Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Sake, & A Conga Line ❯ This feeling ... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hinata & Naruto - 19 years old
`Inner Whoever Thinking'
*Sound Effects*
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I just like to do naughty things with him …grr!
Oh and I don't own Britney Spears & co. either … nor would I do naughty things with her … ew!
AND I don't own Paula DeAnda & co.
… dang … I don't own a lot of things … I feel broke *pouts*
Chapter Two
`This feeling …'
… was not the feeling of being kissed but was rather the feeling of being dragged away by an inebriated conga line. She looked back to see Naruto reaching for her waist that, sadly, was no longer there.
`What the FUDGE! Why does shit like this keep happening to me? WHY!?'
`There's no need to be vulgar …'
`Screw you! I really wanted that! Like really really really!'
`And you think I didn't? What are you? A dumbass or just stupid?'
`HA! You cursed! BAHAHAHA!'
`I don't have time for you … I mean me … I mean … oh whatever.'
Hinata turned back around to see his gorgeous blue eyes, clouded with disappointed, looking right back at her. She tried to tell him something when some old fart groped her ass. Turning around, fully intending to knock him the hell out, she found that it was only Kiba.
“Heeey baaaby, wanna *hiccup* come back to my *hiccup* crib so we can -“
Kiba passed out. His sake made a large puddle over the ground, but the conga line just kept on moving, making a neat little semi-circle around him. They conga-ed all the way into a karaoke bar so the real fun could begin. Two sumo wrestlers in their traditional, diaper-like outfits, attempted to sing “Baby, one more time” by Britney Spears but couldn't quite get the lyrics right.
“Give me a diiiime! Hit me, baby, with your car!”
`We shouldn't be here! We can't sing!”
Unfortunately for her, the line made their way straight to the stage. With a push, a few twirls, and the sound of scurrying feet, Hinata found herself hanging onto the mike to break her fall. Assuming that she was eager to sing, the rest of the line assembled behind her as backup dancers. Of course from their current state, they were more like backup boozers than anything else. In fact, most of them were “cheering” her on crudely. She looked out into the audience and found Naruto standing next to the door and grinning like a fool, giving her the thumbs up. Hinata blushed furiously as the song started to play.
`Oh God, somehow I'm going to end up falling off the stage and making a fool out of myself and he'll run away screaming `Ahh! Run Away! Run Away! It's SCARY back there! Don't say I didn't warn you!' and I'm going to be -`
Her insane train of thought came to a halt as her subconscious started singing the song for her. Naruto was surprised at how beautiful her voice was. She sang each note perfectly.
“Though I know I shouldn't be concerned; In the back of my mind, I can't help but question. Does she rub your feet, when you've had a long day?”
Listening to the lyrics, Naruto realized that what she sang was not just the writer's message, but her own as well. She knew so many of the little things about him from simply being a good friend to him and loved him when others ran away.
“I can't explain this feeling. I think about it everyday. And even though we've moved on, it gets so hard to walk awaaaaay.”
In this moment, he knew that she had loved him unceasingly, regardless of the other men she'd been with.
“And though I tell myself not to be afraid to move on, but it seems I can't.”
He wanted her to be his and only his from then on. His attachment to her grew second by second. It was like love at (fifty) first sight.
“Though a new man is giving me attention, it ain't the same as your affection. Though I know I should be content, in the back of my mind I can't help but question.”
He made his way towards her as the final notes of the song played. The audience applauded loudly and the cheering was rowdy. The smile on Hinata's face was incandescent. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he burned this moment into his mind forever. Jumping up on stage, he twirled her into a bear hug. Her feet were a good foot and a half off the ground and she was hanging onto his neck like a stingy man hangs onto his money.
“Lungs. Crushed. Can't. Breathe. Let. Go. Please.”
“Oh woops. Sorry about … almost killing you …”
“It's ok … I guess.”
They both stared at each other awkwardly, still trying to get comfortable with this new feeling bouncing around inside of them. They both something to ask the other and took this time to work up the nerve.
“Will you-”
“Will you-”
*man laugh*”You go first.”
“Ok, will you go-”
“Hold up! Wait a minute! If I think you're about to ask what I think you're about to ask then maybe I should go first.”
“Ok …”
“Will you go out with me … on a date?”
Noticing the questioning look on her face he added,
“Not as friends … you know … a real date?”
“Yes! But …”
AHHA! ANOTHER cliffhanger!!
Oh and if you wanted to listen to that song …
The song is Walk Away