sakura whispered. “You guy's should just go home. You're going to get killed because of…is that Choji!?” She shrieked as she finally took note of what was in Temari's hands. Temari nodded slowly and once Ino viewed her former team mates' body, she found herself crying continuously. Temari released the body from her white knuckled grip.
“Come on. We must keep moving.” Hinata's voice broke through the tension. “If we can't get to the Hokages office soon, it will all be for nothing.” The other four nodded and took off again.
“You know. I am starting to get really pissed off and bored at all these failed attempts of stalling.” Naruto said as he plunged his claws into Kankuro's stomach. Kankuro fought the urge to scream as his skin and flesh was torn open.
“Heh. It's working though.” He replied boldly. Naruto frowned and twisted his hand, Kankuro released a pained scream and clamped his mouth shut.
“Does it make you happy? Because you should feel like trash. Your own sister abandoned you. Your brother didn't even notice that you were gone.”
“That's the thing. I know that I've stalled you long enough for them to get to the Hokage.” Kankuro struggled to say these words, but as soon as they left his mouth Naruto growled.
“What are you talking about? The Hokage's office is miles away! They won't have been able to get there already.”
“Actually they have. The Hokage is outside with the rest of the shinobi in leaf. She knows something's wrong.” Naruto pushed his clawed hand in further.
“Liar. She knows nothing.” To his surprise Kankuro laughed.
“You aren't very perceptive. Or otherwise you have noticed that not a single shinobi of chuunin or over class has been seen on these streets?” Naruto growled as he realized the trap he had fallen into.
“You're stalling me even more. Clever, but not very smart.”
“What's the point in being smart? You'll kill me anyway. May as well help them.” Naruto growled once again, grabbed onto the organs inside Kankuro and pulled them out of his body. He lay on the ground, basically dead.
“Got anything else to say fucker?” Kankuro spat up some blood before replying.
“Yeah. I hope you enjoy hell. Because you're gonna die.”
“I don't like this Gaara.” Ino said as they paused for a rest.
“What?” Gaara said impassively. Hinata shudder at the emptiness of his voice.
“We're sitting ducks here! Why don't we keep moving?!” Ino asked worriedly glancing around. “Your brother can't beat Naruto, and he won't be able to hold him off for long.”
“We have stopped because I am trying to find out where the Hokage is. She's left her office and it's hard to find her chakra when I'm moving.” Ino nodded in understanding. Temari was sitting on a large rock a few feet away. Her eyes suddenly snapped open.
“Gaara. Kankuro's gone. I can't sense him anymore.” Gaara swore quietly and looked over at Sakura and Hinata. Sakura was clutching the tin to her chest, despite what was in the god forsaken tin she held on to it as though it was her last bit of strength. Hinata wasn't much better. She still hadn't released her cousins' body and this was slowing her down greatly. Gaara looked at Ino.
“Ino.” She looked up. “You do realize that if Temari and I both fail, you'll be the one to stall Naruto.” Ino's eyes widened before she nodded, understanding the logic in the statement. Of all three remaining leaf shinobi, she was the least close to Naruto. She'd be the only one who would be able to attack him without a second thought.
“Not like she'll do much damage.” A voice interrupted everyone's thoughts. Naruto stood on the roof above them, holding what looked like a black gumbi. Gaara soon realized that it was his brothers' body. Naruto saw were he was looking and smirked. “Took me a while to figure out that he was trying to distract me. Want him back?” He tossed the limp form on the ground in front of them. Gaara fought the urge to throw up, he could hear Temari and Ino throwing up behind him. Kankuro's body was completely limp. Blood was spewing from the hole in his stomach along with several muscles and ligaments. Gaara swallowed tightly as he saw the extent of Naruto's damage. His brother's bones and organs had been completely removed, leaving the body flat and floppy.
Tears welled up in Temari's eyes as she viewed what had become of her brother. Naruto took their distraction as an opportunity to attack. Temari looked up and saw him jumping from the roof, she grabbed out her fan and blew him away.
“Move it!” She ordered harshly, snapping the others out of their daze. “I won't be able to stall him for long. Gaara, tell me you can sense the Hokage?!” Gaara nodded.
“She isn't too far actually. We'll be able to reach her in ten minutes…Temari!” Temari looked over and dodged in time as a Naruto clone attacked her. “Come on, Ino, grab Sakura!” Ino nodded and shook Sakura's shoulder, snapping her out of her daze. Before she could move the wall to the side of them exploded, sending wood and splinters flying everywhere. All four of the genins covered their faces a little to late as the splinters cut and scratched them. Gaara reached Hinata at the same time the wall exploded and he felt a large piece of wood hit him in the back. He ignored the pain and shook Hinata.
