Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The return ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto that would make me Japanese…wait the statue of liberty. That was our planet! YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! I don't own that either. But if you start yelling it in the middle of Wal-Mart you can freak people out.
Author's Notes: Itachi is going to make his first appearance in this one. I know a lot of fanfic do this but I thought it could work in mine. Don't hate me for what Itachi does.
Hinata woke up and stretched she saw that Naruto was still asleep and slowly got out of bed so she wouldn't wake him. She took a step toward the closet to get dressed but her foot was caught in the blanket. “Oh shit.” She hit the ground and Naruto woke up.
“Wha…Hinata are you okay?”
She nodded and tried to stand before ending up back on the ground. “I think I twisted my ankle.” She said as she pulled herself onto the bed. “I'll be okay.”
“Maybe I should run over to Sasuke's and see if Sakura will heal you.”
“Let's wait till a little later in the day.”
“Okay, I'll get a bandage and an ice pack.” He returned carrying the items and preceded to wrap up her foot. She started giggling every time he moved his hand. “Ticklish or something?”
“Naruto don't you dare.” Hinata said seeing the grin on his face. “Naruto?” He lightly ran his finger along the arch of her foot and she giggled again. “Okay…stop.” He just grinned and continued. “Naruto…I-I'm…warning you…” He didn't pay any attention and Hinata was laughing too hard to say anything else. Naruto received a kick to the head. “Sorry, I didn't mean to do that, but I did warn you.”
“Yeah it's okay. You kick pretty hard.”
“Yeah sorry again.”
“Don't be. Next time I'll avoid your legs.” He finished and sat her foot on a pillow. “Is this to cold?” He asked setting it on her ankle.
“No that's fine. Maybe you should get one for your head.”
“Nah. I'm fine.” He said climbing up next to her. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before standing up. “I'm gonna see if their awake. Will you be okay here by yourself?”
“I think so.” She said smiling. She laid there in silence after he left until the door opened and a tall figure with raven hair stepped in. “Hello?” Hinata asked not liking the looks of the stranger she reached for her kunai.
“Where is Naruto Uzumaki?” He asked.
“Who are you?”
The stranger was next to her in an instant as he knocked away her kunai and pinned her arms above her head. She got a good look at him and saw his sharingan and headband. `That rogue ninja Kurenai Sensei fought!' “Where is he?” Itachi asked again. “Please tell me. I have no reason to harm you. I think it would be best if it stayed that way. I'd hate to mar you beautiful face.”
“Why would I tell you?” She said only to be slapped by Itachi. “I don't know where he is anyway.”
“I know you're lying.” He pressed the kunai to her throat. “Answer me or I will kill you.”
“I don't…know for sure. He went to get someone to heal my ankle…that's all he said. He probably went to try to bring the hokage here. He would never settle for second best.” Hinata wanted to try to be as convincing as possible. “Please don't hurt me that all I know!”
“Well I suppose if he's near the Hokage it would not be wise to strike now. Maybe I should make him come to me.” Hinata prepared to strike once he went to carry her off but Itachi leaned down to her and tossed away the kunai. “And if I'm going to do that I might as well enjoy myself.” He kissed Hinata roughly of the mouth and ran his tongue between her lips. Hinata screamed but Itachi did not move he instead open her kimono and grabbed one of her breasts. Hinata tried to struggle but he held her fast. His hand slid down her stomach and he slid down her panties and cupped her opening. Hinata struggled fiercely again but Itachi only smiled as he went to remove his own clothes.
“Itachi we have to leave Kakashi's heading this way. I think he spotted me.” Kisame said peering around the corner.
Itachi released Hinata and grabbed her by the hair. “We'll finish this some other time.” He said before kissing her again.
“Come on we have to go. What about your whole unnecessary battles speech?”
They left the room and ran. Kakashi ran in an instant later. “Naruto? Hinata?” He heard sobbing and entered the bedroom only to fin Hinata in the fetal position. “Hinata? Are you alright? What happened?” She turned to him.
“A rogue ninja…the one that fought you and Kurenai Sensei. He was looking for…Naruto. I told him he was…looking for the hokage. Then he tried…he…” She broke into sobs again. Kakashi sat down on the bed next to her and patted her shoulder. “You have to warn Naruto.” She managed between sobs.
“I will miss Hinata. Summoning Jutsu.” Pakkun appeared. “Pakkun I need you to do something for me there's no time to explain it all. Find Naruto and tell him to come here. Then tell Tsunade to come here as soon as she can. Find Sasuke and tell him and Sakura to go to Guy's house and wait for me. After that I want you to tell Kurenai that Hinata's been attacked and that she can talk to her once we get her somewhere safe.”
