Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Time ❯ School Week ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto.
Summery: Naruto is a fox demon his has an older brother name Kyuubi is a fox demon who also likes Sasuke who is also a fox demon. Will Kyuubi try to break them a part to win Sasukes heart?
Chapter Summery: Naruto wishes he could go back to the castle where they live. Naruto and Kyuubi were princes. Will Naruto find his mate? Read and find out. NaruSasu
Mating Time
By: SasukeAngel
Chapter One: School Week
Naruto was laying in his bed after he turned off the annoying alarm clock that wakes him up every morning to go to school where he does not want to go. The only thing that keeps him going to school is a raven hair boy that is in his class who is also the same age has him. Naruto almost went back to sleep when Yondaime come into his youngest sons room.
“Naruto, time for school get up or you will miss your ride to school.” Yondaime said to the boy who was still lying in bed. When Naruto did not respond to him his yellow fox hear twitch in annoy at him.
He walked up to his son's bed and shook him to wake up. “If you don't wake up you will miss your mate.” The yellow haired older man.
Naruto turned his head to look at his father. “Why can't we go back to our real home?” He asked his father for the tenth time this month.
“We can't because it's not safe for us; you know very will who was after us.” Yondaime said to his youngest son.
Before Naruto got up Kyuubi came in making sure his brother was ready for school. “You better make a move on or I will leave you be hide.” The red head said as he walked out of his brother's room.
Naruto glared at his brother and father before getting up which made his dad smile at him. “Good boy see you down stairs.” Naruto dad said as he rub his sons yellow mess hair.
He looked around his room after his father left the room and notices he left his TV on the was across from his bed. On the right of the bed and next to the door were his desks along with his computer and on the left was his closet and his own bathroom.
At least I have my own bathroom away from my brother Naruto thought to himself.
Naruto walked into his bathroom turned on the water in the shower. He started to take his night clothes off when his cell phone went off he walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom where his cell was. When he looked to see who it was it was Sasuke his best friends and hoping to be his mate.
I don't have time for this I will call him back when I leave for school Naruto thought to himself as he went back into his bathroom.
Naruto move all his clothes off then he went into the shower not to long after his blonde ears and tail got wet like the rest off him did started to wash him self.
Kyuubi was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Naruto to come down stairs to go to school. He looked at his dad who was put pan cakes in front of his first born, smiled at him telling him to start eating his breakfast.
The red head only looked at his father before eating his pan cakes. “Father when will it be safe for us to go back to our really home?” Kyuubi asked while he took a bit of his pan cake.
Yondaime sighed. “I don't know when we can sorry son.” He gave his son a pat on the shoulder. “When Kakashi says it's over then we can go back until then you and Naruto must live with common demons okay.” He said as he scratches his fox ear.
“I know I just miss are old life.” The red head said with his red fox ears flat on his head looking sad.
“I know you do so does Naruto, that's why I am counting on you to be there for him.” The blonde hair king said.
“Yea I know he does too but at least he has someone.” Kyuubi said as his ear twitch when he heard Naruto coming down the stairs already for school. “Hey Naruto.” He said to his brother once he was in the kitchen with him.
“Hey, Dad do you think I could hang out with Sasuke today?” Naruto asked hoping he will say yes.
Yondaime looked at his son while he thinks on a decision. “You can as long as he come straight home after you leave his place.” The king said.
“Yes will do, if it's too let to come home can I spend the night with him?” The Prince asked.
The king laughed at his sound. “Yes you can as long it's okay with Sasuke parents.” He said with a laugh.
“Thanks dad.” Naruto said as he walked over and gave his dad a hug of thanks. Naruto's dad gave a hug in return. Kyuubi laughed as will at the sight.
“Okay Naruto lets get to school.” The older Prince said to his brother.
Naruto gave him a grin and nodded his head after he let go of his father. The red head got up from the chair went to get his keys and book bag while Naruto got his school bag that was next to his. They walked out of the front door went to Kyuubi's black Mustang got in while Naruto put his back pack in the back seat where Kyuubi put his after he got in the other side of the car.
It only taken them 5 minutes to get to school, once they park the car they both got out of the car head into the school building to look for their friends. Expect Naruto was looking for Sasuke to tell him the good news.