“Hinata, we have to go!” Hinata nodded slightly and Gaara took Neji's body from her. She gasped and tried to grab him back. “Don't worry. I'll carry him, we'll be faster that way.” Hinata nodded and stood. They joined Ino and Sakura at the exit of the alleyway regretfully leaving another comrade behind.
Again the blood red eyes watched as the number of the young shinobi was again horrifyingly cut down.
Don't try to hide he'll make you subside
Tsunade finished her instructions and opened her eyes to look at the shinobi of Konoha. “Jiraiya explain why you are back so early, I'd hate to leave out details.” Jiraiya nodded and opened his mouth to retell what he had seen. Shikamaru sighed, already bored with this whole thing. He quietly snuck away form the meeting, not really caring what had happened down at the bay. He turned the corner a few streets down, not bothering to be quiet anymore. The only reason he had gone to the meeting was to see if they would say something about the sky darkening. It had never come up.
“Stupid Hokage. Wasting time like that. What a bother.”
“Shikamaru!” Ino's pained voice reached his ears and he turned to see his team mate racing towards him. He was knocked to the ground by a sobbing Ino.
“Ino? What?”
“Ino, Shikamaru, get up! We really don't have time for this!” Gaara's impatient voice filled his ears and he looked up to see Sakura and Hinata standing next to the sand genin with looks of fatigue and unimaginable fear on there faces. Sakura was clutching a tin to her chest and Hinata held Neji, she had eventually convinced Gaara to let her carry him.
“Shikamaru, where is the Hokage?!” Sakura asked urgently.
“She's just a few streets away. I got bored and left the meeting…what's wrong with Neji?” Hinata swallowed back tears and looked down at her cousins' body. Ino buried her face into Shikamaru's shirt and sobs racked her body.
“INO! Calm down! Please!” Gaara stressed the last word. Ino nodded slightly and wiped her eyes before standing and helping Shikamaru up.
“Okay, please explain! What's wrong with Neji?!”
“Neji is dead Shikamaru, and he isn't the only one.” Gaara responded quietly, his voice slightly pained at the fact that he had now lost both his siblings. In the years since the chuunin exams, he had grown closer to them. Shikamaru gasped slightly.
“Is that why you're looking for the Hokage?”
“Only one of the reasons. We have a message for her from Kiba.” Sakura said in a choked voice.
“Why doesn't Kiba…wait…no….Kiba's dead too!?” He directed this question at Ino and she jerked her head away from his gaze, tears running down her face. Surprisingly it was Hinata let it out.
“They're all dead Shikamaru! Kiba, Shino, Tenten, Lee, Choji, even Akamaru and Kankuro were slaughtered!” Shikamaru looked over to Gaara.
“Where's your sister Gaara?”
“She's stalling for us. I doubt she'll last much longer then the others though…” Gaara stepped forward and took Neji's body from Hinata once more. She was barely able to hold herself up, let alone the added wait of her cousin.
“Who's killed them?!” Shikamaru was frantic now. Nobody seemed to want to answer this question though. It was Sakura who answered him.
“Naruto. He's been chasing me for nearly an hour. He killed Sasuke too!” Shikamaru was shocked.
“Naruto? Naruto did all of this?!” The others nodded numbly. Shikamaru sighed, he didn't want to believe this, but all the evidence was against Naruto. “Come on. I'll take you to the Hokage.” He turned and the others raced after him. Gaara paused for a moment to create an eye of sand. It floated quickly off the way they had come.
Temari stood panting and out of breath in the alleyway. She heard a rustling to her left and whirled around to be faced with nothing. Her eyes darted to every corner in the shadows. Briefly she saw an eye made of sand. Gaara…she thought before she was kicked from behind. The force of the kick forced her to her knees.
“Now, what was it that had you so distracted? Never mind. Now…how do you want to die? I have an idea. Have you ever heard of the tale of Osiris? He was cut into fourteen pieces and they were strewn all over the land for his wife to find. Let's see if your brother can find fourteen pieces of you.” Naruto started forward and Temari struggled to stand. Naruto unsheathed his katana and raised it above his head, bringing it down swiftly on Temari, only to have someone step in it's path. The eye of sand quietly disappeared and returned to Gaara.
