Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro Mokuromi ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: NO, I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT STOPPING THIS FIC. I SEE NO PLACE FOR HIATUS IN THE NEAR FUTURE EITHER!!! Now that we've established that... I have a VERY good reason for being late. My friend's birthday was the 2nd, and I promised her a FF8 lemon, I've been busy. I refuse to write PWP, simply because I'm stupid like that, so I had to make a plot...effectively taking two weeks. AND (I'm stupid) I started 1...2..erm...Oneshots...I think; one's a Lee/sakura as Jounin and the other is a Gai/lee and I'm trying to brainstorm for an iruka/mizuki. The good news is, I don't expect to post these anytime soon so I can put those on hold now that I have ideas down and do this.
---BTW; I hope our satisfied, I had to take a whole 5 minute; 5 MINUTES out of my FOTB class to spell-check this; my Microsoft word is being a bitch...For some reason since I turned my computer off and smacked it against the wall a few times it doesn't like me anymore...I feel so guilty. Thank you for the several people who helped me realizes just how much my German class has fucked up my English spelling...
---On the issue of Akatsuki and Orochimaru/sound being unrelated, at the time I wrote this fic that HAD been a mistake, but by the time I had written the chapter featuring that tidbit, I'd made up my mind; AU pplz!! I will explain my warped and sugar infested mind to you. Orochimaru is the creator of the sound village, right? Well, since sound was a new village, it makes sense that they'd need a little help, so the Akatsuki come in. I confess to know a lot less about Akatsuki than I should, but I'm hoping I don't get too far off track, somebody warn me (POLITELY) if I do.
I'M SRY! I really did WANT to put feedback in this chapter, but 1.) I'm taking up enough room with author drabble as it is and 2.) I don't think the pplz who like this fic would appreciate me taking another week to save, look over and write up comments...So maybe next time.
Sasuke glared at the freakish shark/man in front of him, while at the same time wishing all forms of triple sided, konoha sized shuriken to the older sharingan behind him. He was not happy, and more than that; he was confused...This was not a good thing...
And he was making sure everyone within hearing distance knew it.
It was unnerving; knowing that Itachi was watching him endlessly; he could feel the cool tingle on the back of his head. The pale guy in front of him was huge, towering over Itachi and he, his beaded eyes and slitted face made Sasuke's skin crawl; and he was working under Itachi; he was AFRAID of itachi. He had absolutely no idea what the hell Itachi had been doing over the last six years, but eh wasn't going to chance asking him.
He was tired, hungry, and he wanted nothing more than to go back home to the main house and lock himself in his room as he had just after Itachi left; that had been before he was old enough to train. That was before he became an avenger. Sasuke had every intention of one day facing Itachi and killing him; but even he knew he wasn't ready. He wouldn't run and he would never cower in front of that bastard, but he most definitely wasn't ready.
"Kisame." Itachi's silken voice broke through his thoughts, and Sasuke swore eh saw Kisame shudder at the tone in his voice.
Kisame didn't turn but it was apparent that he was at attention, his back rigid as though expecting to be decapitated at any moment. This was Itachi; that was a very real possibility in considering the psychopath.
Fish face nodded slightly before leaving. Sasuke was consumed with the sudden overwhelming desire to hide under the nearest object preferably with several sharp tools available within hands reach.
Noting that once again, Itachi had decided to rest (how many times did they need to stop, damnit!) It felt to Sasuke like he was taunting him, letting the hunters that he knew were coming just a little closer before losing them again. After the last few days and the passing shock and absurdity or being kidnapped NAKED by his own brother, he was now less scared. He had passed scared, skipped depressed and now he was just pissed.
And for some reason, Itachi always felt the need to get up in his face when they did stop.
"Oomph!" Grr...Why that ba--
He had landed just inches away from Itachi, who had pushed him down. Spidery hands touched his back, sides and chest, and Sasuke tried his best to sit rigidly, not daring to move unless he provoke the anger Itachi was capable of...Not that he'd seen it as of yet on this trip...Itachi was making a point to act gentle, the exact opposite of what he remembered his older brother as.
Turning resolutely away, Sasuke tried to ignore the warm breath on his neck, and tried desperately not to bite the fingers that were lingering on his face. He HATED when Itachi got like this; this had to be the third time that they'd stopped and Itachi grabbed him. At this point it was more annoying than anything else.
Roughly, Sasuke felt his head forcibly turned just before... "Sasuke..." Harsh lips seemed to try to take in his own and Sasuke was more than a little disturbed by the feeling of VERY sharp teeth teasing at his bottom lip, threatening. The hand that had been at his face was now grasping the nape of his neck and Sasuke knew that if he wasn't occupied he'd be hyperventilating from pure panic.
Sasuke reached back his hand and struck out as hard as he could; noting that he'd left a red mark on Itachi's face. Itachi reared back with a half snarl, reluctantly releasing his younger brother. Sasuke glared murderously at Itachi but didn't say anything. The elder eventually, after a few moments, smirked condescendingly at him and shrugged moving towards the middle of the circle of trees and began to start a fire.
Sasuke spent the remainder of the night curled up beside a tree glaring at anything that moved. He didn't even react when the shark-man came back. Upon receiving a leer from the monstrosity Sasuke was lucid enough to respond; "Go fuck yourself Tuna head."
---FINALLY; Konoha scene---
Kakashi was beyond irritated. He really couldn't deal with these kids right now, one of his team was missing and he needed to know why, before he could do that he needed to check in. As much as he waned to find Sasuke, he was out of the Area and he wouldn't put the rest of the team in danger without permission from the third. If eh was right then there was no way eh was going to put children in the path of Itachi.
Sakura was frantic to find the boy, and Naruto was uncharacteristically quiet. "Goddamnit Sakura, be quiet..." He never yelled, not once, but his hushed tone was enough to silence the chit. He sighed in relief, at last, his headache could stop it's screaming for silence. "I'm going to see the Hokage, you two go home, and I'll contact you if I learn anything new."
"But Kakashi-sensei...!"
"No way, Sensei!!!"
Kakashi growled slightly but decided it a wasted effort to dissuade them, opting instead to just go ahead to the hokage anyway. It wasn't as though the ANBU would let the kids through to a mission briefing anyway.
(In order to prevent imminent decapitation of my person I've decided to post this here and write Konoha scene continuation later...Oh goody. I ask that you plz read BOTH authors notes as they explain my absence, lateness and response to several reviews. Thank you for your patience…I know its short.)
AN: Ahh...Itachi is my favorite Psychopath. OK; I wanted to thank some pplz, it mad me Squee! When I saw my reviews, Yoi! Y'know that's almost twice as what I had at chapter 2? Wonderful surprise to wake up to. Ugh...As much as I LOVE Kakashi, Iruka and all the other bishies of Konoha, I am not looking forward to writing the Konoha scenes; in fics I've read, when Sasuke gets taken back to konoha they lock him up; I HATE that concept, too much like being institutionalized.
Oh, someone said something about not making Orochimaru look too bad? I would usually agree with you; I think he's gorgeous and one of my favorite characters, but in this fic he's gonna be evil...Doesn't mean he has to die....On that note, I am struck by how much I am SO OUT OF TOUCH with the later parts of the series...Gahh...