Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The end ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I'm glad this is almost over. I'm running out of ways to say I don't own Naruto.
AN: The final chapter…and I suck at describing wedding dresses.
Mangekyouperv: Nice to see you again, well here's the epic conclusion. Enjoy.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Hey, hey, hey, hey…hey, you last xhapter was a cliffy too so this was payback. Also Naruto comes out of the fight looking like he was in an iron maiden and you have the gall ask if SASUKE'S alright?! You got chutzpa lady! Leave my presence! (jk. I need you for reviews. lol) And just for you this one is really long and…well maybe a cliff hanger…and don't sue me for borrowing a line you used in a review…please.
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Naruto found himself standing in front of the bars that held the Kyuubi. “You really are hopeless you little runt. You nearly got killed. And if you die I die. And if I die…I will find some way of bringing us both back and killing you.”
“Wouldn't that kill you too?” Naruto said with a smirk.
“Don't get smart with me twerp.” The fox growled. “You owe me big for this. But then again I'm not doing it for you. No, I just don't really want to upset that cute mate of yours. I kind of enjoy this new sex filled lifestyle of yours. And all those cute little moans of hers.” The kyuubi laughed out loud at the glare he got from Naruto. “Well I guess tonight will be memorable enough for me to forget you nearly killing us.” The fox chuckled as his chakra flowed into Naruto.
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“Hinata I'm so sorry. He…I couldn't…he…he just…” Sasuke sobbed.
“I what?” Everyone nearly leapt twenty feet into the air as Gaara appeared carrying Naruto with his sand.
“Naruto?” Hinata smiled at him as tears of joy rolled down her face.
“Hey, Hinata.” He smiled as Gaara laid him down next to her. “You alright?”
“Am I alright?! You…I thought…you jerk!.” She yelled and hugged him. “Don't ever scare me like that again!”
“Are you alright?” He repeated looking down at her torn shirt.
“Y-y-yes.” She said half laughing half crying. “I just got slice up like…like…something that gets sliced up. I'm in no state make up an analogy.”
“There they are!” Shizune's voice rang out. “I'll take care off this you help the others!” She yelled to the other medical ninja as she landed next to Sakura. “Everyone alright?”
“Hinata was pretty seriously wounded. Sasuke's left Leg is broken.” Sakura said with a smile that didn't really seem right in this situation.
“And Naruto's right leg. He did some kinds of flying spider llama squirrel jump and I guess when he got hit it shattered one of his bones.” Gaara added.
“What about the others?” Naruto asked sitting up. Shizune knocked him back down and smiled.
“Nothing too serious. Shino lost a lot off blood, Kiba looked like he was put I a blender, but the wounds are superficial. Temari and Neji have some broken ribs. And Lee has several minor fractures. They'll all be fine.” The genin all shared a smile and passed out.
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Rock Lee was in a wheel chair. Covered head to toe in a body cast. Ino, Might Gai, and Tsunade, were looking at him with hands on hips.
“Should you do it or shall I?” Tsunade asked looking at Gai.
“How about all three at once?” Ino suggested. “On three. One, two, three!”
“You idiot!” All three yelled punching Lee in the face.
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Naruto woke slowly as Hinata gently stroked his face. “Mmm…hey.” Naruto said sleepily.
“Hey. Are you alright?” Hinata asked softly.
“Leg's kinda throbbing. How long was I out?” Naruto asked looking around.
“A week.” Hinata said softly.
“Oh, no. What's the date?”
“July first.” Hinata said still stroking him lovingly.
“Time?” Naruto asked sitting up.
“Eleven thirty.”
“Shit!” Naruto jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of crutches that were against the wall,
“Naruto! Lay back down!” Hinata said trying to grab him.
“Hell no. Did you call the wedding off?”
“Not ye…Naruto don't…”
“Good get the guests together and meet me there.” Naruto said shuffling out the door. Hinata sighed but knew he wasn't getting talked out of it.
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Sasuke had been awake for about an hour. He sat quietly talking to Sakura about the ordeal they had gone through. “And then she summoned these three hug…”
“SASUKE!!!” Naruto's voice shattered the tranquility in the room. Naruto stuck his head inside. “The weddings are still on. Sakura, you and Hinata get the kunoichi together and tell them to get everything ready. You two get in your dresses and wait for us. Sasuke get off your ass we gotta go!” With that Naruto bit his thumb made some hand-signs and dove out the window.
