Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro Mokuromi ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I'll go into specifics at the end of the chappie, but I need to say this. I feel like such a fucking hypocrite!! Gahh... I usually refuse to read any story under a thousand words, and for the most part I pride myself of being longwinded...seems I'm losing my edge (unfortunately AFTER I stated writing Fanfics..) But, to my Horror, the first chapter was -six hundred something words- I am beating the crap out of my muse- BAD GOUKA! And I am holding her Sesshoumaru plushie hostage until she gives me progress: START WORKING! So I'm hoping for a little bit o' progress...ermm... Plz forgive my sugar high-ness. This fic, at my guesstimation is going to be about 12 chappies? Huh...Dunno.
Sasuke now had an exceptionally long list of why he was going to bludgeon his teacher. He was supposed to be hunting. Hunting for food. What kills food? Sharp objects...Very Good. So, What The Fuck Was He Supposed to Be Doing!!?? Ninja skills, he was finding, were not the best tools to catch small animals...especially when the seemed to be mocking him with their stupid red eyes...Grrr...
"Damn stupid rabbit..." The rabbit was so petrified by his glare that it fell down dead. Right! The rabbit scratched its ear in apparent terror before hopping away. Sasuke sighed in aggravation. When he got back he was going to REALLY hurt Kakashi...But then again, there was a stream nearby; there was always fish...
The older Uchiha watched as Sasuke made his way to the stream. They were getting quite far from the camp, and he was confident that as long as neither one of them started trying to rip each other's head off, Kakashi wouldn't be able to detect him; therein lied the problem. Sasuke's main goal pertaining to him WAS to rip his head off.
"Dear little brother never could keep his temper..."
He murmured silkily, almost at once regretting.
Sasuke turned towards the tree almost immediately, eyes wide and alert. Several minutes and neither moved, until finally Sasuke carefully made his way towards the stream again, ever aware of his movements.
A dark look came upon Itachi's face, hidden by the foliage. 'Damnit, now he's going to be paying attention...He shouldn't have been able to hear me.' He followed slowly the younger boy, not wanting to lose sight of him.
Sasuke stared at the river, weighing his options. He could stand on the bank and try to catch one of the fish (most likely falling over in the process), or he could undress and use his chakra to slow the fish down from the middle of the stream (and consequently rinse off the grime from Kakashi's inhuman training regimen)...And the fact that the bastard could wait a little longer for his dinner provided some measure of comfort to the boy.
Delicately stepping into the river, a chill ran up Sasuke's spine, but he dutifully ignored it; dismissing the shudder as the stream's temperature. The water was not really high, but it wasn't what you could call a stream either, it came just to his thighs, inches above his knees and if anyone had been there he knew he would be turning several new shades of red by now.
Accomplishing the task at hand was harder than he'd thought. He knew the technique needed, he'd just never done it before. Sakura was the one with the precise chakra control; though he was loathe to admit any fault in his own technique or compliment her in any way. It wouldn't be hard to just blow the hell out of the fish; all he needed to do would be to force air under the surface and force it up.
He really wasn't in any mood to cover himself in fish guts.
He needed to make a net on the bottom of the river to slow the water; half the fish would be caught. There were several swimming here and there along the edges, darting away whenever he twitched. He had absolutely no idea what kind of fish they were; he'd never been a fan of nature, but he was fairly sure Kakashi wouldn't let them eat anything he brought back poisonous...Unless the bastard was still feeling vindictive over Naruto's latest prank (He would Never, Ever look at the cover of Icha Icha paradise the same again.)
Itachi closed his eyes, silently growling to himself. He really should have been bothered by the fact that he was attracted to his little brother; even more so as he was watching him wade naked into a frigid river. He would have been too; if it hadn't been for all the other things he had come to know in the last few years. The Akatsuki had not been kind to him, but he had reached a point where he could safely go to Sasuke, be near him and not worry about Sasuke being used against him. None of those fools would dare challenge him.
Giving into the temptation once again, Itachi opened his eyes. Sasuke was more slender than anything else; by no means weak for a shinobi of his age, he wasn't muscled; more sinew than anything else, and he had a pale, creamy complexion.
His little brother had grown quite beautifully.
Sasuke cursed again as he failed again to manipulate the chakra. This was frustrating. He was at least clean from the sweat of the day, but now he was hungry, Damnit! Gracing the scaled bodies with a deadly glare, he sat down on the bank, mentally wincing as he was reminded of his naked state. Yuck.
Itachi smiled slyly. Right there were the signs. Sasuke was relaxed, but he was frustrated as well. His clothes were several feet away. Stealthily leaping from his perch, he carefully picked up his younger brother's clothes. His patented Uchiha smirk in place, looking every bit the roll of a feral cat having cornered his prey, he called over to the other.
"Sasuke, how nice to see you again."
AN; I hate answering individual reviews as a rule, It takes up space in the chapter and I know when I read a fic I'm really not very happy when an author junks up a chapter with responses instead of story, but I had to make things clear, and seeing as how I have a small amount of reviews, I guess it's worth it.
cfox -Thank you for your encouragement; I have never been one to listen to flames, but I'm noticing more and more, all the good fandom's are having what seems to be a "flame war" as I've heard it called, the Homophobes Bash the YaoiFans and the YaoiFreaks slam back at the Het. pairings. Silly really.
Yit-ha - Ok, I'm really kinda embarrassed about this now, but I'll just say it. I'm using a somewhat divergent plot. Lets assume that the trip to the Water country hasn't happened yet (as much as I love Haku...!) And Team 9 is working on their experience before they go into the Chounin exams. I'm gong to say that in this story their all 14-15 somewhere in there.
SnowKitsuneX-I'm flattered that you like it! I don't think that the 1st chapter was very good, I'm not too happy with this either...I know I can do better...What I'm looking forward to and you should too is what I have planned LATER... Mwahahaha...
Ok, I need HELP!!!! Itachi is now officially in contact with Sasuke now...And he's staying that way if he knows what's good for him (nod and venomous glare) But should they be in Konoha or leave? Either way, next chapter will have Kakashi POV. If they stay in Konoha, It's going to be VERY Sasuke/Itachi centric, if they leave I'm going to introduce Akatsuki and Sand-nin characters. I'm considering minor pairings in the story, Sak/lee or Sak/ino, ino/shika, kak/iru, kak/genma, that kinda stuff. BTW: My friend Chihiro-chan has bribed me for lemons in this story; she had demanded Citrus...I said later, so just so you have a warning.
Plz give me ideas or else I'm gonna wing it...And I can't guarantee the results.
I'm open to unique Idea's as well.