Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Where Men Fear To Tread ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
-----Author’s note: Holy crap, dude! I can’t believe how many read this, or even how many reviews I got! Granted, I’m sure there were plenty of people who thought I was insane, but damn! Guess that’s just what happens when you step into such a populated fandom. Anyway, thanks everyone who reviewed, you rock, and I will try and listen to you as best as logically possible. Here’s the little disclaimer bit:

I do not own Naruto, but any other characters and ideas are my own. Enjoy.....-----

Naruto flew back, scraping along the ground for several yards before flipping up onto his feet. He skid to a stop, lunging back with a shout, kunai drawn. His opponent was fast, and able to dodge nearly anything. Definitely had no problem dodging the blonde’s attacks, that was for sure. Moving so fast it was as though they were a blur, the two dashed around the training grounds, sparks flying as knives connected, knuckles cracking as punches landed.

A fist to the face sent Naruto crashing to the ground, bouncing twice before rolling to a stop.

‘Ow.....ugh, I think that’s all I’ve got in the tank, this morning.....I really shouldn’t have gotten talked into missing breakfast.....’ With his one eye that wasn’t swollen shut, he watched as his opponent slowly approached him. He understood the gamble he had taken very well, and he knew that he had just lost the bet. ‘But that.....that means, not like this.....I’m not even going to be able to enjoy it, like this.....’

He grimaced back at the little smile on his enemy’s face. He knew what that smile meant. It was a hungry smile, and he knew exactly what the fiend was hungry for.

“Time to pay up what you owe, now,” The voice taunted a little, the smile all the more evident as the words came out.

“I’ll never.....never let you into my pants.....” Naruto groaned, trying to push himself up. He fell face first when his enemy smacked him in the back of the head, laughing.

“You don’t have to say it like that, Naruto!” Lee laughed, sitting beside his defeated training partner, “After all, it was your idea to make the bet. Now you’ve lost, and lunch is on you! Break out that wallet, and let’s go get something to eat!”

Even though he had to pay, the thought of food was enough to energize Naruto enough to stand up, and begin the walk towards the village.

“Don’t forget,” Lee called after his new roommate, as he hurried to catch up to him, “When we start getting close to the village, you have to perform know, the ‘girl’ technique.”

“I know, I know. I did it on the way here, didn’t I? Come on, I’m starving to death!”

Shikamaru Nara sighed deeply, hands in his pockets as he made his way through the streets of Konoha. He knew today was going to be a crappy day. He had one of those sinking feelings in his stomach. After all, when Ino leaves you a note at your doorstep, asking to meet you for lunch.....well, how else would a crappy day start?

‘Thinking logically, there’s no way she could possibly want to see me for anything other than to ask a favor,’ The gloomy ninja thought, rubbing the back of his head, ‘But.....ugh, why me? She couldn’t have asked Choji, or someone else?’ The words of his father came fluttering back into his head, where he wished they weren’t.

“Shikamaru, you’re getting older, but you still haven’t taken an interest in any girls.....I’m honestly getting a little worried,” His father looked him up and down, wishing he’d take his hands out of his pockets and take this more seriously.

“Worried about what?” Shikamaru asked in return, perhaps a little quicker than he should have.

“Well, if you’re not interested in women, there’s other thing that it could be.....”

“.....Ugh, just stop talking, you’re embarrassing me, and yourself. Look, I’m outta here, I’ll be back later,” He moved to leave, knowing his passive dad wouldn’t stop him.

“Where are you going?”

Opening the door and glancing over his shoulder at his dad, he smirked, “I’m gonna go play power tools with Choji,” He admitted, “I’ll let you think about that.”

Of course he wasn’t actually going to do anything with Choji, or his tool. Unless Ino had a mind to.....Damn! No! What his old man had said must be bothering him more than he thought it was. Sure, Ino was easy on the eyes, but God damn did she work a number on your ears. It was constant, just talk, talk, talk, and a lot of the time it was whining or bickering., not still.

“How troublesome.....” He mumbled to himself, not paying attention to where he was walking. He went straight by Ino and where they were supposed to meet, and would have kept going had she not chased him down and pulled him into a headlock.

“You think you can just waltz on away, like that? I didn’t go through the stress of writing that letter for nothing, you know!” The blonde kunoichi shouted, choking the life out of her teammate.