“That's an awful lot but I'll do my best.” He said before leaving.
Kakashi turned back to Hinata. “Did the shinobi look like Sasuke?”
“Y-yes. He was an Uchiha.” Kakashi shook his head and patted her back again as she quieted down. “I was so scared…If you hadn't showed up he would have…would have…”
“Shh. You don't have to tell me anymore. Naruto's on his way. Then we'll have the Hokage heal you. After that I think all four of you should stay at my house for a while. Will that be okay with you?”
Hinata nodded quietly. “That would be okay.” Kakashi held her in silence before Naruto ran in.
“What happened?”
“Itachi showed up. Hinata's a little shaken.” Kakashi said moving away for Naruto to sit.
“Hinata I'm so sorry I should have stayed with you.”
“No you would have been hurt.” Hinata said holding him.
Naruto surveyed her exposed body. “Did he…I mean he didn't…?”
“No he tried but master Kakashi stopped him. Naruto I was so scared.” She began to sob again and Naruto held her in silence.
Kurenai ran in looking furious. “What the hell Kakashi? She is my student. You have no right to tell me to wait before seeing her.” She was at Hinata's side and holding her in an instant. “Hinata? Are you alright?”
“Now I am. Don't worry I'm okay.”
“We need to go after him Kakashi. He has to pay for what he did.”
“No sensei. If you go after him on some vendetta for your student you'll just get killed.”
“Hinata you don't understand. What he did was…” Hinata had stood and slapped her sensei.
“I don't understand! What exactly don't I understand?! That I was nearly raped! That he probably would have killed me afterward! That what he did was unforgivable! What is it that I don't understand?! Are you going to say something?! Answer me!” Hinata snapped and looked liked she was about to strike her sensei again. Naruto stood and put his hand on her shoulder. “You really need to think before you say anything that…that ignorant again.”
Kurenai was stunned more from what Hinata had said than the fact that she had hit her. “Hinata I'm sorry. I keep thinking you're the same little girl that I trained. You've grown a lot since then. I'm sorry I haven't noticed.” Kurenai was hurt. She knew that every word Hinata said was true.
“No, I'm sorry. I over reacted but I'm just really upset.”
“You have a right to be. Besides I had it coming. I'll visit you when you're at Kakashi's. Right now I'm going to make sure he left the village.”
“Wait. Kurenai, could you do me a favor?” Naruto asked.
“What is it?”
“Gaara. Emo kid from the chunin exam. Tell him to be careful. These guy's are after the Kyubi. They may want Shakaku too.”
“I do my best. Take care of Hinata for me.”
“Believe it.” He smiled as she left.
Hinata suddenly hit the floor. “Ow. Dammit why'd I stand up? Naruto can you help me get to the bed?”
Naruto nodded and lifted her to the bed. He laid next to her and held her, lightly stroking her hair. “Hinata…” He whispered so only she could hear him. “I love you.”
“I know and I love you too.” She whispered back. Kakashi left the room and waited for Tsunade who had just showed up.
“The anbu were stationed at all entrances I don't know how he got in.” She said running past him and Surveying the teens holding each other so lovingly. “Is it only your ankle she asked when they noticed her. Hinata nodded. “Okay I'll fix that for you then We'll get you to Kakashi's house.” She finished and they made it to Kakashi's home where Tsunade stayed with the Genin.
“I be back in no time.” Kakashi vanished out the door.
Sasuke and Sakura were outside Training. Sasuke was working on producing a chidori in each hand. He could nearly form them but one kept failing. “Come on I can do this.” He muttered to himself trying again.
“What the hell?” Sakura said seeing Pakkun running at them.
“Kakashi told me to tell you to go to Might Guy's house and lay low for a while. That Hyuga girl's been attacked.”
“What happened?” Sakura asked looking concerned.
“I don't know. She's still alive but traumatized. Now get to Guy's house until Kakashi comes to get you.”
“Was it Itachi?” Sasuke asked walking up.
“It's possible but He must have escaped the village. I haven't caught his scent around here and I've been from one end to the other playing messenger boy. Now go Kakashi would probably take you along if he went after Itachi.” Pakkun lead them to guy's house where Lee and Ino were waiting.
“We heard and we thought that we should be here just in case.” Ino said as they walked in.
“Guy Sensei may be strong but more guards could not hurt.” Lee said.
“You guys just hang out here for a while. Kakashi should be over to pick you up soon.”
“Pick us up?” Sakura said cocking her head to one side.
