Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The Shadow ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Still don't own Naruto. I do own one shoe.
Author's Notes: I was done with this but inu4ever talked me into writing more so. I know my hentai sucks but this is more sick minded comedy than anything so…yeah take that invisible weasel on my shoulder. Thanks inu4ever I'll keep writing for the rest of the year if you want and don't worry about reviewing every chapter, just do it when you can. Thanks. P.S. I like Inuyasha too and I'm writing a more serious but still funny fic about him if you get a chance to read it. And to think I was about to delete this till I read your review.
“Ha finally!” Naruto yelled as he and Hinata left the hospital. “Freedom!” Hinata jogged after him as he sped to the ramen shop. He was in a seat in a flash. “No ramen…whole week…withdrawal…DTs…” He panted to the cook.
“Oh hey kid. One bow coming up.”
“Make it two.” Hinata sat down next to down in Naruto's lap.
“Sure thing ma'am.”
“Oh god he's back. I thought I was free and he's back. Sonuvabich he's back!” They turned to see Tsunade looking like she was about to cry. “Two weeks without you bugging me for missions…I thought it was over…and you hunted me down well let me just say this while I'm still calm. I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING MISSIONS FOR YOU! NOW LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!”
“Lady Tsunade he's not here to bug you about missions. We just came here to get lunch.”
“Oh. Yeah, right. Should've known. You're Hiashi's kid right? Hinata Hyuga.”
“Yeah that's me.”
“Thank you for keeping him out of my hair.” Tsunade looked like she could kiss Hinata. “I don't want to delve into what you do together just keep it up. It's none of my business. Just like it's none of your business what I do with Kakash…So anyway thanks.”
Naruto had started choking as she said this. “K…Kakashi…Sensei…you…ugh!”
Tsunade had Naruto by the throat. “Say anything to anyone and you are dead. See ya kid.” She ruffled his hair and left.
“Okay that's creepy.” Naruto said looking pale.
“Things that make you go…” She gave a shudder. Naruto eyes were fastened to Hinata's chest. “Hey my eyes are up here.”
“Yeah but they don't jiggle when you shudder.”
“Touché” She smiled and kissed him. “Let's hurry up and finish. And you can watch them jiggle all you want.”
`Oh no torn between my two loves. I wonder if I could eat ramen off her chest. Where'd that come from?' He finished eating and pulled out his frog purse. “So how much?”
“This one's free. Now take the girl out somewhere nice.”
“Sure thing.” They walked to Naruto's house and came face to face with Hiashi. “Holy shit. I swear I never touched her.” Naruto went to run but Hiashi had him by the scruff of his shirt.”
“Hinata are you alright?”
They looked at him gaping. “I'm fine father.”
“Your not angry with me right?”
“No father. I'm just spending time with Naruto.” Hinata said shrugging.
“Yes. Naruto Uzumaki, I expect you are treating my daughter well.” Naruto nodded furiously. “Is he Hinata?”
“Yes father now I would like to ask you to put him down, now.” She sounded angry.
“Yes Hinata.” He let Naruto go. “You're a good influence on her.” He bowed and left.
Naruto waited for him to be out of earshot. “What the hell was that all about?”
“No idea but the fact that you're still alive proves that he likes you.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him in the house
Sasuke and Sakura walked home in each other's arms. Sakura was leaning her head on his shoulder. They walked into the house and Sakura laid back on the bed. “Nice to be home isn't it?” He gave a nod and sat down next to her. “What's wrong Sasuke?”
“It's nothing. Something just seems off.” He said laying next to her. “It's probably nothing.”
“You're just shaken up.” She said kissing him.
“Maybe.” He looked around and noticed a piece of torn cloth. He walked over and grabbed it. “Shit. Sakura grab your kunai and get away from the door. She went to question him but he shook his head. She walked up to him and he showed her the cloth. It was black with a red flower on it.
“Itachi?” Sasuke nodded.
“He might have left but stay close.” He opened the bathroom door and saw Itachi. Sasuke threw a shuriken that hit Itachi between the eyes and he…shattered?
“Uh Sasuke…that would be a mirror.”
“I knew that.” He turned and surveyed the area again. “Just testing you. We should tell the Hokage.” Sakura nodded and they left.
They reached the Tsunade's house and ran inside. They could hear a muffled sound coming from a room and assumed it was her. Sasuke almost tore the door off its hinges as he ran in. “Lady Hok-holy shit!” Tsunade was lying in bed naked with an equally naked Kakashi on top of her. They froze and looked at Sasuke. He quickly covered his eyes and pulled out the cloth. “I found this near my house. I think one of the Akatsuki were in the village. Well I'll give you time to ponder that and we'll show ourselves out.