Gaara followed behind the others. He was the furthest behind, he would make sure the leaf shinobi made it to the Hokage even if he did not. The eye returned to him and he saw everything. His eyes narrowed as he thought of turning back. He pushed it away as he realized that they had reached the crowd of shinobi that stood before the Hokage. None of them seemed to have noticed them yet, so caught up in what Jiraiya was telling them. It was Sakura who called out to the Hokage.
“Tsunade!” She cried, dodging between some of the murmuring shinobi. Shikamaru had disappeared to find the jounin sensei's.
“Sakura? What happened?” Kakashi asked as he came out of the crowd, followed by the other teams' senseis. Ino took one look at Asuma before collapsing to the ground in tears.
“Hinata!” The leader of the Hyuga house stepped forward to examine his daughter. All of the genin were covered in blood. “What happened? Are you hurt? I thought Neji was with you?” Hinata's breath caught in her throat and she sank to the ground like Ino and crying. Shikamaru was standing beside Ino, trying to get her to calm down while the rest of the shinobi stood in confusion. Gaara and Sakura seemed to be the only one's who had a full explanation of what was going on.
“Gaara? When did you arrive in the village?” Tsunade asked in surprise.
“My siblings and I arrived about an hour ago.” Gaara replied painfully. He didn't know what had happened to Temari, and he didn't want to find her in fourteen pieces around the village. “I have to go. My sister needs help.”
“What about you're brother?” At this Sakura dropped the tin and threw up. This surprised everyone and Shikamaru spoke.
“Do you want me to tell them?” Sakura shook her head and Ino had calmed down enough to stop crying. Hinata stood forward, she felt it was her duty to her team.
“A message from Kiba, Tsunade-sama.” Hinata said. Tsunade cocked her eyebrow curiously.
“He asked you to deliver it because? Why couldn't he deliver it himself?” Hinata swallowed tightly. “Okay, what is the message Hinata.”
“Naruto's gone psycho. He's completely insane…” Sakura interrupted here. She turned on the rest of the shinobi.
“And what's this shit?! Why the hell didn't we get to know that Naruto had the fucking Kyuubi inside him!?” Silence met her words.
“Who told you that?!” Tsunade asked in outrage.
“Sakura. Calm down!” Gaara felt a headache coming on.
“Calm down!? You expect me to fucking calm down!? I've been chased all over the fucking village Gaara! You saw what was in that tin!”
“I really didn't need to be reminded of that Sakura. I was quite content blocking the images!” Gaara shouted at her, suddenly looking very pale.
“SHUT UP!” Ino screamed suddenly. “We got to the bloody Hokage! Can someone please tell her before the nightmare starts again?!”
“What's going on Hinata?” Her father asked again. “Why are you injured? Where is Neji?”
“Neji is dead. If you don't believe me then take a look at his body.” Gaara's voice brought silence and Hinata's father walked over to him. He took Neji's body from Gaara and looked at the gaping hole in his nephews body.
“What happened?!” Gai asked in shock as he stared at his students body.
“Were none of you listening!?” Ino shrieked. “Naruto's gone insane! He's been killing everyone! They're all dead!” It was obvious by the look on everyone's faces that they didn't believe them. Jiraiya strode over to Neji's body. He pale considerably.
“Jiraiya?” Tsunade asked in confusion. “How did he die?”
“He took a rasengan to the chest, Naruto's the only other person who has perfected that technique.” He rounded on the genin. “Who else is dead?!”
“All of them! Or were you not listening to that either?!” Sakura screamed suddenly. She had lost all her patience. “Naruto killed them all! He killed Shino, tore Kiba apart, he decapitated Tenten, crushed Lee, mutilated Choji, he removed all of Kankuro's bones and organs even Akamaru is dead!” This took everyone by surprise.
“How do you know that's what happened?” Asked an angry shinobi.
“Because I was there! I was fucking there! He's been chasing me across the entire village for a fucking hour! Now will somebody please do something?!” Gaara turned suddenly and began to walk away.
“Gaara? Where are you going?” Kakashi asked. Gaara paused.
“The only reason we made it here is because my sister stayed behind to stall him. I am going to go and make sure he doesn't cut her into fourteen fucking pieces!”
“Is there anything we don't know about yet?!” Jiraiya cried out. Gaara paused and turned back.
“There is actually.”
“What now!?”
“Naruto was the one who killed Sasuke. If you don't believe us about that. Look in the tin Sakura dropped. We got it out of Naruto's bedroom.” Kakashi who was closest to the tin picked it up and opened. His one visible eye widened and he slammed it shut before dropping it and backing away slowly.
“That is unexpected.” He managed to say in a choked voice.