“Yeah he wants to move you to a centralized location in the village along with Naruto and Hinata. He figures if you are together it could lure Itachi to attack again. Then you at least one o you could alert the village and we could capture him before he escapes.”
“That sounds like Kakashi's thinking but Itachi won't be that easy to capture. He wiped out the strongest clan in one night then escaped before anyone could capture him. He was only a little older than myself when he did this. Do you really think that it will do any good?”
“We can always hope. Besides we have our own Uchiha prodigy here. I think that will give us a chance.”
“You saw last time we fought. He not only stopped my chidori, he snapped my arm like it was a fucking twig.”
“Sasuke don't say stuff like that. You're a lot stronger now than you were then.”
“It still won't make a difference. Itachi's on a whole other level than me.”
“Sasuke, I'm sorry.”
“About…” Sakura punched Sasuke in the face. “What the hel…” she hit him again and he fell to the floor. “Saku…” She kicked him in the stomach repeatedly. He tried to get up and she knocked him across the room. “Sakura!”
“Shut the hell up!” He received another blow. “I am getting really tired of you always saying how hopeless it is. I don't care if we don't stand a chance. Are we supposed to just lie back and accept it?”
“Sakura I…” This time he blocked her and pulled her to the ground before pinning her. “I was trying to apologize.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “You were right but still you don't know him like I do. Now I'm going to let you up. Are you going to be good.” Sakura nodded and he rolled off her. “Sorry about that.” Sasuke said looking at a stunned Lee and Ino.
There was a knock at the door. “Hey guy did they make it over here?”
Guy held the door shut. “How do I know you're the real Kakashi?”
“You've beaten me fifty one times and I've beaten you forty nine.” Kakashi said sounding bored.
“Okay.” He opened the door and Kakashi stepped in. “Well lets go you two are staying at my place for a while. Naruto and Hinata will be there too.”
“Gee can't imagine better people to live with while waiting to be attacked Sasuke said as he and Sakura stood and followed him to the door.
“Take care of your self billboard brow.” Ino called.
Naruto and Hinata were in each others arms on Kakashi's couch while Tsunade sat back watching TV and the couple out of the corner of her eye. Smiling to herself that Hinata was still okay as long as it was Naruto touching her. She had him pinned down and looked like in took every fiber of her being to keep both of them dressed. “Hey Tsunade it's me.” Kakashi called stepping in. Sasuke and Sakura both looked slightly envious at Naruto and Hinata. “Well there's two spare rooms up stairs so I guess Naruto and Sasuke get one…”
“Not even funny sensei.” Sakura glared at him. “Why does a bachelor like yourself have a house this big?”
“Being a Jounin pays well.” He said shrugging. “Foods in the kitchen down the hall. I'll be in my room if you need anything.” He and Tsunade walked into a room and locked the door.
“So what happened? I heard you two had a run in with Itachi?” Sakura began.
Naruto gritted his teeth and stared at the floor. “No it was just Hinata against him, alone.” Hinata patted Naruto on the back.
“But you're not hurt he couldn't of did much to you?” Sakura said sounding glad but Hinata seemed to be on the verge of loosing it.
“He did enough!” She said it louder than she meant not looking up from the floor.
Sakura recoiled slightly and Sasuke said. “She didn't mean anything by it Hinata. You don't have to tell us what he did to you. She was just glad to see you weren't injured.”
“I know but, I'd rather he had done anything else to me.” Hinata said a tear falling to the floor.
“Hinata I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up.”
“No. It's okay but I'm not ready to talk about it yet.”
“I know but when and if you are ready we're here for you. It's just Sasuke's wanted to avenge his clan for so long, anything about Itachi could be helpful.”
“Just know that I hope you find him Sasuke.” Naruto said his eyes flashed red for an instant. “I hope you slaughter the sorry bastard.” He held Hinata next to him and dried her tears.
“Yeah…So I guess we're living in the same house for a while.”
“Yeah I guess we're stuck in one long double date till Itachi comes back.” Hinata said smiling slightly. “Sorry that I'm not much fun to be around right now.”
“Hinata don't be sorry.” Sakura said smiling. “Besides I'm chipper enough for both of us.”
“Chipper?” Sasuke cocked his head to one side. “Tell me I heard you wrong.”
“Thanks Sakura.” Hinata said giving a little giggle. She threw her arm around Naruto and kissed him. “I guess Naruto will have me in a good mood again soon.” His hand worked its way to her chest and she moaned softly before seeing Sakura and Sasuke starring at them. “Sorry it's just…”
“Don't be sorry. We were about to do the same thing.” Sasuke smiled. “But lets go to our bedrooms before we start anything.” They nodded and walked upstairs.