“…uh…you didn't tell me it was our wedding day.” Sasuke said sternly to Sakura.
“You're hurt, I…” Sasuke cut her off with a kiss.
“Sakura, if I have to get my lip pierced and tie that piercing to an ox, and have the ox drag me…I will make it to our wedding.” Sasuke said with a smiled. “But I think I'll walk not dive out window.” Sasuke grabbed a pair of crutches as Sakura gave a little laugh. “Go! Scurry! Rally your forces! Make sure that everyone is still going to come!”
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Naruto's day.
“Summoning Jutsu!” Naruto yelled and slammed his palm on the…air that he was falling through. In a puff of smoke he found himself standing on Gamabunta's head.
“You again?” Gamabunta said taking his pipe from his mouth. “What do you want?”
“Uh…I kinda need a ride.” Naruto said.
“I look like a taxi to you?” The toad said looking up at the boy.
“Um…no. But ya gotta help me chief toad! If I'm late to my wedding…”
“Wedding? You're getting married? Someone is marrying you? Is it that pink haired girl from when we fought Shukaku?”
“No. No, no, no, no, I'm way over her. Hinata is way cuter. And I really wouldn't wan to disappoint her.”
“And why didn't I get invited?”
“Uh…didn't know where you live?” Naruto said after some thought.
“I'll do it for the girl. And because I love weddings. Where am I going kid?”
“Top of the academy.”
“You know most people go with churches.”
“Well…yeah but come on. Hokage rock in the background, looking down on the village. Not a good idea?”
“Meh. Okay, hang on!”
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The girls's day.
“Tsunade and Shizune, you two tell everyone we're still having the wedding. Ino make sure your family still gets the flowers there. Temari you contact Ichiraku, Amaguriama, and Shushuya, make sure our food gets there. Tenten…attach fliers to kunai and throw them at everyone we've invited just in case Tsunade doesn't get to them. Okay, go!” Sakura concluded before she and Hinata got dressed.
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Sasuke's day.
“I'm gonna make it!” Sasuke said as he limped to the academy. He had almost gotten run over by a bunch of Shushuya workers delivering food, and almost hit by Kunai that Tenten was raining down on people. He was only a few feet away when he noticed he was standing in a huge shadow. He looked up and saw a huge toad silhouetted against the sky. “Oh you have got to be kidding!” It landed and, by some miracle, it's foot missed Sasuke by inches before it shot off again. Sasuke sighed n relief before. Creak! He turned and saw that a billboard was about to fall…on him. “Son of a…”
“Look out Sasuke!” Kakashi yelled as he snatched Sasuke out from under the falling sign.
“Must be late.” Sasuke said.
“No, I'm on time.” Kakashi said as he carried Sasuke to the roof on the academy.
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Hiashi Hyuga was stopped from entering the…wedding area. “Invitation?” Anko said holding out her hand.
“I don't have one.” The Hyuga said impatiently trying to step around her. She blocked him.
“Name Please?”
“You know who I am.”
“Unohu Iam, no Unohu Iam.”
“Hiashi Hyuga.” He said in exasperation.
“Hiashi…Hiashi…not on the list.” Anko said simply. Hiashi sighed and grabbed her by the shoulders before leap-frogging over her head.
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Sasuke and Sakura won the coin flip so their wedding was first. Sasuke was in a tuxedo leaning on a crutch when “here comes the bride” began playing. Sakura walked up the aisle in a stereotypical wedding dress. She reached Sasuke and he lifted her veil. Tsunade stepped up to a podium and cleared her throat. “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two people in…I forgot my lines. Um…Sasuke do you take Sakura to be your wife?”
“I do.” Sasuke said knowing that he shouldn't be surprised by this.
“Sakura, you take Sasuke as your husband?”
“I do.” Sakura said too happy to care about the half-assed job Tsunade was doing.
“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Kiss.” Sasuke rolled his eyes and leaned forward to kiss Sakura.