“Can’t.....breathe.....dying! .....God.....” Shikamaru wriggled around in her grasp for a few seconds before she let go, “.....Phew, you’re crazy, you know that? I thought you were gonna.....wait, did you say stress?” He broke off, giving her a quizzical look.

Ino mumbled something, looking away to hide the tinge of color in her face.

“What was that?”

“I was tough to write that letter to you.....” She said, so quietly he almost didn’t catch it.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled the letter out to read aloud, “Shikamaru, let’s have lunch. I’ll see you by that curry place I like. Ino,” He concluded the letter in a bland tone, looking at her like she was stupid.

“H-hey! Don’t read that out loud! It’s very personal!” Ino grabbed the letter out of his hands, throwing him a pouting look.

“That’s personal?” He snickered, but quickly stopped when he saw the sad look in her eyes, “Hey, I was just don’t need to get emotional about it.”

She turned to leave, “I don’t even know why I thought was a good idea, at all! Forget it,” She would have stomped off, but a firm grasp on her wrist held her to the spot.

Shikamaru pulled her around, and she stumbled up against him. He hadn’t meant for her to be so close, but now that she was, he felt a little awkward. He looked down at her, seeing the slight glimmer of tears in her eyes. He felt a stab of guilt, “Really, I’m sorry. I didn’t.....mean to.....” He was slowly leaning down to her lips, and she was ready to let him have them.

‘Ah.....please let me be good,’ She thought, starting to close her eyes. Before they closed completely, however, she felt a strange sensation like she’d never felt before. She felt herself convulse a little, and heat shot through her body like fire on oil. Her legs shook a little as her mind started to numb, ‘God, he must be a fantastic kisser! We haven’t even started yet, and I’m having an org-’ Her thoughts were cut short by the loud voice of Rock Lee. She jumped back, punching Shikamaru in the face, sending him flying into the side of the curry restaurant.

“H-How dare you try and molest me like that? And in public, nonetheless!” She shouted, hoping Lee hadn’t misunderstood. She was rather relieved to find that the youthful ninja didn’t even seem to know they were there. He was talking with the most beautiful blonde girl to have ever graced God’s green earth. The two entered the curry restaurant, and Ino felt that it was her duty as a gossip to know everything possible about this girl, without the girl seeing her, just yet. She scooped up the barely conscious Shikamaru, and threw him into an empty booth a safe distance from the girl and Lee, so she could.....‘observe’ her. Them! That’s what she meant.....


Naruto, decked out in a pink miniskirt and white tube top, couldn’t help but think that he looked a little bit like a hooker. He had never gotten so many looks from guys, though, and that gave him a sick feeling of self-satisfaction. Then, he had to admit, there were a ton of girls still checking him out, too. He assumed the only thing keeping them away was his sexy jutsu, because lady-love wasn’t particularly popular, in Konoha.

“Naruto, look at this, look at this!” Lee chanted happily as the waitress set down their two plates of food, with a smile. Naruto, though, had his attention taken up by the slender waitress, who had dropped a scrap of paper onto the table with a number on it. She mouthed ‘call me’ before winking and slowly walking away.

“I don’t think the sexy jutsu is cutting it, Lee!” The blonde whisper-yelled. Lee didn’t appear to have heard him, though, over the sound of his scarfing down the plate of curry, “Hey! I’m serious! Look at all of the girls who followed us in here!”

Lee took a second to raise his head and scan the little restaurant. A second ago it had been nearly empty, but now they had a two hour wait, and had girls standing around outside waiting for a table. With a chuckle, Lee exclaimed, “They’re just attracted to our youthfulness! Who wouldn’t be?” He flashed Naruto a thumbs up, and continued to work on his food.

“Yeah? Well I’m gonna haul my youthfulness to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.....”

Naruto stood up, but Lee had him pause for a quiet reminder, “Don’t forget to sit!”

With a shrug, the blonde pushed his way through to the lady’s restroom.

Lee watched him go, but quickly continued to eat. He heard someone practically shout that they needed to use the restroom, too, but he didn’t pay any attention to it.

Relieved like no one’s business that the bathroom was empty, he pulled open the door to one of the many stalls, and stepped inside. Making sure he locked it, he reached down to lower his boxers and expose his manhood. ‘Sit down’, Lee says.....Ha! He might have to look like a girl, but he’d be damned before he succumbed to their way of life!

