Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoho's Dogs ❯ Run, running for dear ramen ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author Note: Hello!!! READ! (sorry, I'm just a psycho XD)
Disclaimer: Yah, you KNOW Naruto doesn't belong to me! I'm too psychotic to own it!
Chapter 1-Running For Dear Ramen
“RUN!!” Ino screamed as she dragged Chouji while Shikamaru followed along. Naruto was in the league. I'd battle him but…Naruto gulped in his thoughts…but, we can't beat him. The forest was deep in brush and trees. They were on the outskirts of the hidden leaf's area. Sasuke wasn't far behind him. On Sasuke's shoulder was a knocked out and bruised Sakura. A bit behind them was Kiba & Akamaru, Shino, and Hinata was leaning on Neji (At this point was after the Chuunin exam so Neji wasn't mad at the Head family anymore) witch was a bit ahead of Kiba. Hinata was injured and barely awake. Lee and Tenten were in the very back behind Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru. (RayWolf: Don't worry! It'll get more…funny. *blink* Anyway, the order here may be confusing and if you are like Shikamaru, you won't bother making sense of it! XD So heres the order!:)
. .
Back End Up ahead
Ten Chouji Ino Neji & Hinata Sasuke & Sakura
.Lee Shikamaru Shino Kiba & Akamaru Naruto.
Shikamaru fastened the pace and caught up to Naruto.
“Naruto, let me lead for a while. I have an idea,” Shikamaru said next to Naruto's left.
“AND WHEN DO I START LISTENING TO YOU!?” Naruto yelled in his face (he yelled the big headed way and then shrunk back to normal size and looked his funny pissed of face). Shikamaru looked at him hard and serious.
“We don't have any other choices, and what do you plan to do? Run all the way back?”
Naruto looked down, frowning.
“Yah, your right. Take the league,” Naruto said. Shikamaru gave a little nod and started leading the group. After five minutes, Shikamaru slowed down and landed in a clear patch of forest. He glanced around as everyone started landing in the clearing.
“Ok, everyone, get in a circle and hold your hand in the middle. Sasuke, wake up Sakura and tell her. Hinata, you think you can do it?” Hinata gave a little “Hai (Hai=Yes)”. Everyone started gathering in the middle. Sasuke set Sakura down gently and kneeled down.
“Hey, Sakura, wake up,” Sasuke said, giving Sakura a little push and the cheek with his hand. (Sorry if this is a bit out of character). Sakura slowly opened her eyes and sat up, clutching her forehead. She put her hand down and looked at Sasuke.
“Oh! Sasuke-kun!” Sakura piped up. Sasuke hurriedly explained what to do and both started to the circle. Hinata was still leaning on Neji when they arrived to the circle. Everyone was in place. Shikamaru held his hand into the circle. Everyone followed his movement. Hinata's hand trembled into the middle. Finally, everyone's hand was in the middle. Naruto's stomach growled. Crap, I wish I had some ramen to eat Naruto thought.
“Naruto!!” Ino screamed at Naruto.
“Whaaaat? I didn't get to eat breakfast!” Naruto said, slant-eyed at Ino. Shikamaru sweat-dropped.
“Yah, right. Ok, focus your charka in the middle. Hinata, Sakura, if you can't, you don't have to,” Shikamaru said. Hinata gave a smile of relief. Sakura said she had enough charka to do so. Everyone else did as they were told, besides Tenten.
“What's this going to do?” Tenten asked Shikamaru. At that moment there was a series of flying birds and sounds of tree breaking coming toward them.
“JUST DO IT!” Shikamaru said impatiently. Geez, this is so troublesome. Why didn't I stay home? He thought. Tenten focused her charka to the middle. Nothing happened for only a second but seemed like an hour. Naruto realized this and knew he had to do something. Damn fox, give me your charka! The kyuubi in Naruto opened their eyes and a wave of red visible charka ran down Naruto's arm into the rest of the charka (ha! This was after Naruto's first training with Jiraiya, too! XD). Flashes of blue chakra surrounded the genins with some red flares in it. Everyone was in fear for at least a split second.
“What's going on?!” Kiba tried to say over the sound of the leaves around them rustling at the electric sounds of the chakra. Everything turned white and everyone blacked out…