“I love you my wife.” He whispered softly after they broke the kiss.
“I love you too.” She whispered back. She turned and threw the bouquet. Tsunade knocked Sasuke to the ground as she ran passed. Every Kunoichi went for it at once but Temari leapt up and knocked each one away with her fan.
“Ow, that little bitch just hit me.” Anko said rubbing her jaw.
“Relax, we'll get her after the wedding.” Tsunade said standing. She walked back to the podium as Sasuke and Sakura took their seats and Naruto limped up to Tsunade. He was anxious to see Hinata. She had insisted that it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and if he snuck a peak she would leave him. Once again the music began playing and Hinata appeared in the aisle. Naruto smiled when he saw her. Her dress was very plain. Not something most girls would where to their wedding, but it just sorta…fit Hinata.
For the first time in a very long time, Hinata was blushing. Even in an orange tuxedo Naruto looked perfect to her. She saw her friends sitting in the front row. Shino had crutches lying next to him. Kiba was so bandaged up, if he hadn't have had Akamaru on his head, she wouldn't have recognized him. Her eyes widened when she saw her father look sheepishly at her.
“Okay then…we're also here today to…watch these two get married. Ya'll know the qustions.”
“I do.” Naruto said with a smile. Hinata just stood there, eyes wide. “Hinata…?”
“Oh, sorry. I do. I…was just…I…sorry.” She stammered snapping out of her little daydream. “This is just so nice, I sorta forget what I was supposed to say.” She giggled and Naruto held her.
“Remember this part?” He asked softly leaning forward and kissing her deeply. She seemed to remember a little to well and wrapped herself around him. The extra weight threw off his balance and he fell on his back.
“Oops. Sorry, I got a little…carried away.”
“It's alright. Just wasn't ready for it.” He said with a smile.
“Is your leg okay?”
“Not really.” He said wincing.
“Well, I'll just have to make you feel better tonight at the love hotel.” She whispered softly.
“Sounds good to me.”
The rest of the wedding was kind of a blur of emotional bliss. By some miracle Hiashi gave Naruto his blessing, he was drunk at the time. Tsunade had somehow managed to pop out of the wedding cake. Iruka and Jaraiya had both shaking Naruto's hand a hundred times over. Gamabunta was crying. And Lee had gotten drunk and went on a rampage. Finally everything wound down and the couples snuck off.
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Sasuke and Sakura opened the door to their hotel room. It was huge. King sized bed (it was going to get a lot of use,) A big screen tv (less use.) And a hot tub (definitely a lot of use.) Sasuke had engineered a way to Carry Sakura in when… “Help! Three psychotic lesbians are after me! HEEEELLLLP!!!!!” Temari came barreling down the hall with Anko, Tsunade, and Shizune in tow (they had rope.) These three ran right into Sasuke and knocked him and Sakura to the ground.
Sasuke started laughing like a maniac. “Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!”
“You alright?” Sakura asked as Sasuke as he continued laughing his head off.
“Look…at…hahaha…us…remind you of anything?” He said gasping for air. Sakura paused for a minute then started laughing too. This was the same pose they had landed in that first day during the shower. “Run over on the way to my honeymoon.” Sakura lifted Sasuke to his feet and helped him to the bed.
“So did I keep my promise?”
“I promised you that if you stayed. I'd never let you regret it. We'd be happy, every day. Did I keep that promise?”
“Sakura.” Sasuke grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed with him. He kissed her and gently stroked her hair. “I love you. Does that answer your question?” Sakura nodded and smiled.
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Naruto sat up on the king sized bed and turned to his wife. “We really made a big decision today. I think we need to talk and…” He was knocked onto his back by a naked Hinata.
“Naruto, we love each other. We don't have to justify what we did. We love eachother and what we did is right.” She said with a smiled. “Now stop talking and help me get your clothes off.”
“Love you.”
“I love you too but I hate whoever invented tuxedos. How many layers are there to this thing?! GAH!!!” She finally snapped and tore it off of him.
“That a rental…” Naruto began.
“Save your breathe…you're gonna need it.”
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AN: It's over! Xion the war is over! I finished my first fanfiction! I love you all! Thanks everyone who stuck with me!