“Wait bring that over her, and uncover your eyes it's nothing you haven't seen before.”
“I beg to differ.” He uncovered his eyes and handed it over.
“Yeah that looks about right. I better do something about this.” She threw on her hat and bolted for the door.
“Uh lady hokage.” Sasuke said tentatively.
“What now?”
“You're…you forgot…look down.”
She looked and saw that she had nearly ran into the village wearing nothing but her hokage hat. “Yeah better take care of that.” She ran in and got dressed before leaving a half dressed Kakashi with his students.
“I…uh there's a logical explanation…I…she…we…uh…” Sasuke and Sakura couldn't hold back and fell to the ground laughing. “Look you two can't…don't go around…”
“Yeah, yeah, secrets safe with us or may we die the death of the tap-dancing spoons.” Sasuke said standing up. Sakura was still laughing hysterically.
“Exact…What did you just say? Forget it just don't tell anyone.” He said finally.
“You do realize she's twice you age?” Sasuke asked raising an eyebrow.
“You do realize that her chest is twice as big and Sakura's head?” Kakashi countered. “Anyway we'll check into this. If Itachi's involved you'll be the first to know. Now you two just head home and forget what you saw here.”
“No promises.” Sakura called as they left.
“Well should we go see how Sasuke and Sakura are holding up?” Naruto asked sitting up in bed.
“I suppose.” Hinata said grinning. They walked to the house and saw…Neji making out with Tenten. Neji must have seen then because he froze and turned.
“Well, well. The two failures fell for each other.”
“Neji you promised not to do this anymore.” She mouthed “sorry” to Naruto and Hinata.
“And I suppose you think he can really become hokage.”
“As a matter of fact I do. Now what a branch family piece of trash like you have to say about it?!”
Neji looked stunned but regained some of his composure. “Ready for round two I see.”
Naruto stepped between them and Tenten went to grab Neji but Naruto was knocked aside by Hinata who was assuming a strangely familiar stance. “8 Trigrams 2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms, 64 palms, 8 trigrams 128 palms!” Neji fell limply to the ground and Hinata was kissing Naruto. Kurenai and Asuma heard the disturbance and came running. “Home…bed…now…” She managed between kisses.
“But what about…”
“Bed…now…go…” She pulled him away
Tenten was by Neji. “Neji how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Oh my god, she's given you brain damage.”
“No. Two fingers. She hit me 128 times.”
“Hinata? My Hinata did this to you?” Kurenai asked. Tenten nodded. “He need to rest. We'll help you carry him home, but first.” She grabbed Neji. “Yeah! That's what you get for messing with y students take that you self righteous little bastard! Okay let's get him home, where the poor little guy can recover.”
“Take him to my house it's closer.” Tenten said as Asuma threw him over his shoulder.
“I swear anymore genin move in with each other…That's three of Kakashi's, one of yours, all of Guy's, and two of mine.”
“Two?” Kurenai cocked hr head to the side. “Choji or Shikamaru?”
“Shikamaru and that sand village girl with the fan.”
“The one that tried to kill him. Odd choice in women.”
“Yeah I know he always said he hates feisty women, and she's about as feisty as they come. Even though Hinata looks like she could give her a run for her money.”
“Yeah looked like she was gonna swallow Naruto's head.”
“Should've heard what she was saying.” Tenten said shaking her head. The jounin turned to her questioningly. “You don't want to know but it sounds like Naruto's going to have a good night.”
“I really need to talk to my student tomorrow.” Kurenai said shaking her head. “And thank Naruto.”
Sasuke was getting ready for bed and looking worried about something. Sakura crawled over to him and kissed his cheek. “What's wrong?”
“Why would Itachi come here? And don't say I'm obsessing over him all the other Akatsuki only have eyes for Naruto. But that's all he wanted last time. I just don't get it!”
“It's okay. I know you're not obsessing over him. He may just have showed up to toy with you.”
“No if he wanted to toy with me he'd do something more substantial. Which means he could just be biding his time until he pulls something. until we figure out what's going on you don't leave the room without me.”
“I'm serious.”
“So am I. I understand how you feel after Kabuto.” She hugged him. “I don't want to put you through that again.”
“I know. But this time we'll be ready. I hear Tsunade's taught you some medical techniques.” Sakura nodded. “Do you think you can use them offensively.”
“Yeah. She already taught me how to use some of them as weapons.”
“Good tomorrow I think we should train. It may not do much good but it's still better than doing nothing. Now we should get some rest.”
“I don't know if I want to rest quite yet.” The next think Sasuke knew he was on the floor with his clothes being torn off. `Well if she can take me by surprise like that. Maybe we might stand a chance.'