“What is it?!” Ino yelled. “Sakura and Gaara both did the same thing! What is inside it?!” Kakashi ignored her and kicked the tin towards Tsunade. She opened it and looked inside. Two sharingan eyes stared out at her and she yelped before slamming it shut. Jiraiya took it from her hands and looked inside for himself.
“What is it Hokage-sama?” Iruka asked. Tsunade swallowed slightly.
“The parts that were missing from Uchiha's body…perfectly preserved.” The words were barely more then a whisper yet everyone heard them. There were only two things taken from Sasuke's body the night of his murder. His eyes and his heart.
“And just a question.” Gaara's attention brought Tsunade out of sickening thoughts. “Did Sasuke have any family?”
“One. His brother Itachi.” Gaara nodded thoughtfully.
“Just so you know. Itachi is in the village.” This brought everyone out of their thoughts.
“He's in the village.”
Ashe exchanges pain for pleasure
Naruto growled at the intruder. He had yet to show his face and this pissed Naruto off. Temari was slowly backing out of the alleyway, putting distance between Naruto and this new person. She slung her fan on her back and raced off in the direction that her brothers' chakra came from. After ten minutes she rounded a corner and saw a huge gathering of shinobi. He brother was standing, as if ready to leave, but he was being delayed by the Hokage.
“Gaara!” She called to him as she hurried through the crowd. “Hokage-sama.” She added when she reached there, out of breath. “I would suggest leaving here. Naruto is only ten minutes away.”
“How did you get away Temari?” Ino asked as she latched onto the sand nin. Taking her by complete surprise.
“I don't know. Why are you hugging me?!”
“You're the only one to come back…you know…alive…” Temari shuddered as her thoughts drifted back to her brothers body.
“Jiraiya!” Tsunade choked out suddenly.
“The prophecy…”
“What about it Tsunade. I told you, you read into things too much.” Tsunade ignored him and began to quote what her sensei had once told her.
“ `A terrible chakra will emerge upon the unsuspecting village. The islands will be joined as the water recedes. Providing a path for the demons to cross. Gruesome fates await any who dares to tread in its path and none shall be able to withstand it. Once strong shinobi will seem like the children they are at heart. The light will vanish, as if taken by shadow, and the demon will tear through those that dare to defy it.
`The demon shall rise from the most unlikely person imaginable, yet at the same time, people will wonder how they didn't see that the beast would arise from him. There is a hero prophesized to save the people of the village from the demon.
` Like the demon, the hero shall come from the most unlikely of people. A dark shinobi, the battle shall rage and one shall die. The villagers will hate either. One from previous sins done to them, the other for living. The risen beast shall turn on the ones that once called themselves its friends, they shall be its first prey.' That's just too accurate for more liking Jiraiya!”
“Well then who's this big hero that's supposed to come and save our asses?” Jiraiya asked sarcastically. Tsunade glared at him.
“Think about it you fucking idiot. `A dark shinobi, the villagers will hate either, one for the previous sins done to them, the hero shall be the most unlikely of all people.' And finally Jiraiya, `did Sasuke have any family.' Can you actually use your thick mind and process who the hell the prophecy is talking about?!”
“You're fucking kidding me! Itachi is gonna save Konoha? When that happens I'll pay off all your gambling debts Tsunade!”
“Well then you had better start paying up Jiraiya.” Kakashi murmured. The other shinobi stared at what had attracted the copy ninja's attention. Itachi stood on one of the many roofs of Konoha, Naruto stood opposite him nearly twenty feet away.
Pain for pleasure, he's the hunter you're the game
Itachi glared at Naruto, his blood red eyes narrowed and he produced the mange sharingan. Naruto was covered in others blood and he could smell it from where he stood. Blood dripped from Naruto's hands and Itachi frowned. He had seen what Naruto had done. Yes, Itachi himself had betrayed his entire clan, but he had not killed them in such a gruesome and horrific way. Itachi stared into Naruto's eyes and knew instantly that the same fate had happened to his brother. He growled and drew his sword. Naruto bared his teeth.
“I don't know what spurred you to do something like this monster…” Itachi began as he decided on his plan of attack. “But only one of us will leave here tonight, and it will not be you.” Dead set on killing Naruto, Itachi attacked in a flurry of movement.
Pain for pleasure, Satan is his name!
And no, just to be an annoying bugger, I will let you guys chose who wins and how they do so. You decide the fate of Konoha. And sorry for killing of most of the characters, but I was in a bored mood and felt like killing people. And seeing as murder is a crime in real life, I decided to kill them in here coz I can bring `em back!
Read and review. Flames welcome