I hope I can tell him how I feel today Naruto thought to himself. He found Sasuke outside of the school building where they could eat lunch outside. Sasuke looks sexy today Naruto said as he looked at the raven hair fox demon who wore a black t-shirt and blue jeans.
Sasuke looked up seeing Naruto made him smile. He got up walked over to him. Naruto looks hot today Sasuke thought to himself. He stopped in front of the blond fox demon.
“Hey Sasuke I have good news.” Naruto said with a smile on his face.
“Hey what is it dobe?” Sasuke said with a smile also on his face.
Naruto gave him a look to stop calling him that, all it did was make the raven laugh a little. “You called earlier what did you what?” Naruto asked before telling him the good news.
“I just wanted to know if you got permission to spend the night with me.” Sasuke said looking away with a little blush on his face.
He looks good with when he blushes like that Naruto thought to himself. “Yea I did get answer, dad said it was okay as long as your parents is okay with it.” The blonde said to his friend who he is hoping to be his lover.
“Good lets go to class and talk about are plans thru notes or text.” Sasuke said with a grin on his face with made Naruto smile on his face.
“Good idea so our teacher does not get made at us, I think he is going to give us free day to do what ever we want today.” Naruto spoke before walking in the class room with Sasuke.
Sasuke and Naruto are now in their fifth period class, which is study hall so they can do what ever they want. The blonde started to text Sasuke since they could not seat together today because there was only two seats left that was in the back row where Sasuke was on the right end while Naruto was on the left end.
To: Raven
From: Fox
Sasuke let's watch movies all night long.
Sasuke smiled at the text Naruto send him.
To: Fox
From: Raven
That sounds good we also can play my Playstation 3.
Naruto could not help but smile at his message that Sasuke send him.
To: Raven
From: Fox
Awesome idea Sasuke we also can play a prank on your brother Itachi, lol.
Sasuke laughed when he saw what Naruto text him.
To: Fox
From: Raven
Great idea I would love to do that but Itachi is going to have his boyfriend spend the night too so we better safe it for some other time.
Naruto looked up from his text to Sasuke gave him the puppy eye look before texting back.
To: Raven
From: Fox
Why can't we do it with Itachi's boyfriend there? Will he beat us up or something?
Sasuke read the text then text back to his blonde friend.
To: Fox
From: Raven
Let's just say they want some alone time, I promised him I would leave him alone.
The blonde read the text Sasuke sent not sure what to say.
To: Raven
From: Fox
What did he do to make you agree to it?
Raven read the text from the blonde then smiled at that message.
To: Fox
From: Raven
No he did not he just said that if I do this for him he would spend some brotherly time with me like when we were little kids.
Naruto was happy to here that they would be spending some time together.
To: Raven
From: Fox
Later to night I have something I need to tell you.
Sasuke looked up from the text to look at Naruto before texting back.
To: Fox
From: Raven
Okay can't wait until the end of the day.
Naruto smiled and happy to hear that he can't wait to spend some time with him before he could text Sasuke back the bell rang.
It's finally the end of the day Sasuke and Naruto are in the ravens room playing video games when they heard a knock on the door.
“Come in.” Sasuke said no sooner he said that the door opened his brother and Kisame who look like a fish demon. Sasuke looked over to see his brother and lover in his room.
“Sasuke remember what I asked of you.” Itachi said to his brother with a rare smile on his face.
“Yea I remember don't worry.” Sasuke said as he looked at Naruto saying don't do anything to piss his brother off.
“Good.” Itachi said as he walked to the door left the room with Kisame who closed the door after they walked out of the room.
“Sasuke I would like to ask you something?” The blonde said to his friend.
“I was wondering when you were going to tell me ask away.” Sasuke said.
“Would you do the honor of being my mate?” Naruto asked with a smile on his face.
Sasuke looked at Naruto surprised he asked that. I hoped he like me the same way I did Sasuke thought to himself. Sasuke smiled at Naruto before speaking to him. “Yes I would love to be your mate.” Sasuke said.
Not to long after Sasuke said that Naruto was on him pulling him into a passionate kiss on the lips. “Thank you Sasuke.” Blonde said to his mate.
To be continued in Chapter Two, I hope you all like this story so far enjoy.