Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Time ❯ School Week Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto.
Summery: Naruto is a fox demon his has an older brother name Kyuubi is a fox demon who also likes Sasuke who is also a fox demon. Will Kyuubi try to break them a part to win Sasukes heart?
Chapter Summery: Read and find out.
Mating Time
By: SasukeAngel
Chapter Two: School week part 2
Not to long after Sasuke said that Naruto was on him pulling him into a passionate kiss on the lips. “Thank you Sasuke.” Blonde said to his mate.
Sasuke smiled at his mate as he put his arms around his shoulder pulled them closer together as he laid his head on the blonds shoulder has he sighed. “Your welcome I'm happy to be with you.” The raven haired male said as he moved his head up from Naruto's shoulder to look in the blondes blue eyes.
“I loved you the moment I met you.” The raven said as he blushed a little at his mate.
“I loved you too when I met you.” Naruto said as he kissed his mate on the lips again happy to have him. I wish I could tell him more about me; I will have to ask father if that is okay the blonde thought to himself as he held his lover closer to him.
Sasuke looked to his door when he stared to hear moans and groans that sounds like pleasure then hurt, Sasuke blushed at the thought of knowing his brother was having sex in the next room. Naruto smiled when he notices he was blushing at the sounds they are hearing from the next room that was Itachi's.
“It sounds like he is having a good time.” The blonde said with a grin on his face as he held Sasuke to him, he pick his mate up in bridal style and carried him to the bed.
“Yea it sure does.” Sasuke said with a blush on his face.
Naruto got into bed with his mate who was still blushing. The blonde laughed at that as he pulled him closer to him as he pulled the blankets over then. “Let's go to sleep.” He said to the raven.
“Yea we should. Good night.” Sasuke said as he closed his eyes started to fall a sleep.
“Good night babe.” Naruto said as he kissed on his mates forehand while he started to close his eyes.
Naruto started to wake up when he feels Sasuke moving to get up, he looks to see it was 10:30 in the morning.
“Wow it's time for me to get home.” Naruto said in shock.
Sasuke looked at his mate in surprised. “Why do you have to go home now, I thought we have more time together today.” The raven said with a sad look on his face.
“Sorry babe, I have plans with my family today.” The blonde said as he pulled his lover close to him to kiss on the lips to show him how sorry he was for leaving so early. “I will make it up to you.” Naruto said with a smile on his face as he let go of Sasuke to go pick up his clothes to change.
“You better make up for it.” Sasuke said with sexy smile on his face as he watches his mate leave the room to go change. It did not take Naruto long to change clothes. He walked up to Sasuke pulled him in his arms again.
“I will see you soon love.” Naruto said as he pulled Sasuke into a passionate kissed that lasted more then the last one, soon they stop looking at each other while they panting. “Bye, babe.” The blonde said while he let go of Sasuke to leave.
“Bye.” Sasuke said as he watched his mate leave the room.
Naruto was walking down stairs until he reach the end of the stairs. He walked to the door, opened it, he went to his car got in closed the door started the engine.
Naruto went into his house seeing his dad was coming from the kitchen smiling at him seeing he was finally home.
Naruto walked up to his dad. “Dad I have something to ask you?” the youngest blonde asked his dad.
“Yes what is it?” Yondaime asked, looking at his son waiting to hear his question.
“Can I tell Sasuke that I'm a prince?” Naruto asked his dad.
To be continued in next chapter, sorry I am going to leave it here until the next chapter. I hope you like it. Enjoy.