Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Master Uchiha ❯ Master Uchiha ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Master Uchiha - Chapter 4
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Short summary here, Itachi is an ANBU captain and Sasuke is currently still a genin in Team 7 with Haruno Sakura and Sai. Their Jounin teacher is still Hatake Kakashi and their background is still the same except Team 7 does not consist of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Iruka is still a mother hen and is being stalked unknowingly by a certain silver haired porn reading Jounin who just happens to be the teacher of Team 7 and still unable to tell time…

Last Chapter
The moment Itachi opened the door, he was ambushed by his mother who had a deadly glint in her eyes. “Well? How did it go? Where's the clothes?” she asked. He didn't bother to reply but just handed her the tons of bags, shoved Naruto and Sasuke into her face, and crawled away to erase his memories of the past five hours of hell. Well, except the part where Naruto accidentally stripped in front of Sasuke and gave him a nosebleed attack. That memory was going into his album of brotherly torture.
He did his best to ignore the delighted squeals and gasps of delight and amazement from his mother as she unwrapped the clothes and put them away. He will never ever go into a mall again if he could help it, swore Itachi. And he made a very important note, to himself. DO NOT GET ON MOM'S BAD SIDE.
End Last Chapter

One week after the shopping `disaster' to the Uchiha brothers and `joy of exploring' for Naruto, Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto announced that they will be on a year of traveling around the world as part annual honeymoon; to which the two Uchiha spawns made gagging faces at the thought of their parents on a romantic journey of love and which earned them a smack on the head from their mother; and part survey mission. Itachi was put in charge mainly but there will be someone to check in on them twice every week to make sure that nothing bad happened like exploding the house, killing each other and most importantly, bullying cute little Naru-chan. The last part was cooed by Mikoto and Naruto found himself (he was in fox form then) cuddled and subjected to some pleasurable scratching behind the ears.
Itachi had smirked evilly at Sasuke who in turned shot Itachi a mess-with-me-and-you-die-bastard glare, which made the evil smirk on Itachi's face widened and stretched into a oh-you're-so-gonna-suffer-and-die-horribly grin. Naruto purred and all of his nine tails wagged happily and he turned his head (still being cuddled by Mikoto) as he felt the tension surrounding the two brothers. Mikoto frowned as she too felt the palpable aura of negative energy surrounding her two boys. “You two behave yourselves okay? Or else…” She growled the last part, with her eyes turning into red glowing demon eyes.
Itachi let out a nervous laugh and hooked Sasuke's head (Sasuke head only reached Itachi's chest area) with his arm, “Don't worry… We'll be fine.”
Sasuke let out a snort of disbelief. “Yeah right. You're gonna make me suffer the mo-mmpphhfff!!!” Itachi hurriedly covered his little brother's mouth with his hand. “Now be nice. You know I do those things for your own good…” Itachi said patronizingly. Sasuke growled out what seemed to be various profanities and judging from the veins popping out from his head, he was pissed. Itachi sighed dramatically, placing the back of his other hand to his forehead. “All the things I did for you… This is the thanks I get… You ungrateful little bugger…”
Sasuke ran through his memories of what Itachi did to earn his thanks. Pushing him into the lake, throwing him into a container full of crabs, hanging him upside down from a tree branch and stealing his food various times, telling his fan girls the exact location of his hideout (Sasuke shivered at that memory. But he did get back at Itachi by telling Itachi's fan girls where Itachi's hideout was…), and teasing him mercilessly as well as spilling some of his secrets and lifestyle habits to giddy fan girls. And that one time, Itachi let the whole horde in and gave them a tour of his bedroom. He came back from the ninja academy to find all his clothes gone as well as his bedspread and pillows. Even the toilet seat in his bathroom was gone! (shiver)
Sasuke retaliated by getting back all his stuff, especially his cuddly wuddly pillows, and auctioning off Itachi's stuff to HIS fan girls. He earned a lot that day… Snapping back to reality, he bit on Itachi's arm as hard as he could, as Itachi had withdrew his hand from his mouth in his dramatic pose. Howling, Itachi jerked free and attempted to bop Sasuke on the head, which he avoided and he glared at Itachi with wary eyes. The two brothers however stopped their glaring contest and the growling when their parents recovered from their sweatdrop attack and coughed. Immediately, the two snapped to attention and gave angelic smiles. One could almost expect wings to unfurl from their back and a halo appearing above their heads.
“I think I'd let Naruto watch over the house…” Mikoto said with an exasperated sigh. Itachi looked forlorn and Sasuke looked delighted. Naruto merely looked from one Uchiha to the other, puzzled, until his tummy growled thunderously. At that sound, a crafty glint came into Itachi's eyes. `Yes… Naruto can be bribed with ramen… NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!' Was Itachi's exact thought.
Sasuke warily glanced at his sure-to-be-demented brother as he heard the sound of Itachi clenching his teeth together hard to stop himself from laughing like the demented insane psychopath he actually was inside. Naruto felt Itachi's stare weigh down on him and looked over at him. He shivered however as he saw the evil gleam in his eyes and the wide smirk on his face. Naruto whimpered and looked at Mikoto in panic. Mikoto wasn't paying attention as she was getting ready to leave. She set Naruto down and brush imaginary dust off her hands.
“Now one last thing to do…” She said, rolling her shoulders and reaching out her hands to grab her two sons who were now back to glaring at each other. She hoisted the two of them up by their collars and glared at them. “Now… if the two of you even consider stepping out of line… I'll make you wish you were never born. Get me?” She asked, shaking her wide eyed sons in the air to get her point through. Not even Itachi's toes are touching the ground and the two frantically nodded their heads. Naruto stared wide eyed at the magnificent show of strength and yipped happily and stood back on his hind legs with all nine tails waving, seemingly to say, `My turn! My turn!'
Mikoto smiled and dropped her sons and gave Naruto one last cuddle before she disappeared through the door with Fugaku in tow. `(sigh) Women…' Fugaku thought. Itachi and Sasuke stared wide eyed at the door through which their sometimes scary mother went through. “Ah… ahem… I'm going to… uh… mission… yeah…” Itachi said before disappearing into his room to reemerge dressed in his ANBU uniform and disappeared.
Sasuke stared at Naruto who poofed back into human form, well at least semi human form considering the furry adorable ears and the nine long tails waving in the air lazily, and stared back at him. The staring contest continued and Sasuke started to feel a little constricted in the south as his gaze roamed over the sky blue eyes and landed on Naruto's lips. The staring contest was broken when a shrill and high pitched “Sasuke kun!!!” rang out and ripped to shreds every eardrums in the surrounding area and rendered the victims dazed for a few seconds as their brains short circuited.
Sasuke knew that voice a little too well. He shivered in terror and his eyes took on a hunted look and his body tensed. He turned to look at the door stiffly and he relaxed a TEENSY WEENY LITTLE BIT as he saw that there is only ONE OF `THEM'.