As he stood there, letting nature take its course, he began to feel a dark sense of foreboding. It felt like.....he couldn’t explain it. If he tried to think up a word for the heavy feeling in the air, he’d have to say it was more like lust, than anything else. But that was ridiculous! There’s no way he’d be able to pick up on something like that, and who could possibly be lusting after him in the women’s bathroom?

A kunai jammed into the lower hinge of the door, the screws busting out as inhuman strength pried the door away from its rightful place. Scared half out of his mind, Naruto stopped what he was doing, whipping around to stare Ino in the face. The glint in her eyes was enough to let him know that he hadn’t imagined that cloud of lust.....

He stuttered a couple of incomprehensible words, breaking out into a cold sweat.

Ino had no idea what it was about this girl, but she could hardly even think at the moment. It was like she didn’t even have control of herself, she wanted one thing, and only one thing. Granted, she wanted that one thing over, and over, and over again, but still, it was one thing. Her eyes wandered down low, and widened when she saw why the girl hadn’t been sitting down to use the toilet. She looked from a girl’s face, to a girl’s chest, to a guy’s baby-maker, and then back to her face.

Naruto jerked his boxers up, thinking his head was going to explode from all of the blood rushing around. He thought Ino was gonna freak out, but she actually seemed happy with this development.

“Ooh, kinky!” She squealed, pushing Naruto down onto the toilet, and straddling his lap. Before he knew what was happening, he had a gorgeous blonde girl kissing him all over his neck and mouth, and he thought he was gonna black out and get raped in the stall. a stall? He pushed Ino off of him, leaping out of the stall and rushing for the door. He stopped a couple of feet short, staring at the seals all over it.

“Oh no you don’t, you little minx!” The blonde kunoichi giggled a little, slowly making her way over to her prey, “Unless you want to blow us all to hell, you’re not going anywhere. But while we’re on the topic of blowing.....”

“OH MY GOD!” Naruto finally managed to speak, though it sounded like he was talking underwater due to all of the blood pouring over his mouth from his nose, “Ino, stop it! You’re gonna scar me for life!”

“Hm? You know me?” She paused for a few seconds, waiting for an answer.

Realizing he was still in a girl’s form, he quickly released the jutsu to reveal himself, back in his old clothes, “See? It’s just me!”

Ino exhaled deeply, incredibly relieved to find out that it was actually Naruto, ‘Thank God, I’m not butch!’ She turned an even more sinister smile to him, now that she knew that the she was honestly a he.....

“Look, uh.....” He didn’t think she’d believe him about the fox’s mating aura, so he came up with a lie, “I think somebody put something funky into your system! Like E, or something!”

“Naruto-kun.....” Ino purred, walking her fingers up his chest to his lips, then pressing herself up against him, “I think you should put something funky into my system.....”

Lee looked up when he heard a shout, “Rasengan!” The door to the lady’s restroom exploded, sending shockwaves throughout the vicinity and knocking nearby people clean off of their feet. Rock Lee jumped up, making a dash for the restroom to see if his friend was alright. Before he got there, however, a scorched black Naruto sped away from the charred remains of the lady’s bathroom, moving as though his very life was hanging in the balance. Calling after his friend, the youthful teen gave chase.

“Naruto! What happened?” It had been maybe four seconds, and they were already several hundred yards away from the establishment, though the blonde ninja showed no signs of slowing down.

“Next time, I pick where we eat!” Naruto shouted, still stuffing toilet paper up his nose.

Back at the half-destroyed curry restaurant, Shikamaru was nudging Ino with his boot, “Hey, are you ok?” He asked, giving her another poke.

“.....Thank.....G-God.....not butch.....” She mumbled, her eyes still swirling around as she lay in the remains of the ruined bathroom.

Shikamaru never found out what she had meant, by that.

-----Author’s other note: God, I’d better be careful with the perverted stuff. I don’t want to write an ‘M’ rated story. ‘Course, I think it’s all fine for people older than thirteen, personally. Well, I got this chapter out so quick because so many people reviewed, that seriously blew my mind. I’m leaving this pretty open-ended, so if anyone’s got suggestions, you can tell me. I think I should do a Hinata one, because that seems to be what people want.....well, thanks for reading.....-----