Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Loveless Suna ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I'm finished it, this chapter that is, so please read and enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
“Wow, who dressed you?” Temari asked astonished when she got a view of her brother.
“And why wouldn't I have dressed myself?” Kankuro glared back.
“No offense, but you suck at dressing. Look at you're work outfit. You look like a cat!” The blonde said matter-of-fact. Her brother's glare worsened, but still wasn't anywhere near Gaara's.
“Shizuka-chan did it.” He mumbled in the end, admitting defeat.
“I guessed so since she's to one standing next to you.” His sister bit back.
“Then why the hell did you ask!” I could almost see smoke coming out of the brown-head's ears.
“Calm down, Kankuro. You have a date to go on.” I reminded him.
“A date?” Temari asked interested.
“Does my little brother have a date? With who?” She completely changed from teasing her little brother to the perfect elder sister.
“Yeah, who's the lucky girl? You still haven't told me, even after dressing you up.” I aided my friend.
“Do we know her?” Temari didn't give him the change to open his lips.
“Yeah, you know her.” A cute blush appeared on Kankuro's face.
“Is she a ninja? Is she from around here or maybe from Konoha?” The blonde continued to interrogate her little brother. Now she did give him time to answer, but a flying eye interrupted us. Kankuro nodded to the eye and sprint out of his room.
“What just happened?” I asked stupefied looking at the eye that had turned to me.
“That's Gaara's way of calling us to him.” Temari explained.
“Oh, that's actually… creepy.” Stretching my hand to it and feeling the texture with my fingertips.
“It's smooth.” I said surprised.
“Of course, it's an eye.” The blonde retorted.
“Yeah, but he made it from sand.” I made my point.
“That's right, hmm, if he would make an ear he would have the perfect spy.” I couldn't help but laugh with her reasoning.
“You're right, but would you want him to have that kind of power over you?” I asked teasingly and Temari's face paled.
“Bad idea.” A small pouf got my attention and the eye was gone, only leaving a couple of sand grains.
“Now we still don't know who Kankuro's lucky girl is.” I got us back to or previous occupation.
“You're right.” The blonde registered and I could see her thinking so deep that I almost expected a light bowl to appear above her head.
“I know… Is there something on my head?” The sand-nin gave me an odd look, making me come back to earth.
“What? Oh, sorry. It's nothing.” I apologized quickly, going against explaining it. `How could I explain that I was waiting for a light bowl to appear above her head?'
“Okay… Let's just wait outside Gaara's office for Kankuro.” She decided on her own, walking out of the room not taking no for an answer.
“I can't hear a thing.” Temari mumbled frustrated.
“I think that's the point.” I said with a `what the hell are you doing' look. A blue eye glanced at me, but chose to ignore my comment.
“I can hear a woman's voice and man's mumbling which would be Gaara.” She continued. “I just can't understand them. Oh wait…” The door got pulled open and the blonde tumbled half the office in.
“Temari!” I yelled surprised and watched her look up in her brother's face.
“What are you two doing?” He asked with a raised invisible eyebrow.
“Oh, we were looking for Kankuro.” I jumped in for the girl on the floor, who quickly crawled back up.
“He isn't here.” The Kazekage answered short.
“What?! We missed him! Now we still don't know who his date is!” The blonde cried desperately, before latching onto her baby brother. “You know who right? You do!” She accused him.
“Get off!” Gaara said monotone in his warning voice, making Temari release him as if he was fire.
“Then who's with you?” I asked a little jealous. `If it isn't Kankuro then there could really be a woman inside!' A flash of surprise crossed the redhead's eyes and he stepped aside showing the woman I was starting to dislike. “Kaeda.” I said, oppressing all my negative feeling towards her.
“Hi, Shizuka-chan. I was just reporting my mission.” She explained with a `happy to see you' smile.
“Great.” I smiled innocently.
“But since we're done, would you like to go have lunch?” She asked friendly.
“Sure why not.” `Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.' The known phrase ran through my mind.
“Great. Good afternoon Kazekage-sama, Temari-san.” She greeted the other two and signed to me to leave.
“Yeah bye Temari, Gaara.” I gave the redhead a quick kiss, making sure my rival saw it before joining her outside.
“You get along great with the Kazekage-sama.” Kaeda observed.
“Yeah, got a problem with that?” I asked cold.
“Of course not.” She gave me her innocent smile.
“Oh, maybe we could get you something seductive?” Her finger pointed to a lingerie shop. `Is she trying to push my concubine status in my face?' I asked myself, not even considering that she could have good intentions.
“Sure.” I answered. `I'll seduce him so hard that he'll never look at you again.' While I was trying on the different sets, she continued coming with the cutes and sexiest outfits ever. In the end I choose something that she had brought, claiming to myself that she had dug her own grave.
“Why don't we find something to eat?” Kaeda suggested once we reached the open air. I nodded agreeing, feeling my hunger come up. “I know a really good restaurant near here.” After I gave her an `okay' look she led me to a cozy, little house where we got a big welcome. We took place and got the menu.