NYAHAHAHA!!! I left a cliffy! This is so cool and you all probably know who that shrill voice belongs to. I don't really like Sakura in the beginning of the series as she is dumb and Sasuke obsessed when she could be a good ninja but instead choose to throw away her brain and tend to her hair just to get the attention of Sasuke who pretty much didn't know she exist… But she became nicer after being the apprentice of Tsunade and the fact that Sasuke still left her behind after her love declaration and the statement that she'd kill for him… well, maybe that knocked some sense into her…
So there will be Sakura bashing (a lot) in the beginning of this fic but she'll eventually get to be a better character and with less bashing…
Yes, someone asked me if Mikoto was and OOC or OC or something else… But the truth is, I don't know how Mikoto really is in the true anime series. The small part shown in the anime series when Sasuke was still a little kid and Itachi hadn't gone psycho and murdered his whole clan was that she seemed to be kind and gentle… in short how anime mothers usually act… I think so… XP
Anyway, the Mikoto character in this fic was just purely thought up in the spur of the moment as I happened to be in a chipper mood… so it turned out like this. So… any more questions? Please feel free to ask. Class dismiss. Now get the @^$&*^#* out of my classroom and review or I'll ^%#*&$(@^$)(@^*&%$ and &*%$(@^)@^&%#)*^(@^@&^%$^#%()^*@... Get me? Good…