Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro Mokuromi ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay, I got the point, to get a good story I have to edit, proofread AND write for the target audience, got it. My first Uchihacest. I promise it will have a nice ending and it won’t be a deathfic. Oh yeah, and our two favorite Uchiha’s will end
up together, so nyah-nyah! Frickin’ prudes can go get fucked, I don’t want your criticism and your opinion means shit to
me. Those of you that are Ok with this plz give me an opinion I’m trying to cut down on stupid mistakes, but I think I
need more proofreading…

Itachi watched silently from the foliage team 7. It was long before the Akatsuki had planned, but now was indeed the time to act; before Sasuke could be manipulated any more. Orochimaru was slowly moving in for the last Uchiha, just as he had tried before with him and many of the clan.

It had been with that information that he had destroyed the clan; better to be dead before dishonoring the clan, better than those countless fools to become meaningless toys for Orochimaru’s perversion. It had been Sasuke alone that he spared, simply because he would not kill that one last innocent soul. That was not to say that he hadn’t murdered all the other children of the clan, he wasn’t blameless, he had, but Sasuke was too close, too much like himself to be sacrificed.

And now was the time.

Sasuke and his team were sitting by a river; they were probably on a mission being outside of the territory of Konoha-Gakure. Itachi was careful to mask him chakra even now; Hatake Kakashi was far too perceptive to be misjudged.

As they always did, soon the team would split up into tasks, he would be able to reach Sasuke then. As long as the pink haired girl didn’t follow him; but then he could always kill her…

Sasuke watched silently his teammates. Both Dobe and Sakura were arguing once again, Kakashi seemed to be content with his ‘reading’…Sometimes adults were just disgusting. Something about this area was making him on edge, almost a presence, but every time he tried feeling for chakra there was nothing but the three familiar trails. Kakashi had decided that they needed a ‘break’, which apparently meant that they were going to be patrolling a full circle around all of Konoha.

Not that Konoha needed patrolling in these parts, Konoha was in peaceful relations with the water country, they had not asked for help and they too seemed to be perfectly calm. Sasuke could see no possible way for anyone to make it this far without running into some ANBU, Jounin or a least a Chounin from one of the villages.

“We should probably set up camp.”

Hmph. It figured that Kakashi would want to torture them more. Sasuke HATED sleeping near his team, he was a ninja, he could handle almost any situation, but Dobe and a Shrill pink fangirl were not his idea of a nice day…or night.

“But Kakashi -Sensei, we’re not THAT far from the village! We could easily get back before too late!” Stupid Dobe, he didn’t want to stay here anymore than the blonde, but it was stupid to walk through the forest at night, none of them had mastered chakra control so there was no way to tell where they were going, and Kakashi wasn’t one to make things easy.

“Suck it up. Think of it as training, each of you can take turns standing guard.” Now that was complete bullshit. Kakashi had NEVER slept when they were on missions, he may have pretended, but he was too smart to leave them in charge of the watch, Sasuke doubted whether either of the other two had realized this. “In the meantime, Sakura can set up camp, Naruto can look for wood and Sasuke, you will get something for dinner.”

Like hell. “Don’t even try to tell me you don’t have anything
in that pack on your shoulder, Kakashi-Sensei.

“That, Sasuke, is none of your business, I told you to go hunt.”

Glaring darkly, Sasuke made his way into the trees, careful to go the opposite way of Naruto. He was in no mood for that idiot; Kakashi could take care of him if he got into trouble.

Itachi eyed the boy as he left the safety of his team. This was just too perfect.

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