“I must recommend the Teriyaki.” Not understanding a lot from the cart I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and order the Teriyaki. In the end I was sold from the first bite.
“This is really good.” I complemented her choice and Kaeda smiled back at me before taking another bite from her plate.
“Shori used to take me here when I was little, behind Keiko's back of course. She didn't think this was a place for a lady.” She tried to start a conversation.
“Is she that bad? I got the impression, when she visited Shori that they didn't get along well.” Kaeda nodded.
“They didn't get along one bit. When we were little she always bullied him into her way.” A feeling of pity crawled into me.
“I can't imagine how that must have been.” I mumbled and the woman in front of me sighed.
“It was hard for him and every time he tried to rebel, she mostly used me to get him back in line.”
“So, she was the one that messed him up?” I interpreted. Kaeda nodded with regret and suddenly looked very serious at me.
“She's the one you have to be careful for. She'll do everything in her power to get what she wants.” She warned me before her face changed again. “As long as you stay near the Kazekage she won't be able to do a thing.” I looked shocked back at her.
“Do you mean that she would dare to do something when he's on a mission or something?” Kaeda nodded sadly.
“She's dangerous. I really suggest that you don't go out by yourself.” With a heavy heart I chewed on my diner.
“But I didn't invite you to scare you off. Let's talk about something else.” The black haired woman started to tell me about herself, definitely not leaving out the funny, embarrassing things.
After the meal we left the restaurant laughing our buds off. We took a night walk through all the busy streets. I suspected that she led me this way intentionally to keep us out of trouble. She walked me to the Kazekage tower where she only left after I disappeared inside.
When the door closed behind me I remembered that she was actually my rival. `Shit, I'm starting to like her. I can't start caring about my rival.' Grumbling I walked to my room, meeting the cutest scene ever and making me forget all of my frustration.
Gaara was sleeping still fully clothed on my bed, looking completely innocent with his lips separated a little bit. A small smile caressed my face and I walked over to him. With a gentle kiss I woke him up, getting pulled on him.
“Had fun?” He asked closing his eyes again.
“Yeah.” I answered truthfully, snuggling into his chest. When I looked back up I noticed that he was sleeping again. “Oh, poor baby, you must be dead tired.” I gave him a last kiss, before sliding next to him.
A cold feeling made me wake up. Sleepy I noticed the lack of sheets on me and when I grabbed wanted to pull them over me; I felt the friction of naked flesh. Shocked I looked at my naked body, completely awake in a second.
“You're awake.” Gaara's voice got me out of my shock state. I looked at him ready to demand an explanation, but my nightwear in his hands explained everything. He dressed me like a ragdoll, letting me fall back on the bed afterwards.
“Get some more sleep. You were out late last night.” He ordered me gently. I slid my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck.
“I've got work to do.” He continued still in that gently voice.
“You've always got work to do.” I whined and a sighed caressed the side of my face.
“At the moment it's busy because of the war that happened in Konoha. We need to support them military and financially. Also contact all the other countries to inform them that the chuunin exams have been cancelled.” He explained waiting until I released him, which I did… eventually against my will.
“I understand… but I miss you.” I pouted, making the redhead smile.
“When everything has settled down I'll take you somewhere nice.” He promised while his fingers caressed my face. He gave me a kiss on the forehead, tucked me back in and left the room quietly.
“Sleeping beauty, it's time to get up!” Temari's voice pulled me out of the darkness.
“Hmm… five more minutes…” I begged still sleeping most part.
“No, you need to get up. I need your help.”
“With what?” I mumbled.
“We have to find out who Kankuro's date was! He has only just come back home! You know what that means? He has spent the night at the girls place.” I shot up.
“He got laid?” I asked to confirm my suspicion. The blonde nodded furiously.
“Alright, let me get dressed before we start our interrogation.” I quickly showered and dressed where after Temari pulled me to the living room. There we found Kankuro laying on the couth smiling like an idiot.
“So, who was she?” I asked husky.
“Euh… Wa… Ow, Shizuka it's you!” He shot out of his thoughts.
“Answer the question Kankuro-kun, who was she and was she good?” His sister made her present known.
“Do you girls really talk about that?” Our victim changed the subject.
“Of course we do! We're not saints!” The blonde bit back, eagerly to hear the answer we were waiting on.
“That you're not a saint isn't really a surprise. You would qualify for the category devil.” He mumbled the last, getting knock out by said named devil.
“That was smart!” I said monotone, making Temari look questionable at me.
“How are we going to find out who his girl is, when he's out?”
“Oh, oops…” The innocent look I was getting, made me roll my eyes.
Stephke23: Nop, still not reviewing Kankuro's girl. It really isn't intentional; I just keep getting these other scenes in my head. The revelation will probably be next chapter. I hope you'll like my choice.
Till next time and don't forget to review!
Till next time and don't forget to review!